Football Giants

Chapter 184: Reinstallation will thunder

"Wow, haha, I am developed! I am really developed this time!"

Yang Huan jumped up from the sofa in excitement. With that gesture of dancing, the other three people present were full of waterfall sweat.

When this guy is playing games, he is really invested.

"Master Huan, why are you developed?"

Lin Yun'er leaned over immediately and took away his mobile phone. She frowned slightly and didn't understand.

"Let me see." Zhang Ning immediately approached Lin Yuner and took a closer look.

At first she didn't understand it, but soon, she saw it clearly, and immediately curled her lips, making her angry.

"Damn it, how come everything is cheap this guy?"

"Sister Zhang Ning, what's the matter?" Lin Yuner hadn't figured it out yet.

Zhang Ning pointed to the screen, which was running a elimination game called "Candy Legend" just launched by Yang Huan.

"As long as you pull down this red candy one frame, you can instantly turn it into a colorful candy, and when the top one falls, a colorful candy is formed." As Zhang Ning explained, Spring Scallion's little finger slides on the screen. .

Accompanied by the sweet music and noise, as soon as it disappeared, two colorful candies appeared immediately.

"Isn't it?" Lin Yooner also felt a little about to collapse.

Two colorful candies are put together to eliminate all the candies on the entire screen.

How many points does that score?

This stinky guy is about to return to the top of the list again, and it is still the kind of top that is difficult to break.

Yang Huan smiled and walked between Zhang Ning and Lin Yun'er, with two hands on the shoulders of the two women, and smiled triumphantly, "I tell you, this is the difference between a smart person and an idiot. "

With that said, he was really very good at propagating his experience over there.

"What about this smart person? This kind of footwork must not only look at the step in front of you, but look a little longer, one link is one link, this kind of continuous elimination scores higher and more pleasant."

"As for those who are a little bit stupid, there is nothing they can do. They are short-sighted. This requires talent."

Both Zhang Ning and Lin Yuner were mad at what he said.

Lin Yuner didn't dare yet, she was just puffed up, her mouth puffed up cutely.

But Zhang Ning directly stretched out his hand to make a gesture on his arm and twisted it hard.

"Ah~" Yang Huan let out a scream like killing a pig just when he touched his hand.

"Don't pretend, stinky bastard, I didn't work hard!" Zhang Ning was so angry with him, but when he thought about it, he couldn't help but giggle.

And laughter is contagious.

Zhang Ning smiled, and Lin Yuner also giggled.

This young master Huan is not serious, he always wants to make people angry and funny, and he hates it!

"I called Huang Ying in the evening and asked her to teach me to play this game to see if I could not break all your records along the way!" Zhang Ning threatened.

It is also interesting. Huang Ying is really talented in playing games.

If the levels of cutting the rope are all designed by her, and she can play with high scores is not convincing, then in Candy Saga, she ranks first in every level.

There was only this level. Yang Huan had good luck and didn't know how to make it. He actually made two colorful candies. As a result, he surpassed the first place in the rankings and put Huang Ying under him.

"Huang Ying?" Yang Huan shook his head triumphantly, "I don't even look at her right now."

That appearance made Zhang Ning and Lin Yun'er giggle.

If you install it, you will continue to install it, and then you will thunder!

"Furthermore, Zhang Ning, let me tell you that you didn't have a chance to call her tonight!" After speaking, he still had a very YD face and a very ambiguous smile.

The laughter made Zhang Ning's face flushed, and even Lin Yuner was shy on the side.

Isn't this guy wanting...

Originally, Zhang Ning came to Southampton from China, just to comfort Yang Huan.

But who knows, when she came to Southampton, she found that this guy was alive and kicking. Not only was he revenge, but he was also very excited. He pulled her to play the game, saying that it was boring to play alone. Find a few people to step on. Just step on it.

This game called Candy Saga is very simple and easy to learn.

But the problem is that if you want to get a high score, you want to get first in the leaderboard, it's not easy.

And as long as it's a game player, who doesn't want to see his name rank ahead of his friends?

What's even more hateful is that this guy has a scoring ranking for every level, which is really hateful!

Don't you want all players to get a head start with their friends?

Where did your morals go?

But to be honest, this guy designed such a game, it is indeed very attractive.

Sometimes when I think about it, I really have to admire him.

Although only played the beginning, Zhang Ning discovered that this game has many different ways of playing.

For example, when you get started, it is mainly to teach the player how to eliminate, and the condition for passing the level is how many points the player can score within a certain number of moves, or to meet some level conditions to pass the level.

And the difficulty is constantly increasing, such as transporting fruits, removing ice cubes and so on.

As a female player, Zhang Ning feels that the difficulty is improving, but she can always pass the level.

Sometimes I can't pass it after playing it a few times, but once I get lucky, I can pass it again.

It seems that there is a thread holding you faintly. Once you find it too difficult and want to give up, it will let you pass.

Moreover, the continuous elimination caused by moving a piece of candy by yourself is really a pleasure of the game.

More importantly, it can use WeChat and Facebook to compete on the leaderboard with its friends, and the data on WeChat and Facebook are interoperable.

All in all, Zhang Ning feels that this is a very suitable game for girls.

I really don't know what the structure of this guy's head is, so he knows how to figure out the girl's mind.

"Fifth, what level have you reached?"

When Zhang Ning was in a daze thinking about things, Yang Huan smiled and walked to Long Wu's side.

