Five Hundred Guo Jing

Chapter 198: Responsibilities of some people

Wang Yuguo's head is big.

The party secretary of the Xiaokang Village asked him to file a complaint, and he put the villagers and village officials in the Xiaokang Village on the road.

Wang Yuguo has nothing to do.

How can this be done?

Did you remove them all?

Funny, the village chief was elected by the villagers, and the villagers also ran away. Could it be that the villagers were also removed?

If the village chief and villagers were to be punished together, according to the current popularity of that village, Wang Yuguo would definitely be punished.

"If you don't engage in tourism... let's not engage in tourism, and this amount of money is not bad."

Wang Yuguo was very complicated and agreed.

This is the power of the collective, but it is difficult to encounter under normal circumstances.

They didn't make trouble, let alone break the law. They just went to the county for a vacation.

It’s okay to find someone to talk to. Now the problem is that if you want to talk, it is to talk to all the villagers in the village.

The financial appropriation for Xiaokang Village is directly approved by the province, and the funds approved for that village in the past few months are more than that for his county.

It has been stipulated above that he can only assist, and has no right to punish and interfere with the village.

Give whatever you want and try to help.

If you can't help, just talk to the above, and send someone to help.

The village party secretary was sitting in front of his desk, and when he heard Wang Yuguo say this, he said anxiously: "What about the tourism income in the village?"

Not in the village, but in the county's income.

Wang Yuguo knew very well that the nearby herdsmen and the businessmen in the county all went to the village to make money.

It used to be in the villages below, or herders who had no cattle and sheep went to the county and city to find work.

Now the people in the county and city smelled the money and went to the village to contract land and shops to do business.

No way, there is heat over there.

The small village looks small, but before that, there were one or two hundred tourists every day. Even if a tourist spent five hundred yuan, it would cost five hundred thousand yuan a day.

This is still one day!

The higher the popularity of a well-off village, the more profitable the people doing business there.

There are taxis that go there directly in the county, and there are also many businesses that gather there.

Wang Yuguo lowered his head, scratched his brows with the nail of his right middle finger, and said casually: "There are peak seasons and off-seasons in tourism. Just treat it as off-season now."

The village party secretary was about to defend, but soon realized something was wrong.

Soon he asked: "Then...then there is nothing for me?"

Wang Yuguo quickly sat upright, put his hands on the table and crossed his fingers.

"It's nothing for you. Let's have a good year. It doesn't matter if you want to come back or continue to be there. Anyway, it's fine."

The village party secretary understood and realized his own mistakes. He should not go against the collective will of the villagers.

Some things are not just about money.

It is not that the villagers are happy when the village makes a lot of money, the village chief is happy, and his face is bright.


If you continue to make everyone unhappy, everyone will be unhappy together.

Of course, someone in the village is still responsible, not that he doesn't need to deal with anything.

There are still some volunteers in the village who always need to find a person in charge. Since the village chief and village cadres and villagers have run away, if he runs with him, he is the only one who is unlucky.

After all, he is not from this village.

To some extent, this person is the only village cadre in the village who can be responsible.

And also qualified.


Zhou Yu didn't know that he just said it casually, and directly put a lot of people's business on the ground.

Guo Song drove the bus and waited for people outside the airport. He happily walked over after seeing Zhou Yu and others coming out.

"You are here, I will drive you over!"

When Zhou Yu saw the bus behind him, he curiously said, "Do you have a driver's license for the bus?"

Guo Song proudly said: "I just took the exam recently!"

Zhou Yu is a little strange, is this kind of driver's license so easy to take?

"I am also planning to learn to car recently, but I didn't think about what car to buy, and Modu couldn't find a place to practice car."

Guo Song said: "This place is big and wide, so you can practice your bike!"

Zhou Yu was very happy, "Okay! Then I will stay here for a few more days, just to learn to drive!"

Mila saw that she had never seen Guo Song, and shook her hand very happily, "Hello, this is Mila!"

Guo Song said with a smile: "I heard Li Meng say about you, a very talkative little girl."

Mira heard Li Meng say about herself, and said happily: "Li Meng is very good!"

Zhou Yu didn't want Mila to continue to be ashamed here, and soon got into the car with Guo Song and others.

Pharmacist Li Jing asked: "Didn't the seniors come together?"

Zhou Yu explained: "They said there are too many people, so they won't be together."

Li Zheng and Li Yuan said, "Are you Li Yuan? Have you been practicing martial arts recently?"

Li Yuan soon went to the back row to talk with Li Zheng and others.

Mila also wanted to go to the back row, but Zhou Yu was dragged to sit in the front.

"You are in charge of shooting. You can only take pictures of landscapes, not people."

Zhou Yu found something for Mila to do so that she wouldn't be annoying.

After getting off the plane, the woman's positive value disappeared.

Zhou Yu stood beside Guo Song, leaning on the chair with one hand.

"It's still snowing here? The snow on the side of the road looks a lot."

While driving, Guo Song said, "Why don't you sit down, Brother Zhou?"

Zhou Yu explained: "I plan to learn to drive, so see how you drive."

When Guo Song heard it, he smiled and said, "Okay, it's not difficult to learn to drive, just concentrate on it."

Zhou Yu felt that Guo Song said random words, but he had a high compelling number, and knew that things that were simple to Guo Song and others were not necessarily simple to him.

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry, anyway, even if I learn to drive, like this kind of snowy and rainy weather, I'll still take a taxi."

Guo Song said: "Little Brother Zhou is right. I usually drive mainly to pull goods and work. Thanks to you, Brother Zhou, we can finally relax for a while."

Zhou Yu was at a but soon thought of it!

It must be that they usually patronize work, and just came over by themselves these few days, and everyone put aside the things in their hands to accompany him.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yu felt warm.

Zhou Yu couldn't remember what he said casually, he didn't have that good memory, and he didn't realize how important his chat with Guo Bie was.

Zhou Yu was very pleased and said happily: "Actually, you don’t need to be so busy. A friend named Huang Tao sent me a lot of money. Although it hasn’t arrived yet, it’s coming in a while. It's enough for me to live without any worries!"

Guo Song usually doesn't care about these things, so he said happily after hearing that, "Congratulations, Brother Zhou! I heard Li Jing talk about Huang Tao, so what kind of person is he?"

Zhou Yu didn't know much about Huang Tao, so she picked what she knew and said:

"He is a very calm and kind-hearted person. He is willing to share. He has strong medical skills and is not very young. He is thirty-six years old."

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