Fierce shooter

Chapter 360 Belongs to the best era of LPL!

"Let us congratulate the EDG team for successfully defeating the powerful Korean No. 1 seed KT team with a score of 3-0!"

In the commentary box, Wawa's emotions seemed to have found a gate and quickly vented: "In the past, we were often won by LCK teams with a big score advantage, but even in the past, we were rarely beaten 3-0."

"But now, two years in a row! Two years!!! Last year's IG in the Bird's Nest finals, and this year's EDG at Gwangju Korea's home court, both were crushed with a score of 3-0!"

"If it was just once, there might be an element of luck, but twice! It was two times in a row. This is enough to explain one sentence, that is, at this time, at that time, and after three days apart, our LPL is no longer what it once was. LPL!"

Under Wawa's impassioned attitude, Guan Zeyuan also seemed to be moved: "Last year, one of our commentators once said that maybe one day we will lose confidence in the e-sports League of Legends... But what I want to say is , this is the first time since the start of the S3 season that no LCK team, which once dominated League of Legends, has entered the finals of the World Championship!"

"And our LPL teams now have two among the top four, and the other one is IG..."

Guan Zeyuan's brewing emotions came to an abrupt end when he spoke.

Miller cut him off.

"If another IG team can also advance to the finals, then this World Championship will be an unprecedented event for our LPL region!"

"Let us look forward to the IG team's performance against VIT in the second half!"

At this time of prosperity, Miller really didn't dare to let Guan Zeyuan talk any more.

Don’t be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of what happens.

After all, VIT's previous performance has been quite good, and it even gives people a feeling that it is stronger than the Rabbit Team in S7.

But then I thought about it, the IG team performed very well in this World Championship, and it has already gained the momentum from last year's World Championship. If they can't even surpass VIT, how can they challenge EDG, which has already entered the finals?

While the three people in the commentary box were having a heated discussion, in the EDG backstage lounge, media from all walks of life had already come over to invite the players for interviews.

In the quarter-finals, Li Luo was invited to be a Korean stream commentator, so what Li Luo said at that time would be translated into Korean for the audience to listen to. This time, Li Luo was interviewed by a Chinese stream. You can see Only domestic audiences were interviewed.

As for the Korean-language commentary...

Let Mingkai, an old man, deal with it.

Li Luo noticed that although Mingkai was calm and untroubled on the surface before going for the interview, he seemed to have overlooked the small mirror on the door of the lounge. After all, since the commercialization of League of Legends, players have Makeup is required before playing games.

In addition, players in the lounge occasionally eat or drink snacks to replenish energy to avoid hypoglycemia. A small mirror is placed on the door to allow some players who pay attention to their appearance to take a look before going on stage. Avoid finding chocolate residue in the corner of your mouth when the camera slaps you in the face.

When Ming Kai turned around and followed the staff toward the door, Li Luo could clearly see through the small mirror that Ming Kai's face changed in a second, and the smile on his expression could not be concealed.

After all, this was the semi-finals that Mingkai personally participated in, and he advanced to the finals as he wished.

Advancing to the finals of the S competition will mean that both teams have the opportunity to get close to the championship trophy of the S competition.

No matter who wins, this is the first time Mingkai will be so close to the trophy.

Ming Kai was gone, so Li Luo naturally couldn't be idle.

Soon, he met Yu Shuang, the interview host of the Chinese stream.

This is also an old acquaintance.

Facing the camera, Li Luo waved hello naturally and prepared to answer Yu Shuang's interview questions.

However, Yu Shuang felt helpless when she looked at the questions on the question card in her hand.

Li Luo's extremely high popularity is the main reason why he is bound to be interviewed every time he attends a competition.

Audiences like to watch Li Luo's interviews.

But it's difficult to keep interview questions from being uniform.

Especially... Li Luo's career itself is quite special.

Who dares to imagine that a player who has entered the finals of the World Championship twice and is known to have won one of the world championships has only been in the game for... one year and two months.

How to ask questions in this situation?

Ask Li Luo how he felt when he entered the World Championship finals for the second time?

Looking at the first question listed on the question card, Yu Shuang's eyes twitched.

She could imagine exactly how Li Luo would answer.

But... Yu Shuang still asked.

"It still feels very different."

