Football’s First Defender

Chapter 135: Football business

When Yang Feng visited the forum in his previous life, he saw that many people were complaining about the lack of enough stadiums all over the country. Why did Chinese football develop without so many stadiums?

But does the increase in stadiums really have anything to do with the improvement of Chinese football? Anyway, the construction of the stadium has been slowly increasing, but it is really unclear how much effect it has on the youth training!

Many people are willing to compare Europe's construction in the field of football with China. Indeed, like Western Europe, the luxury behavior of arranging a lawn as a stadium in any park, like Western Europe, is unlikely to happen in China for decades. !

But if, as some keyboards say, all land is used to build buildings and make money, there is no stadium, this is a bit unreasonable!

In the sport of football, the requirements for the venue are high or low, and low or low!

Many people only saw the huge investments in football fields by the many football powers in Western Europe, but they did not see the infrastructure construction in places like South America and Africa, which are even more shabby than the domestic ones!

However, even on the beach, on the street, in the wasteland, a large number of outstanding players have also emerged in these poor places!

In China, although there are indeed very few professional grasslands, for youth training, is it too extravagant to talk about turf?

The stubborn illness of domestic youth training is definitely not a limitation of venues, but rather a lack of basic youth training coaches! The lack of professional scouts! It is a problem that the big football environment does not understand and dare not cultivate young people!

Whether it’s the mature European football system, the unique South American youth training system, or the almost non-existent football youth training system on the African continent, a large number of football talents are constantly emerging from the human factor. Is the key!

It is not only the natural physical advantage of the race, but also a large number of professional footballers, who have insights and talents, and the ability to discover young players!

Take African football as an example. In short, you can think of the transfer of African players as a migration of the population. To put it in a bit more ugly, it is the "sale" of the population!

However, for many ordinary people in Africa who are determined to change their destiny, the sport of football is definitely a gift from God!

Many senior scouts and youth training coaches do not need to deliberately visit and observe the vast African continent. They only need to simply open a free training camp in a certain country, and there will be countless young people who want to change their destiny. , Swarming!

There are a large number of young Africans who need football to change their own destiny! Many of these players who showed a little talent in the training camp will be taken to Europe at a cheap price at a very young age to sign training contracts and receive professional football training!

This is the economic system formed by football!

For European football, which has the strongest economic strength, in youth training, big fish eat small fish and small fish eat dried shrimps! An absolutely perfect, balanced and circular food chain is formed!

These young African players were brought from the African continent to the prosperous places of Europe at an absolutely low price!

The first to buy them and train them is only the most common football agency. They may not be able to find out which one of them will become a future superstar, and they do not expect a future superstar to appear and earn a large transfer fee. They can't make that kind of money. Their goal is very simple, which is to make everybody's youth training money! Accumulate less and make more, rely on quantity rather than quality!

Just like the processing trade, these young people from Africa, after a few months or even a few years of sculpting by their hands, will be sold by the brokerage company at a low price, but the overall rate of return is very pleasant Price, trade to the youth training system of the new team!

These teams may only be low-level teams, or those top-level league teams. Their adult teams may not be so good. In the eyes of Chinese fans, they have always acted as the background of strong teams!

However, compared with the careful calculations of the adult teams and every small amount of money, these teams often invest a large proportion of their finances in the field of youth training. They invite outstanding youth training coaches to train their youth training players, regardless of Whether the players are from their own country, from South America, or from Africa, they are almost the same here! Strength is respected!

As for the management of so many youth players, there are huge differences in race and skin color. Will there be so-called "chaos"! In fact, it is ridiculous to talk about racism in front of money. The managers of these clubs have more recognition of money than any ism!

And the same is the pursuit of money. After ensuring that the so-called stay in the professional game and don’t be downgraded, on the one hand, it is to allow individual main players to scan the data to scan the data, and strive to sell a better team to earn a transfer fee. On the other hand, it is to use young people to replace the so-called veterans who have no business and transfer so that they have more time to adapt to the professional football league!

Then, we will continuously supply the young players to our own team to cultivate a certain level of strength.

This is how many small teams survive. They don't have too much pursuit of championships. Business experience is the most important thing! And their fans are actually very Buddhist. They are not pursuing a championship, which is unrealistic, but simply enjoying football, enjoying the process of every game, and the joy of every rare victory!

Many clubs continue to buy young players, train them, and sell them to ensure that the team's finances are always in a good cycle. They are constantly relying on youth training to create wealth!

And the players from these teams may directly fall into the eyes of the giants, and some may just go to the slightly higher-ranked team, but for the players and the original team, it is definitely a win-win! One got a better platform, higher salary, and one earned enough transfer fees!

And it is the developed supply-demand relationship of European football that makes the new football stars continuously discovered and cultivated!

For the real giants, they don’t have to waste a lot of time and energy to find those talented players who are truly unique in the vast crowds. They only need to hire and send enough scouts to go. All over the world to inspect the inherent players in ordinary teams!

Those players who have already shown their proud talents in the youth training team can directly dig into the youth training team and train them directly!

If you can’t dig, you will wait for the players to grow up for a few years, stand on the heels of the first team, perform well, and prove that you can fulfill your talent in the professional arena. Even if you buy it at a high price, it will be for the rich team. Not bad for that little money!

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