Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2307: : The plan is shattered, completely destroyed

Before playing against the top ten **** giants, he didn't use any strength at all, just used it at will, familiar with the power brought by promotion.

Now, Zhang Mofan didn't want to continue to delay, he instantly entered the state of one heaven and soul, the demon saint slaughter the demon halberd held in the palm of his hand, inducing the power of the heavens, gathered on the halberd, pierced through the halberd.


One of the **** giants was pierced in an instant and turned into a **** gas to dissipate. Then, three **** giants were pierced through, almost without the ability to resist.

When Qin Zheng, Qin Tian and others saw this scene, their hearts were unbelievable.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe that Zhang Mofan could easily destroy those **** giants, it would be almost impossible to happen.

However, the fact has already happened.

"We Zhou Yuanjie, there is still hope."

Seeing this scene, many of the most holy masters of the Qin Dynasty were all surprised, especially Qin Tian.

He had seen Huang Qingyan promoted to Daoxu before, thinking that he saw hope, but he didn't expect that the **** giant would easily defeat him.

Today, ten **** giants have been condensed. Each giant has the power to destroy the world. How can they contend?

But now, Zhang Mofan has taken action, showing even more terrifying power, killing a **** giant with one move, this kind of strength is too amazing and terrifying.

"how can that be?"

When the blood demon ancestor saw this scene, horror flashed in his eyes: "Could it be that you have also been promoted to the Dao Void Realm? No, even if you are promoted to the Dao Void Realm, you cannot have such a strong strength. It is impossible, absolutely impossible. ."

Above the Dao realm, the gap in each realm is very large. Those who can be promoted to the Dao realm are undoubtedly not martial arts wizards, and they have extremely deep backgrounds.

Even if Zhang Mofan showed strong strength in the Most Sage and truly crossed the realm of Daoxu, it would not be easy to achieve leapfrog challenges.

However, not only did it, but also killed a **** giant in the early stage of Dao Sect with a single move. Everyone in the scene could not understand how terrifying this was.

If Zhang Mofan is allowed to travel to a larger world, as long as there are no accidents, he will surely be able to stand out on the stage of the big world.

Seeing those **** giants about to be beheaded, the blood demon ancestor gritted his teeth and waved his hands. The seven **** giants reunited together, their size skyrocketed, and their power became more terrifying.

However, Zhang Mofan's face showed disdain, his big hand suddenly squeezed in the air, a large amount of thunder fell from the sky, turned into thunder chains, swept down, and instantly trapped the **** giant.

"Heaven and earth are powerful, heaven and earth thunder burst!"

Zhang Mofan yelled, igniting the tribulation of heaven and earth, the thunder exploded directly, the huge blood-type giant burst into pieces in an instant, and the ten thousand demon treasures wanted to return to the great formation.

However, Zhang Mofan swept it with a big hand, grabbed all of them, suspended in front of him, and then sealed it on the Demon Saint Slaughter Demon Halberd.

For a time, Zhang Mofan's Demon Saint Slaughter Demon Halberd sealed a total of 23 million demon treasures.

"Add in the six of your formations, and that's twenty-nine."

Zhang Mofan jumped and rushed directly to the blood demon ancestor, his big hand condensed the terrifying thunder, and he slammed it out with one hand, bombarding the formation.

A punch contains a powerful force that surpasses the middle stage of Dao Sect, and all is poured into this punch.


The blood demon clan deliberately prepared the Heavenly Demon Blood Elemental Formation that had been arranged for hundreds of thousands of years, and the formation that used the power of more than 10,000 descendants to gather, collapsed instantly with Zhang Mofan's full blow.

"Do not!"

Watching this scene, the blood demon ancestor began to scream heartbreakingly, never expected that Zhang Mofan was so powerful that he could shake the blood origin array of the heaven demon with one punch.

In other words, Zhang Mofan's strength is truly comparable to the middle stage of Dao Sect, and even stronger than the middle stage of Dao Sect.


In the end, the big formation completely collapsed, and the other six Ten Thousand Demon Babies also flew out of the big formation and were held by Zhang Mofan and sealed in the Demon Saint Slaughter Demon Halberd.

"Impossible, impossible, why is this result."

Blood Demon Ancestor shook his head repeatedly.

Zhang Mofan slowly flew over and said: "Blood Demon Ancestor, you underestimate our Zhou Yuanjie martial artist. You think that only the two of us have been promoted to Daoxu. We Zhou Yuanjie, there are three others who are promoted to Daoxu."

At this time, Eighth Master, Zhou Tong and Ge Feng also flew over, showing Daoxu's strength, and surrounding him, lest the Blood Demon Ancestor find a chance to escape.

Although, in this case, the chance of the blood demon ancestor escape is very small, but after a hundred secrets, they dare not care, this blood demon ancestor is so tricky, really let him escape, and they don’t know what conspiracy they will use. .

"Five Daoxu, what is going on? How come there are five Daoxu?"

The blood demon ancestor is horrified There are not only five Dao Xus, but soon, Zhou Yuanjie will be promoted to the Intermediate World, and more and more Dao Xus, and even Dao Sects, will be born in the future. The Yuanjie is not the Zhou Yuanjie of that year. "

As Zhang Mofan said, he swung a halberd, and a halberd light was shot.

The blood demon ancestor's face changed, and he never thought that Zhang Mofan's shot so quickly would never give her a chance to breathe.

She directly released the Six Life Fighting Spirits and entered into the Heavens and Souls, holding an Euphorbia in her hand. It was the most holy Ghost King's halberd. She gave it ahead of her time and wanted to block Zhang Mofan's laser.

If she doesn't stop, she will definitely die.

If it can be blocked, there may be a silver lining.

She is the incarnation of blood, the main incarnation, containing the most powerful power.

At the same time, behind her, a huge hideous face condensed, that face opened with a big mouth, and the blood energy that collapsed everywhere in the void, all attacked her body, making her abdomen bulge.

She wanted to use this trick to block Zhang Mofan's attack and then escape.

"Can block it."

The blood demon ancestor's face was happy, she felt that she could block it, after all, those blood energy energy was the blood energy energy of all her children, and contained their lifelong cultivation.


However, when the halberd bombarded them, the phantoms of the four great spirits of the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu flickered, waving their claws and bombarding them fiercely.

With a halberd, the body of the incarnation of the blood demon ancestor collapsed immediately, and the consciousness began to dissipate.

But before she dissipated, her heart was completely at a loss.


"I obviously blocked it, I obviously have the strength to block the halberd"

The blood demon ancestor wanted to roar, but couldn't even say a word again, and his mind was completely cut off.

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