When they came to the company, Wu Jinghao and Han Fei walked down the hall of the company holding hands. The scene where the two are in the same frame seems to be bursting with pink bubbles.
Looking at the appearance of a talented man and a woman, and the happy appearance of the two people who are a match made in heaven, I really envy many employees.
The male employees are all envious of their President Wu being able to find such a beautiful and talented girl to marry back home as his wife, and hate themselves for not being Wu Jinghao.
Similarly, the female employee hated herself for not being Han Fei! I am also envious of Han Fei being able to marry an almighty male god, talented, handsome and wealthy Wu Jinghao, who exudes charm all the time and is also full of male hormones.
“Boom boom boom… boom boom boom…”
A very standard knock on the door came into Wu Jinghao’s office.
Wu Jinghao Basanqi still looked down at the document in his hand, not affected by this “noise” at all.
Early in the morning, Yan Fengtian came to the company and looked at the envious expressions of his colleagues. When I heard that Wu Jinghao and Han Fei had come to work, the love between the two seemed to be still in front of me, and the employees of the company were still discussing enthusiastically. Yan Fengtian ran to Wu Jinghao’s office without even returning to his own office.
Yan Fengtian walked into Wu Jinghao’s office with a playful smile. He stretched out his hand to Wu Jinghao.
“Mr. Wu, happy wedding! Where’s the wedding candy?”
Wu Jinghao put down the documents in his hand, sat up straight and leaned back to the chair. Xiang Yan Fengtian raised his eyebrows, and also extended his hand.
“Where’s the red envelope!”
As soon as Yan Fengtian heard about money, he immediately panicked! His mouth became uncomfortable.
“You…you are so, so big, the boss has so much money, and you still ask me for a red envelope! You…you are short of money!”
Wu Jinghao raised the corners of his lips and smiled slightly.
“I’m sorry, I just need the money from your red envelope!”
Yan Fengtian knew he was wrong. As a newlywed, there should indeed be a red envelope. However, he was still reluctant.
“You are such a big boss, you have to give me the wedding candy first! The wedding wine can be put away first! But the sugar is not allowed!”
Wu Jinghao looked at Yan Fengtian’s rogue-like appearance, casually opened the drawer on the right, and looked through it. Sure enough, there was a pack of candy, and a pack of popping candy in purple packaging was in the drawer. Wu Jinghao wondered when this bag of candy was put here?
Two months ago, a rather difficult matter occurred in the company, and Wu Jinghao was also a little worried. Han Fei was also very anxious, but she knew that she couldn’t help, but she must not make trouble for Wu Jinghao. Han Fei thought of a way,If you love candy then share your candy with Wu Jinghao! Let him not be so gloomy.
This is the end of the memory. Wu Jinghao thought that his wife bought this bag of candy for him, so he immediately refused to give it to Yan Fengtian in his heart, and immediately closed the drawer.
After waiting for so long, Yan Fengtian became a little impatient. After all, he hadn’t gone to his office yet, and his briefcase was still in his mobile phone, but as soon as he came here, he went straight to Wu Jinghao’s office.
“Mr. Wu, such a big Haofei company belongs to you. You can’t be harsh on a piece of wedding candy! You don’t have one. I’ll ask my sister-in-law for it.”
Wu Jinghao patted his pocket and took out a five-cent coin from his pocket. He remembered that when he was cleaning up the house that day, he accidentally found it and put it in his pocket. Maybe he didn’t pay attention when he was washing clothes.
Wu Jinghao put the five-cent coin on the desk.
“Go buy it yourself, don’t go to Feifei, don’t disturb her!”
Yan Fengtian’s jaw dropped when he saw the coin. He picked it up. Not to mention how many companies and enterprises under Wu Jinghao’s name, but the house he lives in now is not only expensive, you can’t buy it if you have money!
“Are you kidding me! Wedding candy for fifty cents! Mr. Wu?”
Wu Jinghao looked at Yan Fengtian seriously, as if you were joking.
Well, Yan Feng was overwhelmed, and walked out of Wu Jinghao’s office awkwardly. Indeed, he didn’t give Wu Jinghao and Han Fei any red envelopes, and when he waited for Yan Fengtian to “come back”, if Wu Jinghao didn’t give him his wedding candy, then it would be so difficult to say!
Hmm… Wu Jinghao was indeed negligent about the wedding candy. Wu Jinghao picked up the phone and called Hu Yifei’s office. Hu Yifei immediately came to Wu Jinghao’s office… As soon as he entered the door, Hu Yifei was also smiling.
“Mr. Wu, I wish you and Ms. Han a happy wedding!”
Wu Jinghao still looked businesslike, and nodded slightly.
“Thank you. Go and buy some more sugar, pack it well, and make sure that every person in the company has a copy. Besides, prepare the same amount and send it to my office. Of course, the grade and packaging of the sugar are not acceptable. If it’s too low, you can figure it out. Then, this afternoon, I will prepare dessert and coffee for everyone. A simple afternoon tea. The money will be deducted from my card. There is no password.”
With that said, Wu Jinghao put a black card on the table.
Hu Yifei nodded.
Just as Hu Yifei was about to turn around and leave, Wu Jinghao stopped her again.
“Remember, you don’t need to give Yan Fengtian’s share to him. If he asks you why, just say that he is not on the list, and just come to me if you have any questions.”
Then, Hu Yifei walked out with the black card that was a little hot to the touch. This is a black card! At this time, Hu Yifei’s legs were a little weak. As soon as he went out, Han Fei immediately supported the wall of the corridor. She hadn’t had time to fully digest the task that Wu Jinghao had just given her. As for why Yan Fengtian didn’t have to give it, Hu Yifei didn’t even have time to think about it! All she knew was that she was holding a black card without a password! If this is lost, how can it be compensated!
Why! Sure enough, the world of the rich is not something ordinary people like us can understand!
Everything was ready, Hu Yifei called a few staff members to help her take it in, and then asked the supervisors of various departments to come to her to collect the quantity, and reminded not to forget to call two people.
After the distribution, Hu Yifei told all the staff.
“This is the wedding candy that Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu invited everyone to eat!”
All members are cheering!
In the practice room here, the three little ghosts were eating dessert while shaking their heads.
“Oh, sure enough, Mr. Wu is more caring than some people! He even knows how to give us wedding candies!”
The other two are also seconding.
Han Fei threw the tissue in her hand on the “talkative” Wang Jun.
“I’m really eating, but I still can’t occupy your mouths!”.

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