Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 407: : Killing Soul Gate

The pitch-black palms literally covered the sky and sun, bombarding them down, and instantly shattered the chill of Han Ji's soul envoy.

Not only the Hanji Soul Envoy, but even the other big figures looked very calm, but in their hearts, they were all shocked, secretly guessing who on earth would dare to come to Ziyang Academy?

"Kill Soul Gate, step down!"

With a loud shout, like a tens of thousands of rolling thunder, it descends mighty.

The entire canyon became a violent sensation, and then dozens of figures, as if driving in black fog, landed on a mountain peak.

The spectators on the mountain, being scared by the large number of people who landed, fled around.

"Damn it, it's the Left Guardian of the Killing Soul Gate, step sinking!"

Lu Yuanqing's face was extremely ugly, and the other party was able to enter their Ziyang Academy easily. These methods were really powerful.

Of course, this is also because all of their elders and deans have come to the canyon to watch the game, otherwise, they would not be able to directly break into their academy.

"Kill Soul Gate, you are so brave, how dare you come to this place?"

An elder shouted angrily.

"Today we came here to kill the soul, mainly to announce one thing, of course, it will not cause trouble."

He said with a faint smile.

His face was slightly hazy, his face covered with age spots, and his dry palms exuded a burst of black air from time to time.

As for behind him, there are all black men in different costumes, one of them is one-armed, and it is Luo Hao.

This Luo Hao, who was the leader of the Killing Soul Gate branch at the beginning, escaped after being cut off by Qing Luan, and now he has returned to the Killing Soul Gate headquarters.

"On behalf of the sect master of the Killing Soul Sect, I declare to you that from now on, my Killing Soul Sect is no longer an underground force, but a serious sect."

Bu Shen announced loudly.

"What? The Killing Soul Door is no longer hidden?"

"The Killing Soul Gate has just been formally established and becoming a sect, I am afraid that it has the strength not weaker than the Fighting Soul Hall, and it really wants to compete with the Fighting Soul Hall."

"This Soul Killing Gate announced in front of many powerful giants, and the announcement in front of Han Ji Soul Envoy, it is simply arrogant and domineering."

In the canyon, everyone was stunned by the words of stepping, and the voices of discussion suddenly resounded.

Han Ji's soul emissary, her face also pale, said: "Kill the soul gate, you are so bold."

"Didn't we have always been courageous? The three major courtyards are jealous of you, and I am not jealous of you at the Soul Killing Gate. Now that your Soul Fighting Palace is controlled by the East China Sea forces, we are not afraid of you."

Bu Shen smiled slightly and said, "Luo Hao, next, you will announce one thing."


One-armed Luo Hao looked at Zhang Mofan fiercely, but said: "The gentleman of the black mist is the genius I cultivated in the soul-killing door. Today, he will use Sanling to be the first to celebrate the official establishment of the soul-killing door."


This announcement was like thunder again.

This gentleman of the black mist is really a soul-killer.

This soul-killing gate allowed the gentlemen of Heiwu to compete, and then competed for the first place in their three ridges, hit all the forces in the face, and announced the establishment of the sect.

This trick is really good at playing.

When he said this, he wanted to declare to Dongzhou that the first genius of Dongzhou was in the hands of the Murder Sect.

For a while, Han Ji's soul envoy's eyes were extremely gloomy.

As for the giants of the three major hospitals, their complexion is also not much better.

Sanling aspired to the top, but the first one in the end fell into the hands of the Killing Soul Gate. If this matter spread out, it would definitely become a joke.

The gentleman of the black mist on the side raised an arc at the corner of his mouth.

"Reward, take it out!"

Step by step facing Zi Chen, he stretched out his hand and said, "Sanling's first prize, take it out, and we will leave."

This number one is a high-level spirit treasure, but they can't get much out of the soul-killing door.

For a while, Zi Chen was angry, and didn't know what to say, so he handed over a high-level spirit treasure to the Killing Soul Gate. It would be difficult for anyone to accept it.

"What? Do you want to break the rules?"

Seeing Zi Chen didn't speak, he couldn't help but say.

"Oh? I have forgotten that there is still one force that did not participate in the Sanling Aspiration. That is the Hall of Souls. If you can find a genius who meets the rules, you can defeat the gentleman of the black mist. Asking for the first place, my soul-killing gate can also hand over to you."

Bu Shen continued.

Neither Han Ji Soul Envoy nor Qing Luan Soul Envoy could speak, the disciples cultivated in the Soul Fighting Palace were not pure fighting disciples.

Moreover, there is no one who can compete against the gentleman of the black mist.

"Since we can't find it, we will take away the reward."

Bu Shen grinned.

Today's plan, everything is going very smoothly, especially the gentleman of the black mist vying for the first place, or they reward Ziyang Academy, the time is just right.

As for the surrounding audience, they gritted their teeth one by one, not knowing what to say.

They are all Sanling people, and they are very aggrieved in their hearts.

"Who said that Sanling is the one who won the first place?"

In the dullness, an icy voice passed from the canyon.

This voice was neither heavy nor light, but it pierced into the eardrums of all warriors.

This number one is not the gentleman of the black mist!

"It's Zhang Mofan!"

In the gorge, many warriors heard bursts of exclamation.

The gorge was boiling instantly.

The gentleman Heiwu's face sank, looking at Zhang Mofan, and said: "What did you say?"

He thought he had heard it wrong, and the other party actually wanted to deny his first existence.

"Sanling's aspiration is not over yet, you threatened to take away the reward, it's ridiculous."

Zhang Mofan sneered: "We, we haven't started the fight yet!"


This voice immediately caused an uproar, and Zhang Mofan actually threatened to challenge the gentleman of the black mist.

In their opinion, even if Zhang Mofan had improved the fighting spirit and wanted to defeat the gentleman of the black mist, there was still not much hope.

Perhaps it is subconsciously that Zhang Mofan is not the opponent of the gentleman of the black mist ~ so they think that the gentleman of the black mist is already number one.

Therefore, when they heard that Zhang Mofan would continue to challenge the gentleman of the black mist, the impact was very strong.

"What? Do you think you can beat me?"

The gentleman black mist put his arms around his chest, and said: "You do have some strength, but unfortunately, you don't see enough in front of me. If you really want to fight with me, I can tell you. My opponent will not end well. go with."

"Stop talking nonsense, come and fight."

Zhang Mofan's body was shocked, and once again he released the twin souls, becoming majestic, saying every word: "Today, as the son of Ziyang Academy, I protect the glory of Sanling. Who dares to blaspheme the glory will undoubtedly die!"

Zhang Mofan, an amazing sentence!

?? Chapter 2, updated around 12 o'clock!



(End of this chapter)

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