Fire Fist of the Rebirth Pirate Comes to the World

Rebirth of a Pirate - Fire Fist Descending Chapter 134

It's an unticketed fish!

"To the Sea Dragon Palace." Ace didn't care if the unticketed taxi fish understood him or not, he fell straight down on the couch, only Yuna kept laughing.

But then the massive King of the Dragon Palace, Neptune of the Air Thorn Fish, was fuming on his throne, and his three princes stood trembling in fear in the main hall.

"What's up with that Fire Fist Ace? Imagine Neptune's age, but he called Whitebeard "Father", which showed how high his status was in Fisherman's Island.

"Father, perhaps he was just a momentary lapse." Grand Prince Fucaposi tried to persuade his arrogant father, "Although I don't know much about this human, but from what he did on the Shamboddy Islands, it should be obvious that he is not some great traitor, there must be some misunderstanding."

"A misunderstanding? What misunderstanding?" Neptune clearly didn't want to hear his beloved son defend an outsider in front of all the ministers, and his tone grew irritable, "My husband sees that he's just intentionally thinking that he's done something that won't go up in the world, so he's got his tail up in the air, who hasn't had youthful indiscretions?"

This is not easy to argue with the Great Prince, Ace is a pirate, it is no big deal if you do not play your cards according to the rules, this time the incident of the Shambodhi Islands is known to the whole world, Ace's name has long been spread throughout the Great Voyage, to say that the other party's self-confidence is extremely inflated to do anything indecent is also reasonable.

"But Your Majesty, Fire Fist Ace is at any rate the benefactor of many Fishman Islanders, would it be improper for us to make a hasty move if we really haven't gotten to the bottom of things beforehand?" A minister spoke out.

"This," hesitated Neptune, who, though hot-tempered, was not yet reckless, "Foukaposi, Longaposi, and Wanaposi, O my husband's three children."

"Yes, Father." Having accompanied Neptune for many years, Foukaposi had a rough guess of what the other man was thinking.

"That Fire Fist Ace um, you go and send someone to bring him to the Dragon Palace, my husband will interview him personally." Mulling this over in his mind, Neptune added, "Remember to be polite."

"As you command." The king ordered, and all three princes and ministers rose to their feet and bowed.

However, just as this was about to retire, several piercing screams broke the silence of the palace, and the palace was thrown into chaos as several large and powerful fishermen actually descended from the sky.

"It's you?" Seeing the other party's face, Neptune looked a little ugly, "Hody Jones, what do you intend to do when you sneak into the Sea Dragon Palace?"

"Hey hey hey" Hody Jones laughed uproariously, all bloodthirsty, "Old man, you've been king for so long, it's time to abdicate!"

"Bold!" "Insolent!"

This bold declaration from the other side suddenly angered the courtiers in the palace, who were all angry at Hody Jones, but considering the difference in strength between the two sides, they quietly retreated back to their original position.

Neptune's withered eyes turned up with astonishing momentum, and his right hand took out his Neptune's trident straight from beside the throne, the end of which was leaned towards the ground, and the entire palace seemed to shake.

"With a brat like you?" Neptune rose slowly, his huge fish tail gently brushing against the throne, Hody Jones was a rabbit in front of an elephant compared to the other man's huge body. "Don't think that because Jinping has pleaded for you, my husband wouldn't dare to touch you, the reason why he has kept you alive is because of the face of Fisher Tyger, the founder of Fishman Street."

Neptune's large hand moved, and each of the three princes led their guards to surround the five men of Hody Jones, who would immediately thrust their spears into each other's chests as soon as Neptune gave the order.

"My husband is just curious as to how you broke through this blockade of guards." At this point, a chill flashed in Neptune's eyes, a palace with heavy guards was invaded without anyone knowing, how shocking was this!

Hody Jones was silent for a few seconds, then laughed loudly and wildly, and not only him, but also his four associates at the same time. "Well well Neptune, so you haven't aged well, it seems I underestimated you, but did you really think we were coming without any preparation?"

"Even if you try to do something about it, it will be in vain!" Seeing how arrogant the other party was, Neptune snorted heavily, "Should I say that you are confident or arrogant?"

"With these rotten sweet potatoes stinking bird eggs?" Hody Jones' accomplice, Zeo the Bearded Shark, had a deep disdain in his eyes, "I'll show you the power of my son!" Saying that, Zeo fisted his hands in front of his chest and smashed forward with a violent cry.

"Climb the waterfall!"

The other party's plain punch actually directly squeezed the air to a grimace, a huge cracking sound spread far away, strong wind pressure directly blowing the crowd's clothes, while the palace guards in front of Zeo but suddenly fell a large area.

Neptune and the three princes and some other strong people's eyes flashed an appalled, obviously surprised by the other party's powerful punch, knowing that Fishman karate was not a very rare thing in the Fishman Island, but those who could truly grasp the essence of it, but it was very few.

Hody Jones likewise let out a loud laugh, grabbing a handful of red pills from his pocket and sending them straight to his mouth, and the wrinkles on Neptune's cheeks grew a little deeper as he saw this.