Long Wu didn't wait for him to approach, immediately turned off the screen of the phone and stood up directly.

Don't even play the game halfway through.

"No, just look, what's so shy? I won't laugh at you, right?"

Zhang Ning and Lin Yuner both giggled.

This annoying guy said he couldn't laugh, but in fact that face kept smiling all the time.

The hapless Dragon Five, the dignified Zhongnanhai bodyguard, was ridiculed and attacked by this guy because he couldn't play games.

At exactly this moment, someone knocked on the door of Yang Huan's office.

Zhu Liangcheng, Wang Lin, Ras Lepinning and Temur Hausla walked in one after another.

"Master Huan!"

Yang Huan immediately went back to the back of the desk and pointed to the office chair in front of him, "Sit, what's the situation?"

The four of them laughed and looked at each other. Zhu Liangcheng made a please gesture at Ras Le Pinning.

"Master Huan, I just got news from Apple that our Candy Saga downloads have exceeded 10 million!"

"Ten million?" Yang Huan was a little surprised.

Both Zhang Ning and Lin Yuner were shocked, but that was ten million.

It has only been two and a half weeks since the release, and the number of downloads has exceeded the 10 million mark?

"Yes, not bad!" Yang Huan laughed and stood up.

After he finished the game, he released it globally, showing his confidence in this game.

After the release, although there have been some problems, they are all minor problems. Just a little change.

"Master Huan, this is the best one among the four games we released in the Apple Store!" Temur Hausla was also very excited.

For his own boss, he really couldn't admire him.

Needless to say, it took more than a month to make this candy legend, and it was able to detonate downloads.

Free and in-app purchase, this is undoubtedly the biggest selling point of this game, and it is also the reason why countless players download it wildly.

No money!

In this world, who doesn't want to eat a free lunch?

"The Android version also needs to be prepared, take advantage of this trend, and go straight to it!" Yang Huan knows very well that the Android market is also huge.

Android has a large market share, but it is still not as profitable as Apple.

Therefore, most of the games made by Yang Huan started at Apple.

"Understood!" Lars Le Pinning nodded in admiration.

Now, who would dare to say that Young Master Huan is exhausted?

In just two months, there was a flying plane, and then a candy legend. If someone said that the young master Huan was exhausted, then this person is really a fool and an idiot.

"What about you? What's the good news?" Yang Huan looked at Zhu Liangcheng.

The old pig smiled and nodded and said: "After we negotiated with the game department, we feel that the data we have on hand is almost the same. We are considering launching two games, [Everyday Lianmeng] and [Everyday Love Elimination]."

The game of hitting a plane is more of a test of the water. The main thing is to get some user data and analyze the data, and then make the game based on the analysis.

Judging from the actual situation, the game of flying planes has aroused the admiration of countless smartphone users, and has also obtained very detailed data for WeChat. Now it is time to launch some games.

"What do you think?" Yang Huan looked at Temur? Hausla.

The analysis department is very important, so Yang Huan relies heavily on Temur Hausra and his team.

"I also think the timing is right. Not only is the WeChat Game Center going to launch two games in the Tiantian series, the revised Zhilong Lost City should also be released immediately with the help of Candy Legend."

The outside world is now rumored that the game of Candy Legend is a new game built by Yang Huan and the media, and a part of the framework and functions are directly intercepted from Zhilong Lost City.

Of course, there are also differences.

For example, Candy Legend and Zhilong Lost City both have match 3, but the former is more thorough in match 3, because this game is the main match 3, and Zhilong Lost City Match 3 is one of the modes. This game also includes Elements such as cards, development and RPG.

The match-3 of Zhilong Lost City also has its own advantages. For example, unlike Candy Legend, it can only be eliminated horizontally and vertically, it can be eliminated by a diagonal line.

In addition, Zhilong Lost City is more inclined to male players, while Candy Legend is inclined to female players.

All in all, although the two games have various differences, there are also many internal connections.

After all, a smart phone game that wants to impress users has many concepts that are basically the same.

Therefore, the popularity of Candy Legend is also equivalent to promoting Zhilong Lost City.

After rectification, Zhilong Lost City has now entered the top ten in New Zealand, Australia, Canada and other countries. The download volume has exceeded 500,000. The user praise is also very high. It is obviously already available for global release.

Yang Huan thought for a while, and felt it was necessary to strike while the iron was hot.

Smart phone games are just emerging now, it is necessary to take advantage of this godsend opportunity to quickly seize the market.

He hopes that in the future, when everyone mentions the WeChat game company, they will have a pious face.

Just like when game fans mentioned Blizzard.

"Okay, leave this to you to do."

Yang Huan immediately made the decision and let the person below take responsibility.

"In the next few days, if there is nothing serious, don't bother me. I have more important things to do!"

Zhu Liangcheng and others listened, and immediately all looked at Zhang Ning and Lin Yuner ambiguously.

The two of them didn't know what they were talking but being stared at by these men like this, they could not help but blush.

Does this stinky guy say something?

So they all stared at Yang Huan fiercely.

Even if there are any shameful things, they have to be said when there is no one in private.

How can you say it in front of so many people?

Yang Huan immediately felt that the atmosphere was not right, and coughed twice, "You... don't you always think of me so unbearable?"

"I've always been a gentleman, what unspoken rules, what mess, I have never done it!"

Doesn't it just feel that the FA Cup final is about to arrive, and I want to think about something.

Why are these one or two, where did you think about it?

Went straight from Southampton to London! ()

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