: Ending testimonials

Ending testimonials

One and a half years, four million words. At this point, "The Master of Flowers in the City" has finally come to an end. Looking back, I feel a lot of emotion.

I have been writing since 2004, and now I have been eight years old, but before that, I have never spent so much time and energy on a book. For me, "Flower Protection" is a great Breakthrough, this book, let me complete a self-transcendence, for this, I would like to sincerely thank the readers who have always supported me. It is your support, let me persist and complete the transcendence.

For a year and a half, it’s not long, but short is not short. More than a year, many things can happen. Some of you are about to enter high school, some are about to enter university, and some are already here. During the period, I completed the most important event in my life. Here, I wish a friend named Xu Bingwei, wish you a happy new marriage, and wish all the book friends happy.

"Flower Protection" has come a long way, and I have experienced many twists and turns, but what touches me is that you have always supported me, especially in June last year, I was sick and hospitalized, and I have been away for more than half a month. You still have to give up, I have been I want to say thank you to you, but I know that the best thank you to you is to write this book carefully so that you won’t regret reading this book. If it is this book, it will bring you happiness. That will be the best reward for you. Today, this book is finally over. I hope that I have done this. I hope that you will be satisfied with this book and be satisfied with this ending.

About the new book, one and a half years of continuous writing, my body and brain have been somewhat unbearable, so I need to take a break for about half a month, and then start preparing for a new book. It is expected that the new book will be officially before September. Upload, I will inform you at that time, I hope everyone can continue to support my new book.

Finally, thank you again, thank you.

The heart is wandering on July 14, 2012

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