Five Elements Heaven

Volume One Chapter 330 The Four Seasons of the Kingdom of God

Stepping onto the territory of the Kingdom of God, the road is lined with towering blood trees, which are vigorous and ferocious, standing like monsters.

Smelling the familiar sweet fragrance made She Yu feel good.

The first batch of blood trees that were infected with blood poison had been turned into fertilizer after producing a batch of seeds. Today's blood trees are all grown from the seeds of blood trees. Just like the super vitality possessed by all life in the Kingdom of God, these second-generation blood tree saplings grew into big trees in just one year.

The crazy growth rate completely subverts the previous rules of plants.

The blood tree is in bloom, and the flowers are blooming everywhere. In the Blood Sea Forest, where the main color is bright red, the color of the flowers is completely different from the Five Elements Sky. There are no bright colors, the colors are deep, mainly black and white, and occasionally sky blue can be seen. Many people like to pick them off and take them into vases at home.

Gently pluck a black flower. The petals are as crystal clear as ink jade, exuding a refreshing fragrance. For Yuan Xiu, this kind of fragrance will make them distracted and crazy, but for Shen Xiu, it is extremely enjoyable.

By this time next year, the place will be laden with fruit. After the fruit is picked and refined, it can produce a natural blood crystal, which can help the cultivation of gods. Different from the blood crystals bred in the blood beast's body, the blood crystals produced by trees are called fruit jade.

She Yu had some expectations that the appearance of Guo Yu would greatly consolidate the rule of the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God was able to stabilize quickly because it found a way to raise blood beasts to obtain blood crystals, thus being able to convert primitive cultivators into divine cultivators on a large scale. Now that Guoyu exists, cultivation materials will be greatly increased, and the strength of the Kingdom of God will be even greater.

The top management also attaches great importance to this. The entire Kingdom of God has already been preparing for the first large-scale fruit jade picking since the establishment of the Kingdom of God.

One month after the fruit jade is picked, the winter of the Kingdom of God begins every three years, which is called grey winter. After picking the fruit jade, the blood tree will quickly wither and turn to ashes, and the entire world will lose its bright colors and turn into a gray world, so it is called gray winter.

Life in the Kingdom of God is often powerful, splendid and short-lived.

Gray winters are very long, and for up to a year, people have to endure deathly gray.

But during the year-long gray winter, people are not idle. People need to find the seeds of the blood tree among the ashes all over the mountains and plains. The collected seeds will be sent to specialized institutions for evaluation. The seeds with a high degree of metamorphosis will be retained and sown after the gray winter. And those seeds that have not become stronger will be destroyed on the spot.

Either become stronger or perish, this is the law of the Kingdom of God.

After gray winter comes Xiangchun, from sprouting to growing into a big tree, all in Xiangchun's short period of one year. Because the growth rate is so fast, the crackling sound of growing trees is everywhere, so it is called Xiangchun.

After Xiangchun, there is Mingguang Summer. Because it is the flower season, the blooming flowers, no matter what color they are, will emit light at night, so it is called Mingguang Summer.

Today is Mingguangxia.

After Mingguang Xia, it is Guo Yuqiu.

Reincarnation occurs once every four years, and until now, the Kingdom of God has not experienced a complete four seasons. The great priest in the palace told her that every stage of the blood tree in the first generation was incomplete, and in this generation the blood tree would begin to slowly stabilize.

The Kingdom of God is so new that it has not even experienced the four seasons completed at once.

Suddenly the ground shook, and a group of armored wolf knights rushed over. Under their crotches was the famous Liehua Night Wolf.

The night wolf from the Huoliaoyuan is a new breed cultivated through the Beast Gu Palace. Its dark body is dotted with red flower-shaped markings. The Liehua Night Wolf is larger than a horse, like a hill. They are very good at running and have excellent endurance. They once set an astonishing record of running long distances for ten days and ten nights.

The Beast Gu Palace is not satisfied with the Liehua Night Wolf. They hope to breed large birds. Those that can run on the ground will never be as good as those that fly in the sky.

However, the Beast Gu Palace still named this brand new night wolf after the Liehua Department, one of the thirteen departments of the Five Elements Heaven.

The Fierce Flower Night Wolf became popular throughout the Kingdom of God as soon as it was launched. It is cheap, easy to raise, and hardworking.

The officially used Liehua Night Wolf is the highest level. In addition to the above advantages, it also has strong combat effectiveness. It can cooperate with knights to launch attacks. Once in battle, it is not afraid of death. It is an excellent combat mount.

Congratulations to Your Highness. The young master is full of praise for your performance and has specially ordered his subordinates to welcome His Highness! Salute!

Bang, all the knights raised their weapons and saluted She Yu.

She Yu bowed and returned the greeting, then stood up and said, Young master arranged everything well. How is your health lately?

The knight smiled and said: Young Master is in a good mood. He has spent a lot more time in the sun these two days than before.

That's good, the young master's health is the most important. She Yu was quite happy to hear this.

In the entire Kingdom of God, there is only one person who is called the Young Master, and that is Beishui Sheng, the Sick Tiger of the Kingdom of God. The young master suffered from a strange disease since he was a child and almost died several times. Later, he met the Emperor Sage, who cherished his talent and worked hard to save him.

