Fierce shooter

Chapter 362 Bloody! 7.2k

As the commentator's words fell, the sound of cheering also sounded from the scene.

The fans of both teams are clearly distinct. For domestic audiences, both IG and EDG have huge fan groups.

IG is still strong this year after winning the championship. Because of this, a large number of fans when IG won the championship did not choose to follow Li Luo to EDG. In other words, they liked the new IG and Li Luo who joined the EDG team at the same time.

But now the two teams collided, and they had to make a choice.

This feeling of fleshy palms and backs is really uncomfortable.

For Korean audiences, most of their love for these two teams actually comes from the Korean players in the teams.

On the IG team, one of them was one of the three biggest trolls in the Korean server who was once famous in the Korean server. He was also the No. 1 Leopard Girl in the Korean server, the No. 1 Swordswoman in the Korean server, the No. 1 Yasuo in the Korean server, the No. 1 Raven in the Korean server, and the No. 1 fan in the Korean server. First Jace.

Rookie is the 2014 OGN League Summer Split Champion and a member of the KT team.

There is no need to talk about Duke. Korean audiences are all familiar with him. He is also the top laner in the S6 World Finals.

You must know that Duke took over the class of Marin, the FMVP player of the S5 World Championship. You can imagine the pressure and burden he shouldered.

But Duke resisted.

Therefore, in terms of player popularity, the Korean players of the IG team are undoubtedly more popular among Koreans.

On the other hand, for the EDG team, Jin Gong has gone to China to play a long time ago. Even if he is not the first batch of Korean players, he is almost there.

The younger brother was Faker's former substitute. However, as a substitute, apart from being well-known because of Faker, he did not accumulate many fans in Korea.

Judging from the cheers coming from the scene, the popularity of the IG team is even higher. Of course, EDG is about the same. After all, there are still quite a few Koreans who came to the scene. They have dominated the League of Legends for a year purely relying on their strength. Li Luo, a long-time shooter, has a certain liking for him.

Just like faker's status in the hearts of Chinese netizens.

When the ten people on both sides were in the reading interface, the players also began to communicate with each other and make some early plans.

At the IG battle table.

"You guys may not be as comfortable in the bottom lane as you thought. As expected of Brother Luo, he is still very old."

Prince Ning sighed with emotion.

The EDG team made up for the last selection of Old Man Shi as the auxiliary counter position, which King Ning did not expect.

It stands to reason that hard assistants will have a certain restraint on output assistants like Old Man Time. After all, hard assistants can find opportunities to cooperate with teammates in the early game to force the attack.

However, hard assistance is divided into two types: team-opening assistance and protection assistance.

For assists like Braum that are more protective, they are relatively passive in the face of Old Man Time, whose skills have a longer range and also have skills that can provide accelerated output assistance for himself and his teammates.

And IG's lineup with a strong rush and cut-in template will also have a headache when facing Old Man Time's ultimate move.

Rookie smiled after hearing what King Ning said: "Although what you said is right, now is not the time to build up other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige."

"Don't panic, I'm not nervous. Why are you nervous? I'm just kidding. I'm super brave."

Jackeylove also joked to relieve the pressure on his teammates, but he kept shaking his legs under the table. Jackeylove usually uses this method to relieve himself when he feels a little stressed.

The attentive Baolan noticed it, but did not point it out.

At the same time, EDG was at the battle table.

"Our early bot lane matchup is crucial. Their only advantage as a support team is to roam and cooperate with their teammates."

Li Luo said slowly.

Xiaotian nodded slightly when he heard the words. After working with Li Luo for more than half a year, Xiaotian was already familiar with Li Luo's command. He immediately said: "Then I will brush directly from the upper half to the lower area. After clearing the three jungle groups in the first half, I will go directly over to take a look, so Gongzi brother you have to be more careful."

Xiaotian's thinking is very clear.

If King Ning cannot cause trouble in the bottom lane in the early stage, then their rhythm will be more comfortable.

Once IG gets the upper hand in the bottom lane, as long as there is a small-scale team battle in the jungle involving Braum, EDG will have no chance of taking over before level 6.

