Football’s First Defender

Chapter 521: Yang Feng's youth training goals

This time, Yang Feng's private consultations with relevant leaders have achieved satisfactory results.

The two sides reached many private agreements regarding Yang Feng's participation in the national team afterwards.

First of all, Yang Feng made it clear that in the future, he will definitely accept the national team's call-up to play for the country.

Secondly, the Football Association also made it clear that for Yang Feng's personal interests, Yang Feng will be given certain privileges.

During Yang Feng's European professional league, he does not have to travel back and forth from Europe in every national team competition. Except for the World Cup qualifiers and the Asian Cup, Yang Feng has the right to refuse to play according to the situation.

After solving the core appearance problem, other minor problems are no longer a problem.

Some of Yang Feng's "small requirements" about himself, the Football Association also made it clear that they will use the fastest time to complete them.

After discussing everything, Yang Feng did not participate in some commercial activities to expand his commercial value. Instead, he flew back to his hometown by plane and continued to work on his own affairs.

Yang Feng, who has his own personal investment, has never been indifferent to the personal business activities of this kind of "quick money", but this indifference further stimulates capital.

Fewer commercial activities means that Yang Feng’s reputation has not been used badly, so several major brands choose to sign contracts with Yang Feng at higher prices.

The vast Chinese market is greedy for everyone.

Many big brands such as jerseys, sneakers, shampoo, etc., in order to get Yang Feng's advertisement, all paid sky-high prices, comparable to Ronaldo and Messi.

In terms of personal advertising value, Yang Feng is definitely the third person in the world and No. 1 among defenders.

In order to expand his influence, some international manufacturers’ personal invitations to Yang Feng will still be accepted, but only to expand their influence. The so-called advertising fee may be just a figure for Yang Feng.

After all, as a Yang Feng who has enough "historical experience", it is easy to make a lot of money in the business field.

Except for certain companies, which do not accept investment, Yang Feng has invested a lot of shares in the remaining well-known companies. Moreover, in industries familiar to the "previous life", Yang Feng has made an early layout and has already developed into an industry. The leader of the country.

It's just that all of this is under the name of Yang Feng's "business-minded" parents, and Yang Feng is just staring at the name of the biggest "rich second generation" in football.

This is also the reason why the Football Association did not dare to tear the skin even though there was a private contradiction with Yang Feng.

Fans are only one factor. They have been scolded by fans for so many years. Some people have enough skins, but the pressure from other aspects makes them have to deal with Yang Feng coldly, as if there is no such player.

Now, the problem of Yang Feng playing for the country has finally been resolved, but the Football Association has no plans to announce it immediately. After all, the "contradictions" with Yang Feng before are floating on the water, even if Yang Feng accepts the national team's call, for the sake of face, the Football Association It must also be handled low-key.

Yang Feng hurriedly returned to his hometown. Although he was also homesick, the most important thing was to take a look at the latest achievements of the youth training base in his mind.

Everyone knew what was going on in the domestic football environment before, and there was a group of corrupt people who took over, which caused a considerable adverse impact on the development of football.

Even if a well-known football person like Yang Feng invests in football, it will be demanded by the Football Association. You can know how abnormal the development of football is.

Fortunately, the anti-corruption storm in football, like Yang Feng's memory, swept away these corrupt moths.

There is a downturn in Chinese football.

In 2002, it was definitely the golden age for the development of Chinese football. It entered the World Cup and aroused the enthusiasm of the people across the country for football. Numerous large, medium and small football training courses have sprung up all over the country.


With the national team's record declining, the domestic league is full of false whistle and black whistle, which will directly ruin the great situation of Chinese football in a short time.

play football?

Parents are not willing, teachers are not willing, even the children themselves are not willing.

Especially with Dayao's foothold in the NBA and the promotion of basketball, there is a match time that is more in line with the Chinese people, and there is an easier to meet demand for the venue, which further reduces the space for football promotion.

In the past two years, the country has intensified its efforts to rectify football. Yang Feng’s fame in Europe and the five major leagues including the Premier League have become more inclined to the Asian market in terms of broadcast time, and even domestic capital has begun to flow into the Super League again. Among.

The concerted efforts of all parties can be regarded as allowing Chinese football to get rid of the haze of the previous decade and see the light again.

