Food: How Did I Become a Chef When I Set Up a Stall?

Chapter 310: The boss is finally here!

In the evening, Wang Shulin hosted a banquet for Jiang Feng, and Jiang Feng happily went to the banquet.

Wang Shulin is a very good person, serious about cooking and enthusiastic about other people's affairs.

Of course, Jiang Feng didn’t know that when Wang Shulin was a master master, his apprentices were almost scolded **** by him.

Wang Shulin was even more strict and intimidating when he was in charge of the state banquet.

 Perhaps he is retired and no longer has to worry about management, so his temper has returned to its original state.

Jiang Feng is also willing to chat with him.

Wang Shulin said kindly:

“Your cooking skills are so good, you can definitely join the association. No matter which association you join, your status will definitely be high.”

“And when you join such an association, not only will you not be asked to do anything, but you can also be a judge in some cooking competitions and cooking exchange activities.”

 “With your level, being a judge is more than enough.”

 “Isn’t it a good thing to see how other people’s dishes are?”

Hearing this, Jiang Feng thought for a moment.

Not to mention, being a judge is indeed a good job.

 On the one hand, you can taste the food carefully cooked by others, and on the other hand, you can also see the creativity of other chefs.

Of course, this kind of thing is hard to say. One of the judges was asked to make an original "Nine Turns Large Intestine". This situation may also happen.

Jiang Feng responded:

 “Mainly because I don’t like to socialize with others, especially in associations.”

 “And there are a lot of things to deal with.”

Wang Shulin nodded.

This kind of thinking is the thinking of young people.

 As I get a little older, I think differently.

 China is a human society, and we still need to pay attention to human relations.

Jiang Feng is not like this. After all, he has several restaurants. It takes time to deal with the affairs of the restaurants, and there are many employees to manage.

In addition, both the city government departments and the tourism departments in other places are contacting Jiang Feng to organize some activities.

Jiang Feng knows and socializes with quite a few people.

“Some time later, there will be a chef creative exchange event, where chefs from all over the world exchange cooking skills.”

“Only communication, no competition. On that day, everyone will prepare the dishes and put them out, and then we will judge a few prizes.”

 “I am in charge of this event, and I would like to invite you to be the judge.”

"what do you think."

Wang Shulin stated his purpose.

Jiang Feng has never been interested in competitions or anything like that.

  After all, different people have different tastes, and it is difficult to judge which of two delicious dishes is better and which is worse.

However, the exchange activities are still very good. Everyone is diverse and can cook any dish.

 “Be a judge?”

“Forget it, I’ll just go and watch the excitement when the time comes.”

Jiang Feng declined the invitation to be a judge, but he was quite happy to watch the fun.

Have gone to see it before and it feels pretty good.

“That’s no problem, you Jiang Yuetai can also send people to participate.”

“As far as I know, Jiang Yuetai’s chefs are not weak.”

“Let’s just talk about this Cantonese restaurant. There are relatively few Cantonese chefs, but you can recruit so many, which is also a benefit.”

“Being able to participate is also good for their development.”

Wang Shulin took a sip of tea and said.

Jiang Feng smiled and said: "It depends on what they think. If they want to go, I will support it and I will reimburse them."

 Jiang Feng is very kind to his employees.

If employees themselves want to seek greater development, as long as they are truly capable, Jiang Feng will support them.

 He himself just needs to be the boss safely.

Jiang Feng chatted with Wang Shulin about some things in the industry, and also learned about the current situation within the industry from Wang Shulin, as well as the thoughts of top chefs, etc.

 It’s quite interesting to listen to.

Then Jiang Feng went home to rest.

Jiang Feng cooked in a Cantonese restaurant for a week. The first four days were all authentic Cantonese cuisine, and then he started cooking palace dishes.

Every time I make one, people praise it highly.

At the end of this week, the business of the Cantonese restaurant was on track. Jiang Feng left the Cantonese restaurant and went to his own Suzhou restaurant.

 He has never cooked here before, so he definitely can’t favor one thing over another.

Moreover, Jiang Feng likes Huaiyang cuisine very much among Su cuisine.

Some people say that there are only four kinds of Chinese cuisine: Sichuan, Shandong, Guangdong, Huaiyang

The status of Huaiyang cuisine is evident.

 Hearing that Jiang Feng was coming, the employees of Su Cuisine Restaurant were very happy.

 After all, Su Cuisine Restaurant has just changed its brand name, and there are only a few changes in the employees, so there is almost no change.

 After the opening ceremony, Jiang Feng did not cook at Su Cuisine Restaurant.

 This makes the employees of Su Cuisine Restaurant feel that they are stepmother's children and are not welcome.

Mainly because there was nothing that could be done about it. At that time, Jiang Feng was so popular because of the Zhejiang Cuisine restaurant. Many fans were looking for him frantically and rushed directly to the restaurant. Jiang Feng could only avoid the limelight temporarily.

  Come back when the popularity stabilizes.

It’s normal.

  After Su Cuisine changed its sign, business became better.

Moreover, many regular customers come back to eat and find that the taste of many dishes has become more delicious.

 After asking carefully, I found out that the chefs have been trained by Jiang Feng, and the more meticulous control they have over the dishes, the better they taste.

“The boss is here, many people say we are fake Jiang Yuetai!”

 “How can it be fake if the business is so good?”

