First Law

Chapter 365: break into the arsenal

After half a minute, the picture of Karen landing from the aircraft was transmitted to all the magic towers.

This wasn't a vertical fall, but it flew in the air for more than ten minutes before bumping into the magic frisbee. Its clumsy appearance looked like a fat duck that had just learned to paddle.

But no one laughed.

As long as you know some magic, you will know how much magic technology is contained in it. On the contrary, you feel that the magic is great. Some people hurriedly saved this video, maybe it may be a milestone moment in the future.

The soul is nervous, but Karen is even more nervous. He has never parachuted before. Although there are a hundred voices in his heart saying that he must believe in Cabras, the moment he leaves the aircraft, his entire soul seems to be out of the body, completely Like flying out.

He also thought that if there was a problem with the aircraft, or if the positioning was wrong, he might be a puddle of flesh. Of course, he was just thinking about it. The moment he left the aircraft, he could only trust Cambras 100%.

Now it seems that his vision is correct, Cabras is really a real magician.

The sound of the wind is blowing past my ears. Although there is no current, the wind flowing on the body surface is scary enough. However, now that the whole person is wrapped in protective clothing, the energy shield on the outer layer of the clothing has been activated, and the feet are like Like a hook, it can be said that it is firmly attached to the surface of the magic flywheel.

Even he, the boss, has to admit that these elves are really top-notch in magic, especially in the handling of details, they can be regarded as top-notch in the whole world.

Withdrawing his thoughts, he looked at the magic flywheel again.

This is a disc with blue and white light flowing, which is very magical, but the area of ​​the entire flywheel is very small, it can only accommodate three people at most, and the surface is extremely smooth, like on an ice rink.

"Cabras, how to get in." Karen quickly asked, he couldn't see a gap, let alone an entrance.

After a while, a voice said in my ear: "Boss, after testing, 80% of the material on the surface of the magic flywheel is magic gold, 7% sodium silver, 3% void metal, and 0.9% bone. Please wait." In half a minute, I will give you the result soon."

Cabras put down the microphone and looked at the magicians behind him, "Who knows how to get inside the magic flywheel now?"

When he asked, someone immediately spoke up:

"This obviously has an independent space. To enter the independent space, you need a specific space key."

"However, space mithril must be matched, which is difficult to obtain. Forcible intrusion can use space cutting technique, but this requires precise spatial positioning. Judging from the images fed back by the current surveillance eyes, it is impossible to capture specific information. Space cut point."

"Space teleportation should work, but this kind of spell has some disadvantages. It is very likely to teleport to some special areas, which is very unstable."

Magic masters, you talk to each other, but there is no specific answer.

Cabras was in a hurry, but he had to tell Karen what to do within half a minute, and immediately gave instructions to his assistant: "Seek answers from the whole island!"

As the order was issued, the specific data of the magic flywheel suddenly appeared on the screens of all the magic towers in the entire sky island, and it was Cabras' problem under the data point:

"Who can help the boss get inside the flywheel in the easiest way."

In less than a few seconds, thousands of answers were collected through the tower, and the masters began to filter level by level, and soon found three feasible methods.

"1 The skin is composed of 80% magic gold, which can be melted into it by using the gold melting technique in ancient magic; 2 can use the third space conclusion to identify the entrance to open up the space, and then use the gyro theory, combined with a certain small space teleportation , you can sneak in directly; 3 use strong energy stimulation to activate the entrance, and use the crevice hiding technique to enter."

The first kind of melting gold mentioned is very old, it evolved from Druid spells, and it is used to shuttle inside the material through the simulation of the material itself. Since this kind of magic is just a simple shuttle, although elves or Practice part more or less, but seldom refine it.

The second type is biased towards space penetration, through precise space positioning, and then lured with a fake space key to sneak into it, similar to the method of stealing.

As for the third method, it is more violent, but Karen carries a cannon, which can be regarded as the simplest method.

Cabras secretly admired the wisdom of the creatures on Sky Island, who could think of so many methods in just a few seconds. After careful proofreading, he chose the second method because of its concealment.

"Boss, I will locate the space based on the images in a while. There are specific sensors in the protective clothing. After confirming the entrance of the space, I will send a command. At this time, you need to use the gap ring and sneak in quietly."

