Fire Fist of the Rebirth Pirate Comes to the World

Rebirth of Pirates - Fire Fist Descending Chapter 228

"So that's it, while fighting alone on the frontal battlefield, while falsely making signs of defeat, are they actually abandoning the warships with huge targets and instead diving from the bottom of the sea for a direct strike around the rear?!"

The pirate alliance was immersed in the joy of White Beard's annihilation of the naval fleet, never expected that the navy would use such a strange tactic, panic to respond to the battle, was killed in pieces, heavy casualties, in a few moments, a few pirate ships were defeated.

A few moments later, several pirate ships were defeated. The reacting Grace was shocked and angry, and realized that he had been tricked by the enemy.

The navy must have calculated that it would coerce White Beard's invincible courage to destroy all the ships, so it simply abandoned the ship to swim, to conceal the sea, a Jedi counterattack. Since the navy was founded, it has been said that in battle, abandoning the ship is the last thing to be avoided, because it would not only upset the formation, but also cut off the navy's own future, and it is unexpected that the navy would make such a contrary and desperate move.

It's just killing for the sake of killing!

For a moment, Gris was furious and impressed, and hated, "What a gecko to break his tail and abandon his car! This bastard Akainu actually sacrificed the majority of his fleet just to be the reason we produced a misjudgment and gave the navy enough time to execute a sneak attack war!"

As expected, he was the head of the Navy's strongest three generals, not only his personal force is extremely strong, even the battle strategy deployment is also surprising, but this also undoubtedly cut off the Navy's own retreat - abandoned their own warships, how can they escape from the New World safely?

"What a magma kid, I've really underestimated you!" Shrewd and sophisticated as White Beard, it was only from the battlefield that he discovered the true intent of this move, and he was not secretly alarmed.

"But ah, do you know how many of these navies can leave from the New World alive by destroying their own ships?"

This was by no means alarmist, after more than forty years of criss-crossing the New World, Whitebeard knew all too well what would happen to a sailor without a ship, and then there was this cold-bloodedness of Red Dog that wouldn't stop until he had achieved his goal, and it completely ignited his anger in his heart.

"They are the true navy, partners in justice, and at the same time, my true family."

The kingpin who bears the name of justice appears calm at the moment, but from his trembling words can still be felt, this man who upholds "absolute justice" is not heartless! He'd be mourning the loss of life, too.

"You've got to be kidding me! The guy who couldn't even save his own companions dared to talk about 'family' in front of the Whitebeard Bandits! Family - isn't something like family only called family if you can risk your life for others?"

As Whitebeard had insisted all his life, his anger came from his unchangeable will! Perhaps in the eyes of the world, he was just an evil party, yet even the so-called evil party had an existence of things that they would never allow to be trampled upon.

"What is justice, justice is saving all who should be saved, justice is saving all who are good!"

"A guy like you who doesn't know what family is, a guy like you who wantonly desecrates life, I could kill you with even a ninth set of radio gymnastics!"

Chapter 52 - Is the heart divisible?

Unable to feel the passage of time or know the direction of the bearing, looking at the darkness around him and the ripping sensation that came from his entire body, Ace secretly gritted his teeth and wrapped his arms around the two of them a little heavier.

The passage, already on the verge of collapse, gradually induced a stronger and stronger suction force, and the raging and raging spatial turbulence turned into an indestructible blade, tearing the armed colored tyranny he was protecting the three of them from crumbling into shape.

"Creak-!!!" A sound similar to the sound of glass being cracked by an enormous pressure suddenly reached everyone's ears, causing Ace to immediately tense up, his eyes not daring to relax for a moment as he stared straight ahead.

"Wow-" countless transparent shards popped up and slowly moved to float in the air like gravity-free glass shards, a hand slowly peeked out of the void and appeared right in front of the Golden Jackson, also appearing within Ace's sight in the first moment.

"The Golden Noah!?"

Ace was in a state of amazement when a shadow whirled around and looked down, but his entire body was completely startled in an instant, and Yuna was holding him in her arms, only her delicate face was already filled with tears, and two soft arms, hugging Ace's neck, and her fragrantly soft body was completely on top of him.

What the hell was going on? How did Una come to this place? A series of questions piled up in Ace's mind, but before Ace's brain could react, Yuna was the first to attack, smashing two powder fists one after the other on Ace's not-so-wide chest, "How could you be so cruel as to leave me alone and come here, don't you know how much it scares me that I haven't waited for you to come back? You're a pain in the ass! You big, bad man! Selfish bastard! I hate you!"

Rather than being angry to the point of being more petulant in general, just a drop of tears slowly slid down, soaking Ace's already thin clothes, warm tears penetrated into the clothes, touching the surface layer of the skin, already warm and cool tears gathered more and more, and eventually pooled into a pouring rain.

Listening to Yuna's unnatural, almost hysterical cry, as if to completely cry out the countless lonely grievances in his heart, Ace suddenly embraced the other's pink back tightly, the trembling in his hands illustrated the extreme unrest in his heart, Yuna if aware, as if she also understood his feelings, pounding Ace's right hand also slowly caressed the boy's back, gently gushing the other into his arms, more closely, as if to melt into one as warmly.

"How did you end up here,"

Words more and more soft and calm, the waves hit the place, the magnificent aurora borealis in their surroundings spiral shining, reflected in the river below on the ice ocean, as if that long ago summer night, the sky angry starlight, as if back to that piece of ice where only two people are, he was like to see the night sky, the stars, see a shooting star across the time for her promised that a promise, see that and she staggered, pure as ice and snow of youth.

He saw the Great Bear using a pair of meat paws, struggling to pull the dark space out of a huge passage, and he saw that half of the Golden Noah had already entered this gradually crumbling world, and he could even see the outside of the passage opened by the Great Bear, where the storm clouds were stirring and the blue waves were huge, and there was a new world!

