Five Hundred Guo Jing

Chapter 434: Safety

Remember [] for a second,!

After talking to Li Hai, Zhou Yu realizes that not everyone is happy.

"Didn't I already know about this kind of thing? It's just me who was unhappy at the beginning, and I always thought I was the unhappy one."

Zhou Yu used to think so, but Li Hai was very happy now.

"Have I been so happy before?"

After thinking about it carefully, Zhou Yu felt that how could he be happier in the way he used to live?

Zhou Yu took out his mobile phone.

In the Internet age, you can still find some traces if you want to find them.

Especially since he became famous until now, he actually didn't have much time.

A year or two, for the current online world, and not long.

As a celebrity, even if you just say a word or send a photo, there are countless people who take screenshots and save it, not to mention all kinds of caring people.

Zhou Yu quickly found his early videos on the Internet.

The familiar loose hairstyle, the dodging eyes with stories, and the serious expression that always frowns when talking...

"Forget it, it's over..."

Zhou Yu gave up his own observation. When he watched his own early videos, he felt uncomfortable and felt like he was suffering...

"If I were a woman, I would definitely look down on a man like me!"

Zhou Yu sighed, feeling that it is normal for many women to look down on him.

However, with their wealth and status getting higher and higher, such people are basically gone.

Zhou Yu cheered up, posted her farewell video online, and understood that she was selling her house and that she was about to settle in a well-off village for a long time.

It quickly caused a huge response on the Internet, but Zhou Yu didn't pay attention to other people's opinions, and played games alone in the office.

Two beautiful bodyguards found Zhou Yu.

"Boss, aren't there any arrangements for the past few days?"

Both Liana and Ciel wanted to find something to do, and they were too busy here with Zhou Yu.

Lianna said helplessly to Zhou Yu: "You always run around without taking us. As bodyguards, we are very hurt."

Zhou Yu has already made arrangements.

"Then you can follow me. I plan to live in Xiaokang Village for a while recently, and you happen to be my bodyguards."

Liana and Ciel looked at each other, and Ciel approached Zhou Yu.

"How long are you going to be this time?"

Xia Er sat on Zhou Yu's desk, and Zhou Yu's slender waist and slender legs appeared in front of Zhou Yu's eyes.

Shire likes to wear this tight hip-packed skirt. Her figure is as tall as Lianna, but her style of dress always gives the impression of a thin and slender woman.

Zhou Yu and the two female bodyguards had known each other many times, so he wouldn't get involved in such a big day, and he still had things on his mind.

"It should be a long time. Isn't it the New Year's Eve? It seems that Christmas is over there. Do you want to go back for Christmas?"

Liana shook her head.

Charles also shook his head.

Zhou Yu felt very surprised, he had a feeling that no one around him went home.

For example, Bai Qingxue doesn't matter, his hometown is here in the magic capital.

Mira and many people in the company gave him the feeling that they were not going home.

Has modern society evolved to the point where there is no need to go back home?

Zhou Yu couldn't understand, "Well, if you don't go back, just go to Xiaokang Village with me, we plan to build it into a world-class resort area, and it's still a luxury villa area dominated by a small number of people, I should also go and see it. "

Liana asked, "How about the security work?"

Zhou Yu looked at Lianna suspiciously, "What kind of security work? Oh, you two can do it as you see fit."

Ciel explained quietly: "It's not the safety work we do for you. You are the Holy Son with infinite divine power. We are just doing some humble work that represents our loyalty."

"Then your humble that you sit in front of me like this?" Zhou Yu looked at Ciel's buttocks sitting on the table, this is not humble.

Ciel changed his posture, placing one leg flat on the table and straightening, while the other leg was bent on the table, and his hands were supported back, as if he was sitting on the beach with his back up and enjoying the sunbathing.

Aware of Zhou Yu's gaze, Ciel smiled.

"It's not what we mean, nor does it refer to us and you, but to the rest of us."

Zhou Yu just took a look, he is more curious about Shire's question now.

"Who are you referring to?"

Liana came over, folded her arms in front of her, and stood watching here.

"We're talking about safe jobs, other people's safe jobs."

"According to the current situation, there will be many rich and big people living in the well-off village. The bodyguards of these people are basically at our level."