After Li Luo thought for a moment, he smiled and said.

Yu Shuang was stunned.

This was different from what she had imagined.

Although Li Luo is a very introverted player in Yu Shuang's impression, Li Luo's interviewing skills are constantly growing.

He is very smart and clearly knows what "program effect" is.

According to Yu Shuang's past experience in interviewing Li Luo, in her opinion, Li Luo would either choose to go straight to the point and answer questions in very official terms.

Or just let the topic die and talk about Versailles.

Yu Shuang originally thought that Li Luo would calmly say, "I don't feel anything. It's not the first time anyway."

But Li Luo...

"Then...what's the difference?"

Yu Shuang asked subconsciously.

"Last year, I played professionally for the first time. I was confused and confused. I felt that in terms of team style, I was more inclined to help the team. I chose functional heroes to cooperate with my teammates, or to gain advantage with the cooperation of my teammates."

"But this year I tried other styles of play. After I could still enter the final of the S competition and watch the championship trophy up close again, to be honest, I was still very emotional in my heart. From the beginning of the year to now, all the way Growing up was not easy for me and my teammates.”

Li Luo's serious words made many EDG fans feel sour.

Yes, along the way, EDG has broken through the curse of the top eight, and now it has broken through the top four.

And all of this is inseparable from Li Luo's existence.

When Li Luo first joined the EDG team, many EDG fans were still skeptical and were very skeptical of EDG's almost new configuration.

But after nearly a year of schedule, EDG told all the fans.

They did it.

EDG fans thought this, but fans of other teams and even professional players couldn't help but complain.

"It's so ridiculous. Brother, you were the FMVP of last year's World Championship. Why do you feel like a bastard when I hear you say that, and you feel like a bastard playing fortune telling?"

In IG's temporary base, King Ning couldn't help but slap the table and complain.

In the temporary base of RNG, which has not yet returned to China, Uzi was also silent.

Ah, yes, yes, it is really not easy.

Not to mention winning the championship all year long, the domestic spring and summer splits were almost complete victories in the big games.

The price EDG paid was only a few small losses.

Such a small defeat has been ignored by more than 99% of the audience under the aura of EDG's victory.

This is just like some teams that go through a season without winning a single big game in the regular season. The audience will only remember the four words "not today", but cannot remember that many of the big games they lost were 1 It's the same as losing by 2.

Winning in a small game counts as a win!

If uzi is given the choice, as long as the final result is a victory, he is even willing to play all BO3s and BO5s throughout the year.

But the fact is that he has no choice.

Li Luo's words made Yu Shuang blink: "So that's it. In this semi-final, you defeated KT with a score of 3-0. We can see that KT's BP is focusing on you in almost every game. , but the final effect doesn’t seem to be good. What do you think is the most critical part of defeating KT in today’s game? Do you think your condition is better than deft?”

"If BP targets it... I'm used to it."

Li Luo shook his head slightly: "But unless I give them ten ban positions, I will always have heroes to use. Even if adc is banned, I can still take out Yasuo. By the way, I am the Yasuo thief. six."

Following Li Luo's interview in the Tieba forum, all the players were happy.

"As expected of me, Brother Luo, I believe it!"

"Don't believe me when I say it. Brother Luo won Yasuo in this World Championship. What if Brother Luo has a soft spot for Yasuo and just chooses Yasuo's skin?"

"Thousands of people have written this. I hope Brother Luo will choose Vayne after winning the championship!"

"I'm not familiar with what Vayne is. Brother Luo must have chosen Kai'Sa. His Kai'Sa is so bad."

"That's right, I'm afraid you won't believe me if I tell you. Brother Luo has used a total of 23 Kai'Sa's in his career so far, and he only lost two of these 23 Kai'Sa's. You can calculate this winning rate yourself."

" I, the fortune teller, unworthy?"

During the player discussion in the forum, Li Luo also continued: "As for the key points of winning the game... I feel that we are better than KT in all aspects. Jin Gong did very well in today's three games. , everyone has seen the performance of the factory director. In addition, although the junior mid laner has died several times, tactically, his three skills are to attract firepower."

"From the BP side, it seems that KT is targeting me. In fact, in terms of selection, they have always been afraid of the younger mid laner, so the selected lineup is a bit timid. As for the bottom lane... I think there is something wrong with the mentality behind it. , Mata felt that he was burdened too much, and his operations were slightly deformed in the next two games."

