Five Hundred Guo Jing

Chapter 107: Don't want to do it

   Zhou Yu took another big order, but before he was happy, he quickly contacted Guo Zheng.

   After Guo Zheng heard the incident, he smiled on his mobile phone and said, "It's just a small matter. If there is any order from Brother Zhou, just say it."

   Zhou Yu was very happy, "It's not an order, this company is very good, and the reputation is very good now, let's do a publicity to others, not to deceive."

  The idea of ​​Guo Zheng and others is to help Zhou Yu collect enough money to buy a house, so they are still very willing to work that is easy to pay.

   "Listen to Brother Zhou, I heard that a girl named Mila went to your place?"

   Zhou Yu didn't know from whom Guo knew about it. Li Meng and Li Lei both knew about this, and the two of them often walked around. It seemed that they were talking in the group.

   "Yes, it is true."

   Guo Zheng asked: "How is Brother Zhou?"

   Zhou Yu raised his head forty-five degrees and looked at the blue sky outside the window. This is the sky of the magic city.

   "It's still the same." Zhou Gongjin suddenly started art.

   "That's it..." Guo Zheng was very embarrassed and didn't say much anymore.

   The awkward conversation soon ended. After the shoe seller came over, Guo Zheng came over again.

   After Zhou Yu contacted Guo Zheng, she also contacted Li Jing, who was filming the film.

   "Li Jing, you've been doing it for a long time, is this money so hard to earn?"

   Zhou Yu has always made quick money, and the flow money itself is the kind of very fast money, which can be said to be the fastest money making right now.

   When it comes to entities, such as mutton, the speed of making money drops a lot.

   In Zhou Yu's opinion, Li Jing took too long this time.

   Li Jing quickly said: "In the beginning, it was quite simple, but those people later disagreeed. Wang Daudao and the people from the game company didn't discuss how to do it. Now I am idle."

   Zhou Yu said: "Didn't it just say that it's all about making a game promotion? What's the matter about the game company?"

   He received money from Wang Daudao, not from the game company, whether he wanted it or not.

   Li Jing is also very helpless.

   "The filming was over a long time ago, and it took us two days to finish the filming. When Wang Daudao did special effects, I felt unsatisfied. I heard others say that Wang Daudao wanted to be a director and shoot a film by himself to participate in the competition."

   "Later, people from the game company also came over and told me to collect some actions. They also invited many people to make up and shoot me."

   "Then the two sides quarreled, and I was idle, and now I don’t know what to do."

   Li Jing also wanted to get out early. He didn't like the feeling of being surrounded. Since coming over, the enthusiasm of many people made him feel uncomfortable.

   Zhou Yu said directly: "Then you just come back, anyway, you have already finished shooting that, and the big deal is that we will refund the money, don't be so troublesome, I now earn hundreds of thousands a day."

   Fortunately, he didn't sign the contract at the time. Zhou Yu felt that he had just returned the money he received to Wang Daudao. Besides, Guo Jing had been helping others for a month, and it was the opposite of himself.

   Isn't it possible that if you can't finish filming, you won't be able to work for someone for the rest of your life?

   Li Jing said happily: "Okay! Then I will go straight away!"

   Zhou Yu was even more embarrassed when he heard Li Jing's happy tone.

   After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yu felt that she needed a lawyer, otherwise she might have entered because of various problems.

  Thinking about this issue carefully, Zhou Yu worked hard to concentrate all his intelligence.

   Soon, Zhixi’s Zhou Yu found a way out!

   This way out shocked Zhou Yu herself. At this time, Zhou Yu looked hesitant and shocked!

   Calabash Baby is always like this, and she can always scare herself.

   The normal way is to think about how to find a lawyer, or find someone to ask the contact information of a law firm.

   However, Zhou Yu himself does not have the kind of social approach of a high-level person, and does not have the powerful and complex interpersonal relationship and negotiation skills.

   Various unspoken rules of society, Zhou Yu has always avoided rather than exploited them.

   So under Zhou Yu's "normal" way of thinking, he soon came to the road of self-destruction.

   "Bankruptcy! Dissolve the company!"

   As long as it goes bankrupt, as long as Zhou Gongjin’s 502 Network Technology Co., Ltd. is dissolved, there is no need for a lawyer, let alone so many messy things.

   Even these tens of thousands of monthly rent and property fees don’t have to be paid!

   The more serious he thinks, the more Zhou Yu tends to kill himself.

   "The only role of this company is to help me avoid tax legally, but if I avoid tax legally, I must hire an accountant. I don't know any tax laws!"

   "Have an accountant, then a lawyer, and big companies pay a lot of taxes. I still have to pay my own personal tax!"

   The more I think about it, the more troublesome it becomes. This company loses its meaning.

   Even if you start a company to avoid taxes, but the investment is too great, Zhou Yu's idea is to buy a flat and just lie flat, and don't think about things above the tens of millions level at all.

   Don't say ten million, even if it is five million, it is already very satisfying.

   The income of UP owners fluctuates too much, and it is difficult to save up to 5 million.

   The main reason is that Zhou Yu has no confidence in herself.

   His popularity is based on others. Zhou Yu is very strong at this point, so he has no confidence to maintain his popularity.

   Zhou Yu carefully calculated his savings again. Now there is still a big gap between buying a house. Although he is now a somewhat famous figure, he can even be regarded as a top-up owner, but it is still a bit difficult.

   Zhou Yu is very distressed about his future. He just wants to lie down, not to struggle hard.

   Just when Zhou Yu was in distress, others were also distressed.

   Li Jing also had no luggage to pack. After he was able to go, he naturally ran away soon.

   The people here are not so familiar with them that Li Jing greets people when he leaves.

   In Li Jing's view, these people around are all working for others, but if they leave, these people will definitely not let themselves go so smoothly.

   are both workers, but Li Jing feels that these people are a bit bad and always arrange this and that thing for him constantly.

   Everyone here seems to be very enthusiastic, but Li Jing doesn't feel enthusiastic here, at most it is the kind of enthusiasm of the store.

   Li Jing left a note and ran away, which made the rest of the people anxious.

   Soon Wang Daudao called Zhou Gongjin.

   "Zhou Yu! Why did Li Jing run away without saying a word!"

   Zhou Yu is very troubled. If you want to make money, do you have to deal with this kind of mess every day?

   I feel very unhappy every day now, even if I go to a foot massage shop, I am not happy, it is not as good as the previous one thousand days in January.

   Although I recalled nothing worth remembering, but at least I don’t think about things every day.

   "He doesn't want to do it anymore."

   I don’t want to do it either.

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