Father Wu is also a person who came back from the mall, how can he be a person who can be bluffed by children.
In his previous life, Wu Jinghao was a doctor. In this life, abandoning medicine and going into business was the first thing he had resisted against his father. Determined to be a businessman stronger than his father.
At the same time, it was also the year when I knew the truth.
In Wu Jinghao’s impression, he lived in a happy family since he was a child. His father is a businessman with a successful career, his mother is a lady, and he has been pampered since he was a child.
If he hadn’t discovered his father’s secret by accident in his previous life, he might have regarded this man as his closest relative for the rest of his life.
The person on the other side of the phone was still angrily insulting her, even taking her dead mother along with her.
“That’s enough! I’ve made my conditions clear. Now everyone is investigating this woman. Maybe your secret will be fully exposed on that day. At that time, if you don’t want to hand it over, you must hand it over to me.”
The Tianhe Group was created by Wu Jinghao and has nothing to do with his father. But being that man’s child, owning a stake in the original company wasn’t a surprise either.
In the circle, it’s an open secret that I don’t get along with him, but that man’s child doesn’t live up to his expectations and only indulges in sensuality outside every day. When the company encountered a huge crisis, at this moment, Wu Jinghao was their greatest savior.
The annexation of Tianhe Group is inevitable.
The phone was hung up roughly. Wu Jinghao looked at the group photo on the screen and smiled knowingly.
At that time, all the people were still there, and I hadn’t realized the dangers of society.
Han Fei got up and pulled Wu Jinghao back from the bed.
“Let’s eat something. Only after eating and hugging can we proceed to the next plan.”
Han Fei didn’t ask too much about anything else. If Wu Jinghao wanted to, she would take the initiative to talk to herself.
“Aren’t you curious?” Wu Jinghao cut up the steak in his hand and shared a few pieces with Han Fei.
“I guessed a little bit. Since your mother passed away, you seem to be a different person. The hatred for that person has been released from the heart to the surface. And you proposed to move out of the house. It may be because of this woman.”
As she spoke, she took out a photo from her bag, which was just sent by Wang Juan while Wu Jinghao was on the phone.
The photo shows an extremely young woman holding a child in her arms, and the background is the courtyard of the house. Wu Jinghao had never seen this photo before.
“This is that aunt and your cheap brother.”
Wu Jinghao still wanted to change the topic, but when he heard Han Fei say “¨Cheap brother”, he wanted to laugh a little.
It was indeed Brother Cheap. When he was forced by that man to learn something, his brother and child who was half a month older than him played games. I already have the ability to work in the company, and brother cheap is still in and out of Fengyue.
At that time, because I intentionally placedSo rich that the money that person gave him was not enough. Once that person withdrew a large amount of money from his account, Wu (Nuo De Zhao) Jinghao discovered the clue.
“I don’t know if that man will regret raising such a waste back then?”
“Who knows? All I know is that you have survived the most difficult time.”
The next day, Dad Wu still didn’t draw up the contract according to Wu Jinghao’s request. Wu Jinghao gave him the last chance because he didn’t cherish Kai himself.
“Get ready to send it, the sooner the better. It’s best to start when that person has their first child.”.

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