Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2312: : Heavenly Desolate Lord Realm

In the Heavenly Desolate Realm, there is no single power that can dominate one family. There are countless sects and families here. These are willing to shoot, and the family fights constantly, fighting each other, but they are unanimous externally. No matter any foreign power, they want to truly Conquering the Heavenly Desolation Lord Realm will encounter their joint blows.

Even the powerful sects in the universe, who wanted to infiltrate their own forces, were expelled, because the Heavenly Desolate Lord Realm did not allow the power of the gods to intervene.

As long as there are no strong gods to intervene, the forces in the Heavenly Desolate Master Realm really have never been afraid of anyone.

Of course, the most important reason for this is that there are powerful people at the four main roads and one level in the Heavenly Desolate Realm.

Dao realm, that is the top realm among the ten layers of Dao realm, it is actually only one step away from the **** realm.

It is said that they even stepped into the gods with half their feet.

It’s for this reason that the Heavenly Desolate Lord Realm is famous in the nearby **** zone, and the other ninety-nine worlds in the Heavenly Desolate Region, large and small, will come to heaven. The landlord made a break.

Zhang Mofan was also a little excited when listening to Baby Long's words.

In this Tianhuang main bone, I am afraid that only with strength can it become stronger, and without strength, it will be beheaded.

However, the most important thing at the moment is to find a way to repair the life-destroying dragon ball. Once the repair is successful, he will be able to awaken the ninth fighting spirit and at the same time be able to master the powerful life-destroying spirit.

Because he fought against the ghost king Zhisheng for the first time, he lost to the ghost king Zhisheng for the first time. In fact, he didn't lose to the ghost king Zhisheng's strength, but his fate.

Therefore, he must find a way to repair the Dragon Ball as soon as possible.

"Dragon baby, how long can the rebellious dragon ball last?"

Zhang Mofan asked.

"In the Heavenly Desolate Realm, I am afraid that it cannot last for ten days. You must find the heavenly materials and the earth to repair the life-desiring dragon ball."

Baby Dragon's voice is a little solemn.

Zhang Mofan thought about it. At present, he still doesn't know where he is. The fastest way is to find out where he is, and then go to the nearby Chamber of Commerce shop to find the treasures of heaven and earth.

This is the quickest and most effective way.

However, there is another problem here. He doesn't have other resources. If he wants to buy the treasures of heaven and earth, he can't do it. Is it impossible for him to directly grab it?

He came here for the first time, although he has the strength, but in the Heavenly Desolate Realm, it is not enough.

"Qianyan, let's find someone to ask first to see where we are now."

Zhang Mofan said.

Huang Qingyan nodded, did not speak, and came to the Heavenly Desolate Realm, as if it made her feel that she had just entered the Holy Land of the Middle Week, making her very vigilant.

After a while, Zhang Mofan saw two young men and women wearing robes of the same standard with swords on their waists attacking them, but they did not fly at high altitudes, but flew close to the ground.

These two people, looking at their aura, have the strength of Daoxu's later stage, it seems that they should be disciples of a certain sect.

Zhang Mofan stepped over and stopped the two.

The woman was shocked when she saw Zhang Mofan stopping them. She discovered Zhang Mofan's realm. Only in the early stage of Daoxu, her face immediately showed anger: "So courageous, I dare to stop the way of our Heavenly Sword Sect disciples."

While she was talking, she directly drew out the long sword around her waist, and the long sword uttered a roar, obviously there was a wave of weapon spirit, and she was about to assassinate Zhang Mofan.

However, the young man's face changed slightly, and he immediately stopped the woman: "Sister Wushuang, don't do anything at will, you are not his opponent."

"What are you talking about? I'm not his opponent. He is a martial artist who has just been promoted to Daoxu. I can kill him with a single sword."

Lu Wushuang said with disdain.

However, the young man smiled and said, "If he really only has Dao Void Realm, do you think he could just catch up to us from behind and stop us?"

They drove with all their strength just now, almost maintaining the fastest speed. The two Daoxu late stages were chased by a warrior from the early Daoxu stage. Is it possible?

Of course not.

The only explanation is that this person has used some special means to hide his strength. He is not a martial artist of Dao Void Realm, but is probably Dao Sect.

Lu Wushuang's face changed, and then she realized that if she really wanted to do something just now, she would probably suffer a lot.

"Two, I am Chi Jian of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and this is my junior sister Lu Wushuang, what can you do?"

Chi Jian asked.

Zhang Mofan replied: "My wife and I arrived for the first time and want to ask, where is this place? Is there any chamber of commerce nearby? We want to buy some resources."

"When you first arrived, you are not the natives of the Heavenly Desolation Lord Realm? Could it be from the Ninety-Nine Realm? I clearly remember that there is no boundary bridge of the Ninety-Nine Realm in the Desolate Spring."

Chi Jian became curious, could it be that the opponent came from another **** zone?

" I just want to know the whereabouts of the Chamber of Commerce. As for who we are, you don't have to guess, you can't guess no matter what."

Zhang Mofan said.

I'm afraid, no one would have thought that a warrior from a low-level world could come to this high-level world.

"Here, there is no chamber of commerce, but there is a Jianbao Pavilion. It is said that Jianbao Pavilion has found a piece of land. Many warriors are ready to join in the fun. If you are interested, you can also go and see it. There are also some natural treasures sold, but the price is about 30% more expensive than the general chamber of commerce."

After Chi Jian finished speaking, he took his junior sister and left directly.

"Stop the soil?"

Baby Long was taken aback and said: "Zhang Mofan, I really can't find any place to break through the iron shoes. Na Xitu is a rare treasure of heaven and earth. It can warm up the Holy Spirit body and even raise the level of the Holy Spirit body. Of course, it can also be used to repair life-defying dragon balls."


Zhang Mofan was slightly startled, and said: "The treasures of heaven and earth that can be used to upgrade the spirit body grade are probably very precious. They can also cause such a sensation. Even if I go, how can I fight for it?"

"It doesn't matter, go and see first!"

Long Baobao said.

"Light smoke, let's follow!"

Zhang Mofan said.

The two accelerated, directly following the two disciples of Jianzong that day.

After following for a while, Zhang Mofan discovered that there were many warriors around, flying in one direction one after another. Among them, there were many powerful men in Dao Sect realm.

"Xiao Fan, seeing that Xitu is not a mortal thing."

Yellow light flue.

Zhang Mofan nodded, and then reminded: "My last dragon ball was broken, and it must be repaired. This is my only chance. If you really **** it, you don't care about me and run away, understand?"

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