And now, Yang Feng thinks it is an opportunity to enter the football business field.

Yang Feng has further increased his investment in domestic youth training.

In the final stage of the league, this one belonging to Yang Feng, a top-tier youth training base in the country, was finally completed and on track.

Although Yang Feng did not personally come back to cut the ribbon due to preparations for the Premier League game, Yang Feng, who has become a symbol of Chinese football in the fans' minds, can devote himself to football youth training and still allows fans to see the other side of Yang Feng.

For Yang Feng, money may be just a number.

When signing the contract renewal with Liverpool, Yang Feng will not demand an unbelievably high salary, as long as he can match his own strength.

Not bad for money, is the portrayal of Yang Feng now.

Previously, there was less investment in football. For one thing, the evil spirit of football was in the lead, which was not conducive to investment.

Secondly, the atmosphere of Chinese football is not good and it is in an absolute trough.

But now it's different. Outside, there are superstars like Yang Feng that dominate Europe's shining advertising, and there is a deepening reform plan for the Football Association.

The Chinese Super League has also begun to enhance the level of competition and viewing, which will be very conducive to the competitive development of the league.

At this time, when Yang Feng returned to his hometown, developing his football career would have the best effect.

The establishment of this youth training base in Kyrgyzstan is the result of Yang Feng's efforts to reject all opinions.

The manager team intends to face national enrollment and build a top youth training base in the country and even in the world.

Not only need to have first-class training facilities, but even be equipped with excellent cultural teachers to form a full range of sports, culture, and integrated training, so that young players can learn and play in the football school established by Yang Feng.

Therefore, in order to better attract students from all over the country, after winning the AFC Champion Hengtai just last year and starting preparations for the Hengtai football school, the manager plans to take root in the Beijing-Tianjin area and build a comprehensive training base that will cover at least the north.

However, Yang Feng chose to make certain modifications to this plan at the time.

The first is the regional issue. Yang Feng changed his goal to build the best youth training base in the North to build the best training base in the Northeast.

Rooted in the Northeast, not established as the whole country.

Domestic companies are sometimes killed by false targets.

For Yang Feng, rooted in the three northeastern provinces and radiating to Inner Mongolia, Hebei already has a lot of influence.

The entire North, and even the whole country, how many professional scouts are needed, and running endlessly for a lifetime may not be able to discover all the talents.

As for the so-called letting children take the initiative to recommend themselves, it is not to select all the right-age players, but to choose the wealthy and the right-age children.

Without a certain foundation, who can come to the training base and participate in the registration.

Even if a policy that geniuses can be free of charge is formulated, it takes half a year to see how a genius is, and the high tuition fee of that half year is enough to discourage an ordinary family.

Not all regions are north, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, and have sufficient economic foundations. It is those third-tier cities, fourth-tier cities, or even a small village that can have that kind of buried genius.

Yang Feng didn't want to recruit only those children with outstanding family financial strength in order to make money.

After all, Yang Feng knows what the "young masters" will look like a few years later. The U-shaped team that represents China can't even play in the youth academies of several small countries in Southeast Asia. He doesn't know how to have the face to spend money to go out and be embarrassed. of.

Yang Feng knows that the potential of 1.3 billion people is indeed huge, but it is not something a training base can afford. For Yang Feng, rooting in the Northeast and digging out all the football talents, then only relying on the strength of the Northeast, and South Korea It is not a dream to resist Japan.

What Yang Feng needs to do is not to become the godfather of Chinese football youth training, but to lead a model by himself. As long as this youth training model can be successful, there will be countless people in other regions who will imitate themselves and evolve into the whole country. Sexual youth training promotion.

The youth training system of football is difficult from top to bottom and easy from bottom to top.

For a long time, domestic football talents and players from the three northeastern provinces have the largest number of regions, and Liaoning Province is the most important region.

In the final analysis, for two reasons, the ancestors of the Northeast people are almost all Shandong people who came from the east. The so-called Shandong Han, the physical fitness of the players is basically there; while the economy of the Northeast region does not have heavy industry to become a sunset industry, and now there is no southern coast. The area is so developed.

A few decades ago, Chinese football was divided into southern and northern factions. In the final analysis, it was the strength of the northerners, and the physical confrontation was dominant, while the southerners played the technical advantage of the small quick spirit.