"If it's higher than ours, it's basically someone who's going to carry a higher level of security with them."

"These people don't trust the security work of this country, rich people and politicians from all over the world, they are OK in the short term, but in the long term, this level cannot satisfy everyone."

Zhou Yu asked, "What does the higher-level security force refer to?"

"Weapons, ammunition, mercenaries." Liana gave a clear answer.

Zhou Yu instantly understood Liana and Ciel's concerns.

"I never thought about such a thing before..."

Liana and Ciel are not worried about this kind of thing, Ciel smiled and said: "What is it? As long as we have the Garden of Eden, then the world will be as peaceful as ever."

Lianna disagreed, "No, I think as long as we are in the Garden of Eden, it doesn't matter who else is, the world itself needs a struggle to release the pressure."

"Boss, we all agree with your going to Xiaokang Village, and we will always be with you."

Zhou Yu said quickly: "No no no, you are suddenly like this, don't be so serious and serious, many things have nothing to do with us, right?"

Lianna shook her head, "No, I think it's relevant, believe me, I think there are many, many people who are willing to follow you!"

Zhou Yu understood what the two of them meant.

Feelings, these two people are here to persuade him to enter, hoping that Zhou Yu will go to Xiaokang Village to be the leader of the alliance...

Not to be the leader of the herdsmen, but to be the leader of the rich and famous from all over the world.

What happened to the last ally? Guo Bie was exhausted by these people, and now he is hiding in the villagers' homes.

Zhou Yu himself didn't want to pay attention to such troublesome things, but after all, he is not an escape type anymore, and he is also sitting on the boss's chair and thinking about it.

After all, his **** is sitting on a luxurious office chair dozens of meters high by the Huangpu River. Compared with the previous period of lying in bed and going mad, his way of thinking is different.

"It's not appropriate for me to do this. I think the people from the Xiaokang Village will be responsible."

"The villagers in Xiaokang Village cannot be foreigners, but don't we have many ready-made solutions?"

Zhou Yu quickly found the projection from the long history.

"We use a holding company! Introduce foreign capital!"

"Other foreigners can also open a company or find a spokesperson. Anyway, I know that they all have people with black hair and black eyes like us. You can just pretend, don't make it difficult for you."

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Zhou Yu felt that this matter was not difficult, and there were ready-made materials that could be applied.

No matter how well-off villages are, the management power itself lies in the villages, but the people in the villages don't want to be in charge, so they leak a lot of rights.

But after 1234 was there, the rights belonging to the village were concentrated back.

At present, the village is counted by 1234. According to the plan of 1234, the village is expanding its influence.

1234 are Huang Zhen's sons. According to Zhou Yu's feeling, these four people are the kind of characters who can use force to solve problems and will use force.

This kind of character has a particularly good deterrent effect when facing some bandit-type allies.

Seeing Zhou Yu doing this, Xia Er said: "I don't think it's necessary to be so troublesome. Those people who want to equip arms, then do so. Anyway, people in the embassy are like this."

Lianna said: "The people who guard the golden lotus by the lake are all armed. If the people who live in are not made to feel safe, they will basically not come to take risks, and weapons are the biggest source of security."

Zhou Yu shook his head, "Our country bans guns, and I don't want private guns in Xiaokang Village. As for the embassy, ​​I don't care."

"Xiaokang Village's safety work, leave it to Xiaokang Village to be responsible for it. I'll go to someone to discuss it, and you can come with me too."

Zhou Yu wanted to go over and talk to someone, but thinking that he would not take two beautiful bodyguards with him anywhere all day, he brought them with him.

Zhou Yu found the three generals.

The three gods have been in charge of patrols for the past few days.

The same goes for Guo Ai, who patrols during the day and goes to the other side of the earth to collect ingots at night.

Collecting ingots, no matter how tired you are, you will never be too tired.

Besides, people don't need to sleep. People don't know how much they like this kind of work that seems to be busy during the day and busy at night.

Zhou Yu chatted with Sanshen Jiang, and the three of them didn't mind patrolling in another place, so they agreed to go to Xiaokang Village for a stroll.

"Okay, it's solved. In addition to this force deterrence, I will discuss with the other side that it is forbidden for anyone to carry guns and other weapons."