Karen found that he was the easiest to do. He only needed to take two steps to the left and one step to the right to finish the job. As a strange password was transmitted, a faint breath of magic actually appeared on the entire flywheel.

Karen hurriedly set off the magic ring, and her whole body shrank instantly, turning into a gap and sticking to the surface of the flywheel.

At this moment, I just felt a small gap, and at that moment, Karen melted in immediately, and when I realized it, it was already another world.

This is a tunnel!

The round shape looks like it is in a water pipe. It looks like it is made of brass, and it can faintly reflect a shadow. When you take two steps forward, you can hear the sound of metal.

"Boss, this is a tunnel made of space copper. Space copper is the most suitable metal for opening up space. Now it has been proved that it has reached the interior of the space. If you walk along the pipe, you should be able to enter the real space."

With Cabras' reminder, Karen felt relieved, at least there was still a team behind him, but there was a loud bang on the road, and there was a strong echo. If there were guards on guard, it would be strange if he didn't find himself.

But after walking for half a quarter of an hour in the sub-copper tunnel, I still didn't see half a figure. When I was tired, I suddenly saw a bright light. It was obviously at the end. When I walked to the light, there were three light spots.

"Boss, there should be three spaces connected here, please wait a moment, I will record the coordinates, so that we can ensure that you can turn back when you enter."

After waiting for half a minute, Karen followed Cabras' instructions and entered to the far left.

As soon as you step in, there is a scent of grass, and the grass under your feet is half-human grass. When you look up, you can see towering giant trees, with straight branches extending straight to the sky, as if entering a primeval forest generally.

However, there is no strong breath of life in the forest here, mainly because it is very quiet, without the smell of wild animals and grass insects.

Looking up, there are tree houses on the giant tree. The tree houses are lined up tightly together. There are almost a dozen hanging on a branch, densely packed like countless bird cages.

The moment he saw it, Karen basically knew what this place was for. It should be the place where the elves were detained after they were captured. This forest seems to be very large, but it is actually very small. Like the image reflected in a mirror, it was so big when Karen first entered.

"These alchemists are quite humane, and they even built a forest on purpose." Karen secretly smiled. Presumably, the elves are too delicate, just like selling canaries, the sellers will basically prepare good cages.

Except for these big trees, there is almost nothing special, just like a man-made rockery. After a brief look, I followed the instructions of Cabras and returned to the entrance of the copper tunnel.

This time I entered the far right, and the moment I entered, Karen's jaw almost dropped.

The whole person is like entering the kingdom of giants. At a glance, there are tall buildings, like ten-story buildings, but what surprised Karen was not the height of these buildings, but the buildings themselves.

"Pluto's Sigh" "Dark Destruction"

The ultimate weapon of the Alchemy Continent, which Karen has little contact with, stands in it, and the eye-catching name is like a label for the Prism Cutting Cannon"'Sub-beam Hedging Cannon'"Overclocking Giant Cannon"

These names are completely unfamiliar, and they have not even been seen in the magazines of Alchemy Continent, but standing together with the "Sigh of Hades", it is obviously not ordinary.

When he entered, Cabras speculated that there were ultimate weapons here, but Karen didn't expect there to be so many. As long as these weapons work, they can instantly destroy the entire Green Shady Island.

He entered the most valuable place in the magic flywheel, the weapon center.

Little did they know that at this moment, the creatures on the entire empty island were also stunned. Now they all understood the meaning of the ultimate weapon, which could be regarded as the top weapon in the world, and the power of the explosion could be compared with divine power.

There are so many at once, if it can be owned by them, it is simply a gift.

"The bright prism cutting cannon should be the application of light spells. If we can bring it back, dissect out the alchemy technology in it, and then gather the light spells in our elf ancient magic, we will be able to create new things."

"It's not bad even if Pluto sighs later. Those alchemists must have been adulterated last time, but I have experience. After comparing before and after, I might be able to completely use this ultimate weapon as the magic weapon of Gold Shining Town."

"The super-frequency cannon must be an upgraded version of the high-frequency cannon. This thing is the most practical. With this thing, the war in the Aegean Continent may end early."

"Hurry up and tell the boss to bring these things back, I'm so anxious that I want to pee."

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