Thanks to China's vast land and abundant resources, it is like tofu brains that taste salty or sweet, each with its own characteristics.

It's just that the economic development of the South, to a certain extent, has affected the cultivation of the football population.

Why play? There are ideal factors, but also practical factors.

The power of world football has fundamentally formed a polarization.

One is like Western European countries, in the ranks of developed countries.

The other is the "poor countries" represented by South American countries.

Under the policy of high welfare and high labor costs, teenagers in Western Europe and several countries can have a fairly relaxed learning environment and vigorously develop after-school activities.

Moreover, the development of urbanization is completed, and small cities are spread all over the country. As a result, the youth training system of many teams is entirely based on local development. After the young players have completed the school courses, they can directly train when they come to the club.

This point is somewhat inapplicable in China. After all, think about traffic jams in big cities, or the 2, 3 hours journey from south to north, which will greatly limit the training of young players.

Stimulated by the high welfare policies in the West, young people can be freely involved in training. Even if they are not talented and have poor grades, they still have a good income, and can even support them to continue from the amateur league to the professional league. Launch an impact.

Klose once and Vardy in the future are all examples of such successful counterattacks without doing business properly.

And some "poor countries" have excellent football results, which has to be said to be sad.

Just like the developed sports business of the U.S. Empire was built on the blood and tears of blacks in the slums, football is the only opportunity for many people to change their destiny when there is not enough upward passage.

Unsuccessful is benevolent. Behind every superstar is not the failure of countless peers.

They have a love for playing football, but they still change their fate more often.

The country lies in the middle of the two extremes. China has a stable room for improvement. The college entrance examination is there, and the opportunity to change its destiny lies there. Compared with the dozens of hundreds of football stars and thousands of professional players, the college entrance examination is every year. Millions, tens of millions of enrollment places, compared to sports roads, but too easy.

As a developing country, it is also a reality that there is a huge gap compared with the Western system of high welfare.

Even if you want to become a professional player, you have to support your family, you have to support your parents. Compared with the European mainstream thinking that one person can eat and the whole family has no worries, the Chinese people just support their parents, and the pressure of grandparents will force one person to have to. Face reality and give up dreams.

With family responsibilities, you are working at a low-level job that is not a high-paying job, but you still have to fight for football from an amateur league? How big is your heart?

When you have that time, work harder and make more money is the kingly way.

Therefore, in economically developed areas in China, it is not easy to carry out basic training due to factors such as land area.

However, areas with a lower economy are even more restricted by financial resources, directly leaving some young people without the opportunity to receive systematic youth training.

Yang Feng's purpose is simple.

To do a good job in youth training in the three northeastern provinces and discover every seed hidden in the private sector. To this end, Yang Feng has prepared a large amount of funds, and even this year’s salary, advertising revenue, and even a large amount of private company cash are prepared to invest in youth training. Training base.

The goal is very obvious, that is, to invest funds in the entire Northeast, to find the best among the children who love football and those who do not like football, and to strengthen the youth training team.

This is why Yang Summit rejected the noble education proposed by the management team.

"This is not a noble school. What we need are players, not a student who likes to play football but wants to come here to enjoy noble education."

Ordinary people are ordinary There is no need to increase the cost of ordinary families for the so-called noble education.

The training base established by Yang Feng is not to recruit students directly, but to train players who have a certain talent and have performed in the youth training of their subordinates.

At that time, even most of these players will be funded by the base without paying even a penny.

As for profit? Yang Feng and the Football Association have reached an agreement to issue a foreign document that protects the interests of youth training institutions as soon as possible. Those who use private methods to dig people and break the rules will suffer a hefty fine than in Europe.

Yang Feng intends to form a model based on county-level cities, prefecture-level cities for certain screening, and finally gathering players to the headquarters.

For this reason, in every county-level city in the three eastern provinces, Yang Feng has established an indoor court. It doesn’t need to be too big, it is suitable for elementary school students to play. Then specialized domestically trained youth coaches are mainly used, interspersed with highly-paid hires. Inspectors composed of foreign youth training coaching teams look for possible geniuses as a supplement to form a pyramid-shaped way of delivering talents.

Youth training is a century-old plan and may lose money for a long time, but Yang Feng still wants to go ahead and contribute his strength to the rise of Chinese football.

Football's first defender

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