Five Hundred Guo Jing

Chapter 407: insult me ​​with money

As Zhou Gongjin 502 Company released a simple and rude plan for extermination of insects, discussions began in various areas where netizens gathered.

"It's only 10 billion? What's enough? That's the salary of 100 people, and the Governor is not good enough. There is no Huang Gang master's generosity!"

"10 billion less? What kind of family are you all?"

"Every employee in their company is given a bonus of 100 million to 100 million. Now that the disaster relief is over, they only get 10 billion. It's a shame! I'm ashamed of them!"

"How much did you donate upstairs?"

"I donate as much as I have, and how much can Zhou Yu donate? I dare to donate my entire net worth, does he dare? If he dares, I dare!"

"One locust is only one dime, ten is one dollar, one hundred is ten, one thousand is one hundred. It's only one hundred yuan to die in this hour, who are you fooling!"

"The round-trip toll is not reimbursed, at least one dollar, right? Otherwise, who would go all the way to catch bugs and play."

"Except for the locals, I don't think anyone will go there." "Wait, if no one goes, the price will definitely go up. Will the hot water company still be short of money?"

"Is this a direct payment? Is it not afraid to cause inflation by directly sending money to ordinary people? I think it is better to directly give it to entrepreneurs."

"Why aren't you afraid of inflation when you give beef and mutton subsidies to grassland people?"

"My home is on the grassland side, and many people in the same city have posted videos. Now they use sacks and big brooms to catch locusts. I heard that the Hot Water Lake Group also used sonic weapons, and a large piece of it fell all at once, all of which were collected by the machine. gone!"

"The three eastern provinces have been dispatched! Each of the three places has contracted an area. It seems that one person has divided the share of 2 billion, and it is guaranteed to get rid of the locusts in the responsible area!"

"Damn it! We agreed not to compete with the people for profit!"

"I watched the video, and someone came up with a special suction device and sucked all the bugs in."

"Isn't it a vacuum cleaner?"

"People from several nearby cities and other provinces participated, and we also went to the province to make some money to pay the school."

"How much is 10 billion? Why do I feel that 10 billion is not much?"

"Anyway, it must be enough for a city to pay wages, one year."

Many people are discussing on the Internet. In reality, as long as they are nearby or idle, they all run over there after getting the news.

The neighborhood of Xiaokang Village has been under the jurisdiction of the local government, and professionals will remove the nearby locusts, while protecting the business of the hot water lake and the hot water lake group from being affected.

In the more northerly direction, the three neighboring provinces are responsible. It just so happens that these three places do not have hot water licenses. Now come here to help and earn some money.

In addition to making money from this, there are also many Internet celebrities who have also brought equipment to gain popularity.

Now the big internet celebrities are very low-key, but for many people, the way out of being an internet celebrity is still so wide, it is much easier than going to college and doing business.

Judging from the fact that Mila can make hundreds of thousands of dollars as an online UP master, it is easier to make money in some industries than in general industries.

There are definitely a lot of people who are rubbing the heat, and even Zhou Yu wants to rub his own heat.

Zhou Yu stood on the grass with a net bag for catching bugs.

Next to him stood Li Yuan, Guo Song, and Li Yaoshi.

Everyone stood on the grass more than ten kilometers away from the second village. Mira was debugging the equipment in front of the off-road vehicle. Zhou Yu was going to live broadcast here.

There are not many locusts nearby, mainly because the vegetation in many places is relatively good, and the locusts have not finished eating the nearby green plants.

In addition, it is not the time when the locusts are the most, because they were found earlier, and the locusts have not yet reached the maximum.

"Hello everyone, I'm Zhou Gongjin 502. Today, when I have nothing to do, I will kill the people with my friends and catch some bugs in exchange for some pocket money."

Zhou Yu was waving the net bag made of green bamboo sticks beside him, and he was talking casually.

After vigorously tossing it back and forth, Zhou Yu pressed the net bag the child used to catch the dragonfly to the ground.

The live broadcast equipment was placed on the table next to the car, and Mila pointed the camera at Zhou Yu.

But it hasn't started broadcasting yet, Zhou Yu just previewed it. After all, I haven't made a video for a long time, so I'm a bit raw.

"Mr. Zhou, the time is almost up! Do you want to start now? Everyone in the live broadcast room can't wait, they have been rewarding you!"

Zhou Yu was playing counting bugs, and after hearing Mila's words, she looked at the live broadcast device strangely.

"A reward for me?" Zhou Yu felt strange.

Mila nodded vigorously, "Yeah, everyone will give you money again, from the noon notification to wait for the live broadcast, and now for four hours, people continue to give you gifts, all of which are a few tens of dollars, and One hundred!"

Zhou Yu walked over to take a look, and found that there were indeed many people rewarding him with money.

