First Law

Chapter 305: can't see

The whole body seemed to be filled with lead weights, and the severe weight made the Redbud Blue Monarch panic for a while. He ordered two guards to protect him, and his arms were tightly grasping the armrests on both sides of the seat, for fear that this iron guy would accidentally fall apart.

Fortunately, after a brief increase in weight, the aircraft began to enter a stable flight state.

Lord Bauhinia and Blue calmed down, and he couldn't feel forward at all. When he looked out of the window, he saw that the clouds were moving backward rapidly. He was not inexperienced in flying. I don't know how many times the luxury of the aircraft.

But such a fast flight has never been seen before, it feels like traveling through space.

Looking sideways at the creatures beside them, they were dressed luxuriously, and each of them carried a cowhide bag on hand. This was the new attire of wasteland merchants, and it was passed down from the Alchemy Continent. At a glance, they were all merchants.

However, among these businessmen, there were also a few ordinary creatures. As a monarch, he could distinguish the high and low of the creatures from their temperament. He was sure that those few people were common people unique to the wasteland, or even refugees.

"This kind of person can also ride an aircraft?"

The Bauhinia Lord muttered. In the Bauhinia Kingdom, only the nobles who have reached the earl can ride the airship, and those who control the griffin must be strictly selected soldiers, ordinary creatures, no, even some wealthy civilians. It is impossible to sit on an airship once in a lifetime.

But the civilian next to him was sleeping soundly, obviously used to this kind of flying tool.

"Who are they?" Bauhinia and Blue Sovereign asked a businessman next to him.

The businessman glanced at the other party's luxurious attire, and the disdain on his face quickly subsided, transforming into a kind of kindness when meeting people on the same level, "Residents of Shining Gold Town!" He simply said five words.

Lord Bauhinia and Blue shook his head. He spent 500 pence to get on this aircraft. Even though there are many opportunities in the wilderness, he does not believe that ordinary people can afford this money.

"How are they so rich?"

"Is this your first time in the wasteland?" The businessman took another look at the other party, and pulled up the cuff slightly to reveal a triangle mark, "I will find someone to make one for myself in the future. There will always be some help for you.”

Lord Bauhinia and Blue didn't understand why the other party said that, it seemed like he had entered a certain organization, and now he was more interested in those common people, "I see, you haven't told me why those common people can sit..."

"Aircraft, right?" The businessman didn't like the tone of the other party, and he replied flatly, "The residents of Shining Gold Town don't need to pay, they have this privilege, and some are craftsmen, and Gold Shining Town has rewards for craftsmen. , the artisans who can obtain the title will have preferential rewards every month, well, I have to rest for a while, there is a celebration in the town of Gold, I can't miss it."

The Lord Bauhinia and Blue did not understand why the common people had privileges in the end. This is definitely a unique phenomenon in the wasteland. The closer you are to the town of Shining Gold, the more obvious this strange phenomenon is.

He couldn't help but think of his own kingdom now. The common people in the kingdom are now worrying about their debts and trying to deal with natural disasters. How can they sit quietly on the aircraft like they are now.

Looking at those civilians, he felt that what he, the monarch, had done was too much of a failure.

In a dazed effort, a sense of weightlessness suddenly blessed the whole body, and before the Bauhinia and Blue Sovereign came back to his senses, he heard the sound of tires rubbing against the ground.

The entire aircraft began to vibrate violently, the handles on the side buzzed, and the soles of the feet felt red hot. It was obvious that the entire aircraft was rubbing against the ground rapidly.

When everything calmed down, a deafening cheer rushed in from outside. The gongs and drums sandwiched the unique horn of the orcs, which was obviously a celebration.

According to the instructions of the flight attendant, the Bauhinia and Blue Sovereign stepped out of the aircraft, and a unique wilderness gale rushed towards his face. It was as sharp as a knife, and his face hurt from scratching. Only at this moment did he remember that he had come to the wilderness.

Looking up, this is a red desert, more like the Gobi Desert full of stones. In the middle of the Gobi Desert, a flat open space is divided, like a large mirror embedded in the wasteland.

There are still some gravels on the surface, which have just been reinforced, and there is a long dent behind it, which is obviously caused by friction during the descent.

This is an aircraft docking station, a little crude, and some distance away from Gold Town, I glanced left and right, and I was watching a new aircraft in the sky fall from a distant slide, with blazing sparks under the tires, it was moving rapidly. dock.

It is more than five times larger than the aircraft field in Golden Harbor, and it is already a bit like a palace.

