"Langya's creed!" Zhang Ran shouted, like a thunderclap on the ground.

  He Zhijun and the others instantly straightened their bodies, their faces were serious and their heads were high, and the pride in their bones was self-evident, and then they responded in unison: "A wolf travels a thousand miles, only one tooth is needed, wherever the wolf's teeth pass, they are all enemy bones! Kill, kill, kill. !"

  "The soul of the wolf tooth!"

  "Not afraid of death, not afraid of death, dare to die, willing to die!"

  "Okay!" Zhang Ran said no more nonsense: "I will announce a special order next! One group, beheading operation, target Wu Yuanjia, the enemy's general headquarters! Group two, target enemy ammunition depots and military airports! Remember, no matter whether it is or not Someone sacrificed or whoever sacrificed, whether alive or dead, I will take you home!! Now, execute the order!"

  When Zhang Ran left the Langya station in a military vehicle, he looked back at the busy soldiers and thought, how many of them will survive after the First World War?

  But this is war!

  Zhang Ran left the Langya station and went straight to the temporary headquarters of the C army.

  In the battle plan, their C army also has an important task, to quickly enter the territory of Jiaozhi, launch the main attack on the enemy from the middle, first unplug the enemy who is entrenched in Baole, and then go to Gaoping, until the enemy's capital.

  Baole was quickly captured by Zhang Ran, and then divided his troops into two groups and charged towards Gaoping.

  At this time, Zhang Ran was in the temporary headquarters, listening to the general commander's briefing on the entire battle situation by telephone. He was the acting commander of the C army, but he was also the former deputy commander of the enemy, so he had the right and obligation to start from the commander. Take intelligence as you go to keep an eye on the entire situation.

  Just hung up the phone, the phone rang again.

  After Zhang Ran picked it up, an exasperated voice came from the opposite side: "Commander, there is a sudden situation. When my division was attacking Gaoping from the right, it encountered the enemy's Women's Army. Those women were very fierce. Almost at a loss!"

  Zhang Ran frowned and said, "What's the situation, tell me in detail!"

  The division commander said on the phone that when the soldiers were besieging a hill, they were suddenly attracted by a group of female soldiers from Jiaozhi.

  Women are rare on the battlefield. When they saw the Women's Army, the soldiers instinctively relaxed their vigilance because of the natural comity and underestimation of men to women. What's more, these Cochin female soldiers were all good-looking and could run. Trembling, not wanting to be distracted.

  What the enemy female soldiers wanted was this brief distraction. They opened fire suddenly and took several lives in an instant.

  "These female soldiers are less afraid of death than men, and their marksmanship is very good, and their combat effectiveness is strong! When we conquered the highlands, even stranger things happened!"

  Zhang Ran wondered, "What?"

  The commander said in surprise: "Commander, you would never have imagined that as soon as these cochin girls were captured, they would unbutton their buttons, wanting to exchange their bodies for freedom. Mother, they don't wear anything inside! My soldiers are facing a hail of bullets. I'm not afraid of death, but I've never encountered such a situation before, everyone is too scared to go forward! Several girls took the opportunity to escape, and what's even more irritating is that the soldiers looked at each other stupidly. , No one dared to shoot and kill!"

  When Zhang Ran heard this, he felt hemp sold loquat.

  He understands the thinking of the soldiers, we have always emphasized "war, let women and children go away", and violence against women is spurned and banned both in the army and in society.

  Therefore, when our soldiers face the Jiaozhi Women's Army, these habits will jump out, and their instinctive first reaction will never be to shoot!

  The high-level nurturing of the Women's Army in Jiaozhi probably also meant to take advantage of men's psychology.

  Of course, the objective reason is that they had to use the Women's Army, because Jiaozhi has been fighting almost every year for so many years, and the male soldiers have been killed and injured countless times, and the pure male soldiers are not enough.

  Zhang Ran remembered reading some old news, the memoirs of some veterans, which seemed to mention the issue that the Cochin Women's Army did not wear intimate clothing.

  Some analysts believe that Jiaozhi did this due to various factors.

  First of all, Jiaozhi is located in the tropics. It is too hot here. Soldiers have a lot of activity and sweat easily. If the women's soldiers are tightly bound by close-fitting clothes, there is a high probability that they will suffer from heat stroke.

  Second, bullets have no eyes on the battlefield, so first aid is very important. If the women's army adds these extra clothes, it will take a lot of time to help them remove the clothes in the first aid time. If you delay one second, you may lose the best first aid opportunity. .

  As for the third, there is probably really a consideration of using women's natural advantages in exchange for life or being released. .

Chapter 177

  Not to mention the sturdy female soldiers of Jiaozhi in battle. They are all used by men, and at the same time have advantages that male soldiers do not have. They are born with the effect of paralyzing the opposing male soldiers.