“After all, the boss hasn’t even come to our place to cook, so there must be people who are suspicious.” “I’ve always wanted to see the boss, but I haven’t seen him, and this time I finally have the chance.”

 “You are so young and handsome!”

As soon as Jiang Feng arrived, the restaurant employees started talking.

 There are many employees in a restaurant, including kitchen, cleaning, finance, management, security, etc.

Every time Jiang Feng comes over, the restaurant management staff will gather everyone together and ask Jiang Feng to say a few words.

 After all, you are the boss, so this is normal.

 “Boss, you’re finally here.”

The lobby manager of Su Cuisine Restaurant is called Li Jiao. She is thirty-five years old and has very good abilities.

The executive chef is called Li Wenhai. He is Wang Shulin's apprentice and has superb cooking skills.

 The restaurant was developing particularly well before.

“Well, I will be cooking here for a week this time. I will prepare the ingredients tomorrow and post the announcement. Then starting from the day after tomorrow, I will be responsible for one dish every day.”

Jiang Feng said to Li Jiao.

Li Jiao said: "This is great. This way, there will definitely be more customers coming, and the restaurant's performance will also improve."

 “Maybe it can be improved a bit.”

 Excluding Jiang Feng’s newly opened Cantonese restaurant, among the current four restaurants, Suzhou Restaurant ranks last in terms of profit.

It’s not that Jiangyuetai Jiangsu Cuisine Restaurant is not good. On the contrary, Jiangyuetai is still the number one Jiangsu Cuisine Restaurant.

 It’s just that the other Jiangyuetai stores are doing very well.

 Shandong Cuisine Restaurant is a local signature. Not to mention the lobby, even the private rooms are hard to find. Many people have to rely on connections to book a private room.

Zhejiang Cuisine Restaurant is located next to the West Lake. Prices there are not cheap. Many customers order expensive food, so the price per customer is high and the profit is high.

 The Sichuan restaurant business is very booming. Jiang Feng has a good reputation in the local area and has many fans, making the restaurant popular.

Not to mention the newly opened Cantonese restaurants.

Let’s put it this way, good Cantonese cuisine uses top-quality ingredients and is inherently expensive. Not to mention that there are few chefs in Cantonese cuisine and it is really difficult to train them.

 So the income will definitely not be low.

 In comparison, the income of Su Cuisine Restaurant is less.

Jiang Feng does not make horizontal comparisons, because the situation of every restaurant is different, not to mention that the profits of Su Cuisine Restaurant are very good.

However, employees will compare themselves, especially several lobby managers who have a group and share information with each other. Jiang Feng still sends tasks in the group from time to time.

 There are several groups in Jiang Yuetai.

Each restaurant has a large group of employees, and Jiang Feng hands out red envelopes in the group during holidays.

 There is no other way, if you don’t need money, you just need to spend it.

Employees are waiting to grab red envelopes as soon as the holidays come.

 The management naturally has a group.

 Then, Li Jiao and Li Wenhai both told Jiang Feng that they hoped to do better business at Su Cuisine Restaurant this month, with more customers and more profits.

 After all, Jiang Feng’s income will not be low this week when he comes here.

Jiang Feng was very happy to see that his employees were so motivated.

 Since this is the case, he is also prepared to get some titles.

 The news that Jiang Feng came to Su Cuisine spread out the next day.

The diners at Su Cuisine Restaurant are very happy.

“Boss Jiang is here, and I just want to eat what he cooks. I’m really greedy after seeing each dish.”

“Yes, we also want to try the state banquet dishes!”

“To be honest, in all these years, I have only known him as a top chef. No matter how great other chefs are, I have never heard of him.”

 “Just look at the level of the dishes he cooks, and he cooks so many portions, who can do it?”

“Some chefs raise their prices when they become popular. A dish is too expensive to sell to ordinary people.”

 The diners chatted about Jiang Feng.

Even though Jiang Feng has never set up a stall here or opened a small shop, the locals still recognize him very much.

 This is Jiang Feng’s unique treatment.

At the same time, Li Wenhai, the back cook of Su Restaurant, asked Jiang Feng what he planned to do tomorrow.

 “Let’s make Wensi Tofu.”

“Among all Chinese cuisines, Wensi Tofu is the one that tests your knife skills the most.”

“I’ll ask the operator to come over and take another video.”

“Jiang Yuetai’s video also needs to be updated.”

Jiang Feng expressed his thoughts.

 “Wensi Tofu?”

Li Wenhai was a little surprised.

Wensi Tofu is a very famous Huaiyang dish.

 The most difficult step is to shred the tofu.

Wensi Tofu shreds are not ordinary old tofu, but lactone tofu that is extremely soft and will break apart with a little force. If you want to shred it, the chef's knife skills are extremely demanding.

 With less than ten years of skill, I really can’t cut such shredded tofu.

Jiang Feng has been making Wensi tofu since he first came up, which is really amazing.

 And looking at him, he seems to be very confident.

Jiang Feng is indeed confident.

This dish is not complicated to make, the difficulty lies in the knife skills.

 As long as you have good knife skills, it is very convenient to make Wensi Tofu.

 Ensure that every table has something to eat.

 This dish can also be served at a state banquet.

 Making this dish from the beginning can also let everyone see Jiang Yuetai’s heritage. (End of chapter)

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