First Law

Chapter 90: 4 letters

Now Karen understands why Kabul wants to forcibly plunder the wealth of various territories. Sometimes money is nothing, but sometimes it is more terrible than any disaster in the world.

Karen thought that the town of Gold Glitter was already very profitable, but now she finds out that she might not even be able to pay for the human corpses.

This feeling of being short of money made him very uncomfortable, he had aspirations but was tightly restrained, he wanted to stretch his fists but was tightly tied by a rope, he could breathe freely but was suppressed for life.

Karen tapped the table lightly. He was thinking about ways to make money. He has some, such as selling the formula of Coca-Cola. I believe that Cody will definitely give a good price, but this kind of depletion of resources is too disadvantageous.

He can also sell some of the giant pigs and giant pigs on hand. With the superiority of these two arms, he believes that they can be sold for a high price, and there are many buyers, Martin King, Maria, and even He has direct access to the Queen of Spades.

Karen rejected these ridiculous ideas, even if the Golden Harbor project was stopped, she would not make such a decision.

He needed some quick cash, preferably something he could see right away.

"When will Ma Mazi account for us?" Karen asked.

"According to the content of the agreement, it will be settled in person after the ore is accepted." Churchill quickly replied.

It seems that the advance payment of ore is not enough, and Karen doesn't want to borrow money just after establishing a relationship with Ma Mazi, which is very bad, especially if there is an extra man.

But the fastest way to get money is to borrow, but who can you borrow from?

Borrowing money is the most difficult thing to do, it is simply the most terrible job.

He glanced at everyone present, "Can the project be started with money?"

"It should be possible, so we can hire labor, and most importantly, we can buy materials from the human race." Philips said.

Griffin echoed, "As long as we have money, we can expand our troops, and even buy some more advanced magic weapons. We can reduce the pressure in the swamp, and at the same time, we can ensure that various materials in the swamp area are delivered on time. come over."

Now that this is the case, everything is much easier, Karen has an idea in her heart, picks up the quill, and begins to write.

"Dear Daniel, Your Excellency Barend, I am Karen Heise, I am rash to disturb you, but I am writing this letter to tell you that according to our original request, I have already controlled enough territory, I hope that you can mine the demon corpse as soon as possible, of course, I hope that the two of you can come to Shining Gold Town, I have a better proposal, which will definitely satisfy you."

"Ms. Maria, I took the liberty to bother you in this cold winter. I am very glad that we had a very formal cooperation last time, and we got what we wanted from each other. I have a plan to make a fortune, if it is convenient. Please come to Shining Gold Town as soon as possible, as soon as possible."

Karen didn't stop writing, she opened another sheet and continued writing.

"Brother Haier, I need to meet with the Pirate Alliance as soon as possible, Golden Town, Wolf of the Southwest, and Karen Black Ze."

After finishing writing the letter, Karen hesitated for a moment, but turned to a new page and wrote Kabul's name on the title sheet.

"Dear Chief Wolf, leader of the Seven Wolves Council, Mr. Kabul, the Dark Gold Messenger, I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience I caused Desa City, and at the same time, I deeply regret the loss of your Legion Commander. He is a great person and should assist you You accomplish greater things."

"His fall is a great loss to the Seven Wolves Council. I am responsible for it, but I know you are a sensible person. Thank you for pointing out the traitor lurking in the southwest of the wilderness and executing him. This helped my Busy, I think this is a good start, I won't hinder our friendship because of a little thing, you have always been an existence I respect, I hope we can meet each other under a milder situation."

"Of course it's not in my Gold Town, nor in your Desa City. It's better to be in a place where we trust each other. What I want to say is that there is no need for us to confront each other. Such internal friction will only lose the power of the wasteland. , standing in the highest interests of the wasteland, I hope to be able to clarify the contradictions between each other."

"Of course, I maintain absolute respect for the seven wolves council, including yourself. It is a pity that I have caused you losses, but your golden bat destroyed three Coca-Cola factories, and the Golden Lion Fortress was almost destroyed. Not daring to get out of the ground, of course I am not condemning, but just saying that we have all suffered losses."

"I'm sorry for destroying your Demon Research Institute and making it public. Please forgive me for being young. Everyone has a time when they are young, and every young person has a time when he has a bad temper."

"The meaning of writing this letter is very simple. I want to reconcile. I just hope that this matter can be placed on our personal conflicts. I hope to receive your reply as soon as possible, Chief Wolf: Karen Heise."

After writing the final name, Karen let out a long sigh of relief. He felt that it was necessary to contact Kabul at this time, especially when he was about to invest in the Southwest Tunnel in the Wilderness. He did not want Kabul to have any problems.

At the same time, if possible, he wanted to get some money from Kabul, which was difficult of course, but it had to be tried.

