Fierce shooter

Chapter 307 The Bereaved Dog

"Double-digit blood volume, twelve drops of blood! This is too exciting..."

Guan Zeyuan felt his heart beating wildly.

Wang Duoduo, who was standing beside him, also let out a sigh of relief and glanced at Guan Zeyuan with lingering fear.

There is something dirty.

MD is as strong as Li Luo and he almost died from being sucked to death this time.

But think about it.

Who could have predicted that when Kai'Sa was at full health and Vayne was at half health, Kai'Sa would suddenly reverse the situation with her ultimate move and the explosion of all her skills?

Kai'Sa's explosive power is still strong.

Guan Zeyuan felt a little uncomfortable when Wang Duoduo looked at him, and hurriedly changed the subject: "Actually, from a normal perspective, this wave of deft's decision to go 1v1 solo with Brother Luo is not appropriate. Don't forget, The Chinese team has Shen here, and Shen has big moves."

"What you say makes sense, but I think it was difficult for Shen to react in the situation just now. After all, Vayne had an absolute advantage at the beginning. Letme was fighting the sword demon on the top lane, so it was impossible to focus on the bottom lane all the time. "

Wang Duoduo glanced at the small map: "If this wave of letme is strong, Brother Luo may be very stable in the bottom lane, but letme will definitely die."

Guan Zeyuan also noticed the Korean team's movements on the mini map at this time.

Galio is already in the upper jungle.

Pike and Galio are in the same position.

The prince relied on the presence of his teammates and wandered around the area near the red square red buff.

Once letme surrenders his ultimate move, it is certain that he will be interrupted by the Sword Demon. Faker's Galio will immediately follow up with the ultimate move to control Shen.

And if Pike and the prince move to the top lane to support at the first time, letme will be in a situation of no life or death.

Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that this is the decision made by the Korean team to try to replace resources.

After all, if the Chinese team wants to support the top lane in a short time, only Yanque can do it. Kayn and Troll will be much slower than the Korean team.

So once the Korean team attacks letme, the best way for the Chinese team to respond is to get the first dragon and try to break the next tower after taking the dragon.

In contrast, the Korean team, with four people on the top lane, has a high probability of winning the previous tower.

This is the resource replacement that Korean teams are best at.

The disadvantaged party will make money in most cases by replacing resources with equal or slightly inferior resources.

In addition, King Ning has developed too well in the early stage. The best way to prevent him from completing the evolution within a minute or two is to prevent King Ning from stealing his passive energy during this period.

As long as the four melee heroes can get together, then King Ning will have no chance to steal energy!

But the South Korean team's plan failed.

Although letme was very careful on the road, he did not give this ultimate move to Li Luo.

"This guy...isn't he a big deal?"

Kiin frowned.

He didn't press very close.

But letme is surprisingly careful.

In his opinion, this was undoubtedly a case of being overly cautious.

"He trusts Vayne too much..."

Mata also frowned and said.

deft remained silent on the chair. It was not until he was resurrected that he rubbed his eyes, simply bought a real eye and then got out of the spring.

At this time, deft's mind was in a mess.

What professional players are often afraid of when fighting is not being crushed, but like this wave, they clearly have a chance, but they are killed because of a small mistake of their own.

This is the most uncomfortable thing.

If it weren't for his basic attack that hit the minion, Vayne would definitely die before his Kai'Sa in terms of results.

But the hidden reason told deft that if he didn't have the A minion, Li Luo, who smelled danger, might not have given him the chance to get close and use a full set of skills to burst damage.

All in all, the Korean team's plan for this wave was put on hold because deft was killed and letme failed to use his ultimate move.

Li Luo did not choose to clear the line of troops and returned to the city directly after killing deft.

The purpose is to go home and replenish the equipment, and cooperate with teammates to position this little dragon one step ahead of the Korean team.

The temptation of the Fire Dragon is still great, especially for the Chinese team's lineup.

If he can get more than two fire dragons, Li Luo's Vayne can start to add meat equipment without thinking after the two-piece or three-piece set, while letme's Shen will be unable to produce pure meat equipment in a single belt. Fear of the sword demon.

This fire dragon is vital to both sides.

However, the Korean team is destined to miss it.

They tried to catch Letme on the road, but Letme had been keeping a subtle distance from the sword demon ever since they discovered that there was no one on the map.

Kiin's Sword Demon had no way to initiate, but Score's Prince came over, handed over his EQ to close the distance with Shen, and then used W to slow down to Letme, trying to keep him behind.