"Let's start live streaming."


Mira and another person from the Hot Water Lake Group were in charge of the equipment, while Li Yuan and the others continued to hold on to the bugs.

Zhou Yu came here to play, not to catch more bugs.

"Hello everyone, I'm Zhou Gongjin 502. As soon as the broadcast started, I found that a lot of people gave me rewards."

"You don't need a reward, you can just take a look at it."

As soon as Zhou Yu finished speaking, he saw a few rockets shot out of the live broadcast room.

"Guangxi Maggie Cheung sent a rocket to the anchor Zhou Gongjin 502!"

"Douyin Xiaojiazi gave the anchor Zhou Gongjin 502 flowers 999!"

"I'm the tender father, one two three, and delivered lollipops to the anchor Zhou Gongjin 502!"

"Illegal nickname 1241541 to send perfume to anchor Zhou Gongjin 502!"

Zhou Yu was a little stunned looking at the continuous tipping prompts on the screen.

"It's not easy for everyone to make money, and I don't accept any advertisements. There's no need to do this. Save the money you gave me to eat."

As soon as Zhou Yu said this, there were more rewards in the live broadcast room, and many people seemed to be deliberately opposing Zhou Yu, a piece of two yuan, or a hundred yuan, falling like rain.

Li Yuan caught a bag of bugs, and when he came to put the bugs together, he saw the prompt in the live broadcast room.

"Brother Zhou, why do they give you money? Oh! I see!" Li Yuan said happily: "It's because you did a good job that everyone gave you a reward."

Zhou Yu shook his head and said helplessly: "No, I feel that these people are deliberately insulting me to give me a reward."

Li Yuan was stunned, "Isn't it? If I insult you, is it too stupid to insult you by rewarding you?"

Zhou Yu didn't know how to explain it, "This is more difficult to explain, because everyone thinks that I am rich, so if you give me a reward now, I will have a special feeling in my heart and I will be happy."

Li Yuan didn't understand, "It's really complicated."

Soon Li Yuan continued to catch bugs.

Zhou Yu quickly stood up and stood on the ground with a long bamboo pole net, "Today I want to catch 10,000 bugs, this is the [Vibrating Insect Catching Air Gun] that I made myself!"

As Zhou Yu said that, he quickly tied a fishing net with a bamboo pole in both hands, and danced wildly in the open space.

Mila didn't want Zhou Yu to be too embarrassed, so after Zhou Yu was tired and sat on the ground, she pointed the camera elsewhere.

Guo Cheng gently threw the fine fishing net more than ten meters away, and soon after the net was closed, thousands of locusts were trapped in one net.

In contrast, it seems that Zhou Yu is here to drag his feet.

Zhou Yu quickly walked over with a bamboo pole on his back.

"There are not many locusts here. There is a wasteland in front. When the locusts are attracted by the green plants here, they are caught on the way."

"Compared to our simple and quaint way of catching insects, practical machines, such as fire-breathing or absorbing equipment, catch them faster."

"But we can't kill them all. There are also many animals that eat locusts on this grassland. After killing all the locusts, these animals will be hungry."

"Also, the mobilization of the villagers to catch insects has also divided the area. Don't go near the area where the herdsmen are grazing cattle and sheep. Everyone should sweep the insects before the door, and don't go to other people's homes to catch insects."

After Zhou Yu finished speaking, he went out to catch bugs indiscriminately.

During the one-hour live broadcast, more than 400 bugs were caught.

Then I stopped catching them, it was too tiring to pick up bugs all at once.

Fortunately, Li Yuan and others did their best, and quickly caught more than half of the nearby bugs. As long as the density of the remaining bugs could not increase, it would not cause harm.

The main force for extermination is the support team from the three provinces, as well as the professional team and equipment found by the Hot Water Lake Group.

It is said to be 10 billion, but in fact, only about 2 billion were finally used to buy folk locusts.

However, the money is a lot. After a large number of people exchanged locusts for money on the first day, a round of catching worms has been launched across the in the evening

Mila looked at today's income and said happily: "The reward income in the live broadcast room today is 6 million!"

Zhou Yu realized that he was already an internet celebrity, and the income from the broadcast in the future would still be considerable.

In fact, if you change to the richest man, you will have the same treatment.

Zhou Yu suddenly felt that this kind of reward for the rich to the rich seems to be a normal thing.

Isn't the money of the rich provided by the spectators who happily spend money?

It's not uncommon for people to spend money while calling someone else's father.

Thinking about it this way, I feel that the rewarding behavior in the live broadcast room is much normal.

Forget it, if you are serious with these people, you will lose.

Zhou Yu decided to use this savings card rewarded by netizens when paying wages to Bai Qingxue, Hao Wenli, and two beautiful bodyguards in the future.

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