First Evolution

: Hmm, there are two things to say one.

First, chapter 75 is put in the front of this volume: entering the book, it should not affect reading, but if the students with obsessive-compulsive disorder must look uncomfortable.

I will contact the editor to change the chapter.

Secondly, the story in this volume should be the magic version of a movie. If students are curious about this, they can go to my public account at 6 pm tomorrow. The author will go there to see and I will give The related tips are similar to those in the previous volume:

Bright red blood,

White church,

The thick mist diffuses in the ancient city,

的 Girl who splits her legs for money,

Early morning's death,

And the terrible chest that was cut open,

The cruel evil crimson flows on the slate,

I seduced the mysterious creatures one by one ...

This description is the same.

Third, in the new week, you must ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets, right? I do n’t say how do you know what I want? I said that you must know that if I want it, I will brush it and throw it at me, right? Hehe.

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