But letme kept holding the E skill in her hand and had no intention of handing it over directly.

If letme handed over this E, the prince of score would not hesitate to flash and follow up with the basic attack. At the same time, punishment would continue to stick to letme, waiting for letme to flash to faker and then jump down.

But letme is as stable as an old dog, not to mention that his prince has not yet reached 6, so it is even harder to kill.

If letme is let go, they won't be able to take this little dragon, and it will be difficult to push him away from the next tower.

But if they were to gather together and try to have a dragon teamfight with the Chinese team, it would be very difficult for the Chinese team, Shen, who still has a big move.

Two-faced is not human.

However, what the Korean team didn't know was that letme was so frightened that the Chinese team was on the mat.

It's not that he is as stable as an old dog, nor that he has unconditional and absolute trust in Li Luo.

The fundamental reason why Li Luo was not given a big move was that letme did not expect that this wave of deft and Li Luo would be so extreme.

As discussed by the two people in the commentary box, letme did put his perspective on the bottom lane at the beginning and paid attention to the bottom lane.

But after watching Li Luoweien hit two triple rings in a row, letme switched the perspective back.

Kai'Sa's final counterattack in the bottom lane only lasted for a second or two, and the gap of this second or two was just not captured by letme.

When letme noticed Li Luo's sudden drop in health on the mini-map, Li Luo's Vayne had already flashed out to take away Kai'Sa.

At this time, letme naturally does not need to give Li Luo the ultimate move.

Because of this, letme was so frightened that she was covered in white hair.

Fortunately, Li Luo won.

If Li Luo loses...

He, Shen, who has a big move, will become a sinner in the eyes of Internet trolls!

"It's just a little bit close. It's so exciting."

Meiko said with a sigh on her face.

However, what Meiko didn't expect was that Li Luo shook his head slightly: "I made a mistake this time."


Meiko was stunned, then she twitched her face and said, "The mistake you are talking about doesn't mean you gave me an extra flash, right?"

"Well, the roll at that time was completely subconscious. After handing over the Q skill, I realized that this might cause A to miss Kai'Sa. It was indeed a waste of a dodge."

Li Luo responded.

No matter how experienced he was, he didn't cheat.

Without cheating, it is impossible to be perfect when faced with a situation that requires on-the-spot judgment within 0.2 seconds.

Thinking of this, Li Luo sighed again: "Weien still plays less and is not proficient enough."


King Ning: (`ω)

Xiaohu and letme:o((⊙﹏⊙))o

The team voice was eerily quiet for a moment.

After a few seconds, Xiaohu calmed down his emotions: "Brother Luo, have you always been like this?"

Before Li Luo spoke, Meiko replied quietly: "Just get used to it."

"I don't know."

Prince Ning curled his lips: "I told you, the most outrageous thing about Brother Luo is not that he always has the last laugh in dangerous solos, but that every time he pretends to be cool, there is nothing you can do about it. Tell if he’s at Versailles or really reflecting on himself.”

Yan Junze opened his mouth: "If it is really self-reflection, wouldn't it be even more outrageous?"

The truth in his words struck everyone's heart.

The first fire dragon was successfully captured by the Chinese team.

Correspondingly, after the Korean team's four-man team forced Letme away, they also knocked out half of the health of the defense tower on the top lane.

The reason why they didn't continue the fight was because the rock bird flew directly over.

Letme decisively came to the bottom lane, and Li Luo's Wei En took advantage of the situation and moved to the middle lane to grab the line.

When the upper and lower outer towers are not broken, it is obviously not a long-term solution for the two-man lane to take the line in the middle.

The Chinese team does not intend to carry out this kind of splitting for a long time.

The main reason why they did this was just because Rift Herald was about to refresh.

Faced with such a separation from the Chinese team, another problem that made the Korean team extremely uncomfortable arose.

That is this canyon, give or not.

Theoretically, this canyon is impossible to pass.

Ke'Sa was resurrected after being killed by Li Luo before and went directly to the bottom lane.

In other words, Kai'Sa is currently developing comfortably in the bottom lane.

On the surface, this is a good thing for deft and the entire Korean team.

But if the Chinese team wants to use Canyon Pioneer, this may not necessarily be a good thing.

Letme's Shen pushes the lane in the bottom lane and can fly.

Kasha, will you?

"They are going to take the initiative to take the lead."

