Fools Paradise

34 Ch 34- Moments

His mind was hazy when he awoke. Nil could not remember anything from that night. The day begun as usual for the two, Wittorf was determined to figure out who these Eyes of Bosoto were. He just needed to determine the best way to get out of the academy.

Having the day off was helpful it allowed them time to think without distractions. Nil offered a suggestion.

"Perhaps we should get stronger before we start picking fights with people. That last kid nearly killed us."

"It won't happen again, this time we will have the upper hand."

"How exactly?"

"I don't know yet but we'll figure something out."

This was tough for Wittorf. The one thing he hated most was unanswered questions. He needed to figure out why they were targeting Nil and who they were. An idea popped into Wittorfs head. Perhaps someone who likes to get into trouble could help them escape the academy.

Thinking about someone in particular Wittorf headed for the door. Nil was confused since he never told him a plan.

"What are we going to do?"

"Were going to see Sedian."

Nil still did not have the other students names down so he had no clue who Wittorf was talking about.


It was Diels day off and he was going to spend it wisely. He was going to figure out the best way to ask Kai out. Amell was working on some weight lifting in Diels room when he noticed Diel was a little more excited today than before.

"Tiny master do you have any plans to build your physique today?"

"Not right now Amell, I have to figure out how to win Kai's heart."

"Is Kai the young miss from class?"

"Yes and today feels like the day I finally win her over."

"How did you figure that out?"

"Fate told me!"

Amell smiled and shook his head, returning to his weight lifting. He knew the way to a woman's heart and he had so much to teach his tiny master.

Diel wandered around the academy looking for his love. Physical pain would soon follow.


"Stand up straight, Knees slightly bent as to not make yourself faint."

Felt was for the 10th time today reminding Sai about proper etiquette and the day had only just begun. She did her best but it was so nerve wracking, she was not used to looking up and standing with confidence.

"I-I'm trying."

"Do not try, do."

"Yes sir."

This was going to be a long and exhausting day.


He was swinging as fast as he could but Loat just could not manage to hit Wyrd to save his life. The bird was swift like the wind and it almost felt like he knew exactly what Loat was about to do. Loat did not give up though. That was one of his strengths. But at this rate he was getting nowhere and Wyrd could see that.

"You need to stop thinking so hard about hitting me and just follow the flow."

"I'm trying but it's not working."

"Try harder; your brother picked this up in no time."

That was it; Loat could not take that from him. He closed his eyes and focused his mind, took a deep breath in and once he slowed his heart rate down a little he opened his eyes to face Wyrd.

"Steady now, focus your eyes."

He did not swing instead he watched the bird flutter around watching his patterns and waiting for the right time to strike. Wyrd could see he was determined this time. He had the same look in his eye that his brother had when he first tried this.

Suddenly he swung his blade with as much speed at he could muster at the spot he thought the bird would be at. Finally! It landed home. Loat stumbled forward as his sword connected with the bird but went straight through it as if it were made of air.

"Good we can finally start your training."

"Start, what were we just doing?"

"Warming up."


Wandering around a shopping center Kai and Violet are shopping for cute clothes for Violet. Kai is beyond excited to spend the day shopping and Violet is a lot stronger than she looks. It was almost as if she did not need Diel around to carry her bags, although it was more amusing to have him do it.

They continued to hit every shop and Violet was happy to see so many new things in the human world. Everything was colorful and smelled great. Violet did not mind carrying the bags as long as she got to try out all the yummy food.

"What are we going to eat next?"

"A proper woman has to watch out for what she eats or she will gain too much weight."

"But I'm a familiar not a woman!"

"That's true you do seem to be able to eat and not gain weight, oh how I envy you!"

"I want that!"

Violet points to a hot dog cart as a vine whips towards a hotdog standing up in the heating wrack. A surprised vendor notices and as he is about to make a fuss Kai pulls out some money and pays the man and apologizes before moving on to the next cart.


Caiman was pouring over the grimoire he acquired. Looking through each page for any clues on how to use it. Most of it talked about emotions and how to control them. He did not care about that he already had his emotions under control. He wanted to know how to cast powerful magic.

"You're not going to find it that easily if you don't follow the instructions."

"Shut up Dea, I don't need your input."

"Very well, master."

The day went by quietly and uneventful as Caiman continued to delve into the secret arts of his lineages past.


Searching the halls of the academy Wittorf and Nil found Sedian playing with Secur outside in the courtyard. They looked to be playing a game of tag. Secur was bouncing from shadow to shadow every time Sedian was close to getting him.

Secur noticed Wittorf and Nil arrive and he hid away in the shadows. Sedian turned around to search for his next appearance and jumped back a little when he saw the two standing not too far from him.

"I'm close to catching him; just need something to distract him with."

"What are you guys doing?"


"It looks like tag to me."

"It's very serious training. Secur said so."

"I think he just wanted you to play with him."

Sedian looks at both of them with his usual deadpan expression. It dawns on him that Wittorf might be right.

"So what did you need?"

"You're good with traps and such right?"

"I would say I dabble a little, why?"

"Would you know about any traps set by the school?"

"Aside from some of the traps they have set up for the students I don't think so."

"Are there any traps that would detect a student leaving the academy?"

"Usually there is one for students leaving and entering. Are you trying to leave undetected for some reason?"

Sedian looks at him with no expression and tilts his head a little. Wittorf could not really hide anything from this guy. He seemed to figure him out quick.

"I just need to get out of the academy for a little bit without the teachers knowing. Would you be able to set that up?"

"I don't see why not but what's in it for me?"

That was what Wittorf was waiting for. He knew it would not come free. But what could Sedian want from him?

"what would you want?"

"Lab rats."

"Lab rats?"

"I would like you two to be my experiments for a few traps I have in mind in the future."

That did not seem too bad they could manage a couple silly traps from Sedian. How harmful could they be?

"Alright it's a deal."

"Good, I will need some time to plan this out. Give me a few weeks."

"Sounds good let me know when you're ready."

Wittorf had a few weeks to prepare for this now. He was going to train as hard as he could so the next time he encountered that white haired boy he would not lose.

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