"Where are my parents?" There was only Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao in the room, Chu Xia asked anxiously, "Did you go to Third Uncle's place?"

"Xia, get on the kang quickly, get on the kang quickly..." Mrs. Zhao didn't bother to answer her words. She took her hand and led her to the kang. "The kang is hot. Xia is sitting on the kang. Hurry up." , Xiaoqiong, you also sit on the kang..."

"Grandpa, grandpa, did my parents go to my third uncle's place?" Helpless, Chu Xia had no choice but to ask again.

"Xia, don't think about anything now, just take good care of yourself. Don't worry, your parents are accompanied by your uncle Gangshun, your fat aunt, and Wen Bin..."

Chu Xia interrupted her anxiously: "Grandma, how could I not think about anything? Just tell me the details of our departure. Otherwise, how can I let go of my heart?"

Looking at her granddaughter's anxious and red face, Mrs. Zhao sighed helplessly: "You kid, why are you so impatient? Come up and sit down first, catch your breath, and drink some hot water, okay?" "

Chu Xia looked at Mr. Zhao: "Grandpa!"

Looking at the old lady, Mr. Zhao waved his hand helplessly: "Okay, okay, grandpa tells you, don't be anxious, okay? Look at you, you are already a mother, and you are so anxious and angry that you can't live in peace. …”

Chu Xia looked at her grandpa with a blank look, wondering why this old couple suddenly turned into talkative people? "Forget it, I'll go out and watch by myself. People were running behind just now, probably to watch the fun." As she was about to get off the kang, Mrs. Zhao grabbed her and said, "Okay, okay, I'll tell you. .I’ll tell you everything now.” He sighed at Mr. Zhao, “Just tell me.”

"Not long after you left, your sister-in-law came back and told your uncle that she had vacated a room for your third uncle and your grandparents to live there.

How is that possible when six people live on one kang, including the father-in-law and the daughter-in-law? The whole family got into a fuss. Then, someone went to seek justice.

There are only three rooms for people to live in. Luo meant to let your eldest uncle and his wife live in one room with your grandparents and your brother-in-law and his family in one room. But your aunt’s wife didn’t agree with anything she said, saying she couldn’t live with them. Her husband and her father-in-law live in the same room, and if she insists on doing that, she will crash to death.

Even if she was making such a fuss, Luo couldn't say she was wrong. But just those three rooms. There is another way. I really couldn't think of it, and then someone came up with an idea. Let your brother-in-law and his family move to your house, no matter what. You are all a family too.

As soon as someone said this, a large number of people immediately agreed. There was no other way, so Luo had no choice but to find your parents to discuss it together.

I've been there for half an hour.

Your mother was worried about you, so she asked your grandma and I to wait at home for you to come back and see what was going on.

Xia, don't worry, Luo will definitely not go that way, and Wen Bin will follow, and the fat aunt is also there, your parents will definitely not suffer. "

Luo Xiaoqiong snorted coldly: "Let me tell you, there must be something wrong with the fire. Otherwise, how could it not start the fire earlier and not start the fire later, but it caught fire now?"

"It's so shameless. If someone says that this fire was an accident, I will never believe it!" Chu Xia said as she got off the kang, "Grandma, grandpa, I have to go and have a look, otherwise I won't worry."

Zhou Mikang stopped her: "Think about it and know that there must be a lot of people there now. You should just stay at home honestly. I promise, I can definitely handle this matter. Xiaoqiong, stay at home with her."

"Okay." Luo Xiaoqiong, who was eager to try, had no choice but to respond with a stern voice and sat back. Chu Xia pushed her, "Go ahead and see what's going on first, then come back and talk to me."


This answer was obviously clearer, and Mrs. Zhao smiled helplessly. After Zhou Mixang and Luo Xiaoqiong left, the old lady also raised her feet and said, "Xia, grandma will give you some brown sugar poached eggs to eat."

"Grandma, I'm not hungry at all now. Please rest peacefully for a while."

"You have to eat even if you're not hungry. You're not alone now, so you can't bend down. Your body is already weak, so you have to make up for it more than others..." The old lady rambled and went to the main room, and Chu Xia also wanted to follow. When he got off the kang, he was stopped by the old man, "Xia, just stay here."

Chu Xia's little face turned bitter: "Grandpa, I used to be able to do anything, why can't I do anything now? It's okay, I know how my body is doing."

Grandma is busy down there, how can I sit still? How unfilial do you have to be before you can calmly let your grandma take care of you? If you want me to serve my grandma and grandpa, that's pretty much it. "

"Silly girl, grandpa knows that you are filial, but the situation is different now. Obedient, you are the greatest filial piety to us by resting quietly now.

Your parents may not be happy when they hear the news. You don't know, but this matter is a worry for them. Now, they can finally put their minds at ease. "

"What's wrong with this?" Chu Xia was speechless, "Didn't I tell them before that I don't want children for the time being, hey!"