The tactics of League of Legends usually mean that whatever you gain, you will lose something.

The final counter position allowed EDG to perfectly defend IG's tactics, ensuring both late teamfights and early matchups. However, correspondingly, the early initiative was given up to IG.

For Ning Wang, he has many more choices than Xiaotian. Xiaotian must protect the bottom lane in the early stage. Once there is a problem in the bottom lane, it will be difficult for the entire team to fight. However, Ning Wang can choose to come to the bottom lane to capture, or he can Choose to capture the sword demon on the road.

Needless to say, this will test the skills of both parties.

"I can hold on."

Jin Gong looked calm.

Resist stress.

He's good at it.

Not to mention that he got the Sword Demon, which was relatively strong in the early stage. Even if he got a hero that was relatively weak in the lane, he was confident that he could withstand the pressure brought by Theshy.

To put it another way, even if he couldn't handle it, at least he wouldn't let his line become a breakthrough point for the team.

Ten people from both sides quickly entered the Summoner's Canyon.

Not surprisingly, the IG team decisively chose to invade as a group at the first level to gain visibility in the upper half of the jungle.

When Li Luo joined IG, IG liked to cause trouble at the first level.

Although Li Luo has left now, his ability to cause trouble at the first level has been retained.

The EDG team is also very knowledgeable. In the early stage, Sword Demon, Olaf, and Enchantress inserted their jewelry eyes into the key passes into the wild grass in the upper half of the jungle.

At the same time, the bottom duo chose to invade the jungle area of ​​the IG team.

It is worth mentioning that the vision position left by meiko on EDG is very tricky.

This eye is inserted at the junction of the blue square F6 and the red buff aisle.

The scan can only scan a small area before it can be upgraded to level 9. If King Ning chooses to open red, he will definitely be seen by this eye position, and even if he has a scan, he will most likely not know where this eye is.

On the contrary, after the EDG team witnessed the invasion ward left by IG, Xiaotian went home directly and changed the scan to eliminate the vision in the red buff pit.

The more detailed thing is that although Xiaotian glanced at it, the younger boy was the one with A eyes.

This will greatly enhance the ability of the younger brother's Enchantress to suppress her in the middle.

As expected, King Ning changed the scan and failed to find his own eye position in the red zone.

Seeing this scene, the doll in the commentary box smacked his lips and said: "IG's game chess in the early stage was one step short."

"It's actually no wonder. The impression IG has left on us has always been...well, how should I put it, it's a rough one. On the other hand, EDG has always paid attention to some small tactical designs."

While Guan Zeyuan was speaking, the heroes of both sides had already arrived on the line.

The Korean director seemed to have predicted something in advance.

When the heroes on both sides came online, three distinct screens were divided, which were the alignment situations of the upper, middle and lower lanes.

This is the first time that the audience has seen this kind of split-screen method in a League of Legends game. At first, the audience was a little confused, but when they saw Akali crossing the line directly and the snake girl who ignored the minions at level 1 and started fighting each other When I met the Enchantress, it became clear instantly.

The shy Akali followed the grass and passed the minion, and then moved slightly to twist away the sword demon's Q. At the same time, she raised her hand to hand over the Q. After successfully hitting the sword demon, she pulled back one step, and then suppressed it forward when the passive appeared.

After the Sword Demon's second Q, The shy backhand basic attack followed with another Q.

This is the strength of the current version of Akali.

Level 1 energy can be used twice.

This would make Akali jealous to death in S12.

When Akali pulled into the grass again, the first round of consumption by both sides ended.

Akali hit a Q and a passive death-giving sword energy.

But Sword Demon was hit twice by Q and once by passive, and his quick pace also allowed him to recover a little blood after using A's passive.

The exchange of blood volume between the two sides at level 1 has come to an end. Both of them use Dolan Shield to go out, and their blood volume will slowly recover after receiving damage. The consumption of the road is a delicate job.

As for the middle side, it's very particular.

The one who took the initiative was the junior enchantress.

The junior boy deliberately avoided his own line of soldiers and raised his hand to hit AWA. When A hit the second time, he took a corruption potion, and then used the continuous effect of the potion to continue moving forward to put pressure on the snake girl.

