Fire Fist of the Rebirth Pirate Comes to the World

Rebirth of a Pirate - Fire Fist Descending Chapter 197

"Man, that's easy to move."

In this world, some things are like a drop of water, in the world of the sea it is not at all insignificant, but when it falls onto the surface of a calm lake, the ripples it creates can affect the entire lake, just like the current Ace, he never thought he would meet this man here.

"I've heard of you slightly before, but I didn't expect to meet you under such circumstances, or did I" the man's eyes flashed with a gleam, his voice wasn't particularly strong, but it was extraordinarily magnetic, and his red hair, which was as passionate as fire, flew up gently as the momentum spread through the air lifted.

"How would you like to have a fight with me before you duel with Whitebeard, Ace?"

A light tone, but with an overbearing tone that made it impossible to resist, just a glance with him made me want to surrender to him several times.

"Finally, we meet,"

The second half of the Great Voyage, one of the four kings who occupy the largest power in the New World.

The man who, at the cost of an arm, gave Luffy a second life and guided him to the path of the pirates.

The four kings, the red-haired Shanks!


Redhead Shanks.

At the mention of this name, I'm afraid no one would be unfamiliar with it. Regardless of his current position as the Four Kings of the New World, the mere fact that he was once a trainee crew member on the Pirate King Roger's ship had already made countless people jealous, and this same point had fated the legend of the red-haired man's life.

This was a man who had once reached the end of the world alive!

"Or do you want to have a duel with me before you duel with Whitebeard?"

Almost at the same time as the redhead's voice fell, several pirates beside him, stealthily pointed their guns at Ace and the others, not only the redheaded pirate group's side was like an enemy, even the pirates from the Black Inferno Pirate Group's side almost subconsciously drew their weapons and pointed their spears at each other, as long as their own captain gave the order, they would not hesitate to attack the other side.

The unease that seemed to have solidified into a mass gradually spread among all of them.

No! Not everyone, there were at least four people present who didn't seem to be surprised by the rapid tension between the two sides, and they were the snooty redhead, the happy-go-lucky Ace, the smiling Lilith, and Ben Beckman, the co-captain who had been silently smoking a cigarette from the start.

"Ah, indeed."

Ace's eyes looked straight at the hideous three claw marks at the redhead's left eye and murmured, "After all, it is the Four Kings who stand at the top of this world, what about the redheaded Shanks, it would be a complete lie not to want to fight you."

Is it really so? the redhead gently closed his eyes, but when he opened them again, he burst out with infinite battle intent, "If that's your answer, then I won't refuse."

And then, everyone didn't want to, Ace suddenly changed his words and said with some emotion, "I was going to do this la, but once I saw my brother's savior, dueling and all that, I couldn't bring myself to do it anymore! Hehe, I think I'd better thank you honestly."

Saying that, Ace bowed deeply to the redhead in front of him, "I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for what you have done to Luffy, but of course, I don't think it can repay your kindness."

More than just thanks could make up for, what Shanks had done to Luffy was more than simply an arm, the strength had reached its current stage, Ace naturally understood what an arm meant to Shanks, especially as a left-handed Shanks, if it wasn't for taking such an arm just for Luffy, perhaps by now, Shanks' strength would have been able to catch up with Whitebeard straight away as well.

After all, the other party also possessed the King's Qualification!

"Brother? Are you talking about Luffy?"

The entire redhead paused, and after a brief moment of surprise, the rough face revealed a brilliant smile, "What well, it's Luffy's brother, hahaha, one of us, brothers, have a party, celebrate a long-lost friend."

Ben Beckman put down his cigarette and a smile appeared on his lips, he seemed to recall, too, the child who had been clamoring to join the bandits more than ten years ago, and it seemed that the rubber fruit that the other had taken was the one he had found with his own hands.

"A party! Have a party!" Even though he was still holding a chicken leg in his left hand that he hadn't finished eating, Lucky Road was always happy to have a party.

And the Black Inferno Pirates were stunned when they saw this scene, they had thought that there would still be a difficult battle to come, but they didn't expect it to be easily resolved with just the captain's words.

"What kind of a person is the captain's brother?" For a while, the enigmatic name "Luffy" was firmly remembered by everyone.