Only by trying can we know if it is possible. Opportunities don’t come out of waiting.

Carefully seal it and hand it over to Churchill, "Help it according to the address."

Everyone felt that these four letters were unusual, because they fell into long contemplation when they saw Karen for the first time.

Philips didn't move, and Griffin didn't move. Everyone looked at Karen so quietly, as if time stopped for an instant. It wasn't until Churchill sent the letter and the sound of opening the door broke the silence of the room.

"Boss, the letter has been mailed."

"Oh!" Karen replied instinctively, a smile finally appeared on her tense face, "Okay, next question, Philips, tell me about the specific plan."

Philips understood that Karen should have solved the money problem by now, and nodded immediately, "If they are unified, they need to use unified materials, unified labor, unified scheduling, and unified planning."

He took a deep breath and continued, "Since it's a big project in Shining Gold Town, we can't be sloppy. We need to build the best ones. We'd better use stone materials from Human Diamond Village, asphalt from Sunset Lake, steel pipes from Machinery Continent, and fish. Human runes, and then use giant pigs to expand, as for labor, we need a lot of slaves for such a large project, it is best to buy them all at once.”

"Slaves are not needed." Karen interrupted directly, "We have enough population."

"Boss, we need a lot of people."

Karen nodded with a smile, "Don't worry, don't worry about manpower, I guarantee you will have enough people."

Philips is no longer entangled. "Unified scheduling is easy to understand. Everything must be obeyed by one person. As for unified planning, I mean it is best to find a designer with a title."

"Well, you are in charge of scheduling, and the entire design is handed over to Pompeii, who is an expert." Karen finalized the plan directly, and then looked at Griffin, "Say it, I think your **** can't sit still for a long time .”

Griffin smiled brightly, "Boss, it's not that I can't sit still. I'm really worried about Gold Shining Town. You said what if Kabul calls. We are not their opponents at all."

"You want the Legion to be independent." Karen directly explained the other party's intention, "I didn't think carefully. According to the original plan, the Legion should be the focus. Don't worry, you don't have to stay here anymore. Go back and organize the Bandit Legion. , it will be very useful soon, and I will give you some new arms these days, you try to integrate them as much as possible, and strive to form the characteristics of Jinshi Town."

How could Griffin be dissatisfied with this, and nodded immediately, "Don't worry, boss, I will definitely be very good."

"Stop, don't be in a hurry to express your opinion. I haven't said your mission yet. The connection between the Golden Port and the tunnel is a big project. It can't be done without the cooperation of the Legion. I have a map in my hand, including 56 tribes in the southwest of the wasteland. I request You set up temporary strongholds in these tribes within two days to form a unified military relationship."

"56?" Griffin was suddenly troubled, "Isn't that going to break up the bandit army?"

"Whoever breaks up, find a way to go." Karen reprimanded, then looked at everyone and stood up, "Okay, take up your own burdens, Philips, Churchill, Griffin, Gutulu, you four The first one is the pillar of Gold Shining Town, and the one with the most potential to win the title, but I want to tell you that getting the title is not a matter of one sentence, but the result of continuous honing and continuous improvement in life and in war."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Philips, "Especially you, you have a bad temper, and you need to temper yourself and find out your own position. In my opinion, you should not just be a designer, it is best to develop into a manager." For a moment, Gold Glitter Town is in urgent need of a controller in this area, I don't care what your status is, but as long as you are in Glitter Gold Town, I have to let you take the lead."

Philip looked at and was moved a little bit. From childhood to adulthood, there were only flattery around him, and even more contempt. No one had ever given him such serious advice.

"Boss, I will."

Karen smiled, "It's not as simple as just talking." She scratched the dimensional pocket casually, and two pure white skeletons fell to the ground, twisting their heads stiffly, looking extremely dull.

"Boss, this is?" Philips asked strangely.

"A gift for you." Karen pointed to the leftmost skeleton and said, "His name is Enzo, and he was the controller of the ocean port before his death." He pointed to another one, "He is the designer of the title of precision port management. Enxi, I don't understand the meaning of this title, I think you should be clear about your major."

How could Philips not know, Enzo, the third-generation master of the ocean port.

It is a giant port for all oceans, known as the masterpiece of the third generation of innovative ports.

What is more important is the legend of Enzo. The great port reform he led made the ocean port one of the few large ports in the world. This is a figure that can only be seen in history books.

Staring at Karen and the dull skeleton in front of him, he felt incredible, but he didn't think Karen would lie.

As for precise port management, it is the fine knowledge of port construction.

For a port to operate efficiently, it is the details that matter, and precision management is engaged in detail work, which is an indispensable talent for port construction.

"Boss, are these two real?"

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