Snake Girl is not strong at level 1. Rookie learned Q, but after the two sides spent a wave of blood, although the younger brother used electrocution, he was also concentrated by Rookie's Q skill and the blue side's minions. After a round of fire, judging from the blood volume, the consumption of both sides was almost the same.

The reason why the junior boy did this is very simple, to exchange blood volume for line rights.

If Snake Girl learns Q at level 1 to directly Q the ranged soldiers, she can quickly push the lane to gain lane control.

The consumption of the junior is to let Rookie make a choice in the first wave, whether to use skills to defeat him or to consume the minions.

The confrontation between both sides is all about art.

On the bottom lane, EDG chose to avoid the battle. Meiko used bombs to restrict the movement of Braum who pressed in. Li Luo also learned the Q skill at level 1 and threw two flying feathers. It consumed Lucian.

EDG's duo lane had a hand length advantage at level 1, but IG decisively chose to avoid the battle.

During the normal laning between the two sides, the overt and covert fighting between the junglers has become a top priority.

For Jin Gong, the strength of Sword Demon is there, and he doesn't have to worry about being killed by Akali alone in the early stage.

In fact, most professional players don't need to worry about this.

In the eyes of the audience, sometimes online players may feel that they are too timid.

In fact, many players who occupy the defensive side just don't want to lose too much health in the early stage.

If a line frequently trades blood with its opponent because it is overconfident in its own operations, no matter whether it is a profit or a loss, as long as its blood line drops to a certain threshold, the opponent will definitely call the jungler.

If you are really caught to death, you can't say that the opponent's top laner is trash and only calls jungler, right?

This is the biggest difference between the arena and Rank.

Jin Gong has a clear idea.

I can add a few fewer soldiers in the early stage.

As long as you can gain experience.

But if you want to exchange my blood, sorry, if you touch me, I lose.

In EDG's field of vision, King Ning's Xin Zhao did not use F6 after playing red, but walked directly towards the upper half of the jungle.

This information was captured by EDG, so Xiaotian's Olaf directly came over and reversed a group of F6 after finishing the upper half of his jungle area.

However, what Xiaotian didn't know was that King Ning had kept an eye on him.

His own red zone did not scan EDG's ward. If Li Luo hadn't landed on the opposite side, then he really believed that there was no ward in his jungle zone.

This is a kind of fanatical belief in Li Luo.

But it was this belief that gave King Ning his keen sense of smell.

After the red attack, blue buff, and toad defeat, King Ning did not brush the three wolves, but walked directly towards his own F6.

Olaf's jungle clearing speed is faster than Xin Zhao's.

Therefore, when Xiaotian cleared all the wild monsters in the first half of the area and walked to the second half, King Ning, who had just entered the F6 grass, happened to see an ax flying towards the F6 area.

Olaf's figure appears.

An Olaf with very little mana.

Prince Ning narrowed his eyes.

Good boy.

Got you.

"I can rely on it."

Bao Lan took action without saying anything.

What he did looked like going to the river to do wards to prevent ganks.

However, just when Baolan disappeared from the bottom lane's field of vision, Li Luo alerted Xiaotian with some vigilance.

next moment.

Xin Zhao's figure appeared in the grass.

Xin Zhao, who was stabbed directly, made Xiaotian frown.

He is not afraid of 1v1.

Even though he is almost out of mana now and was taken first by Xin Zhao, he still has the mana capacity to open W.

The best thing about Olaf, the hero, is that the less health he has, the more health he will recover after hitting people with W.

1v1solo, Xin Zhao, who has a health advantage, is very difficult to win against Olaf.

But that's not the problem now.

Rookie's snake girl pressed over and blocked his escape route.

In the wild area, Bronn is also likely to move towards this side.

Even if he hands over the flash, it will be difficult for him to escape.

"Stop crossing paths."

Meiko, who walked to the dragon pit, shook her head slightly and said after seeing Bronn who had already appeared in Olaf's field of vision.


Xiaotian frowned and tightened his hand holding the mouse slightly.

He didn't expect Xin Zhao to appear in this bush.

