Han Fei looked at this morning, and there was a feeling that some people came out of it happily, and some came out of it crying with joy. On the other hand, they started arguing endlessly from the moment they arrived at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, and they were still arguing after completing the formalities. Or the two of them faced the result calmly and went their separate ways.
Han Fei looked at Wu Jinghao, and she fell into deep thought. After many years, would they be like the couple this morning, and would they come to apply for another certificate in a calm manner.
What exactly is eternal?
Han Fei was a little confused. She was afraid that Wu Jinghao proposed marriage only because the two had gotten along for a long time. She knew that she should give Wu Jinghao more trust. Han Fei just cared too much, she was afraid of losing Wu Jinghao, something she never dared to imagine. If Wu Jinghao is lost, Han Fei feels that the sky will collapse.
Wu Jinghao could see the uneasiness in Han Fei’s heart, so he picked up the girl beside him who made him think about it day and night, and haunt him 21 days and nights. Slightly increased the strength in his hand to comfort her. Han Fei turned to look at Wu Jinghao, Wu Jinghao solemnly put Han Fei’s hand on his chest, and nodded seriously to Han Fei.
Although Wu Jinghao didn’t say a word, Han Fei felt much more at ease. Han Fei knew that what Wu Jinghao meant was to trust him.
Wu Jinghao has never wavered in his original intention to marry this girl, whether it was when he was a child or until now. From the beginning to the end, there was only one Mrs. Wu that Wu Jinghao wanted, and that was Han Fei. It’s not because of what is appropriate, nor is it to make ends meet, and it’s not because of what the parents say or the matchmaker’s words. He firmly believes that he loves Han Fei, and Han Fei also loves him, they areOnly by loving each other will we come together. Wu Jinghao also couldn’t imagine what would happen to him without Han Fei. He knew that the one next to him could only be Han Fei.
At this time, snap! sound. Attracting the attention of the general public, Han Fei and Wu Jinghao were also attracted to look there. A woman flashed a slap, leaving a mark on the man’s face. The man’s mouth was also full of swear words.
Wu Jinghao was worried that Han Fei would think too much after seeing this scene, so he took Han Fei’s hand with one hand, and the other reached out to cover Han Fei’s eyes to keep her away from this scene. Han Fei took Wu Jinghao’s hand. Turn around and face Wu Jinghao. He looked at Wu Jinghao seriously with his dark eyes and firm eyes, as if he was not the same person as the worried and helpless girl just now.
“I believe you, Erhuo. We are us. We are only us. We are still us. I believe, today is the last time we come to this place. This place will only leave footprints of our happiness. We will be happy. ”
At 11:00 in the morning, Wu Jinghao and Han Fei were lined up.
By the time there were two people in line, they were already exhausted. Not only were they fully armed, they also had to be on guard against paparazzi at any time. The heart is also suffering.
Finally, the two of them are about to enter a new

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