Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 929: : Life and death

Nishang Fairy's words made all the geniuses in the audience feel ashamed.

Fortunately, they also said that Zhang Mofan was lucky and killed a few Wushu of the Blood Demon Race.

As a result, Zhang Mofan killed the second-ranked Shadow in talent.

Especially Zhao Yi has the most complicated mood.

Of the geniuses from this group, the strongest is naturally him, and he was also the number one on the Tianjiao list. Logically speaking, he should be the most outstanding person, but Zhang Mofan actually took the limelight.

The contrast here is definitely a great irony.

"He really killed Shadowstab? He did it that way?"

No matter what a genius thinks, it is hard to imagine that a warrior in the late stage of Tiangang killed the shadow.

"You ask me, I don't know."

Nishang Fairy shook his head, his curiosity about Zhang Mofan became more and more serious.

First became the owner of the sky ghost, and then, here again, showing amazing strength.

However, no one really knows what its true strength is.

The next day!

The missing area is bright again.

A **** head is also the battlefield area.

The blood demon samurai in charge of the patrol saw the hanging head and couldn't help saying: "Who is this samurai? Is it necessary to hang like this?"

"We killed so many warriors of them yesterday. If all their heads were hung up, wouldn't they have to fill this place?"

Those blood demons warriors disdain.

At that time.

Among the blood demon clan camp, You Long Wu Ji had a gloomy expression, because the shadow stabbing had been out for so long, and he hadn't returned, which inevitably made him a little worried.

"Without offerings, Shadow Spear won't do anything wrong, you know, he likes to procrastinate when he has something to do, maybe he has fallen in love with a certain human woman."

The demon soul said with a knife.

"Do not!"

You Long Wu Ji waved his hand, and said, "I specifically told him this time. Everything is important to the overall situation. He shouldn't deliberately delay it."

"Could it be that you thought he was going to fail?"

Gui Jiyue pursed her mouth and said, "In this lost area, no profound realm powerhouse can be born, and the strongest is nothing more than the nine souls. Shadow thorn can come and go freely from the profound realm powerhouse."


Youlong nodded without sacrificing his head, and then felt relieved.

At this moment, a warrior rushed in and said, "Report to the general, Zhou Yuanjie's camp, and hung the head of a blood demon warrior in the center of the battlefield."

"Hang the head?"

After the white-bearded old man heard this, his face was slightly taken aback, and said: "This? What does the enemy mean?"

You Long Wu Ji frowned, and there was an unknown premonition in his heart, and he immediately said, "Let's take a look."

When they came to the center of the battlefield and looked at the head of the man, there was a thunderbolt, especially Youlong Wujie, with their fists tightly clenched, and countless thunder lights were also in his fists, constantly flashing.

"Shadow thorn, this..."

Gui Jiyue was completely shocked.

"Damn it, Shadow Spear is dead, who did this?"

The demon soul roared with a knife, and could not wait to rush into the enemy camp immediately, pull them out one by one, and ask them clearly.

Bei Mingtian fell, that was nothing, after all, he was not a genius in the top ten.

However, the shadow thorn is the thirty-six channels, the second-ranked genius, and it is likely to become the new dark king in the future.

However, he was beheaded, something that no one thought of.

"No sacrifice, don't waste time with them, let's fully develop."

The demon soul said angrily.

"A full-scale war? At present, we don't even know who killed Shadowstab. How can we start a full-scale war?"

You Long Wu Ji said, "Do you think it is easy to kill a warrior who can kill Shadow Sting?"

The demon soul was speechless.

"Moreover, our goal is most importantly to kill Zhang Mofan, kill those geniuses, and break the foundation of Zhou Yuanjie."

Youlong Wujie said.

"Those who claim to be geniuses are not so good. In that case, we might as well be in the middle of the battlefield and put a life and death challenge to see if they dare to play."

Gui Jiyue sneered: "Waiting to use life and death to kill their geniuses one by one is when we go to war. Moreover, killing all of their geniuses will greatly improve our morale. ."

Hearing that, several other geniuses also agreed, and the matter of life and death depends on the side of Zhou Yuan's camp, whether they dare to take it.

"Remove the head, and set up the battle of life and death!"

As You Long Wujie said, he turned and left.

This time, when Shadow Spear died, he would definitely be punished. This time he led the team to experience and did not expect to encounter such a thing.

But how long, the blood demon clan camp is in the center of the battlefield, and the battle of life and death is placed. The rule of the battle is to fight at the same level.

The Blood Demon Race was directly a genius who had dispatched thirty-six channels, a samurai with a soul-stirring soul, to the ring and challenge Zhou Yuanjie.

This life and death challenge really aroused the anger of those geniuses.

"The Blood Demon Race is really actually puts forward a life and death challenge, do you really think we are afraid of him?"

"This life-and-death challenge, once in the ring, it's either life or death. Let's not act rashly."

"Aren't we just being a turtle?"

Many of these geniuses are geniuses from 36 sects, each of them has extraordinary talents, and their own arrogance is unparalleled.

When someone is challenged, they are naturally not convinced.

"We will meet them."

Many geniuses were so angry that they rushed out one by one. Li Jing saw this and immediately led a large number of masters.

Sure enough, a huge arena was placed in the center of the battlefield, and the words life and death were written on that ring.

This also means that once you are in the ring, you can only survive on your own strength.

Since it is a battle of warriors of the same level, the competition is truly talent and heritage.


On the arena, a tall blood demon warrior, holding a hammer in both hands, laughed: "The genius of Zhou Yuanjie, you are finally here, my magic hammer is in the line, and the magic hammer challenges all of your soul-stealing warriors. , Who would dare to go to the ring and fight with me?"

The magic hammer power directly uttered wild words and provoked Zhou Yuanjie's genius.

One of the geniuses was so angry that he immediately jumped up and said coldly: "Huang Zhu, the holy soil of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the Yellow River Zong Huang Zhu, fight you."

"Huang Zhu played directly? With his strength, should he be able to defeat that magic hammer power?"

"That's not necessarily true. Since the magic hammer power is a genius with 36 channels, its strength is probably not simple."

Everyone looked at the two figures on the ring and talked about it. There is no guarantee for this battle, who wins and loses. Previous pageReturn to listAdd to bookmarkNext page

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