He calculated the time and found that Xin Zhao should be fighting the Three Wolves at this time.

But King Ning didn't do that.

The most variable position in League of Legends is the jungle.

King Ning used his early spiritual thinking to tell this fact to all the audience.

"The first blood burst! Darling, Prince Ning's wave... is something. How can he be willing not to fight the three wolves?"

Miller marveled.

This is completely a murder caused by a small judgment.

In Olaf's position, when Bronn started to wander away, from the perspective of God, they felt that Olaf was gone.

The location is so awkward.

"But thinking about it from another perspective, if King Ning hits the three wolves, Xiaotian can easily counter F6 in this wave, which will give him one more group of wild monsters than Xin Zhao."

Wawa also lamented that if Xin Zhao had eyes, it would be fine if he stayed in F6.

But Xin Zhao came here blindly to explore the way.

For the jungler position, the time lost by walking is what widens the gap between the early development of the two sides.

However, it's a different matter after the headcount is taken into account.

"Fortunately, Xin Zhao doesn't have much health, so he probably won't enter the jungle."

Li Luo shook his head slightly. Xiaotian's choice was not wrong. Since the eyes left in the early stage had insight into Xin Zhao's path to clear the jungle, it was reasonable to go against the jungle.

It can only be said that King Ning did better.

Xiaotian didn't say anything, just picked up the cup on the table and took a sip of water.

After losing first blood at the beginning, he could clearly feel that the pressure in his heart had increased.

After realizing that he could not escape, Xiaotian tried his best to lower Xin Zhao's health before dying. This was also a way to protect his jungle area.

However, IG's decision was much more terrifying than Xiaotian imagined.

Game scene.

All members of SKT came to watch the game today.

The LCK's defeat this year made SKT, which did not enter the World Championship, receive much less firepower.

SKT's management is even more ruthless and plans to regroup next year.

Today is the day when he leads team building with the players and stops by to watch the finals.

The players sat together, and faker looked at the screen and said thoughtfully: "EDG's line rights problem has been exposed."

From a God's perspective, they clearly noticed that after getting Xiaotian's head, King Ning immediately stopped his jungle activities and went directly back to the city to resupply.

The income from first blood and the income from wild monsters in the early stage gave King Ning enough money to supplement a long sword and buy another pair of straw sandals.

Use the time when Xiaotian is resurrected to return to the city, and then go out with Xiaotian's Olaf.

In the current version, there is no acceleration buff that a hero will receive after resurrecting after death.

There is a certain gap in movement speed between Xin Zhao with shoes and Olaf without shoes.

It is worth mentioning that when the royal blue Braum withdrew after completing the support, he left a field of vision in the grass in the center of the lower river.

The shy, who already had lane rights on the top lane, quickly pushed his troops under the defense tower and returned directly to the city. After supplying the killing rings, he headed back to the top lane.

Jackeylove gave up the line of troops pushed by Xia and directly followed the support towards the jungle.

The mid lane was evenly matched, but Rookie ignored Scout's provocation and also pressed into the jungle to support.

"That's too much."

Xiaotian's face darkened.

While playing blue, he was directly forced away by Xin Zhao who was pressing over him.

Although the younger brother Enchantress has also come to support, the problem now is that Jin Gong is on the road and The shy is not on the road. It may be TP, but EDG does not know this news.

In addition, EDG's formation is completely divided.

"IG is... so cruel?"

Guan Zeyuan was a little stunned at the commentary table.

From the initial rhythm and even momentum, IG seems to have steadily overwhelmed EDG.

On EDG's side, in addition to the bottom lane's early laning advantage and last-minute suppression, the middle lane was considered to be open at 55, but the upper and jungle suffered varying degrees of damage.

Xin Zhao pays more attention to rhythm in the early stage, while Olaf will focus more on development.

But if Xin Zhao's early development is better than Olaf...

It's hard to say which of these two heroes is stronger.

"Follow me."

While King Ning was speaking, he had already used the blue buff twice and looked at Olaf, who was wandering not far away with longing eyes. He decisively chose W, flashed his hand, and poked in Olaf's direction.

