Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 959: : New cooperation

"not at all!"

Zhang Mofan shook his head, and said: "This soul-devouring bull beast's cultivation base, I am afraid that it has reached more than five souls, and coupled with its soul-devouring magical powers, we are afraid that we cannot deal with him."

"Sword crazy, why don't you attract the Soul Eater Bull Beast? With your cultivation base, you should be able to resist it for a while, then I will make another move and kill the Soul Eater Bull Beast directly."

Yun Chang said.

"Let me attract soul-eaters?"

Zhang Mofan sneered, and finally knew Yun Chang's purpose, and that soul spirit fruit was not for him at all, but for him to take it.

The Holy Spirit body was swallowed, the first thing the warrior thought of was to take the soul spirit fruit to enhance his soul power.

At that time, it would definitely be able to delay the Soul Eater Bull Beast for a while.

This soul-eater is extremely dangerous.

No one knows how strong its soul-swallowing supernatural powers are. Once it is targeted, no one can guarantee that they will survive unless they truly reach the martial artist above the seven souls.

This Yunshang obviously wanted Zhang Mofan to be the bait, so that he could kill Zhang Mofan, and in addition, he could kill the Soul Eater Bull Beast without loss.

After all, if so many disciples in her altar were able to take action, even if they could kill the Soul Eater Bull Beast, they would definitely lose many disciples.

"Yes, do you really think that the deputy altar master is so easy to do? You need to make outstanding contributions to our worship, and by assisting me in killing the Soul Eater, you can prove your ability."

Yun Chang's eyebrows sank, and he said, "Your Holy Spirit is so powerful, and nothing will happen to the soul-eater."

"Really? That's good."

Zhang Mofan nodded, leaped forward, and rushed directly.

Na Yunshang thought that Zhang Mofan really agreed to cooperate with him, and was about to call his disciples to come.

Who knows, Zhang Mofan mixed into the crowd of Immortal Sword Sect, and disappeared, and no figure was seen.

But the Soul Eater Bull Beast was still attacking those disciples.

"That sword idiot, there really is a city mansion, I'm afraid he has guessed that I have bad intentions, the next time I meet, I will directly shoot and obliterate it."

Yun Chang's expression was cold, she directly smashed a jade slip, summoning the old ape and Lingchao all over.

Zhang Mofan was completely hidden in the rolling magic mist at this time.

Today, the disciples of the Sword Sect Immortal Sect have been attacked by the life-stealing beast, Yun Chang and the others are absolutely impossible to stand by.

Zhang Mofan can completely hide, wait for an opportunity, and take advantage of it.

This time, his biggest goal is naturally the life-stealing ghost beast. Once it is beheaded, using his demon core to refine it into a heavenly soul pill, it will definitely be able to make his Holy Spirit scale break through to the second level.

Cultivating above the dazzling soul level must cultivate the soul. If the Holy Spirit scale fails to break through to the second level, no matter how powerful the savings are, it will not be able to break through the dazzling soul.

When he was hiding behind a mountain, suddenly, a figure swept over. It was a middle-aged man dressed in black, with an upright face and a black sword on his back. His breath was very powerful and the same. A warrior of nine souls.

"This fellow Taoist, what is your relationship with Yun Chang, the altar master of the altar of worship?"

The black man with a sword asked.

"Who are you?"

Zhang Mofan was surprised that he could appear behind him without knowing it, and he couldn't detect it.

"I am one of the four great swordsmen of the Fairy Sword Sect, known as the Black Swordsman. This time, we killed the Soul Eater Bull Beast, but we did not expect to encounter the Soul Eater Bull Beast. Today, we are a wolf before. There is a tiger behind."

The black sword middle-aged man sighed.

"Is it?"

Zhang Mofan was slightly startled, he thought to himself that he couldn't get in to worship the gods anyway, it would be better to help the Immortal Sword Sect, or even join the Immortal Sword Sect.

Then, he can use the power of the Immortal Sword Sect to eradicate the worship of gods.

In the previous conversation with Liu Juan Wanluo, he knew that the Immortal Sword Sect was the number one among the ten sects.

This sect must have nothing to do with Zou Yan.

"Black sword ambassador, it's true that I am a casual cultivator, called Jianlun. I originally planned to join the worship service, but Yun Chang actually used me to attract me to the soul-eater."

Zhang Mofan said angrily.

"Oh? Yun Chang actually wants to use you? What is your cultivation base, you can attract soul-eaters? You will not be a spy sent by Yun Chang?"

The Black Sword makes suspicious.


Hearing the words of the Black Swordsman, Zhang Mofan flashed a surprised look in his eyes: "It seems that you are also very cautious. You actually doubt my intentions."

"That's natural. Yun Chang is very treacherous. She likes to play tricks. I have suffered a lot from her in the past."

The black sword envoy said slowly: "Maybe, you are the spy."

"Black Sword Envoy, it seems that you are not a fool. I like dealing with prudent people."

Zhang Mofan smiled and said: "I am a sword idiot, and I have never looked at people's eyes. Now I am calculated by Yun Chang, and I feel a sulking breath in my heart. Then, I will attract the soul-eater and rescue your sect disciple. You help me stop Yun Chang, when the time comes, we will be half of us."

"Oh? Are you sure to attract soul-eaters?"

Black Sword surprised slightly, feeling a little surprised.

"Of course, if you want to kill it, you still need your help."

Zhang Mofan said.

"Hahaha, good."

The Black Sword Envoy smiled and said: "I admire the person who proves himself with practical actions. This time, if you can help my Fairy Sword Sect kill the soul-eater, it will benefit half of us."

After speaking, his figure turned into a sword light and disappeared directly.

At this time, a group of disciples of worship also rushed into the mountains and forests. Those disciples had already recovered from their injuries, condensed formations, ready to attack.

At this time, a black sword light swept over, blocking the path of the disciples of worshipping the moon altar, turning into a black-clothed man, a black sword ambassador.

He put his hands behind his back, and smiled faintly: "Yun Chang, long time no see?"

"Hei Yan, the black sword ambassador, what are you doing to stop us? All of your disciples will be killed by the Soul Eater Bull Beast."

Yun Chang's face was slightly startled when he saw Hei Yan.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Zhang Mofan in a white coat rushing to the center of the big formation in the distance.

The huge black shadow, like a black bull, directly rushed towards Zhang Mofan, trying to swallow Zhang Mofan's holy spirit, but it was attached to Zhang Mofan's body, as if possessed, and could not be separated at all.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Mofan jumped and left directly, actually guiding the Soul Devouring Bull Beast directly away.

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