In fact, more appalled than his own companions, Ace, he also did not think that just by his own words without a reason, he could make the redhead enthusiastically open his heart to his own side, such a heroic spirit, Ace was ashamed of himself.

Looking at the middle-aged man with a neat moustache in front of him, a wild and unrestrained temperament at this moment was particularly noticeable, the figure of the red hair, and the memory of the figure that always followed behind him gradually reunited, Ace seemed to understand a little.

Whether it was Luffy or the redhead, they were born with a talent that seemed to make the people around them trust them unconditionally, it had nothing to do with their personal abilities, only that it was a personality charm that belonged uniquely to them.

Or was this the rumored aura of the protagonist?

"You said your name was Enylu?"

The redhead looked at the man with the strange earlobes in front of him, his eyes showing a feeling called "hope".

"You're pretty good, do you want to come to my place and fuck with me?"

As the Four Kings who stood at the peak of this world, the redhead's eyes were naturally venomous, and immediately saw that Aneeru was extraordinary and threw an olive branch at him.

"How is that possible?!"

"Hey, you don't think I exist, do you!" Ace cursed viciously.

"Haha!" The redhead poured a mouthful of spirits into his mouth, wiped his mouth haphazardly, and patted Ace's shoulder with a smile, "We're all men of the sea, so don't be so formal!"

"But my word still stands, oh Enylu, any day you change your mind, I'm always welcome." The red hair still since the thief's heart to the temptation, causing Aene Lu directly threw a cloud of lightning over, but he was lightly punched to scatter, but also Ugwu shouted to, "Wow, so Aene Lu you are the natural system of ringing thunder fruit ability ah, no wonder so strong."

"This bastard "Faced with such a rogue act of the redhead, Aene Lu was unable to fight or scold away, so he simply lay down head first and slept.

"Oh, right, Ace, I remembered that there seems to be a rumor out there that you're going to duel with Whitebeard in a month's time." After chatting for a while, the redhead seemed to remember something and then squared off.

"Well, what's the problem?"

"No, I just think you're a little too eager to prove something, aren't you?" The redhead frowned slightly, seemingly displeased with this reaction of his, "Besides, you can get anyone, why does it have to be Whitebeard?"

Looking at the redhead's slightly angry face, Ace still didn't compromise, but from the vague attitude of the other party, it was probably because he was Luffy's older brother that he was so interested in this matter, "Actually, you can feel it, Shanks has only fought once, and although I lost miserably that time, Whitebeard's power is really getting weaker. "

"So you're thinking" Hearing Ace's words, the redhead's eyes flashed with a hint of clarity.

"Yes, Whitebeard's health is deteriorating day by day, it's just not that obvious on the surface, I think it would be an insult to Whitebeard if someone like him died so incompetently, if I really had the power to kill him, I'd rather Whitebeard die by my hand!"

Seemingly pouring out the secret that had been buried in his heart for a long time, Ace couldn't help but feel a drenching thrill in his heart, followed by an inexplicable smile. Seeing that the redhead was still trudging around, Ace helplessly threw out words that made everyone there, including his own companion, stunned.

"It's either that or I die at his hands!"

Seeing that Ace's mind was made up, the redhead sighed lightly and stopped obstructing, but asked with one last fluke, "Have you really decided that even if you die at the hands of Whitebeard, you will never regret it?"

Ace didn't reply, just smiled genially and looked as determined as before.

Afraid to die, what's the point of being a pirate!

The red-haired man paced without speaking for a long while, and finally skipped to the snowy sky outside the cave, but his thoughts had drifted to a distant and unreachable distance.

The place that Whitebeard and Ace had agreed upon, the Edwardian Sea, was the sea area where Gore D. Roger, who had not yet been named the "King of Pirates" twenty years ago, had his final confrontation with the then "Governor of the Pirate Fleet" and the Golden Lion, known as the "Flying Pirate".

It is also the last sea in front of the New World terminal, Raft Drew.

Across this sea is Rafdru, the end of the world and the crowning throne of the unique Pirate King!

King of Thieves!

It's a title that all pirates dream of, yet at the same time admire highly, and it's not just a supreme honor! Or a symbol of the times and a key to a new era!

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