One update arrived.


"Take these medicines back and remember to apply them twice a day." Zeng Meili handed two tubes of ointment for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis to Chu Xia, "Remember from now on, the way to solve problems is not just hands-on!"

"Yes!" Chu Xia would not refute the kind reminder.

"Lin Chuxia..." After a pause, Zeng Meili waved her hand, "Go back and rest early. Don't fail the exam tomorrow."

She was talking about the rules and regulations test, which is the first test for recruits.

"Yes!" Chu Xia responded and walked out. She was puzzled. She always felt that Zeng Meili paid special attention to her? From the last selection to this medicine donation...

"Chu Xia..." When they were about to arrive at the girls' dormitory area, Luo Xiaoqiong came over with a worried look on her face, "Did Captain Zeng scold you?"

"No." Chu Xia shook her head, feeling warm in her heart, "Have you been waiting here?"

"Yeah..." Luo Xiaoqiong curled her lips, "If I wasn't afraid of being discovered by Captain Zeng, why would I have traveled so far to wait? There must be a spy in our dormitory, otherwise, how could Captain Zeng find out about the fight so quickly? , Chu Xia, let’s be careful what we say in the future.”

"Ok, I know."

"But Chu Xia, you really impressed me today. I always thought that although you had a bad temper in the past, you only dared to be mean to your family members. Later, you were not mean to your family members anymore, but you were more like sheep.

Every time your aunt and your sister-in-law bully you, they act so cowardly, today. It finally surprised me, early summer. That's it from now on.

A good person will be bullied by others, and a good horse will be ridden by others. The more you endure and give in, the more some people will bully you. If you really get tough, they will be afraid.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t beat him, don’t you still have me? No matter who you fight with in the future, it will be counted as mine. Today, the main reason is that you didn't react, otherwise. Sun Shangmei is definitely a pig-headed person. Let me tell you, I regret it. Hmm, I made a note of this..."

"Okay..." Listening to someone talking more and more enthusiastically, Chu Xia quickly interrupted her, "Captain Zeng has already warned me that fighting is not the only way to solve the problem.

If it hadn't been for the first day of reporting today, I would have been detained by now. I’d better try to avoid doing this kind of thing as much as possible in the future.

It would be too embarrassing if it was really driven back, wouldn't it? "

"Then let them bully you?" Luo Xiaoqiong frowned. A look of reluctance.

"The rules and regulations are not just for us. From now on, Sun Shangmei will not dare to do this. Of course, if she really wants to sit on our necks and shit, we can't let it go, right?"

Luo Xiaoqiong nodded: "That's pretty much it. Anyway, I will advance and retreat with you."

"Will you advance and retreat with me?" Chu Xia shook her head with a smile, "If you really advance and retreat with me, you will be farther and farther away from the position of squad leader."

"As far as it goes, I can't throw away your good friend just to compete for the position of monitor, but you don't have to be so unsure.

Although your body is a little weak, you are good in cultural classes. If you are willing to work hard, let alone me, you can fight for the position of monitor. "

"Spare me." Chu Xia smiled bitterly and shook her head, "Can you imagine, I took everyone out for exercise, and then stayed behind half-dead from exhaustion?"

"Haha..." Luo Xiaoqiong rubbed her head and laughed, "Yeah, it's really hard for you, so just work harder and don't hold me back. I'll fight for the position of squad leader. How about that?"

Chu Xia nodded: "Okay, I'll work harder and try not to hold you back. The inconsistency and the inconsistencies in saying you can't abandon this good friend of mine for the position of squad leader are actually just making excuses. If you can’t choose, you say it’s for me, but if you choose, I’m still not sure how happy I am.”

"Chu Xia, you are so smart, how do you know I am using you as a shield?" Luo Xiaoqiong giggled, "Human beings, you have to find some excuse for yourself, right?"

"It's a disservice to your friends!"

"I am basically a good friend, how can I be a bad friend?"

"Can a good friend use friends as stepping stones?"

"Sacrificing yourself for me once in a while doesn't mean that I've always been so good to you, right?"


The bickering between the two not only did not make Chu Xia angry, but instead made her feel warm in her heart.

This deity is really lucky. I think she didn't have such a friend who thought about her in her own time. He was obviously worried that she would have a psychological burden, so he deliberately said such words to comfort her.

Thinking about it this way, although Fat Aunt and Luo Gangshun were a little selfish back then, they were quite interesting to Lin Baohe and his wife later.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, even if Luo Gangshun took the responsibility on himself, it would not change the fact that Lin Baohe put food in his pocket. The final result could only be that both of them were punished.

Then, in the next few years, Luo Gangshun and his wife would not be able to help Lin Baohe. In this way, Chu Xia's grudge against the fat aunt has really disappeared.

The two walked into the dormitory, and everyone's eyes were turned towards them.

Qiao Ningyi smiled at the two of them: "The water room will be closed soon, you two go and wash up quickly."

