Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 961: : Fairy Sword Sect

Zhang Mofan followed He Yan and flew in the direction of Sword Sword Immortal.

Along the way, Zhang Mofan couldn't help asking: "Black Swordsman, this God-worship leader and Zou Yan are very close, can your Fairy Sword Sect contend with God-worship?"

Black Yan couldn't help but smiled and said, "Now that Zou Yan has trouble with his upper body, how can he take care of the worship of God?"

"Oh? What do you mean by that?"

Zhang Mofan asked curiously.

"Nowadays, the samurai of the blood demon race disguised as a warrior and invaded our Eastern Zhou holy land. The Supervisory Mansion ordered Zou Yan to expel the samurai warrior of the blood demon race. Who knows, Zou Yan's Ten Thousand Demon Holy Fire Order was stolen.

Black Yan smiled faintly.

"Oh? The Ten Thousand Demon Holy Fire Order was stolen?"

Zhang Mofan was shocked and was able to steal the Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Fire Order. This kind of thing could only be done by a warrior in the dark.

"Yes, at present, only the Myriad Demon Baby can penetrate the identity of the Blood Demon Warrior. However, Zou Yan has been frustrated recently and went to the Holy Land of the Western Zhou Dynasty to find Zhang Mofan to borrow the Ten Thousand Demon Pagoda, and to the Flame Phoenix Clan to borrow the Ten Thousand Demon to cast the demon. Umbrella, all failed."

Black Yan said with a smile.

While listening, Zhang Mofan thoroughly understood the situation of the Holy Land in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

At present, the four major sects are forced to assist Zou Yan under the pressure of the Supervision House, coupled with the invasion of the Gorefiend.

And Zou Yan has no Ten Thousand Demon Baby, even if he has the memory of the most sacred city, facing these blood demon warriors, it will be a headache.

Soon, at the end of their sight, they saw the peaks of the mountains, like sword-shaped peaks, rising from the ground, shining brightly, and there were many disciples flying back and forth.

Although it is not comparable to the four sects, the background behind them is also stronger than that of Dousheng Mountain.

In the final analysis, the foundation of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty Holy Land is still stronger than that of the Western Zhou Dynasty Holy Land. If it hadn't been invaded by the Blood Demon in the past, it wouldn't have been reduced to such a field.

"Sword idiot, take a look. Our Immortal Sword Sect has five sword peaks. In addition to the main sword peak, there are also four sword peaks, which represent the four branches of the Immortal Sword Sect. I am the black sword envoy and master the black sword. peak."

Hei Yan faintly introduced Zhang Mofan, and did not feel proud of his own power.

"Oh? Then can I join your Jianfeng directly?"

Zhang Mofan asked.

"Of course it can, but I still want to ask the Sect Master, but the Sect Master will not refuse a genius like you to join our Fairy Sword Sect."

Black Yan smiled and directly led Zhang Mofan into the Immortal Sword Sect.


Suddenly, a powerful sword aura swept from a sword peak and reached the sky, like a Changhong, seeming to fly away.

However, it seemed that he had seen the return of Black Yan, directly changed the direction, landed directly in front of Black Yan, and gathered a figure of a man.

This man, with a tyrannical aura, actually reached the level of eight souls, which was one level higher than Black Yan.

"Black Yan Jianshi, you actually came back? Could it be that you have successfully hunted down the soul-eater?"

The man asked, with a hint of sarcasm in his words.

"Yes, I have hunted the soul-eater."

A smile appeared on Black Yan's face, and said, "This time, the strength of my Black Sword Peak disciple will be improved again, and when that time comes, it will definitely overwhelm your Spirit Sword Peak."

"Hehehe, if I release water from Spirit Sword Peak, you may still have a little chance."

The man was only surprised when he heard that Black Yan beheaded the Soul Eater Bull Beast.

Among their four major sword peaks, there are naturally also competitions within each other, and each competition is also for a lot of resources.

"Do you really think that our Black Sword Peak is inferior to your Spirit Sword Peak? In one year, the strength of our disciples can be improved very quickly, and moreover, we have recruited many masters of swordsmanship."

Black Yan said tit-for-tat.

The Spirit Sword Envoy shrugged and said with a smile: "Then wait and see."

"Let's go."

With a wave of his hand, Black Yan took the disciple below, ready to hand in the task.

"and many more!"

At this moment, the Spirit Sword Envoy suddenly found Zhang Mofan, feeling a little strange, and couldn't help asking: "Black Sword Envoy, who is this person? He shouldn't be a disciple of our Fairy Sword Sect?"

"This person is called a sword idiot. He is a casual cultivator. He has good sword skills. Moreover, this time we can kill the Soul Eater Beast from the hands of the Moon Worship Altar. All relying on his help, he has joined I'm Black Sword Peak."

Black Yan said.

"What are you talking about? You killed the Soul Eater Bull Beast from the hands of the Moon Worship Altar? Will the old woman Yun Chang be willing?"

At this moment, the Spirit Sword Envoy was finally shocked.

"What's the use of being unwilling? Now, the Soul Eater Bull Beast has been killed by me."

Black Yan smiled, and came to a palace on Xianjian Peak.

This Fairy Sword Peak is the main peak of Fairy Sword Sect.

In this palace, aura is very abundant. Around it, there seems to be a powerful warrior practicing. Suddenly, a strong soul power is constantly sweeping on his body.

This soul power had reached the eleventh level of the Holy Spirit scale, and he was a powerful person in the True Profound Realm.

It's just that this soul power was recovered directly after just a scan.

"Master Sect Master, this sword idiot is a casual cultivator I brought back. He should not be a blood demon warrior. This time I killed the Soul Eater Bull Beast, and I also received his help."

Black Yan also felt this terrifying soul power and couldn't help but speak loudly.

"I'm just checking his details. At present, the blood demon warriors have penetrated into our Eastern Zhou holy soil. If the blood demon warriors are allowed to enter our sect, it will be troublesome."

At this time, a majestic woman's voice was also passed out: "This young man is very He should be not too old, and he has reached the level of fascinating souls. Very good, you will bring him now. Deep in the hall."


Black Yan arched his hands and said with a smile: "Sword idiot, it seems that our suzerain is also very satisfied with you, let's go see the suzerain."

"it is good!"

Zhang Mofan nodded. He was also very nervous when being probed by the other party just now.

Fortunately, his practice can be disguised as any practice, making it impossible for people to detect it at all.

The deep part of the main hall is very open and bright, and it is full of magnificence and tranquility.

In front of the palace, there was a little girl sitting, seeming to be about seven or eight years old, with her wrists like lotus roots, white and tender, and her pink face made people want to pinch.

However, the majesty aura exuding on her face is very sharp, especially her eyes, as if there are countless sword auras where she sees it, directly piercing it.

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