Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 827: : Various inferences

The three came to Taiyi Pavilion, but there was no Elder Taiyi inside.

On the contrary, Elder Zhu Ying was waiting in the attic. When he saw the arrival of the three, he immediately stood up and greeted the past.

"Elder Taiyi left, he told me to let you wait here for a while."

Zhu Ying said immediately.

"Elder Zhu Ying, why did Elder Taiyi decide that Zhang Mofan must have entered the magical way?"

Yiyeqing asked softly.

Zhu Ying shook his head and said: "The artistic conception stone tablet, with Zhang Mofan's artistic conception cultivation base, is impossible to break. The only possibility is that the artistic conception he comprehends is an evil one, as long as he comprehends an evil artistic conception. , Can easily break the stone monument."

Hearing Zhu Ying's words, Yiyeqing couldn't help shaking his fragrant shoulders, her beautiful pretty face was a little pale.

After Zhu Ying said so, even she herself felt that Zhang Mofan had entered the magic way.

Because, in the cave mansion on that island, Zhang Mofan was not dead, and the North Ming Blood Emperor had left.

Among them, there are some doubts.

He knew that the Blood Demon Race was bloodthirsty, how could he let Zhang Mofan go?

If Zhang Mofan really entered the magical way, what should I do?

With the gate rules of the vertical and horizontal doors, it is to be executed directly.

I just confided in Zhang Mofan's feelings, but I couldn't just die like this.

However, this matter involves Taiyi elder.

Everyone knows that the elder Taiyi is quiet and inaction, and seldom asks about the matter of the vertical and horizontal doors.

However, Zhang Mofan's affair had too much influence, and it also destroyed one of the most proud magic weapons of Elder Taiyi.

Thinking of this, Yiyeqing's whole body was caught in an inexplicable panic. If Zhang Mofan was really executed, what should she do?

"Mother, you must save Xiao Fan."

A leaf of green shell teeth lightly opened.

Now, her grandfather has disappeared for no reason, and the person she can rely on is her mother.

"If Xiao Fan really enters the demon way, even I will have nothing to do with me. Don't talk about you, even my father will not be able to keep him."

Concubine Ge also shook her head.

Meng Fengjiao on the side also sighed: "You said Zhang Mofan is so good, why did you enter the magical way?"

"Zhang Mofan was promoted to the mid-diang stage in less than three months. It is possible that he was helped by the powerful master of the magic path. Anyway, everything will be discussed when the elder Taiyi arrives."

Zhu Ying said.

"By the way, where did the elder Taiyi go?"

Concubine Ge asked.

"He seems to have invited the elder of the Information Hall to go, saying that he wants to thoroughly investigate Zhang Mofan."

As soon as Zhu Ying finished speaking, the Taiyi elder brought an old man in Tsing Yi.

The old man was thin, very tall and six feet tall.

"Are you all here? Sit down quickly."

Elder Taiyi came in, sat directly in the upper position, and said, "Elder Qingying, you can report all the recent whereabouts of Zhang Mofan, you must be detailed."


Elder Qingying nodded and said: "Since Zhang Mofan was oppressed by Zou Yan, she went to a place to experience, and Qingqing girl also knew that place. After we investigated, Zhang Mofan was in a coma in a cave and was still fighting. Mark of."

"Later, the four major sects came out, and the North Ming Blood Emperor escaped from the cave. From all the signs, Zhang Mofan is very likely to have reached some kind of deal with the North Ming Blood Emperor."

Elder Qingying's inference was almost the same as Yiye Qing's guess, which made Yiye Qing's heart startled.

"It's really colluding with the Demon Dao, not just the Demon Dao, but also the Blood Demon Clan who had attacked us back then. The North Ming Blood Emperor, but one of the thirty-six blood emperors."

Meng Fengjiao's expression flashed, and said: "I suggest that he be locked up in the dungeon immediately, tortured him severely, and asked about the whereabouts of the North Ming Blood Emperor."

"Master Meng, what do you mean by this? All this is speculation, and I will ask Xiao Fan personally."

As Yiyeqing said, he wanted to leave the attic directly, but suddenly realized that his body was restrained by an unknown force.

Master Taiyi made the shot.

He slowly said: "Qingqing, I know you like this kid, but things fall into the same size, he is still young, and he has strayed into the magical way. It is enough to give a little guidance in the future, but we have to learn from him. , To get information from the North Ming Blood Emperor."

"Elder Taiyi, you really won't kill Xiao Fan?"

Yiye Qing asked in disbelief.

"As long as he cooperates with us and helps us deal with the North Ming Blood Emperor, I can represent the Zonghengmen and give him a chance to reform."

As the elder Taiyi said, his eyes turned to Meng Fengjiao, and said, "Now that the sect master is not here, you are the sect master's wife. This matter is left to you, but you can't disturb the sect."

After all, the matter of Zhang Mofan's enchantment had too great an impact. If the entire sect disciples knew about it, Zhang Mofan would not be able to stay at the Zong Sect.

"Don't worry, Zhang Mofan is my grandson-in-law anyway, and I also hope that he can Mengfeng Jiao smiled, squinted, and left directly.

Yiyeqing's face still had an extremely worried expression.

Zhang Mofan naturally didn't know anything about all of this. He got 10,000 merit points, and he went directly to the merit hall, and spent 8,000 merit points in exchange for a copy of "The Supreme Ancient Classics".

This ancient scripture, once enlightened, can cultivate several artistic concepts.

Now, Zhang Mofan wants to cultivate several more moods to increase his strength.

"This "Supreme Ancient Scripture" is a mess. Is this really written by the Supreme Elder of the sect?"

Zhang Mofan opened the back of the book and engraved a few words on it, elder Taiyi.

"Which elder is this elder Taiyi? Isn't his perception of artistic conception a bit superficial? He actually wrote ancient scriptures by himself to make people understand."

Zhang Mofan shook his head and said, "This ancient scripture does not have much effect to me, but it also has some merits."

Thinking of this, he directly took out a brush, kept sketching on that book, circled some wrong descriptions, and rewritten his own words.

Soon, he circled nearly half of the text in an ancient scripture with nearly twenty pages.

"Such ancient scriptures are for people to comprehend, maybe they can comprehend a kind of artistic conception, but unfortunately, it doesn't do much to me."

Zhang Mofan shook his head. Although the exchange of ancient scriptures this time did not improve him, his sketching of other people's books in this way also indirectly improved his ability to perceive artistic conception.


Suddenly, the palace gate was kicked open, interrupting Zhang Mofan's thoughts. Previous pageReturn to listAdd to bookmarkNext page

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