Fire Fist of the Rebirth Pirate Comes to the World

Rebirth of Pirates - Fire Fist Descending Chapter 231

"Hey, remember the happy times you spent with her, the calm and rambling pleasant conversations, there must have been, there must have been many such memories, even though it really made you sad, sad, remembering the happy times you spent with her, remembering the lover who didn't talk much but always looked out for you, remembering the warmth that surrounded you, remembering all of this , feel sad, and then have a good cry!"

"Cut, talk like I've given up on tears that kind of stuff, once and for all."

After what Whitebeard said, Ace's nose was a bit sore, almost unable to resist the collapse of his tear ducts, but in the end, he still managed to hold back the tears in his eyes and smiled hard and brightly, "Some people, when their dreams are lost, their hearts die, but I I still have a dream, so I won't die!"

"I am the son of Gore D. Roger, and it is not only his power that runs in my blood, but also the pride of a pirate!"

The white-bearded man waned, his face turning slightly bleak again, and sighed, "Seeing you like this reminds me of the past ...... Before, there was also a woman who was willing to give her life for me, although she is also gone now."

"It's the one who died, but it's the one who survived that is the real pain."

He looked calm and relaxed, but his words were cutting.

"Humans are very honest, though, and even when they grieve, their bodies still react."

"Me, do you know what was the first thing that came to my mind when I cried beside my wife's coldened remains?"

As if seeing the consternation on Ace's face, Whitebeard smiled slightly.

"I want breakfast."

He squatted down and slowly embraced Ace, resting his head against his bosom, in a corner that was invisible to the other, a sudden glint appeared in the corner of his eyes, "Bastard, it's not like a man to cry, I don't think you've had enough, if you haven't had enough and still want to stir up this sea, take my name on your back! Be my son in the name of my white beard, Ace!"

In the name of Whitebeard's ......!

Anyone can have hatred, but forgiveness, which obviously takes more courage, will always take more courage than forgiving oneself!

"Just as you are obsessed with me, I am also obsessed with you, and if I have to ask why, I can only say that my heart aches for every child who is obviously sad but still laughs."

At this moment, the white-bearded man bathed in the golden sunlight was like the most magnificent deity, solidifying into an eternal statue in Ace's heart. And Ace, no longer able to conceal the truest side of his heart, his knees weakened and he fell into Whitebeard's arms, sobbing like a child.

"Still a child, a big child who is more gentle inside than anyone else." White Beard smiled soothingly, lifted the right hand that gently patted the back of the belt Ace, and swung backwards with a heavy fist.

"Boom" huge shock, the sea suddenly lifted high, huge waves, all the ships are thrown skyward, all the navy is helplessly straight up to the sky, soaring clouds, dancing hands and feet, screaming and shouting incessantly, the ship is full of chaotic silhouettes, constantly someone screaming and falling into the water, from mid-air fall raging waves, panic climbing on the fallen and floating giant ship boat, looking up at the back of the mountain that is like an insurmountable, horror, as if in a nightmare.

"While the dear child is pampering his father, what are you stinking fish and shrimp coming to pound!"

The rising and falling whistles of the white-bearded men came from all around, getting louder and louder, like rolling thunder, echoing far away among the thousands of waves.

As far as they could see, the waves were turbulent, and what they saw before them was the naval fleet that stretched as far as the city walls, with the banner of "justice" waving in the setting sun.

"Say, I haven't agreed to be your son yet, so don't be so sure." Ace laughed and got up, shrugging at Whitebeard. "Looks like we're all going to get very busy next."

"Kulalala, but I don't hate that situation! Since it's a banquet, you have to look like you're attending one!"

"Indeed, it was a pleasant party, so pleasant that it was - almost maddening!"

Violent laughter boomed, their voices were majestic like thunder, rolling against each other, combined with the shrieking of thousands of giant waves, the sound of which was truly earth-shattering and reverberating.

Black pillars of fire rose up into the sky.

The shattering of the atmosphere echoed in the sky.

Until the end.

--Dreams and responsibilities, there's always one to choose to bear, and one to choose only to give up!

But ah, I have no fear, no matter how frustrated, I will grasp the happiness, so to speak, no matter how painful, I will go forward alone, even if the years go on and on time quietly ripples, no matter what happens even if the past can not be recalled, but as long as I close my eyes, I can hear a laugh, I will again be full of courage to continue to move forward.

I don't know why, but this is the most important treasure I have right now!

A double treasure!

Chapter 56 - Goodbye, Black Inferno Bandits

--And after that?

After that there is nothing ah, everything is according to the fate of the trajectory set by the two people, the power of Ace and white beard, the presence of the navy were almost annihilated, Oh, to this day can not forget it, Akainu that look like seeing a ghost, but the last minute of this man's life is amazed everyone a bit.

If power is a kind of poison, a kind of poison that people are willing to be poisoned, but Akainu, what kind of poison is he in?