After the establishment of the Kingdom of God, the Emperor Sage built a palace specifically for him in order to save the young master, and channeled countless abundant vitality to extend the young master's life. The young master's health gradually stabilized, but he could not leave the palace all year round.

The young master named his palace the Cold Palace and always joked that his palace was even colder than the cold palace where the concubines who broke the law stayed.

When the young master is in a good mood, he likes to sit behind the palace gate and bask in the sun. People who are familiar with the young master will judge his mood based on this.

The young master is deeply loved by everyone. The kingdom of God can be what it is today, and the young master deserves the most credit. The Emperor Sage was obsessed with cultivation and almost never took care of things. Almost all the rules and strategies when the Kingdom of God was first established came from the hands of the young master. Including the rebellion against Ye Baiyi, it was also the suggestion of the young master, and he personally persuaded the Emperor Sage, and finally succeeded.

After Ye Baiyi defected to the army, the young master overcame all opinions and handed over the military power completely to Ye Baiyi, and personally ordered the construction of the God of War Palace for Ye Baiyi.

Ye Baiyi also lived up to the great trust, reorganized the war department, studied tactics that were in line with the spiritual cultivators, changed the past situation where the spiritual cultivators were chaotic and fought independently, and quickly stabilized the battle situation on the front line.

Others, such as the transcendence of innocent souls in the induction field, the promotion of raising blood beasts to obtain blood crystals, etc., were all done by the young master.

She Yu sometimes thinks how wonderful it would be if the young master was not sick and his body was as good as ever.

Three days later, She Yu and her party finally arrived at Leng Palace after traveling day and night.

In the empty and deserted Leng Palace, a young man lay lazily in the sun slanting in behind the door of the deepest hall. There was a long-handled pot and a half cup of tea at his feet.

She Yu walked ten feet in front of the door, where a futon and a long table had been set up. On the long table were a clay stove, a kettle and other tea utensils.

The two of them sat across from each other.

A smile appeared on Bei Shuisheng's pale face, and he said casually: When you get to me, you have to do it yourself.

She Yu smiled sweetly and boiled water by herself to make tea.

Tell me what interesting things happened along the way. Staying in this terrible place every day is almost boring. The young man's eyes were full of curiosity and expectation, no different from ordinary young people.

She Yu felt sour in her heart. It seemed that the person in front of her was not the powerful young master, but the ordinary little brother next door. However, a smile appeared on her face and she said softly: Actually, it's not bad. Jade Forest is also in this season. The flower season is the season when Feather Flowers are in full bloom. Feather Flowers are like pink feathers. They fly everywhere when the wind blows. They also make a sound like wind chimes, which is very nice. Girls will like it better. But at night , our Kingdom of God is still more beautiful...

The young man listened intently and did not interrupt.

After a long time, he subconsciously picked up the tea cup and brought it to his mouth. As soon as the tea entered his mouth, he frowned and muttered: The tea is cold.

He picked up the long-handled pot, opened the lid, and looked down to see that it was empty.

Some hot tea.

The long-handled kettle sticks out halfway from the door line, like a thin outstretched hand.

She Yu was startled and felt inexplicably sad. Only now did she know why the young master used a long-handled pot.

She quickly picked up the teapot that had just been brewed on the table, got up and walked quickly to the door.

The young master reminded her gently: Be careful not to touch the door line. You won't be able to stand the things inside.

She Yu carefully filled the half-extended long-handled pot with tea.

The young master poured his own tea cup and took a sip: Keep going, the outside world is really fun.

She Yu told him how she got drunk in a brothel in the evening of Duanmu, and challenged herself again.

The young master said he was really a good man.

Speaking of the establishment of Yinghua Fengshe in the evening of Duanmu, the young master sighed.

Then he talked about how Shi Xueman summoned the God-Suppressing Peak and ambushed the envoys in the middle of the night when they were withdrawing. The young master high-fived and praised Taoist Xueman for being a woman who would not be inferior to men. Life should be like this.

Talking about the struggle between the aristocratic family and the new democratic faction, the young master laughed loudly and said that they were a group of clowns who had lost their spirit.

He talked about how Shi Xueman kidnapped Duanmu Huang and was expelled from the Beihai Department on his way back, but rushed to Ningcheng. Then he talked about how the Songjian faction heard the news about Ai Hui and gathered from all directions to collect materials for the eight-treasure porridge.

The young master was fascinated and said that these people were really united and must be good brothers.

Talking about the Huoshan Tianzun guarding the gate for a bowl of porridge, and even took two deputy radicals with him; talking about the various strange phenomena of the eight-treasure porridge, the young master swallowed his saliva and thought to himself that the porridge must taste great, and Loulan will definitely be caught in the future. Let him make porridge and so on.

Returning to the Yunling City War, their actions were so successful. Five Elements Heaven was completely in disarray, but the young master was full of joy.

Fortunately, we didn't choose Ning Cheng. Otherwise, if such an interesting group of people died like this, the world would be too boring.

She Yu's face was filled with astonishment.

The young master stretched and stood up with the teapot and cup: Okay, now that we have rested, it's time to work. They live such a wonderful life, and I have to work hard. Thank you for chatting with me for so long. I can't help but I’m really sorry to send you out.”

A smile appeared on the boy's pale face: You have to work hard too!

Waving to She Yu, he turned around and walked into the darkness behind the door.

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