So many people’s inquiries, let Liu Yi himself began to think about this issue, there is no doubt that he has this qualification, even if Manchester United is not happy, there is no way to stop him.

What’s more, his relationship with Manchester United now, most of the Manchester United management will support him 100%.

So whether you want to take over the Portuguese national team, what you get from it, first of all, is the money thing, but this thing the national team can not give much, at least not compared to the level of the club.

Then there is the prestige aspect, if you lead Portugal to the World Cup, you will definitely become the most beautiful head coach in the world.

The most important thing is that before the start of the World Cup, he will lead Manchester United to the treble.

Think about it, there will not be any head coach in the world who can compare with his own limelight.

Finally, there are the system rewards, as a football system, Liu Yi can determine the reward of the World Cup champion, which is definitely the most generous of all the rewards.

At this point, in fact, Liu Yi has basically determined his choice, but first wait for Portugal to show sincerity.

There is no doubt that this is an important thing for the Portuguese ups and down.

Ronaldo and B-Fee, Mendez, these people, have given a lot of advice.

Their exchanges and communication with Liu Yi are more, and they know Liu Yi better, and even the Portuguese Football Association has hired people who are proficient in dragon language, and all the social media content of Liu Yi has been read several times to analyze what kind of person Liu Yi is and what kind of things can move him.

And the speed is very fast, the action also began to follow the planning, after all, it is only a few months before the World Cup, and the national team has a few warm-up games left, which needs to be left to Liu Yi or a new coach to familiarize himself with the team.

What surprised Liu Yi a little was that C Luo and B Fei, who returned to Manchester, did not talk about this matter with him, and everything was as if nothing had happened.

Instead, Mendes called him and said that someone from the Portuguese Football Federation had asked him about something, and he had told him the truth.

“It’s okay, as long as you don’t make any promises!”

For Mendes Liu Yi is still very trusting.

Mendes is naturally very grateful for this, and the motivation to find endorsements for Liu Yi is naturally more sufficient.

The media and fans on the Internet are hyping this matter, but Liu Yi and Manchester United as the parties involved, as well as the Portuguese Football Association, as if nothing has happened.

However, the Longguo people who were traveling in Portugal or studying abroad suddenly felt that the Portuguese around them were much friendlier to themselves.

Even asking for help often leads to positive feedback.

Xu Yunyi, not a fan, at most a quadrennial pseudo-fan, there is no shortage of money in the family, like to travel everywhere or anything, at the same time she is also a travel blogger, shooting videos and photos everywhere, introducing various attractions and strategies to websites and fans.

The income is still good, and sometimes there will be a private tour guide or something along the way.

She has been in Portugal for half a month, and she still feels very good, but since yesterday, I have found that every Portuguese person I meet is smiling at her, and even someone has taken the initiative to say hello.

After making sure she was a Dragon Countryman, she gave a thumbs up and said to the camera: “Mud Monkey! ”

What’s going on?

Because she didn’t pay attention to football, she didn’t know what was going on in football now, until she returned to her accommodation in the evening, and the enthusiastic hotel landlady invited her to the party and gave her a partial room rate waiver.

Finally let her figure things out, the head coach of the Portuguese national team is sick, and now the Portuguese want Liu Coach of the Dragon Kingdom to coach the Portuguese national team, and are trying to impress the guidance of Liu Liu.

“We hope to let the people of Longguo feel the warmth and hospitality of the Portuguese, and we hope that Director Liu knows that the Portuguese love him, and if anyone bullies you, or has any impolite behavior towards you, we will beat him together!”

A male friend of the landlady, showing off her strong muscles.

Liu Yi! Xu Yunyi still knows very well, after all, she is really famous in China, she even paid attention to him on the Weibo, and occasionally she will like it, which is really handsome!

What she did not expect was that Liu Yi had such a great influence in Europe, so that people in a country paid so much to show a wave of goodwill.

“If Liu can really become the head coach of Portugal, he will definitely bring us back the World Cup champion, I will waive all your room rates, and after the Dragon Country people come here, all the pigs will be folded!”

After drinking some wine, Xu Yunyi returned to her room, with some wine, and wrote down what she had seen in the past two days.

It took her three or four hours to type out the tens of thousands of words of foreign wine and wine, corrected some typos and the like, and after making sure that there was no problem, she sent it to her own blog.

“Liu Yi: The hero of the Portuguese dream, can the dream shine into reality? 》

In fact, before her, many of the Dragon Nation people in Portugal had already sent back some news.

There was an international student who said his experience with Nan Pak classmates, the two went to the same restaurant to eat, at first the boss saw the face of his Nan Pak classmate, smiled very enthusiastically, and finally asked about the nationality, directly turned into a poker face, and even some disgust.

When he knew that he was a dragon countryman, he immediately switched to a smiley face, not only discounting, but also giving him a dessert.

Other international students said that in Portugal and some island people, they began to impersonate the Dragon Country and gave various evidences.

Xu Yunyi’s report has undoubtedly exploded on the Internet, and people have begun to realize that Liu Yi is not only a head coach, he is a star in Europe and even in the world.

Just as Liu Yi was preparing to play against Leeds United, another piece of news reached his ears.

Portuguese President Marcelo will visit the Dragon Kingdom in the near future, and the two sides will carry out a series of cooperation and consultations.

If this has something to do with yourself, that’s too much of an exaggeration!

Liu Yi essentially suspects that this should be a coincidence, after all, he can hardly believe that Portugal will make this level of effort in order to make himself the head coach.

Soon, however, there were new reports on the Internet, indicating that Marcelo’s trip to the Dragon Kingdom was an improvised decision, and it was only within two days.

At this point, if Liu Yi said that he had nothing to do with himself, it was estimated that he would be considered a pretense.

The Portuguese offensive was just the beginning, followed by a series of actions to surprise Liu Yi, they had to be fully prepared, and then naturally take Liu Yi.

“Dude, our sincerity in Portugal doesn’t stop there, stay tuned!”

Mendes called Liu Yi with some pride and said a dragon language he had just learned

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