"Hurry up, I won't last long!" Even though his voice was still cold, a hint of urgency could still be heard, which at the same time showed that the big bear had already held up to the limit just by opening up such a spatial channel.

"Know." Ace nodded, holding Yuna's heart still thumping wildly, never thought that she was gentle and shy, two years with their own if you are away, but the heart of the heart contains such a lingering bone-deep thoughts, sweet joy, tightly grasping her plain hand, but suddenly, the bottom of the heart and flashed that silver hair like snow charming face, breath suffocated, turned his eyes to look, but saw Lilith's looming figure in the waves, erratic. It was obviously a dimple, but it actually caused him to feel an unprecedented coldness in his heart, and that moment was like a ghost.

As if sensing Ace's abnormality, Yuna's long eyelashes trembled and gently opened her eyes, but she saw him gazing at her in the opposite direction, her heart jumped, and with his gaze, she froze in place.

Because at the moment, more than one pair of wonderful eyes blinked and stared at Ace, oblivious to the world around him that was about to collapse, Lilith's heart was suddenly sore like a cut, she inexplicably remembered that dark and deadly Dragon Island, the time they lived and died together, escaping in a boat, his clumsy steering of the Golden Noah, soothing his soft but forlorn words," I'm a pirate, not a philosopher, and I don't speak comforting words, but it's sad to live alone, and that's all I know, that's all I know!"

"It is the heart that experiences a true nightmare that can be tempered to the core."

Once upon a time, she repeated this sentence to herself over and over again, she should be thankful for those past she once hated, they taught the kind and miserable her, how to tap into the inherent weapons hidden in her body, how to manage and counter the injustice of fate step by step, she saw that once kind and innocent herself, walked away from her, farther and farther away, even the gesture of farewell, not even able to wave.

Yes, a person to live alone, is indeed too sad to give up their own everything, even their own is a pirate this thing itself abandoned, and his own such a bad woman together, is still the original him? Do you like him because he is the only person who truly loves you, or because he truly loves you? Does he leave all his friends behind, forget everything, and rejoice and be at peace with himself?

"What doesn't belong to you, even if you've got it, are you doomed to lose it immediately?"

Lilith watched the man and Ace hug each other, tears welling up in her eyes, her heart already aching, but she shook her head and smiled.

Tears slid menacingly across her cheeks, this moment, admit it or not, after more than three thousand days and nights of hatred, torture, remorse, pain, in front of her love for him, but so vulnerable, long-lost sweetness, sorrow, sadness, happiness, but like a tidal wave into the heart, so that she drowned, unable to breathe.

The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you're looking for and what you're looking for.

"Instead of wandering between fruitless love and ambiguous sympathy, I'd rather choose relief."

The fate of the underworld, week after week, also in this unsupported miles of ocean, also in this whistling wind, she and his fingertips touch, tingling like electricity, but this time, it can no longer be tightly connected.

There can only be one loved one, and more than one would be harmful to all.

Because a thing like a heart is truly inseparable!

Chapter 53: I Haven't Heard Her Name

The indestructible impact cannon, rigidly tearing open a huge opening in the clouds of the sky, sunlight pouring in, the scene was like a dream, the big bear supported the opened space channel with both hands, looked around and made a low voice, "The space here has become very unstable, we must leave immediately, and"

An ebony light broke out from his chest and transformed into a ball in front of him, the sphere was black and emitted a strange blackness that rose and rose like a human face that cried and wailed.

"This is, Moriah entrusted me to you."

"Moriah he,"

The moment he received the black sphere in his hand, the black sphere turned into a diffuse shadow by Ace's circumference and merged into his body, an unprecedented power filled his body, as if a thousand voices were roaring in his head, an unspoken realization crossed his heart, and Ace's voice became trembling.

"He's gone to find Kaido."

The Great Bear faded, but looking at his closed eyes, it was evident how much he was also lamenting at the moment.

"Moriah's time has been stuck at a standstill for ten years, since the time when all of his companions left but, because of you, he has found his courage once again, Moriah he, has finally been saved ah!"

"He was never meant to get out of here alive, and he gave you his shadow in the hope that if he didn't return, Kaido was counting on you."

The Great Bear's voice held unhesitating determination, there was a time when he too had fought all the way to this day with no regrets, so he could only respect Moriah's choice.

"The reason why I chose the Revolutionary Army back then is no longer important, all that matters is that I have felt fulfilled these past few years, even if I was in the most brutal battles, the fiercest competition, and the most terrifying danger, I have never regretted it or I no longer have the right to regret it, but after meeting you, I suddenly remembered why I became a Revolutionary Army in the first place, the world's most terrible It's not machines that think like humans, it's humans that think like machines!"

"I guess I have to say thank you for helping me find the person I really was in the first place!" Although the big bear's eyes were a little gloomy, but it was more comforting, "What exists in you is something that doesn't exist in the next person, after meeting you, I suddenly had this idea that if it were you, you would be able to do it, bring a new atmosphere to this world."

"Don't forget that the ones of us standing here today are all existences at the top of the world! The mind's guidance is useful, however it is not pointing to an absolute future, we have all reached where we are today step by step, what life and death struggle has not been to struggle a way to live from the mind's death guidance? Since that time, I've always believed in you, that you would be invincible and unbeatable, and you, indeed, have done it now, and it's time for you to believe in me!"

"Don't try to find out what a dream means, because a dream, in and of itself, has a meaning of its own, and some things aren't held on to because they see hope so please don't abandon it!" Even though he was already over halfway through his mechanical transformation, the Great Bear still spoke with an immense determination that belonged to humanity.

"I know." Ace took a deep breath, holding back his tears to keep them from falling.

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