The first update is coming——

After taking a shower in early summer, she came out to dry her hair and breathed away. She was really tired.

Some things are just so strange. I didn’t know what was wrong with the bun in my stomach. After I found out, all kinds of symptoms appeared immediately.

But it was the best age after all. After sleeping for more than an hour and waking up, she felt refreshed and comfortable everywhere.

Just after changing clothes, Zhou Mikang opened the door and came in: "Why did you wake up so soon?" He looked at her nervously, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Chu Xia rolled her eyes at him and was too lazy to answer him. Why did she ask her this question every time? It felt like he was specifically looking forward to making her uncomfortable.

Zhou Mikang looked at her complexion, with a smile on his lips: "Okay, okay, I was wrong. I saw you woke up so soon, so I was worried about you."

"Are my parents up?". Chu Xia asked.

"No, they are too tired during this period, and they are pretentious. How can they rest so quickly? The meal will be late. Do you want me to go out for a walk with you?"

"No." Chu Xia shook her head without thinking, "Why am I going for a walk in this cold weather? Others saw it and thought there was something wrong with my brain."

"Are you shy that others know you are pregnant?" Zhou Mikang coughed lightly, "I already told the elders about this when you were taking a bath just now."

"You, you," Chu Xia looked at him angrily, "Didn't you promise me not to talk for the time being? How can you keep your words? I will never believe you again!"

"Sooner or later, sooner or later, we have to say, can you delay today or tomorrow? The result will be the same?" Zhou Mikang looked at her seriously. "You don't really think this is embarrassing, do you?"

"No." Chu Xia sat back on the bed wilfully, "I don't think this matter is embarrassing. I just want to get the matter settled. After all, the teacher and senior sister have already gone to work. I always go to give them a New Year's greetings and handover. Hand over?"

"In your mind, your grandparents, parents, and parents are so unreasonable?"

"It's not unreasonable, but they will definitely be worried about me and don't like me going to the hospital. I don't want to make them unhappy, but if I don't go like this, I feel sorry for the teacher.

I know. You promised me to go to school during my pregnancy,

I can definitely do it, but besides that, I also want to take care of the teacher’s side of things.

And Mr. Yuan, he is so kind to me and thinks so highly of me, so I have to go and say goodbye to him, right? Hey, he must be very disappointed when he finds out. I promised to learn from him before.”

Zhou Mikang interrupted her helplessly: "Can we stop thinking so much all at once? Don't worry so much about what others think? Right now, your health is the most important thing, do you understand?"

"I understand, but they are all good to me. They are kind, how could I not care about what they think? If they are insignificant people, of course I will not care."


"Yes." Chu Xia looked at him puzzled. "Do you think I'm lying?"

"I'm not lying, I feel like you're running away." Zhou Mikang looked at her steadily. "You have found various reasons, but the most fundamental reason is actually this. You don't want to be a mother so early, so you are conflicted in your heart and always thinking about escaping. You can refute me, but calm down. Then, if you think about it carefully, you will understand whether what I said is true."

Chu Xia remained silent and didn't know what she was thinking.

Anyway, she was not in a particularly good mood ever since she learned that she had a baby in her belly.

Before, she thought it was because one thing after another happened at home that affected her mood, but now that she thinks about it, it doesn't seem to be that way.

For example, when she was at Qiao's house, she actually disagreed with my mother's intervention in Che Yali's matter, but she only gave in after a slight objection. At that time, she felt that she didn't want my mother to regret it in the future, but now she thinks about it. , the bigger reason seems to be that I can leave one day late.

Also, when she arrived at the Zhang family, she even hoped that the Zhang family's soon-to-be daughter-in-law, who had broken off the engagement, would make a fuss, giving her a reason to stay and delay for one more day.

It's not that she doesn't know these hidden thoughts, it's just that she doesn't want to think about them and is deliberately avoiding them.

After all, she still couldn't accept becoming a mother at the age of eighteen.

Well, even if her real age was twenty-two and she became a mother, she still couldn't accept it.

You are still a child and you are about to become a mother?

However, she also knew that she had to accept it or not. If she dared to say that she didn't want this child now, everyone in the family would be heartbroken, including her parents.

Moreover, she just couldn't accept it. If she were asked to abort the child, she would not be able to bear it. After all, this was the fate between the child and her, and she could not kill him (her).