When Red Dog, with his chest cut with countless hideous wounds and blood gurgling down his face, led a group of defeated soldiers and was heavily surrounded by the white-bearded bandits, the naval baron, who had spent half his life in battle, was calm as he bellowed an angry trombone, and the soldiers behind him all pulled out, ready to spill the last drop of blood from their bodies.

"Soldiers of the navy, why the fear! We've lived in disgrace for twenty years in the Age of the Great Pirate brought about by the Pirate King, Gordo Roger, so why retreat until now! Now standing before us are nothing more than the sinners, the descendants of the devil, the losers and wretches who have lived ugly lives for twenty years, whose lives should have ended the moment the Pirate King was brought to justice! And now, even if we dominate this free sea with brute force, are we to fear him! Wrong! Today the Navy no, the upright sons and daughters of the sea will tell these two walking dead in the most righteous way possible ----"

He stared dead ahead at Whitebeard and Ace, exuding an exuberant air of not retreating or evading, and waved his hand viciously, letting out the last miserable roar of his life.

"What is 'absolute justice!'"

"Absolute justice!" As if to suit him, all the naval men, even a sailor who usually just cleaned the decks, shrieked with rage, and the will to die under the command of the Admiral fused the strength of countless individuals into one terrible military formation!

"White Beard, come and fight me! Gore D. Ace, come and fight my husband to the death!"

Red Dog leapt up, pointing at the two figures in the distance, and with this broken body closed the final curtain on the new world war, and thus, the Battle of Edwardian Sea, was finally settled.

--Admiral Sakaski, dead!

--The two thousand naval elite soldiers who fought alongside it, along with fifteen warships, were all buried with it.

Thus, everything seems to be a foregone conclusion, the new Four Kings are going to appear, all the people will think so, huh, how can it be, because the Black Inferno Bandits, there is no more ah under the order of Ace, secretly disbanded.

And he, himself, had chosen to join the Whitebeard Bandits!

No one can understand, right? What is the reason why Ace, who is already the biggest winner, would give up his position as the Fourth King of the New World and instead choose to be a small second captain of the White Beard Bandits?

Not only those who are unaware of the truth of the outsiders, even our pirate group are a great divide within it, the first untenable is Enniru ah, in his view, that he envisioned but has always wanted to surpass the siblings, would actually leave behind a body of honor, leave behind the persistence of all along, leaving behind his proud rival, really unacceptable it, so much so that the anger of Enniru in and Ace! After the big fight, he ran off by himself to nowhere, but before he left, he looked as deeply at Cornelius, as if he wanted to keep her in his brain forever. --He'll be back, we were all so sure of that, because here, there are just too many unbreakable bonds.

Cornelis went to Gaya Island, saying that she was going back to Air Island to tell the people in her hometown what she had seen and heard in the past year, and to encourage more people to go to that endless land, that Green Sea where the God made the brave men were born.

Brooke he went to the East China Sea upside down mountain twin cape, to meet a fifty years apart friend, Oh, said friend, but is actually a huge island whale named Rab, we often still get Brooke to send a letter bird sent us pictures, I heard, he and Rab now do travel around the world, playing all kinds of beautiful music for those brave sea men.

Hulk, too, says he can't stay in one place if he wants to be the world's number one food expert, and that the ocean is just too vast to think of where there are wonders beyond human perception, and that he intends to find them one footstep at a time, a complete and utter prisoner of food!

Doda, he left alone too, seeing Ace lose his mind over a woman who wasn't me made him angry, really, which eye did he see that I was unhappy, even if Ace's heart wasn't in me anymore, did I ever say I was unhappy? The cousin who took matters into his own hands, but made me feel somehow sad and relieved that the last of my own family is finally gone, but he has finally grown up, and a boy who can think of others is a boy who has truly grown into a man, isn't he?

Morgan and Grace, oh, these two are probably never going to be apart again in their lifetimes, and together they've returned to Fishman's Island to make a persistent effort for the coexistence of humans and fishmen, and maybe the centuries-old dispute over Fishman's Island will really change because of them!

Naz, also stayed with the Whitebeard Bandits, this was my decision, than my irresponsible mother, maybe Whitebeard there can let him really grow up, and growth needs more than love! The unknown destiny of this child could only be explained to him by the "pirate"! I want to believe him because every parent trusts their child so unconditionally!

As for me.

Everyone do anything, are just for themselves, although some people will say, I hope to do something for which people, but in fact, is only hope to see others happy, they also have a share of happiness just.

And happiness this thing, only their own heart to know, other people's feelings can not replace, other people feel happy, they will not necessarily feel happy, love is a five-flavor fruit, only eat into the mouth of the people know what that is the taste, the world's most unfortunate is the heavenly man eternal separation, the most happy is if he left me only to get happiness that I left.

At least, I think so, love a person is to make him happy, whether it belongs to you, actually does not matter.

I've also asked myself countless times, what kind of feelings did Ace have when he first proposed marriage to himself?

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