Fortunate Life of the Rural Beauty

Chapter 184 Practicing real martial arts

Manager Luo also said that he asked Luo Yuan to go to the capital tomorrow. It happened that the old Marquis had a letter to send to the capital, so he took care of both public and private matters and brought a letter to Luo Mingyuan. If he seizes the time, Luo Yuan will be back in five days to see how many people Yang Mingyuan can introduce to the restaurant.

Chen Shi returned to Dingzhou Mansion on the 10th. As soon as he returned, he first went to find a shop and apply for the deed. If there were not enough people, he would recruit a few more people. Everything is ready, and the restaurant will be officially opened probably next month. On the opening day, Chen Ming, Chen Ye and Manager Luo had better go to Dingzhou.

The name of the restaurant was decided as Xinglong Restaurant.

Everyone was very happy, and the dinner was even more lively. The old lady was particularly happy. The three sons opened a restaurant together and all became rich.

In the evening, Chen Afu wrote a letter to Yang Mingyuan. Since she had only taken cultural classes from Chen Ming for less than a year, she had not yet learned many words. So, while writing, she asked Dabao or Chen Ming for advice, and then she finished the letter. She wrote five pages in total. Although the words are ordinary, what should be expressed is still clearly expressed.

Early the next morning, Shanzi was asked to deliver the letter to Steward Luo's house.

Around this time, Wang, who was newly dressed, would follow Chen Ming to Xianhu Village. Sixteen years since she married into the Chen family, she has never gone back. She was timid about being close to home, and her body was trembling with excitement.

She wore the best set of clothes today, a pea green floral brocade double-breasted cotton jacket and a dark green satin horse skirt. He wore a jade hairpin and a silver hairpin on his head, a gold bracelet on his wrist, and a pair of gold lilacs in his ears. The hosta and gold bracelet were bought for her by Chen Afu years ago. The gold earrings were secretly given by Zhang, and Chen Afu also gave them a pair.

However, no matter how well she dressed, she could not hide her old-fashioned attitude of worrying too much.

Chen Afu only had balsam but no rouge, so he offered to borrow Aunt Zeng's rouge for her makeup. I thought I was careless, and even if I didn't use it, I should still have a set of cosmetics at home, just in case.

After hearing this, Mrs. Wang blushed and said, If you put on makeup at such an old age, people can't call me an old goblin.

Aunt Zeng on the side smiled and said, Look what Aunt Chen said, even a seventy-year-old lady in a wealthy family has to wear makeup.

Because Chen's name was not allowed to call them master or wife, servants like Aunt Zeng followed the younger generation and called them Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen.

Chen Afu was very stubborn about putting on light makeup for Wang. Wang always listened to her daughter, so even though she was reluctant, she still sat down and let her daughter play with it on her face.

Chen Afu only traced her eyebrows, put a little powder on her face, a little light rouge on her cheeks, and also put a little rouge on her mouth.

Although it's very light, I still look younger and more energetic than without makeup.

Chen Ming smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed and he said, This is good, this is good.

The gifts they brought this time were also very heavy. In addition to bringing two pieces of pork, a leg of lamb, five pounds of apples, two bags of candy, and two pieces of silk to Wang's uncle's family, they also gave each to several relatives who participated in the beating of Ding. My family gave me a piece of pork and a bag of candy.

Chen Ming and Wang took a carriage, accompanied by Aunt Zeng and Xue Dagui, and went to Xianhu Village. The carriage was borrowed by Guan Tangyuan.

Now that the family has a driver, Chen Afu thinks that his family should also buy a bullock cart after the new year.

After they left, Chen Afu, his mother, his son, and A Lu were invited to Tangyuan. They played here for a day and cooked two meals for Chen Afu.

The old man also saw the legendary martial arts for the first time. When Chen Afu led Miss Chu, Dabao, the Luo family siblings, two young girls and the animals to practice, the old man pulled his beard and laughed, feeling it was more lively than watching a big show.

Little Miss Chu thought her grandfather would smile when he saw that she had practiced well. Her little fat butt twisted even more vigorously and her voice was much louder than before. The only lyrics she could follow were one, two, three, four, two, two, three, four, so when she counted these numbers, her voice was surprisingly loud.

It made the old man even more amused.

After practicing martial arts and starting to play with blocks, Chen Dabao was caught by Chu Lingxuan in the yard and taught him how to squat on a horse, saying that boys should practice real martial arts.

He also told him, You are a little man, don't play all the games in a girl's house, don't act coquettishly with your mother like a girl, it's embarrassing!

Dabao defended, My mother said that I am a child, so I have to behave like a child. It's okay to act coquettishly. When I grow up, I will become a real man. After saying that, he clenched his little fist.

The previous sentence was indeed said by Chen Afu. She has always cherished Dabao for living too cautiously and being too precocious. I want to give him more maternal love, and I want to guide him properly when he grows up.

Chu Lingxuan shook his head after hearing this and said, No matter how knowledgeable a woman is, her knowledge is limited. She doesn't want to think about how easy it is to change a habit once it has been formed. From now on, as soon as I come back, you will go to Tangyuan to practice martial arts with me. Your mother is a woman and she mainly teaches Yan'er.

Dabao knew that Uncle Chu was a capable general and was willing to learn martial arts from him, so he nodded and agreed. But he still defended his mother by saying, My mother is very capable and knowledgeable.

As they were talking, they saw Chen Afu bringing the blushing Alu over. Said, Master Chu, please teach my brother too.

Chu Lingxuan nodded and said, When I return to Tangyuan, I will ask Dabao...and Alu to practice martial arts with me.

Chen Afu nodded. She had always believed that boys should have more contact with men. Although I have Chen Ming in my family, and there are several male servants now, Chen Ming is introverted and simple, and the male servants don't have much guidance for their master. It would be better if Chu Lingxuan was willing to help teach Dabao and Alu.

Chen Afu and others did not even return to Luyuan for their lunch break. Dabao and Alu slept on the Arhat bed in the living room. Chen Afu, Mr. Wei and Mrs. Song were chatting quietly in the west room. After the children had their lunch break, I took them to practice martial arts before going to the kitchen to make dinner.

The old Marquis ate hot pot for two days in a row and got a little angry. In the evening, Chen Afu made mung bean porridge, some stir-fries, fried scallion pancakes and shortbread, and then went back to Luyuan to get a plate of Korean spicy cabbage. This was made by Chen Afu years ago. Due to the lack of raw materials, he did not dare to make it too spicy, which is not very authentic. However, because of the special water at home, the improved spicy cabbage is also very fragrant and delicious.

As long as Chen Afu stays in Tangyuan to eat, Chu Hanyan will eat at the same table as Chen Afu. So there were two tables in the living room. One table was for the Chu family's grandsons, Dabao, and Alu. Chen Afu and Miss Chu were eating on the small table on the Arhat's bed. There was also a small table placed on the ground. Zhuifeng, Wangcai, Qiqi, and Huihui ate at this table.

The old man liked the spicy cabbage and refreshing fungus very much. He said that after eating too many meat dishes, eating these two dishes would be more delicious. He also asked her to make more spicy cabbage, and he would take some to the capital when the time comes.

This chapter originally wanted Chen Shiying to appear, and even the chapter title was included, but it still didn't come out. So I will add an update at night to definitely pull him out.

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