Fierce shooter

Chapter 302 Already preparing for the next BP

Li Luo's one-on-two counterattack instantly caused an uproar on the Internet.

You must know that evaluating whether an adc is strong or not is often the most controversial issue.

The bottom lane where adc is located is a two-person team, and there is rarely a phenomenon of "putting aside the support".

Although before this, Li Luo had many scenes where he, as an AD, killed the opponent's AD in 1v1 when he was roaming as an assistant.

But in the mouths of people who use strong words, it is not necessary to admit Li Luo's ad strength in such a situation. He only needs to use "the opponent's ad weakness" to argue.

Li Luo has had many 1v2s, but what left a deep impression on the audience was Li Luo's small cannon that killed the policewoman and Morgana in 1v2.

Hmm... Plus Kalista's 1v2 kill of Thresh Kai'Sa in the middle, and the 1v2 kill of Ezreal Karma in the river... Hmm... Just three times... Hmm...

The more famous scenes are played, the audience's taste will naturally increase to a higher and higher level.

However, this wave of Li Luo's operations in the face of adversity really conquered countless people.

Although he obviously didn't have any advantage in blood volume, he was able to successfully reverse the seemingly irreversible situation with his extreme calmness and full operation.

I don’t know how many adc players will inevitably feel a sense of loss after seeing this wave of operations.

Not that I feel sorry.

But after putting myself into it, I found that there are really differences between people.

In China, Uzi, who was training at the base on vacation, was breathing heavily and staring at the screen.

His fists were clenched.

Yes, that's right, that's what it tastes like.

This is what a real adc should be.

After he recalled Li Luo's operation, the first thought in his mind was what he would do if he encountered it.

Big move to turn around.

This is also the answer uzi gave himself.

It's just that he didn't have the confidence to be as delicate as Li Luo, with almost no mistakes from beginning to end.

Even if there is a slight flaw in a certain detail, this wave of Li Luo is very likely to die.

But Li Luo didn't.

Uzi is not sure he can do this either.

He remembered that when Li Luo first debuted, he regarded him as a "bang" ad.

Because Li Luo's playing style was too stable when he first joined IG, and he had an advantage in cloth armor shoes. In team battles, the opponent couldn't find an opportunity from his non-displacement ADC. He was as calm as an output machine.

And there are other teammates from the IG team who are strong enough to fight in front.

Uzi doesn't like to play against such an adc. His character is easily impatient. If the opponent is rock solid, he will most likely reveal his flaws first.

But soon Uzi discovered that Li Luo was different from his first impression.

"Dare to fight and dare to fight" in the game League of Legends often only requires one mistake to turn into "impulsiveness."

This is a very real thing.

From Uzi's perspective, every time he decides to step in and hit output like crazy, it's a gamble.

However, as my gaming experience increases year by year, the proportion of this "gambling nature" will gradually decrease.

As an adc, the first thing to consider before entering the field is the output environment.

Does your opponent have any skills that can threaten you?

If the opponent loses all his skills, there is no doubt that this is the perfect time to enter the game. Among professional players, about 20% of ADCs can do this.

Taking into account the factors of on-the-spot mentality, this proportion will be lower, and only about 10% can actually do it on the field.

But opponents are not fools. When they realize that adc is threatening to enter the field, they will often wait for the opponent's ad to enter the field. If the opponent's ad does not enter the field, they will hold this skill in their hands and not hand it over.

Considering this aspect, it is absolutely impossible for adcs to wait until the opponent has handed over all their skills before entering every team battle. At this time, as an excellent professional adc player, the first thing to consider is not whether he has any skills. Skills can circumvent the key skills left to you by the opponent.

But... communicate with your teammates and trust your teammates.

Uzi had major flaws in this aspect before. For example, when the mouse was focused on the fire, he flashed away from the four teammates, causing him to lose contact with his teammates and be killed by the focus of the fire. Or there was the ice ten-second team battle and eight-second positioning. Then he was stepped on by Ike and was seconds away.