Mata frowned and said: "It will be very troublesome if we continue to delay. Vayne's ultimate is 20 seconds faster than Kai'Sa's ultimate, so it will be over soon."

Seeing the Canyon Pioneer emerging from the Dalong Pit as the ten-minute time point arrived, Mata frowned and said.

"Can you try hooking me?"

Faker suggested: "Their lineup doesn't have the means to start a team, so we can't let them stand still."

Meanwhile, bottom lane.

Deft wanted to clear troops quickly by taking advantage of his long hands.

But in the grass on the line, a figure suddenly jumped out, making deft's heart skip a beat.

I saw letme's Shen suddenly handed over the E skill to poke his head out of the grass when deft pressed forward, and after releasing the E skill, he pressed Flash.

call out!

With the golden light flashing, Shen's figure directly stuck to Kaisha's face.

At the current time point, a Shen with a small slag, chainmail, and cloth-armored shoes directly pressed against Kai'Sa's face. You can imagine who is stronger!

The taunting effect appeared, letme activated the Q skill and raised A towards Kai'Sa. In just two moves, Kai'Sa's health dropped by a visible amount.

"Xi Bal'er!"

deft cursed, but was helpless. After regaining his mobility, he quickly turned E to widen the distance between him and Shen, and at the same time turned around and hit Shen with a burst.

However, facing Shen who activated the W Sword Formation in time, Kai'sa's full set of bursts of damage were not painful or itchy.

deft didn't dare to use more A. After the exchange of fire between the two sides, deft's Kai'Sa's HP was still about half.

Letme's Shen kept his health almost full, silently turned around and took the initiative to distance himself from Cassara.

Ten seconds later, on the frontal battlefield, King Ning's Kaiyin penetrated the wall from the side. When a dazzling purple light mixed with a light shield covered King Ning's Kaiyin, King Ning decisively moved towards the South Korean team's Kaiyin. The formation pounced.

At the same time, other people on the Chinese team quickly pressed in.

"I can't get over it. Even if I get over it, it won't be easy for me to play in a group. Let's give up."

There was a sense of sadness and powerlessness in deft's tone.

He knew that Li Luo was not only an excellent adc, but also the leader of the team.

But he never thought that one person's command could actually reach this level.

Before the game, Edgar and other accompanying LCK coaches and analysts carefully analyzed the game style, playing habits, and shortcomings of each player on the Chinese team.

The shortcomings of letme are obvious.

Not confident enough.

Apart from leaving the group, they are not decisive at all in other aspects.

Would such a player choose to flash over in exchange for his health?

deft a hundred people don't believe it.

From the perspective of letme and him, Shen used his important flash to replace half of his health. This was undoubtedly a loss, and there was no way to associate it with the word "earn".

But if you consider the entire team, the strategic significance of letme's use of flash in exchange for his health is too considerable.

After being beaten to half health, whether he chooses to return to the city to resupply and then go to the canyon or to directly abandon his troops and move towards the canyon vanguard, it will be the wrong choice.

The former takes too long.

After the latter arrived, his condition was too bad and it was difficult to output.

After finishing all this, letme flew directly and decisively to Jiaotong University just ten seconds later, when the CD of Vayne's ultimate move had almost finished cooling down, and cooperated with her teammates in a strategic team battle with more and less.

deft doesn't believe that letme did this without anyone's permission.


Mata tentatively hooked Prince Ning in the wall. After the hook failed, he said decisively without saying a word.

Too dangerous.

The trolls have already pressed forward. If King Ning flashes into the scene decisively, Shen's ultimate move will be perfectly placed, and one of them will definitely be left behind by Shen.

Once Shen is left behind, the control of Troll's Pillar, Rock Bird's Rock Burst, Vayne's E skill Demonic Judgment, and everything else will follow.

This Canyon Pioneer... they had to give in!

You must know that the biggest weakness of the Chinese team's lineup is the lack of group starting points.

If the two sides engage in a 5v5 team battle, the Korean team is not afraid of the Chinese team's weak team fight.

But now, the Chinese team relied on ingenious decision-making and operations to allow the "complex terrain" and "short Korean team players" to appear on the field at the same time, two extremely important conditions for the Korean team.

They were driven out directly like the lost dogs, and they were not even qualified to take a look at the Canyon Pioneer.

Even if they want to come back later, the Chinese team, which has set up a good formation, will not be too afraid of their sudden appearance!

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