"Thank you." They thanked each other, took out the basin from under the bed, and went to the bathroom.

"Lin Chuxia, are you okay?" Liu Meijun followed.

"It's okay." Chu Xia shook her head and smiled lightly at her, "Thank you for your concern."

"No, no, no..." Liu Meijun smiled and waved her hands, "We are comrades in arms, and we should care about each other."

"Did they say anything?" Luo Xiaoqiong asked curiously.

"After coming back, Sun Shangmei kept a sullen face and said nothing, while Squad Leader Qiao did whatever she was supposed to do..." Liu Meijun sighed, "I have friends in other classes, and they are all very united.

By the way, I heard from my friend that our class is absolutely Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. From now on, the news about Absolute will not stop these days. "

"What's the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon method?" Luo Xiaoqiong asked curiously.

"Yang Xiaoli's father is the mayor of City A. Her grandfather has just retired from the position of provincial governor. There are two uncles in the family with high official positions.

It turns out that Mengmeng's father is the director of the Agricultural Machinery Bureau. Otherwise, why would she be so flattering to Yang Xiaoli? Qi Jihong's father is also a subordinate of Yang Xiaoli's father, and seems to be the director of the Education Bureau.

Do you think these people are willing to obey Squad Leader Qiao's command? I think what happened tonight was probably the news they went to report.

In the following days, Squad Leader Qiao will feel sad. Yang Xiaoli is well-known in the circle for her domineering nature. How can she honestly be Squad Leader Qiao's deputy? "

"How do you know so clearly?" Chu Xia asked doubtfully after spitting out the mouthwash.

"The father of a comrade in my friend's class is the municipal party committee secretary of City A. He is obviously the top leader, but Yang Xiaoli's father is so suppressed that he cannot hold his head up.

She was also angry, so she reported on it on the first day and told her everything about Yang Xiaoli clearly. I went to find my friend, who just listened to the general idea and asked a few more questions, hehe..."

Liu Meijun was a little embarrassed about her gossip.

"The fight between gods has nothing to do with us mortals." Chu Xia spread her hands and said, "Monitor Qiao is definitely not a simple person. If you don't believe me, just watch."

Luo Xiaoqiong nodded: "I can see it. From the way she behaves, she is definitely not a child from an ordinary farmer's family. I even think that she got in the car midway just to hide her identity."

"In this case, it will be even more chaotic." Liu Meijun shook her head helplessly, "I just want to be a simple female medical soldier, how come I am assigned to such a class?"

"Didn't I say it in early summer? The fight between gods has nothing to do with mortals. We just need to train well. By the way..." Luo Xiaoqiong put her hand on Liu Meijun's shoulder, "Why are you so nice to us?"

"I have to find a companion, right? Yang Xiaoli's gang doesn't seem to get along with me at first glance. Squad leader Qiao seems to be easy to talk to, but he is indifferent to everyone. Sun Shangmei's desire for power is too great. Well, such people don't need friends.

Lin Mengran and Qu Xiaojing have an excellent relationship, and they don’t seem to like others getting involved between them. The relationship between you two is no worse than the relationship between Lin Mengran and Qu Xiaojing, but the way you get along is Unlike them, I believe that as long as I am kind, you don't mind having one more friend, right? "

Chu Xia gave her a thumbs up: "It would be a shame if you don't go to a psychiatrist."

"I have really studied psychology. Let me tell you, my grandfather is a psychiatrist, but..." Liu Xiaojun's expression dimmed, and then he changed the topic, "Let's go back and ask the administrator to come over and chase us. It’s not good.”

A night of silence.

At five o'clock in the morning, the wake-up call sounded.

The recruit classes were in a hectic state. Although they got up not too late at home, when did they get up at five o'clock?

Chu Xia, who had never gotten up before seven o'clock, covered her head with the quilt and squinted again.

Luo Xiaoqiong, who was hurriedly putting on clothes, saw that the quilt on the bed was bulging and motionless. She bent over and patted the bulging: "Get up, Chu Xia, get up quickly! It's morning exercises, we can't come here. Yesterday the captain was not As I said, get up quickly..."

The belt was not tied yet, and the pants were a little loose. Luo Xiaoqiong was shaking her body to take pictures of Chu Xia, and her pants suddenly fell to her heels, exposing her white thighs...

Chu Xia sat up in a daze and woke up immediately when she saw Luo Xiaoqiong hurriedly picking up her pants. She wanted to laugh but was afraid that Luo Xiaoqiong would be angry, so she could only hold back and put on her clothes.

The more anxious she became, the more mistakes she made. She accidentally put her clothes on backwards, so she quickly took them off and put them on again.

"Chu Xia, hurry up." Liu Meijun shouted and ran out, leaving only Chu Xia and Luo Xiaoqiong in the room.

"You go out first, I'll be there soon."

"Hurry up and stop being wordy." Luo Xiaoqiong said as she hurriedly helped Chu Xia organize her clothes. . )

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