The distance of W was already extremely long, and after releasing the flash, it stabbed Olaf accurately. The next moment, Xin Zhao turned to E to follow him, and the triple claw attack of the Q skill in the third stage directly knocked Olaf away.

Baolan, who was hovering next to King Ning, handed over W when Zhao Xin's W flashed to the ground and moved over with the help of Xin Zhao's position. After Xin Zhao stabbed him, Baolan controlled Braum to throw away his Q skill and hit him at the limit distance. Flying Olaf.

Xiaotian's Olaf had no choice but to dodge.

"Did you give it?"

The junior student frowned.

"I gave it, I can only give it."

Xiaotian rubbed his neck, which was a little cracked.

Li Luo had expected IG's almost mindless offensive in the early stage, but this scene still exceeded his expectations.

The poor first-hand ability, coupled with the fact that the Sword Demon is not in the front, makes EDG's possibility of counterattack in this kind of small-scale combat in the jungle almost zero.

In addition, IG's bottom duo's style of play was something Li Luo didn't expect.

As an adc who is famous for his laning, in order to help the jungler, he will not need a wave of troops.

Ah Shui was not like this in Li Luo's impression.

Although King Ning just countered the blue one and did not let his teammates accompany him to counter the three wolves and toad, there is no doubt that he has made a lot of money.

"Fortunately, Olaf reacted quickly this time. He handed in the flash in time and was not stunned by Xin Zhao, otherwise Braum would have to go home again. Now it seems that Olaf lost a mana, which is actually acceptable. .”

Guan Zeyuan exclaimed: "IG's initial rhythm was a bit perfect. Although the bottom lane suffered a bit, the initiative of the situation was fully in the hands of the IG team."

"The key is The shy's TP. Did you pay attention to the ward position left by Baolan? If EDG wanted to take over the team just now, then The shy will rush to the front battlefield as soon as possible. The shy with the killing ring If you can get even one or two layers of rings in this wave, it will be a hidden danger."

Miller also spoke slowly.

IG looks extremely reckless, but it can reveal a lot of horrific details.

Just as Guan Zeyuan expected, EDG was passive in the early rhythm.

Even the bot lane of the dominant side cannot press the line unscrupulously.

Just because of one thing, that is IG’s jungle advantage.

According to EDG's lineup, as long as there are no problems with Xiaotian's early rhythm, it will be easy to catch the slightly passive Snake Girl with the Enchantress's chain.

But now that Xiaotian has no flash, it is easy to be counter-crouched if he rushes to catch him. As long as he counter-crouches until Olaf is waiting for him, he will die.

Xiaotian didn't dare to act rashly, but Prince Ning could act unscrupulously.

Game time is 5 minutes and 30 seconds.

King Ning's Zhao Xinka came to the bottom lane with a wave of poor vision, and cooperated with Braum's Q to get out of the way to Meiko. Jackeylove Lucian flashed to follow up and output passively, and cooperated with Xin Zhao to gain the head of Old Man Time.

The head count ratio came to 2-0.

The situation is very good for the IG team, and IG can also take advantage of the situation to get a dragon.

The first dragon happened to be an earth dragon.

This debuff can be said to be stacked up.

EDG has never suffered such a big loss in the early stage this whole year.

But they could only endure it for the time being.

This patience lasted until 8 minutes and 30 seconds.

When the bottom lane duo of both sides reached level 6, they each chose to return to the city to resupply.

After Meiko went out, she moved directly towards the upper half.

The same goes for Xin Zhao.

IG is planning to attack the top lane.

However, this time their intentions were successfully captured by EDG.

The wandering advantage of the Enchantress is reflected in this wave.

It stands to reason that when the enchantress smells that the top lane may be overtaken, even if she rushes to the middle lane immediately, it is too late.

This is also the main reason why Rookie did not follow up after Scout sent a message to his teammates after roaming. Firstly, he would definitely not be able to keep up with the enchantress, and secondly, if he was squatted by the enchantress in the jungle, there would be a risk of being eaten.

Rookie, who usually eats grass and squeezes blood, has a rare opportunity to grow.