"Child, be happy. Why are you sighing at this great joy?" Mr. Zhao raised the pipe rod to put cigarettes into the pot, but then he took it back and put it on the edge of the kang, banging it. "From now on, I won't smoke anymore."

This is the best thing in the old man's life. She had told him how many times to quit before, but it was no use. Unexpectedly, she actually wanted to quit voluntarily now. This finally made Chu Xia feel a little happy. If it was because of her own Early pregnancy can make grandpa stop smoking, which is a good thing.

Six poached eggs were placed at the bottom of the bowl, and the soup with brown sugar was bright red. Chu Xia looked at it and felt worried. Is this a rhythm that would overwhelm her?


"Eat quickly, eat it while it's hot, this is the most nutritious." the old lady urged.

"Grandma, there are too many, I really can't eat them." Chu Xia said with a embarrassed look.

"Eat as much as you can, and let your grandpa eat the rest."

The old man agreed happily: "Yeah, I'll eat the rest."

Eggs with brown sugar are really not what Chu Xia likes. However, considering that the old lady has been busy for a long time at such an old age, Chu Xia has to make do with it. Fortunately, although she doesn't like the taste very much, it is not difficult to eat.

However, when you are not hungry, it is really not a happy thing to eat something you don't particularly like. After finally stuffing two eggs into your stomach and taking a few more mouthfuls of soup, Chu Xia put down the spoon: "Grandma, grandpa, I’m so full, I really can’t eat any more.”

"Eat so little?" Mrs. Zhao looked disappointed, "No wonder you just can't gain weight. How can you put on some meat with this amount of food?"

"Okay, don't force the child. If she doesn't want to eat, don't force her. If she gets injured, it won't be easy..." Mr. Zhao said and brought the bowl to the old lady, "You can eat it. Eat as much as you like, and I’ll eat the rest.”

There were four more in the bowl. If she didn’t eat them all and let the old man eat them, he probably wouldn’t have to eat at lunch, so the old lady picked up the bowl and ate two...

The three grandfathers and grandsons had just finished eating a bowl of eggs when Luo Xiaoqiong came back. Her face was flushed, and she didn't know whether she was running, anxious or excited...

"Take a sip of hot water..." Mrs. Zhao quickly handed her the water glass in front of her face, "I just poured this, I haven't drank it yet."

"Thank you, grandma." Luo Xiaoqiong took the cup and drank it down, then looked at Chu Xia narrowly, "Guess, what's going on?"

Chu Xia was so angry that she slapped her in the face: "Okay, stop showing off, don't you just come back to tell us what's going on!"

"Hehe..." After laughing to herself for a while, Luo Xiaoqiong said, "Aren't you wondering about Old Man Lin and Old Mrs. Lin never looking for trouble or pretending to be pitiful? In fact, that's what happened. Chun Ni years ago At that time, she gave Chuqiu an ultimatum: she could not be a worker, and she would marry Lin Chuqiu if her house was built with red bricks and tiles.

Lin Chuqiu discussed with Old Man Lin and Mrs. Lin, either to help him find a place as a worker, or to let his family move to this house.

But Lin Chuqiu's performance last time chilled the heart of Old Man Lin and Old Mrs. Lin, and they knew that they had offended Uncle Baohe quite a lot before. If they made such a fuss again this time, it would be impossible not to tell whether it would be successful or not. If their friendship was completely gone, then when they encountered difficulties in the future and wanted to ask for help from Uncle Baohe, they would have no chance. Therefore, they did not agree to Lin Chuqiu's request.

Didn't Lin Chuqiu come over all the time to inquire about the news? He also heard other people's comments. Then, seeing that Chuni was about to return to the city, he had evil thoughts and thought about burning down his house. Uncle Baohe definitely couldn't ignore it. .

It was unlucky for him. When he went to the back of the house to set fire, he met Uncle Zhong. When the fire started, he stood there and watched, and was seen by Chen Guangxin again.

When we were putting out the fire last night, we didn't even have time to interrogate him. As soon as the commotion started today, Uncle Zhong and Chen Guangxin came forward to speak. Then Chuchun also confirmed that when he woke up in the middle of the night last night, he didn't see Chuqiu.

This opened the door, and they themselves said what I said before. When we went there, many people felt that Old Man Lin and Old Mrs. Lin were quite pitiful and wanted your father to take care of them. As for your third uncle's family, just let them stay with your uncle.

Fortunately, Brother Lin was here, so he told everyone what happened in detail, and asked everyone whether the behavior of Old Man Lin and Old Mrs. Lin back then was considered a favor or an enmity?

Then, the group leader and I went there. Your group leader was more efficient in solving the problem. He stopped there directly and said, "It's okay to raise them. We need to go to the bureau first and settle the previous murder case." ’

You can imagine that as soon as these words came out, how dare Old Man Lin and Old Mrs. Lin have any ideas? Now, they are discussing building a thatched hut outside your uncle's courtyard for your third uncle and his family to live in. The one you lived in originally will be for Old Man Lin and Old Mrs. Lin. "

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