  But it is impossible to dig out the soldiers' natural sympathy and compassion, and this sympathy and compassion should not be completely dug out.

  Because that is something that a soldier with a conscience should keep a little bit, we never encourage soldiers to use harsh means to train them into killing machines. We tell our soldiers that you are child soldiers, and you have a family, a mother, and a family. The wife has children, the villagers have the country, we told them that the purpose of our army is to defend the family and the country, not to invade other countries, burn, kill and loot.

  Therefore, some people say that our disciples have obvious shortcomings, that is, compared with other troops that advocate bestiality and only look at combat effectiveness, our disciples have too many human natures, and even a little kindness, which may be used by the enemy.

  For example, there have been many incidents in which the enemy disguised as ordinary people of other countries in order to infiltrate our army and wreak havoc.

  For example, during the War to Resist Rice and Aid Nest, we had a company. On the march, we encountered people from the Han Kingdom disguised by the enemy. Seeing that they were anxious and hungry, they couldn’t bear to be alone in the wilderness, so they brought them back to the army. At night, this person rang. The explosive pack on his body blew up the company headquarters, and the company commander and deputy company commander were killed on the spot.

  And it is foreseeable that the female soldiers of Jiaozhi will definitely take advantage of our ridiculous kindness to outsiders.

  But this kind of human benevolence is at the same time our army's most powerful weapon and our most indestructible spiritual source.

  During the fight against rice and aid the nest, there were two real events.

  When a squad of soldiers was scouting the enemy, in order not to expose it, they all turned into ice sculptures lying on the side of the road.

  When the soldiers of a company were holding their positions, the enemy dropped incendiary bombs, and the fire devoured their skin and flesh inch by inch, but they didn't make any movement.

  When our people suffer from natural disasters, the soldiers will always appear at the first time, and will always fight on the front line.

  These are unique in the history of the world military.

  Some say we are disciplined!Yes!The disciples are indeed disciplined, but this is definitely not something that can be achieved only with strict discipline.

  In addition to military discipline, I am afraid there is a benevolent heart that sympathizes with the weak, sympathizes with the tragic, defends the homeland, and is full of conscience.

  Zhang Ran thought a lot about the female soldiers in Jiaozhi.

  "Commander, how are these captured female soldiers going to be arranged?" On the phone, the commander asked another embarrassing question.

  Zhang Ran didn't think about it for a while: "You put them all in the prison camp first. By the way, separate them from the prisoners of the male soldiers, and wait for me to figure out how to deal with them!"

  After a day of fierce fighting, Gao Ping was successfully conquered by the C army. After Zhang Ran reported the battle situation to the Front Enemy Committee, he finally thought of the female Jiaozhi soldiers.

  He took the guards Wang Dehu and Li Genshen to the prison camp, and finally met the legendary female soldiers of Jiaozhi.

  Because of the fierce fighting that day, there were a lot more prisoners than before. Together, there were three or four hundred men and women, of which there were over a hundred female prisoners.

  The prisoners were squatting in the barracks. Both men and women felt hatred and fear when they saw Zhang Ran, especially the female soldiers.

  They heard from their seniors in the army that when fighting against the aggression of the United States, once the female soldiers were captured, they would be treated inhumanly by the American soldiers. He was beheaded and beheaded by a wheel, and suffered all kinds of hellish torture.

  Now they are being captured by the **, and they will be treated the same if they want to come. Therefore, many people are both hated and fearful. Some are crying and shaking, and some are ready to fight to the death.

  Zhang Ran looked at the prisoners and asked the commander of the prison camp next to him, "How are the prisoners' emotions?"

  "Reporting to the commander, these prisoners were very excited yesterday, especially the female prisoners. First, they shouted and cried, and then they tugged buttons in public to tempt the guarding male soldiers. In short, it made people very headache, and today is a little calmer!"

  Zhang Ran asked again, "Are there any soldiers in the camp who can speak Cochin?"

  "Report to the commander, there are two of them. They are both from the southern part of Yunnan and border on Jiaozhi. If you listen to Jiaozhi, you will say it!"

  "Call one over here!"


  After the battalion commander went out for a while, he brought in a soldier with medium dark skin.

  Zhang Ran asked what his name was, and the soldier replied that it was Li Eun-ho.

  "Okay! Li Enhao, you can translate for me next. You can translate whatever I say, and tell these prisoners!"

  "Yes, Chief!"

  Zhang Ran asked the battalion commander of the prisoner camp to bring a loudspeaker, then raised the loudspeaker and said solemnly: "¨〃I am the acting commander of the C army and the deputy commander-in-chief of the former enemy committee. Let me first declare our army's policy on prisoners. Do not kill or torture prisoners, so you don’t have to be afraid!”