However, the appearance of Old Man Time has become a variable.

When Sword Demon stood up for his second life, and the trio of IG who had perfectly resisted towers in the first round pressed forward again, Meiko's Old Man Time accelerated and rushed towards him, flashing to give Sword Demon his ultimate move, and at the same time he was stunned with his backhand. King Ning.

The situation suddenly became chaotic.

After Jin Gong resurrected and got up, he successfully hacked Xin Zhao to death, and the Enchantress who came over after hearing the news also caught up with the last train, played Akali's flash, and kept Braum behind.

"What a perfect counterattack! Meiko is so smart. EDG was frustrated for eight minutes, and it took only one wave to perfectly control the situation!"

In the commentary box, Guan Zeyuan's speech rate suddenly increased.


For the EDG team, Xiaotian directly invaded the lower half of the area and cleaned up all the wild monsters that King Ning had not killed in the lower half.

While Ning Wang of the IG team is spiritual, his shortcomings are also exposed at this moment.

Although Prince Ning's style is very greedy.

But as long as he thinks that this wave will definitely yield something, he will decisively abandon his wild monsters and go directly to cooperate with his teammates.

Therefore, when King Ning is in the jungle, he will not be so particular about the refresh time of wild monsters, let alone the obsessive-compulsive disorder of having to clear out wild monsters before they are refreshed.

This also gives Xiao Tianbu a chance to develop.

"Damn it, why is this B here?"

Prince Ning frowned deeply after seeing his own death.

Of course he knew that the wave in his lower half of the jungle was gone.

This is simply a return to before liberation.

"It's a bit of a How are you doing, Jack?"

As Rookie was talking, he suddenly found that the blood bar belonging to Lucian on the mini-map suddenly plummeted and disappeared into nothingness in an instant.

When he cut the scene, his own Lucian had already fallen to the ground!

"Fuck... trough..."

Jackeylove scratched his hair in confusion: "He predicted this."

This time Jackeylove admitted that he died a little wronged.

After Li Luo's Xia came online, she quickly pushed back a wave of troops and prepared to retreat.

Jackeylove eliminated the true eyes of its Triangle Grass, so it took a little longer to get online.

Although Jacekylove can occasionally be a bit pretentious, he does things very purposefully.

This wave of Xia just gave him a position to be baptized with the holy spear, so he decisively stepped forward and directly opened R to suppress Xia's health.

When forcing Kasumi's ultimate move, Jackeylove tried to hit Kasumi with another flash.

So when Xia fell to the ground, in order to prevent Xia from handing over the barb, Jackeylove chose to cross the E diagonally in the direction of the river and press forward. After all, if the hero Xia had an empty barb, it would be impossible to compete with Lucian. Explosive.

What Jackeylove never expected was that Li Luo had already begun to retract his feather barb, but he captured or predicted the direction of his E in that 0.2 second or even 0.1 second, so the barb When finishing, he chose E-dodge and flew diagonally into his face.

The Q skill used to consume Lucian at the beginning and all the feathers flying in the sky exploded inside Lucian's body.

After eating this kind of explosion, Lucian's blood volume instantly melted away, and the remaining blood line was unable to compete alone with Xia, whose blood volume was still relatively healthy.

"He... didn't dodge or show off. I was shown off."

Jackeylove could only say this helplessly.

And on the EDG battle table.

"There is still a gap between newcomers and old foxes."

Meiko commented with a smile.

There was a smile on Li Luo's lips, but as he tasted it, he felt something was wrong.

" seems like he's new here?"

"Single kill! Jackeylove is pretending this time! If so... IG killed three people in just ten seconds!"

Guan Zeyuan was stunned.

With the loss of these three heads, IG's rhythm... seems to be gone too?

Thank you Wenwen for your 18,000-point reward. I haven’t updated the reward for a long time. I feel like I’m doing well recently. I’ll try to add it back slowly.

Today is actually a bit cracked. I live on the 19th floor, and renovations have started on the 17th floor downstairs. My head has been buzzing all day, and I feel like the floor is about to break... I am about to run back to my hometown. There seems to be another CF in my hometown today. I need a mask...please ask me.

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