Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2182: : Wannian Xuanbingjing

Gui Jiyue didn't expect that the spider could actually see herself. With a wave of her arm, the space in front of her was directly frozen.

The spider silk attack immediately solidified.

Holding the blood blade in her hand, Gui Jiyue shook her arm, directly splitting the huge spider in half.

Zhang Mofan looked at this scene and immediately said: "The spider, I am afraid that we can escape this snowflake and sense our existence. We are here, I am afraid it is very dangerous."

Gui Jiyue nodded and said: "Yes, but there should be a lot of treasures in it. We are here to kill the ancient beasts in ruins, and then attract the world of Flash Demon."

The two are no longer hiding, the environment here is indeed bad.

However, with their strength, there is absolutely no problem in killing these spiders in this mountain range.

The two immediately went deep into the mountains, looking for the giant spiders frantically, with their strength, even if they were besieged by the group of giant spiders, there was no problem.

Those giant spiders are actually a kind of ruined ancient beasts born out of the ruined battlefield. They are very powerful and contain the ultimate freezing power.

Ordinary warriors, as long as they are touched by spider silk, they will be frozen immediately.

However, this spider has nothing to do with Zhang Mofan. Zhang Mofan owns a powerful wildfire, which can dissolve the spider silk cold. As for Gui Jiyue, her own body is very amazing, even if a dozen spiders release spider silk together, it will be difficult. Attacked her.

The two spent a full day and night in the depths of this mountain range. As for Arrow Rakshasa, they also secretly shot and killed many spiders.

In one day, Zhang Mofan and Gui Jiyue killed all the spiders in the entire mountain range. Only small spiders were crawling in the snow.

Zhang Mofan glanced over, found the clues, and immediately said: "Those spiders seem to be crawling in one direction, let's go take a look."

Following the spiders, Zhang Mofan and Gui Jiyue came to the ice cave, and the cold in the ice cave was very terrifying.

"I'm afraid there is something in there."

Zhang Mofan said.

Gui Jiyue's face turned purple with cold, and said, "The cold here is a bit scary, do you really want to go in?"

"You won't dare to go in?"

Zhang Mofan said something.

"Who said I dare not go in."

Gui Jiyue rushed in first, Zhang Mofan smiled and followed in too.

As for the Arrow Rakshasa, he did not choose to follow up. The space in that cave was not very large, and it would be very depressing to enter. As an archer, he naturally likes a wider space.

However, as soon as Gui Jiyue entered the depths of the ice cave, she felt that the cold became more and more terrifying, and her body was a little trembling: "Okay, so cold, Zhang Mofan, I'm so cold, hug me."

Zhang Mofan looked at Gui Jiyue, naturally didn't believe her nonsense, and said, "With your cultivation base, how can you be afraid of this kind of chill?"

"Really, it's really cold, I'm not like you, I have mastered the wildfire."

With that, Gui Jiyue's body curled down, and her whole body was shaking.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Mofan shook his head helplessly, rushed directly, hugged Gui Jiyue's body tightly, and used the wildfire to warm her.

Gui Jiyue was held by Zhang Mofan, she also naturally hugged Zhang Mofan, her face turned red and tender, and she smiled successfully: "Zhang Mofan, looking at you so close, you are really handsome."

"Do you still want to talk about this now? We are here to find adventures."

Zhang Mofan looked around the ice cave and found that the spiders were gathered on a huge jet-black ice stone. The ice stone, most likely, was the ten thousand years of profound ice crystal.

"Zhang Mofan, tell me honestly, how many girls have you liked in Zhou Yuanjie? Or, how many girls like you?"

Gui Jiyue seemed to completely ignore the so-called Ten Thousand Years Xuanbing Crystal.

"Does this matter have anything to do with you?"

Zhang Mofan said.

"Of course there is a relationship. If this time, you and I both enter the Academy of Gods, I intend to make you my man. Since you have become my man, I will let you like me wholeheartedly. As for the woman who has a relationship with you , Then I will kill them all one by one."

Gui Jiyue took Zhang Mofan's neck.

Zhang Mofan's face changed slightly, and he pushed Gui Jiyue out with a cold voice: "Gui Jiyue, I don't want us to become enemies from friends."

Gui Jiyue fell to the ground, stood up directly, and smiled: "It seems that you have many women, but they should not be worthy of you. With your current achievements, those women in Zhou Yuanjie are just It's just ordinary people."

"I don't need you to take care of my business, it's just that you don't seem to have anything to do now."

Zhang Mofan said.

Gui Jiyue smiled and said: "This bit of coldness is nothing to me. The robe I wear is a supreme sacred artifact, and the Five Wildernesses will not invade."


Zhang Mofan heard Gui Jiyue's words and knew that he had been played by Gui Jiyue.

However, he was too lazy to say anything to Gui Jiyue, so he went straight up and said, "This ice stone ~ should be the ten thousand years Xuanbing Crystal, this Xuanbing Crystal, the three of us, one for each How about it?"

"no problem."

Gui Jiyue said.

Zhang Mofan tried to move the ice stone, but found it very difficult. If they couldn't move it, they couldn't take the ice stone away.

Zhang Mofan repeatedly urged his attacks, but it still had no effect. Instead, the ice cave continued to sway, and it might collapse at any time.

Gui Jiyue looked at Zhang Mofan's busy look, but asked: "Zhang Mofan, who is the first woman you like?"

"No time to take care of you."

Zhang Mofan kept thinking about ways, but it still didn't work.

"Then who is your favorite woman?"

Gui Ji Yue happily continued to ask, seeming to be very interested in Zhang Mofan's affairs.

Zhang Mofan did not answer.

"If you are willing to answer one of my questions, I can tell you how to move this Wannian Profound Ice Crystal."

Gui Jiyue smiled.

"The big deal won't move."

Zhang Mofan said, "I can't get it, and neither can you."

Gui Jiyue shrugged and didn't care: "These ten thousand years of profound ice crystals are indeed rare, but in my blood demon world, they are not uncommon. For me, I care more about your personal affairs than getting ten thousand years of profound ice crystals. "

Zhang Mofan said angrily: "You crazy woman, if you knew it, you shouldn't have cooperated with you."

"Zhang Mofan, these ten thousand years of profound ice crystals, but the materials used to build Taobao, if your weapons can be recast with ten thousand years of profound ice crystals, even if there is no tool spirit, the power is far stronger than the holy treasure."

Gui Jiyue said: "You have to think clearly."

Zhang Mofan gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, you can ask, what do you want to know."

Seeing Zhang Mofan's deflated appearance, Gui Jiyue was very proud, walked slowly in front of Zhang Mofan, and said: "How many women have you liked?"

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