She breathed a long sigh of relief and forced a smile to look at Zhou Mikang: "I will slowly adjust myself. Maybe it's because I just started getting pregnant and it's hard for my body and mind to adapt."

"Hey!" With a heavy sigh, Zhou Mikang hugged her, "You look like this make me feel very distressed and blame myself. In fact, I have thought about it, if you really don't want this child, you don't have to, or even... I secretly consulted the doctor, but the answer was that if you don't do it, it will do a lot of harm to your body, and the operation is very painful.

Chu Xia, can you tell me, if you don’t want children now, is it because you are too young or because you don’t have confidence in me? Or in your heart, our relationship has not reached this stage yet? "

"I" paused, then Chu Xia said, "I'm just not fully mentally prepared yet. I believe you, but this matter deviates from our previous plan, so I need to have an adaptation process.

Zhou Mikang, don't worry, I won't give up on this child. I haven't really thought about it. It's one thing not to accept it, but it's another thing to kill a life. "

"You left one item unanswered," Zhou Mikang insisted.

"Your personality is so complicated." Chu Xia raised her head and glanced at him funny, "You're already married, and you're still saying that your relationship isn't that deep. What do you want to do? Do you still want to find someone else?"

"Nonsense!" Zhou Mikang glared at her, "I want to know your true thoughts so that I can decide what to do. You know, I don't want to force you."

"You mean, if I say I can't have feelings and don't want this child, you will really take me to abort the child?"

"Hey!" Zhou Mikang sighed, "If there is no harm to your body, I will do it immediately, but now, I must seek the opinions of experts to see which method will cause the least harm to your body. ."

"Isn't it the same as what you didn't say?" Chu Xia curled her lips, "As long as it is an operation, there is no harm to the body. But when it comes to the real degree of harm to the body, giving birth must be more harmful than abortion, right? Then don't you If you don't let me give birth, why don't you give birth to me instead?"

"I would like to, but I don't have the ability." Zhou Mikang looked at the knife dumbfounded, "Can you think of something reliable with your little head?"

Chu Xia snorted coldly: "Tsk, I just can't bear to see you saying big things but not being able to do it."

"I'm not talking big words, I really think that way, and you remember, I will never force you to do anything in this life. As long as you decide, I will support you."

Chu Xia looked at him seriously for a while, and the determination in his eyes finally made her stop arguing with him: "I believe you, but I decided to have this child."

"Okay." Zhou Mikang placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, "All my efforts in this life are to make you and your child live a better life. You have to believe me."

Chu Xia nodded: "I believe it."

"I have already discussed it with my grandparents, parents, and I will help you rent a larger house outside the school. Dad and mom will live there and take care of you. When you get older, grandma and mom will go there often.

However, you have to go home and live half a month before the birth, and after the child is born, you have to take care of yourself at home before going to school. Can you agree to these, right? "

Chu Xia's eyes widened in surprise: "They agreed?"

"Of course, if you don't agree, why should I tell you this?"

"You're so good, Zhou Mikang, I love you to death!" Chu Xia jumped up excitedly and kissed him wildly on the face. Then, she noticed that the head of the group, Tongzi, was as red as a shrimp.

"Cough" Chu Xia felt uncomfortable herself. She was so excited that she got a little carried away. She thought they had known each other for so long and had been married for so long, but she had never been so proactive.

"Hmm" Suddenly, her lips were blocked by him. She could feel his emotional excitement and body heat. She was nervous, but not worried, because she knew that he was a measured person.

When the two walked out of the room, Zhao Yulan, Lin Baohe and Lin Wenbin were already in the hall.

Chu Xia could feel that when she went downstairs, the elders looked at her with worry.

In an instant, her heart was filled with emotion. Although she was so worried, she could agree to let her go to school and live outside. How difficult was it for them to make this decision? !

However, when she thought about Yu Tao's pregnancy, although her elders were worried, they finally complied with Yu Tao's wishes and allowed her to continue working. She felt that her previous struggles were a bit excessive.

The elders of the Zhou family have always been reasonable, or maybe she was frightened by her grandparents in Dalin Village and Luo Xiaoqiong's grandparents, so she thought a little too much for a while.

"Xia, come, sit next to grandma." Mrs. Zhou patted the seat next to her, and Chu Xia sat down obediently. (To be continued...) ()

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