Weird homework was assigned all day long, and yesterday’s homework was to learn how to duck.
Fortunately, the teacher’s wife raised one in the backyard, which allowed Han Fei to seize the opportunity.
He hugged the duck all day and never let go, and was coaxed by Wu Jinghao to eat before letting go.
Shan alone left a lot of damage to the duckling’s heart, and he ran away when he saw Han Fei.
“Then I also dedicated myself to performing, let me observe and observeNor is it against the law. ”
Then when it was her turn to perform, she felt shy for a while, and the teacher insisted on posting it in the group in the form of a video, which was hard for Han Fei.
Wu Jinghao held back his laughter and began to shoot videos for Han Fei, returning all kinds of requests.
“Go a little to the left!” “You are wrong! You have to show a rattling feeling!” “You can’t do this, just observe and observe.”
Han Fei felt that Wu Jinghao was driving her crazy. She sat down on the porch and refused to get up.
“Please forgive me. I won’t laugh at you anymore.”
Han Fei didn’t believe his nonsense, and was unwilling to talk to him no matter what.
“Stay away from me, my good mood today was ruined by you’ “.”
Besides, I planned to turn a corner and go to the backyard to play with the ducklings. Unfortunately, the ducks didn’t appreciate it at all, and ran around playing hide-and-seek with Han Fei.
Taking advantage of this moment, Wu Jinghao took out his mobile phone and took a short video. This small video later became the black history that Han Fei was least willing to recall.
It’s a pity that Han Fei didn’t see it now.
The teacher’s wife stood in the room and looked at the duck, which was almost driven crazy by Han Fei, so she decided to save the duck from Han Fei’s hands.
“Stop playing, come back and drink some hot soup. It’s so cold, don’t freeze.”
As soon as the duck in his hand was let go, it ran away without a trace. Wu Jinghao looked at Han Fei with a smile on the side.
“Look, the teacher’s wife thinks you are ruining the ducks. If you don’t have a good class, you have to come to observe some small animals.”
What do you know? This is what acting classes must do. We are studying professionally, how can we look like you? ”
Wu Jinghao has never been exposed to acting, but he often watches Han Fei go crazy in the mirror, so it seems normal to learn from ducks.
Holding Han Fei’s hand, she walked into the room.
“Look at your hands, don’t freeze them. I’ll give you that hand warmer.”
After Han Fei rubbed her hands and felt that it wasn’t that cold, the teacher’s wife brought over the hand warmer.
“Hurry up, don’t freeze.”
Wu Jinghao stuffed it back into Han Fei’s hand again, “You’d better keep it in your pocket, and watch you sneeze one after another. I’m afraid you’re catching a cold.”
Han Fei curled her lips and said nothing.
Wu Jinghao picked up a phone call during dinner, and originally planned to answer the phone in the house, but after looking at it, he went out and died.
After opening the door, the cold air blew on my body, and a cold air burst out from behind.
Han Fei also felt that there might be something important, but she always felt that this matter had something to do with her.
“¨. What’s the matter? Do you want more?” Teacher’s wife watched Han Fei turn over the empty bowl with a spoon.
“No need, (Nuo Wang’s) is not very hungry.” As soon as he finished speaking, his stomach started to growl. Han Fei blushed and lowered her head in embarrassment.
“Okay, I’ll go by myself.”
I went to the kitchen and looked at Wu Jinghao’s back in the mirror. Suddenly, Wu Jinghao turned around and looked at himself.
Looking at Wu Jinghao’s mouth shape, he said something to himself, because the kitchen was foggy and couldn’t see clearly.
After finishing her meal, Han Fei hurriedly walked seven times according to her teacher’s wife’s order, and then quickly lay down in the room on the second floor. .

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