  "You probably thought that we would torture you and ask you about the military information you know. What I want to tell you is that you are wrong. I don't care about your information at all, because our army can defeat you without this information. Because you are perfidious and ungrateful son of a bitch invaders!"

  After Li Enhao translated a few sentences, he hesitated and asked Zhang Ran, "Report to the commander, do you need to translate too many sons of a bitch?"

  "Translate truthfully! You can translate whatever I say!"

  "Yes!" Li Enhao then translated the last sentence very seriously and earnestly.

  Zhang Ran obviously noticed that these prisoners were all agitated all of a sudden, and even a few of them had a fierce expression, needless to say they knew they were yelling at them.

  "Aren't you convinced? Then I'll break it down with you!"

  "Your country of Jiaozhi has always been my country's Jiaozhi County since the Qin period, and has been a vassal state of our country since then. Now you use your affiliation to attack the suzerain, and forget your ancestors?"

  "In modern times, whether you are fighting against France for independence, or against the United States, our country has been based on the principle of brotherhood and neighborliness, saving food and food, and providing you with food and weapons aid, and all aid is free, don't you? Didn't you find that the weapon in your hand was made in Shanghai? Are the rice bags you eat still printed with Chinese characters? You eat our food, take the weapons we aided, and turn your guns to hit us, isn't this? What is the ingratitude of a son of a bitch?"

  PS: What I wrote earlier is a bit sensational, but it is true that our soldiers of the people's children are the most lovely people, and we pay tribute to our soldiers. .

Chapter 178

  "What did they say in a mess?" After Zhang Ran finished cursing, he saw the prisoners shouting again, so he asked Li Enhao next to him.

  Li Enhao listened to it for a while, and then translated with a puffed face: "They said that their government bought the food and weapons from us, not free aid at all. We still sold them to them at a high price!"

  "Damn it! Your uncle's stubborn fat man! Your conscience is eaten by dogs!" After scolding with a sullen face, Zhang Ran looked at the prisoners and said, "I will ask you one question, given the economic situation of your country's years of war and chaos. , to buy food and weapons? Can you afford that money?"

  Zhang Ran came out of the prison camp and took a few deep breaths. He was so angry that he almost wanted to draw a gun and kill him when he was almost beaten by such a wicked person.

  He understands that this must be the effect of the propaganda that deliberately distorted the facts by the upper echelons of Cochin.

  Yeah, they have to make up a plausible reason for them to hit us, right?Otherwise, if you pick up the bowl and tell your father to put it down and scold your mother, it is estimated that you will feel embarrassed on your face.

  After the last leader of Jiaozhi, Mr. Hu, passed away, Mr. Li, who succeeded him, completely abandoned the national policy of Mr. Hu's goodwill with my country, and completely turned to the Soviet Union in the north. At that time, our relationship with the Soviet Union had deteriorated, so the surname Li is estimated to have been long ago. In secret smear our country.

  Fatty Li was a strong leader. As soon as he came to power, the pro-China faction headed by Comrade Long March was completely overwhelmed by the pro-Soviet faction. Therefore, 450 Jiaozhi listened to the Soviet Union's order to attack our country, and there was a clue.

  In the original history, after the war, until the death of Fatty Li, Comrade Long March supported the pro-China faction President Ruan to come to power, and the relationship between the two countries was restored, but there has been no goodwill since then.

  Thinking of Comrade Long March, Zhang Ran felt a little better, at least not all Cochin are ungrateful white-eyed wolves.

  Zhang Ran always thought Comrade Long March was very interesting. He was not called Long March at first, but he changed his name to Long March because he admired and worshipped the [-]-mile Long March of our army.

  Zhang Ran pondered for a long time how to deal with these prisoners. It is definitely not realistic to kill them. Our army strictly prohibits the killing of prisoners.

  Then there are only two ways, either keep it or release it.

  To release it is to return the tiger to the mountain, and these people will definitely be reorganized when they go back to take up weapons and shoot at our army.

  Then there is only one option left.

  However, it also depends on how to raise them. Our country is not rich, how can we let these prisoners waste food in vain?

  Zhang Ran was moved and decided to set up a traditional gratitude education class.

  Throw all these captives in and do a good job of propaganda about the goodwill between the two countries, talk about my country's selfless help to Jiaozhi, and help them review the history and brainwash them.

  But before that, starve them for a day, lest these people still have the strength to scold people and be restless after eating and drinking!

  After Zhang Ran returned to the military headquarters, he reported his suggestions to the prisoners of war to the Front Enemy Committee and the Army Supreme Committee respectively, which was unanimously appreciated.

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