Zhou Yu returned to the office with two beautiful bodyguards, this time to the bedroom to take a nap.

Ciel and Lianna were a little disappointed, they actually hoped to see Zhou Yu show his might and become the master of the world.

As the spokesperson of the gods with divine power, he can raise his arms and let all the people in the world respond to him!

Zhou Yu also noticed the mood of the two beautiful bodyguards, so he smiled and said, "The Garden of Eden you like should appear in Xiaokang Village. We will live there for a while."

Lianna looked at Zhou Yu excitedly, "Good! Good!"

Xia Er also looked at Zhou Yu with a smile, "I can't wait!"

Zhou Yu didn't want to go by plane now, "Then let's have some fun now."

Soon, the three were off to have fun in the bedroom.

It is not suitable to have fun during the day, because there are many people and things to do during the day.

While Zhou Yu was discussing martial arts moves with the two bodyguards, another woman's voice sounded in the room.

"Mr. Zhou, Officer Yan Jingyi is looking for you."

Zhou Yu was busy and shouted directly: "Let her go to Li Hai, I don't care about this side, don't look for me!"


You Shanshan put down the phone and made an apologetic expression to Yan Jingyi who was standing in front.

"I'm sorry, Officer Yan, President Zhou has no time for now. If you have something to do, you can go to Vice President Li Hai."

Yan Jingyi said politely, "I'll wait a little longer. I've already negotiated with Li Hai, and we haven't reached an agreement yet."

You Shanshan nodded, "Then wait here, the management of our company are busy outside, and there are not many people like me who are more leisurely."

Yan Jingyi came to Zhou Yu this time because of the Jiangdong Group.

Jiangdong Group is currently expanding its business in various places and also developing new businesses.

Judging from the previous situations, Zhou Yu and others did not want to rely on the hot water business, so everyone knew that Jiangdong Group would not be consuming hot water all the time.

Yan Jingyi sighed, "You and I are clearly in charge of public security and criminal cases, but we have to run around for economic matters all day."

You Shanshan said politely: "Our company also has a lot of economic cases. Many people are deceived because they suddenly have a lot of money."

"We also have a special legal department to assist in this regard, and I hope that Officer Yan can provide more help from your side."

Yan Jingyi was at a loss for words. Indeed, the company also had a lot of economic disputes.

For example, the case of divorce, or the case of being defrauded, or someone reporting to the company for cheating.

Although people from various departments did organize a legal team to assist, neither Zhou Yu nor the rest of the elders cared about this kind of thing.

As long as it doesn't violate the law, such as divorce or breakup, Jiangdong Group doesn't care at all.

Those people didn't dare to come to the company gate to make trouble, so they all went to the police.

Both sides retreat fifty meters, that is victory.

Yan Jingyi asked, "Zhou Yu is going to settle in Xiaokang Village. Will this company be managed by Li Hai in the future?"

You Shanshan is still polite: "I don't know about this."

After thinking for a while, Yan Jingyi asked again, "Your company's crows are very smart, and they are very popular on the Internet. Do you have any ideas of cooperating with us?"

Yan Jingyi took the initiative to say, "The Crow Patrol, the Crow Sheriff, these crows are all conversational and have basic wisdom and thinking ability. If I want to join the public service, it is definitely a good way out!"

You Shanshan didn't expect this, but after being so impressed by Yan, she immediately felt that this proposal was very good.

"This... I don't think so, because President Zhou seems to be planning to take all the crows to Xiaokang Village."

You Shanshan revealed what she knew, and she herself did not want the crows to go to Xiaokang Village.

Although it cannot be reused in the Jiangdong Group, the crow is now an important IP of the Jiangdong Group, which will bring a lot of profits in the future!

In order to get the starting salary in the future, You Shanshan also hopes that the crows will stay in the magic capital.

Yan Jingyi is a smart person, and he has already sensed You Shanshan's attitude.

"Well, let's talk about this later. By the way, how is Mira doing here?"

Yan Jingyi casually asked Mila's current situation, "Is she Zhou Yu's secretary?"

You Shanshan showed a strange expression, and she was also very confused about Mila's position.

"Mila is a teacher in the crow school and is in charge of teaching the little crow language."

"As for the secretary's job...I don't know."

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