Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 589: : Wan Yao Baolu

Zhang Mofan originally planned to perform the mission, but when he heard that he was going to compete for the Ten Thousand Demon Buddha Tower, he didn't take the mission.

The next day, he took the jade amulet and went to the Wanjuan Pavilion. He had two jade amulets, one of which was obtained through the appraisal of the beginner disciple, and he could enter the first floor of the Wanjuan Pavilion.

As for the other one, I got it from the owner of the Wanjuan Pavilion.

After he had nothing to do, he planned to go to Wanjuan Pavilion. He wanted to see if the second floor of Wanjuan Pavilion could find some information about Huoyanfeng Clan.

He asked Elder Yaohe to inquire about the Huoyanfeng Clan's intelligence. Now, a few months have passed, and he doesn't hold much hope.

Zhang Mofan came to Wanjuan Pavilion with a jade charm, and he naturally entered Wanjuan Pavilion unimpeded.

Then, when he wanted to enter the second floor, the elder immediately stopped Zhang Mofan.

"You kid, haven't you been here last time? Don't you know the rules?"

The elder was very impressed with Zhang Mofan. At the beginning, Zhang Mofan deliberately took a broken scroll and exchanged a scroll from their Wanjuan Pavilion.

"Of course I know, because your pavilion master gave me a jade talisman to enter the second floor."

Zhang Mofan threw a jade charm to the elder and went directly to the second floor.

But at this time, it doesn't seem to be the time to come.

Because, he heard the roar, it seemed that someone was showing off.

Zhang Mofan walked up, seeing all four disciples, two men and two women, trembling all over, no matter what they were moving.

Of these four disciples, two are the beginner disciples of the Zonghengyuan and two are the beginner disciples of the Tianxiayuan.

They came here not to browse books, but to perform tasks and supervise the books on the second floor of Wanjuan Pavilion.

However, a little accident happened during the supervision process.

On the second floor, the most important book was actually torn in half.

An old man with fiery red hair also stood with his hand in his hand, wandering back and forth in front of them: "Who did it? This "Treasure of Demons" is a truly rare book. It records 25 ten thousand demons. Baby, now, I was torn in half."

"Deputy Pavilion Master, we really don't know, we are well guarded, and during this period, no seed disciples came to the second floor..."

However, before the disciple finished speaking, the deputy pavilion raised his brows and said, "Could it be possible that "The Treasure of Myriad Monsters" will be torn by itself?"

"It's just a bunch of rubbish, and even a pavilion can't be guarded well."

The deputy pavilion owner sullen his face and ranted angrily.

As for the four disciples, they could only tremble in their hearts, daring to be angry but not daring to speak. No one would have expected such a thing.

"The Treasure of Ten Thousand Monsters" is the most important thing in the second-story scroll pavilion. It records many demon treasures and introduces various effects.

Now he was torn in half, and the other half didn't know where to go, which made him a headache.

Moreover, during this period, there were indeed no seed disciples coming to the second floor, and it was impossible for these guards to tear up the treasure record by themselves.

In the evening, the deputy pavilion master saw Zhang Mofan coming and couldn't help but ranted: "Where have you been? Do you know who tore up the treasure?"

On the second floor, only seed disciples can come, and Zhang Mofan is wearing the clothes of a beginner disciple. He subconsciously believes that Zhang Mofan also guards the second floor of Wanjuan Pavilion.

"where are you going?"

The deputy cabinet owner continued to question.

Zhang Mofan slowly walked over and said, "I'm here to browse books."

"What browses books? You are a beginner disciple, if you are not performing a guard mission, how did you get in? I asked you whether you tore "The Treasure of Demons"?"

The deputy cabinet owner asked.

Zhang Mofan had a headache and said, "I really came to browse the books. If you don't believe me, you can ask the elder on the first floor."

"I'm the deputy pavilion master here, can you come in, don't I know? You recruit quickly and honestly."

The Deputy Pavilion Master said.

The other four disciples looked at Zhang Mofan and were slightly surprised. Most of them guessed that Zhang Mofan was also here to perform the task, and the four of them all came together and walked together. The "Tale of Ten Thousand Monsters" may have been torn by Zhang Mofan. .

"Deputy Pavilion Master, the four of us are basically the same in and out. I suspect that he tore the other half of "Treasure of Demons".

One of the disciples of the Zonghengyuan said.

Hearing this, Zhang Mofan felt helpless and explained: "Why should I tear up "The Treasure of Myriad Monsters""

"Recently, the news of the Ten Thousand Demon Buddha Pagoda has been going viral. You must be looking for information about the Ten Thousand Demon Buddha Pagoda, or even sell it."

Another disciple said.

As soon as the "Tale of Ten Thousand Monsters" was torn apart, the deputy pavilion master shot the four of them bloody, and they had a full resentment towards Zhang Mofan.

"I can write this "Tale of Ten Thousand Monsters" silently, what do I do with that?"

Zhang Mofan couldn't help but said.

"What? Can you silently write "The Treasure of Ten Thousand Monsters"?"

The deputy pavilion master was slightly startled, and said: "This "Treasure of Ten Thousand Monsters" is unpredictable, and it contains many kinds of records of Ten Thousand Monsters. How can it be so easy to write it silently?"

"Come here with paper and pen!"

Zhang Mofan said.

Immediately, a disciple moved to the desk from the side of the scroll pavilion. He wanted to see how Zhang Mofan wrote "The Treasure of All Monsters" silently.

Although, the stronger the martial artist's cultivation base, the stronger his memory, and he has the ability to remember.

However, the remarks here are not forgotten, only for some simple content, the information in this "Treasure of Demons" can be very complicated.

Even some elders, after reading "Treasure of Demons" several times, failed to record all the contents.

Zhang Mofan didn't speak and started to write silently. His brilliant pen gave birth to flowers, and his rustling voice, like a rhythm, was endless.

In the time of a stick of incense, Zhang Mofan filled up a book, although the handwriting is not so beautiful, but it can be seen clearly.

The deputy pavilion master walked over and read: "The entire book of "The Treasure of Demons" is only 50 pages. Why did you write 60 pages silently? You are writing nonsense. If you dare to tease me, you will definitely not forgive you. ."

Zhang Mofan put down the pen and slowly said, "Oh? Your Wanjuange's "The Treasure of Demons" is only fifty pages? That's really sorry, I wrote more."

With that said, Zhang Mofan shredded all the extra parts, and handed all the remaining fifty pages to the deputy pavilion master.

The deputy pavilion master checked it again and looked at the fifty thousand demon treasures recorded above, with a shocked expression on his face: "This? There is nothing wrong with a word."

He also took out the torn "Tale of Ten Thousand Monsters" and compared it. The untorn part, except for the handwriting, was almost identical.


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