Li Luo smiled and used a language that was considered highly emotionally intelligent.

Starting from the wave when Galio was counter-killed in the bottom lane, Mata's mentality has obviously changed.

The accuracy of the release of several skills has a relatively large deviation. From the data point of view, Mata's Galio is actually the better-looking one. After all, in the mid-term wave, his Kai'Sa was terminated by Galio with his Q.

Li Luo was not surprised by this.

The former Windspeaker Zyra is an example.

It is impossible for a player like Mata to cheat in matches. Zyra was chosen to lead the Wind Whisperer in the S6 World Championship. The only way to explain it is that her mentality has collapsed, otherwise she would not have made such an outrageous move.

What is the concept of Zyra the Windspeaker?

For example, it's like Lucian brought the aftershock.

Although BO5mata did not bring the wrong talent this time, several waves of outrageous operations in the process have shown that mata, a player, can easily lose control once the situation goes bad when both sides are similar in strength, or when his own side is slightly inferior.

"Okay, then EDG has taken the lead in entering the finals. The results of the game between IG and VIT in the second half will be announced tomorrow. Which of the two teams does shine player prefer to enter the finals?"

Yu Shuang asked with a smile.

"This question... the answer is of course obvious. Although for us LPL viewers, seeing a civil war in the World Championship is not what most people want to see, but if the opportunity for the LPL civil war is in the S finals... … It’s another thing to believe everything.”

Li Luo's straightforward words made Yu Shuang smile proudly.

She also wants to see a civil war in the LPL.

For domestic players, it will be a card that is difficult to describe in words.

And as many people would joke.

Even if the final is a showdown between LPL and LCK, since the beginning of the S4 season, it has been difficult for 5 Chinese and 5 Koreans to appear in the finals.

Although there are Korean players between EDG and IG, if you think about it from another perspective, if IG reaches the finals, at least there will be six Chinese people standing on the stage of the finals.

This is the best prosperity that can be seen at the moment.


Yu Shuang glanced at Li Luo beside her.

Li Luo was able to lead his team out of the siege this year even with two newcomers.

Li Luo's strong tactical coordination and commanding abilities are well-known throughout the circle.

If possible, Yu Shuang hopes that Li Luo will have a chance in the near future...

The director's reminder in his ear interrupted Yu Shuang's thoughts.

After Yu Shuang came to her senses and asked two more questions, the interview with Li Luo also ended.

For players in the LPL region, many players will have sleepless nights tonight.

They can't wait to know the final result.

If the results really go as they wish.

Then this year will be the lucky year for LPL, and it will also be the most glorious year for LPL!

Regarding the instability of IG, many players are actually a little scared.

Everyone knows that the upper limit of this team is very terrifying, and may even be more terrifying than the current EDG, but everyone also knows that the lower limit of this team is also quite low. Except for Rookie, who is relatively stable, the other four players are It is possible that in a certain small game or a certain wave of decisions, one may turn into a traitor.

The IG team has always been like this.

But today’s IG seems to be coming with their mission.

In the quarter-finals, they fought hard for five games with RNG before finally winning.

But in the VIT matchup, although every game looked quite anxious, and both sides were back and forth in the early and mid-term, IG won it with a score of 3-0.

The two sides played very excitingly, and even the spectators in the European and American divisions who lost were cheering.

Judging from the situation, VIT lost a series of team battles in the middle and late stages, and then became inexplicably unplayable.

The hearty game between the two sides is fascinating.

This has also led to more neutral players eager to see what kind of sparks IG, which has obviously undergone a transformation in the world competition, will create when facing EDG, which has always been smooth sailing.

That night, everyone in EDG got on the bus and prepared to go to their final destination of this World Championship trip.


On the way, Li Luo leaned against the car window, resting his head on it, looking at the neon lights outside the window. His eyes seemed to pass through these neon lights and also through the deep night sky.

The LPL Civil War will be held in Incheon.

Although Li Luo hasn't read the domestic Tieba forums yet, he is certain that domestic players have already started to party.

I just don’t know, if he is not reborn, how long will it take for the LPL civil war to appear in the world before his rebirth?

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