"Ah!" The veins in Hodie Jones' forehead bruised, and he smashed a fist into Neptune, the king of Fishman Island, who was no more than a few meters in front of him, who took a deep breath and met Hodie Jones' attack with a powerful left fist.

"Rough Thrasher!" They both roared at the same time.

"Boom" a loud bang, but the two men are backward at the same time, and Hody Jones in the process of this backward, again from the pocket of the coat to grab a large handful of E-S into the mouth, proudly reared his head, a mighty howl, but actually stopped alive midway! Neptune, on the other hand, was panting wildly and clearly exhausted.

"What the hell is this "Grand Prince Kafposi looked at his enemy's antics and immediately became extremely suspicious of the strange red pill.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie" not knowing if it was a side effect of E-S, Hody Jones' eyes were both red and his entire body exuded a beastly killing intent, many soldiers were already too scared to move just by seeing those eyes.

"Fishman Island, will change from today onwards!"

"By the way, can you explain what's going on?"

Looking at Morgan, who had disappeared before and was now suddenly in his way, Grace was confused, "Have you gone to find that Mr. 'Hachi' the Captain was talking about?"

"Found it." That said, the grin on Morgan's lips had told Grace the answer.

"So, are you coming back now?" Grace looked at the other man expectantly, hoping he would say yes immediately, but he was disappointed.

Morgan shook his head, "Not yet, at least, please give me a day, after a day I will give you my answer but right now, right now you must not go near the Dragon Palace."

"Now there is?" Perhaps sensing the frustration in Morgan's mind, Grace pushed down her deepest anxiety and asked a tentative question.


Chapter 11: Declaring War

"Change? You mean" Grace's eyes were a little horrified, he knew exactly what Morgan was talking about in terms of change, Fishman Island now had a white-bearded name, but that wasn't what those upper echelons thought. Just two hundred years ago, fishermen weren't even classified as human, discrimination and persecution would always flood the tiny island, and two hundred years later, the situation still wasn't getting better.

"No, that's not your style." Grace yelled directly at Morgan, "Didn't you say that you would find a way for the fishermen and humans to coexist peacefully? Why give up now?"

"No, I'm not giving up." Morgan seemed to be afraid to look Grace in the eye and looked away, "In the two years I've spent with you all, I've seen clearly what is human nature and what is reality Maybe the captain is right, there will always be hurdles one can't get over in this life, there will always be things one must do Grace, and now I want to try and see if I can get over them. "

"You" Before Gris could finish his sentence, a giant axe suddenly descended from the sky and struck straight at him, which was only dodged thanks to the fact that Gris's six styles were already a small success.

"Hehe, the little mouse is quite flexible." A sneer came out from beside the two, the sharp voice had an unspoken coldness to it, and when Gris looked up, it was a busty tiger shark man.

"Vander Dyken? Who told you to do it" seeing someone take a shot at Grace, the fire in Morgan's heart was miserable.

"Hey, hey, put away your fists, will you, we're allies, and when we see an ally in trouble, of course we're going to fight." The other party clearly didn't take Morgan's words to heart and instead playfully played with the flying knife in his hand.

"Vander Dyken?" Grace remembered the centuries old pirate ship they had seen earlier at the time of the Deep Current, so the man in front of him was the descendant of the cursed captain, but based on Morgan's previous behavior, he didn't like the man at all, and if that was the case, then this alliance was clearly for profit.

"Vander Dyken IX, to be precise." With a arrogant face, Vander Dyken actually ignored Morgan's stern gaze and walked straight up to Grace, "First meeting, shake hands." Saying so, he actually extended his left hand to Grace.

"No, Grace, don't touch him." Morgan, in a heartbeat, yelled directly at Grace.

"Huh?" Hearing this violent cry from Morgan, Gris subconsciously paused, yet Vander Dyken had already placed his left hand on his shoulder.

"Hee hee, you've been cursed by the target, your next fate will be death!" Vander Dyken suddenly laughed, then raised his left hand, picked up the huge axe that had fallen from the square and threw it straight up into the air.

"What the hell are you" Before Gris could voice his doubts, a sharp cracking sound had whistled through the air, and Gris suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a hot pain in his back, as if he had been penetrated by a sharp object.

"What is this?" Grace looked back, but it was the huge axe that had been thrown high into the air by Vander Dyken, the blade of the axe was deep into the skin at the point, but the handle at the other end was held firmly in Morgan's hand.

"Morgan, you" before the second half of Gris's sentence could be uttered, the man had already fainted, and fetid red blood continued to pour out from the wound in his back.

"Vander Dyken!!!" Morgan's eyes were on fire and grabbed the other man by the neck, his murderous aura around him unabashedly forcing him towards Vander Dyken who was being carried like a chicken in his hands.

"Hey, if you kill me, there won't be anyone left to go in and help Boss Jones and the others oh, you know the results of a shortage of troops." Despite being provoked by Morgan's astonishing murderous rage, Vander Dyken tried his best to make his smile normal, knowing that the fisherman in his rage was very brutal.

"You" Hearing Jones, Morgan froze, dropped Vander Dyken with trembling hands, turned and carried the badly wounded Grace on his back and ran to Fisherman's Row, all Grace needed now was a doctor.

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