At this moment, figures stepped down from the aircraft one after another, walking towards the direction marked with the exit.

Under the protection of the guards, the Bauhinia Blue Sovereign squeezed into the crowd and came out of the aircraft field. There was a three-way intersection in front of him. The left side led to Shinjin Town, the right side led to the Holy Maiden Lake, and the middle led to the Aijiaer Snow Mountain Factory Group.

Gold Shining Town needs no introduction. It is now the center of the entire wasteland. It is named after Karen’s personal maid A Zhen. It is also an important source of fresh water for the entire Gold Shining Town. However, in addition to supplying fresh water, the special snacks formed around it have become wasteland the most famous sights.

Anyone who came to the wasteland would be in vain if they didn't come to Gold Shining Town, and it would be even more useless to come to Gold Shining Town if they didn't reach Saintess Lake.

As for the group of factories, it is a wide area from Jinjin Town to Aijiaer Snow Mountain. At first, Coca-Cola was produced, and then salt was packaged, but now it has become the most important finished product packaging base in the wasteland.

The things produced from various regions of the wasteland will be collected and planted here, and then packed in a special way, transported to the golden port through a unique transportation channel, and then exported to other continents.

It was here that most of the boxes he had seen coming down from the Golden Harbor had been made.

The Bauhinia Lord is naturally interested in the factories, but now that Karen has heard that Karen is going to hold a celebration, in order to meet this legendary figure in the wasteland as soon as possible, he has no choice but to follow the flow and set off for Gold Shining Town.

Afterwards, he followed the crowd and watched all kinds of creatures enter the dining hall with invitations, but he, the majestic Bauhinia and Blue Monarch, did not hear from him after he handed in the invitations.

He didn't see Karen, so it can be said that his greeting card fell into the sea, which is undoubtedly ridiculous. What's more, he deliberately added the three words "Bauhinia Blue" at the end of the greeting card to show his weight. You know, Karen doesn't see this kind of greeting at all.

There are too many beings wanting to visit Karen.

The various lords on the wasteland, the orc tribes who want to build factories, those who want to further cooperate in the magic of the wasteland, the exchange of core technology in the Ice Kingdom, and even the residents of Gold Flash Town have troubles.

These are all from the Aegean Continent. In addition, some businessmen from the Aegean Sea, alchemists from the Alchemy Continent, and blacksmiths from the East Indian Continent have to negotiate with Karen.

He, the monarch of the human kingdom, really doesn't have the slightest weight. If he wants to be interviewed by Karen, unless the timing is too good and he can meet him in person.

It's a pity that such an opportunity is not available to everyone.

The celebration was over, and the Lord Bauhinia and Blue saw Karen from a distance. His skin was yellowish, his hair was dark, and he was the same size as a normal creature. He was wearing a black mage dress, but that was all he could see.

Too crowded!

It is also too far.

Every creature rushed forward as if being driven by an evil spirit. The Redbud and Blue Monarch had never been so crowded, like a refugee.

How can his people crowd to see him like this now, the first topic of talking about him now is the image of the devil.

Kingdom Bonds has pulled his image through rock bottom.

He couldn't figure out what method Karen used to get these creatures to move closer to him Even at the risk of crowding their lives, they wanted to come forward and say a few words.

It's amazing.

In the impression of Lord Bauhinia and Blue, this is an absolutely impossible situation. As a king, he was born ready to be scolded by the residents.

No matter how well he does and how hard he works, he will never be able to satisfy everyone. As long as someone is not satisfied, someone will scold you.

But I squeezed here all day, and didn't hear a word of curse. Everyone was envious of the so-called big cafeteria from the bottom of their hearts.

He watched Karen disappear from sight, his throat wriggled a dozen times without uttering a single word.

"My lord, I guess we won't be able to see him?" The most caring guard seemed to see his loss and whispered in his ear.

Lord Bauhinia and Blue is a bit unwilling to give up. If you don't even meet anyone during your trip to the wasteland, it will be a failure.

After the party, I directly rented a hotel for half a month, and started sending Karen visit posts every day. One day, two days, three days, except for Alexander who came from the human race to ask for money, there was still no reply to the most wanted reply.

"My lord, if you don't give Alexander any funds, he will attack the royal family." The caring guard reminded again.

Needless to say, he receives countless information from inside the kingdom every day, and now he doesn't want to go back to his own kingdom. The decadent, lost, and hopeless kingdom makes him not want to get involved now.

"How nice it would be if I were the Lord of Gold Glitter Town now?"

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