Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 366: :Haimaha

   Sea Monster King, its body is a sea dragon, and they can't be completely transformed into a human form. After all, they are monsters, and they still have some characteristics of monsters.

   And the man in front of him is similar to the model of the Sea-Monster King, except that he is not an ice sea dragon, but a fire sea dragon.

   is a sea dragon that is good at fire attribute attacks.

   The appearance of the man is almost the same as that of the Sea-Monster King, but his figure is very thin, his whole body is heated, and the long sword is floating around his body, seeming to be waiting for his orders at any time.

   As for the others, they are almost all the powerhouses of each monster group, all of them are the cultivation base of the Hundred Aperture Realm!

   "Ba Ye, what is the difference between a monster and a monster?"

   Zhang Mofan couldn't help but ask curiously at this time.

   "The difference lies in the martial arts talents. The martial arts talents of the monsters are many times stronger than the monsters. They can even cultivate the martial arts of the human race. The monsters largely inherited their innate fighting talents."

   Eighth Master said: "Monsters can be very powerful without cultivation. As for monsters, if they don't cultivate, they will be completely abandoned."

   Zhang Mofan nodded secretly. In short, monsters have the benefits of monsters, and monsters also have the benefits of monsters.

   "We have waited for a long time, and this Haimaha will finally start to break through. The galaxy formation he has arranged is simply ridiculous, and we can sneak in here easily."

   One of the men said, his face is covered with fish scales, it is a kind of fish monster.

   "The Sir Sea-Monster King has already confessed that this time he can't make any mistakes. That Haimaha dare to stand on his own and want to attack the fifth rank, which is ridiculous."

   Listening to the dialogue, Zhang Mofan’s ears were also erected, holding his breath, he also secretly exclaimed: "There are monsters who want to break through."

   Moreover, as the Eighth Master said, the Sea-Monster King also knew about this monster's breakthrough, and sent his men to come.

   The fire sea dragon, even if it did not reach the imperial qi, the opening acupuncture point, I am afraid that it has reached the level of at least three hundred or four hundred, otherwise, the true qi would not be so powerful.

   Faced with this group of people, Zhang Mofan has no chance at all!

   "Let your dog bite the dog, and I will hide behind it for the benefit of the fisherman."

   Zhang Mofan said with a smile.

   This time, his task is to wipe out the pirate’s nest. If he could kill Nahe Maha, he would also be deemed to have completed the task.

   "Let's go, under the hands of Haimaha, all are some rubbish, I don't care about it at all, let's go."

   Fire Sea Dragon took a group of his men and went straight to the depths of the mountains.

   As for Zhang Mofan, he also followed the past secretly. Along the way, many shrimp soldiers and crabs all burned. The monster beasts of the Hundred Aperture Realm almost couldn't resist the sword of the Fire Sea Dragon.

   Soon, he followed to a place and stopped, because the fire sea dragon gang had already stopped.

   In front of them, there is a cave.

   At this time, in the cave, there were also many figures rushing out, still some shrimp soldiers and crabs.

   However, their size is bigger than ordinary shrimp soldiers and crabs, and their strength is much stronger.

   "Who are you? You dare to break into the territory of my Maha Pirates, don't you want to live?"

   However, without waiting for them to finish their nonsense, the fire sea dragon sword vigorously turned into a cross and pushed it straight out.


   Those shrimp soldiers and crabs will be contaminated with flame sword aura, and their bodies will be incinerated instantly.

   "Hai Maha should be retreating in the cave, now, it should be close to the moment of breakthrough, quickly arrange the formation."

   The Fire Sea Dragon gave a command and rushed directly into the cave.

  Who knows, a terrifying river rushed away from the entrance of the cave, and flew out directly in shock, blood spurting wildly.

   Immediately afterwards, a palm of seawater condensed torn apart, attacked from the cave, and grabbed it firmly.

   Huohailong's expression changed, and he said, "Quickly deploy."

   "The formation? Is it useful? There is no retreat in this seat!"

   A soft laugh, passed from the palm of the seawater condensed, the palm was pinched, and it burst into a ball of water

Water mist.

   Then, a tall figure was condensed.

   He has dark skin, a hideous face, fangs turned out, but he has long blue hair.

   His whole body is full of large tendons, and his muscles are bulging, and the explosive force and the turbulent air constantly produce explosive sounds.

   The man in front of him is the leader of the Maha Pirates, Hai Maha.

   As soon as he appeared, the exhausted vitality of the entire space began to gather.

   "You did not retreat?"

   Huohailong said in surprise.

   "The news of the retreat of this seat is actually announced deliberately by this seat. The purpose is to eradicate you ants first, and then make a serious breakthrough."

   He Maha roared, holding an ice-blue heavy hammer directly in one hand, and grabbing the fire sea dragon with the other big hand.

   For a time, the air collapsed and collapsed everywhere. In his hand, it seemed that there were thousands of giant elephants collapsing. Infinite pressure was formed under his palm, and the fire sea dragon was severely caught.

   "Do you think I would be afraid of you like this?"

   Huohailong's face changed, and he didn't expect that this Hemaha has never been retreat. It can be said to be a fake retreat, giving people the illusion of death.

   "No, no, you won't feel afraid, because you don't even have the qualifications to be afraid."

   He Mahe gave a furious rage, and the heavy hammer in his hand blasted the fire sea dragon fiercely.

   "Zhu Xie Sword Array!"

   He waved his hands again and again, and the bronze sword on the side also burst into flames, and the powerful true energy also poured out from his body.

   Suddenly a handful of bronze swords were also condensed and turned into a sword formation, madly killing Haimaha.

   "A child of the Hundred Aperture Realm thinks he can compete with this seat by mastering a handful of intermediate spirit treasures?"

  Hai Maha held the hammer in both hands and slammed the ground. The whole ground split in an instant, and a large amount of sea water turned into water swords, swept wildly, hitting those bronze swords.

   bang bang bang!

   Those bronze swords were shattered. As for the fire sea dragon, he staggered, stepped back, and blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth.


   Haimaha said, it seemed that something was wrong. It turned out that the fire sea dragon's companions actually united and arranged a formation. In that formation, there were also dense spatial fluctuations.

"not good!"

Haimahe's face changed and he slammed a hammer towards the formation. Who knows, that formation suddenly blasted a huge beam of light, connecting the sky and the earth. In the beam of light, cold air radiated, and a palm of his hand also stretched out, The hammer was caught directly.

   "Himala, you really hide here, tell me, how do you want to die?"

   The cold voice came out, with full meaning, almost freezing everything.

   There is an error in front of it, Zhao Yongfu wrote Yang Yongfu, which has been corrected.

   (End of this chapter)

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