On the one hand, this was a problem with his on-the-spot state, and on the other hand, it also exposed his distrust of his teammates at the time.

You know, the time when this problem was exposed was in the S7 season.

At that time, Uzi had already had a career of almost five years.

But Li Luo...

Everyone pays attention to Li Luo differently.

The audience felt that Li Luo's extreme maneuvers were so cool and he could really show off.

Teammates feel that Li Luo has strong development ability in the early stage, dares to play output in the middle and late stages of team play, and is not easily defeated. The output is very stable and reliable.

Other players will subconsciously look at Li Luo's similarities through their own weaknesses, trying to learn from Li Luo's strengths and weaknesses.

The same is true for uzi.

After paying attention for a long time, an answer gradually emerged in Uzi's mind.

In Summoner's Rift.

Two of them were counter-killed in a 2-on-1 in the bottom lane, and Li Luo was not able to be replaced. This undoubtedly made things worse for the Korean team, which was already at a disadvantage in the upper, middle and jungle.

When faker controlled the crocodile to swim to the lower half, Kai'Sa was no longer on the map.

This made Faker a little depressed. His crocodile matchup failed to tie the little tiger, but was tied to the little tiger in disguise.

What Xiaohu is best at is not to overwhelm the target head-on with force, but to disgust the target with his greasy fighting style.

The greater the advantage, the more confident Xiaohu will be in playing.

At this time, faker can clearly feel that Galio has already emerged from the confidence of the enchantress in the MSI Mid-Season Invitational in the S6 season.

What makes the Korean team even more uncomfortable is that Li Luo's outfit ideas in this game have changed slightly from those in the previous two qualifying games.

This Li Luo seems to be planning to use Lanqi as the first output equipment, then add the pickaxe to evolve the Q skill, and then follow the style of endless hurricane.

This kind of outfit will make Kai'Sa's explosive period come earlier.

Especially after evolving the Q skill, Kai'Sa's explosive output will instantly increase to a higher level.

The first little dragon in this game was an earth dragon. Faced with such a developed Chinese team, the Korean team obviously planned to give up this earth dragon.

This is also a helpless move.

The most frustrating person in this game was Kiin's captain.

He never thought that one day his captain would be unable to defeat... Oh no, he couldn't defeat a Thane.

The Fiery Knife Technique plus a Q couldn't break Thane's W shield, which Kiin found hard to accept.

It's okay if he can't break the shield. He really can't bear it when Thane turns around and hits him.

"In this game, we have entered the rhythm of the Chinese team. Letme and Xiaohu both like this rhythm. Now not only Kiin is uncomfortable, but Score's Yanjai will be even more uncomfortable, especially in the half area near the middle. Rock sparrows must be careful when dealing with wild monsters..."

Before Guan Zeyuan finished speaking, he caught a glimpse of King Ning's movements on the mini-map from the corner of his eye, and immediately raised his voice: "Here comes King Ning! Xiaohu's Galio was already eager to try, and King Ning kicked him directly, although there was no Kicked the rock bird, but Hex Ultimatum was released directly at the rock bird!"

"Gario followed up with his ultimate move. Faker tried to interrupt Xiaohu's ultimate move with two consecutive E moves. Can he succeed... Oh! The distance was a little short, and the rock bird is dead."

Guan Zeyuan tried to use facts to prove that he was not a poisonous milk.

This wave of rock birds is dead.

And the fact is exactly like this. After being locked on the head by Camille and followed up by Galio's ultimate move, even if Yanque holds Flash in his hand, he is not going to hand it over. It is meaningless.

The two of them locked him up, and he would be a ghost if he could survive.

After this wave of killings, the barrage began to roll quickly.

"Good boy, before you know it, Prince Ning has five heads."

"This K-headed monster... broke the main artery of the rock bird with one kick. It has only been ten minutes..."

"It's outrageous. Xiaohu jumped down and felt like he was hit in the butt. He sucked it with W, and the Q skill's damage only hit half of the Rock Bird and was gone."

“Brother Luo, won’t Ning Laohei steal the limelight?!”

While the barrage flooded the screen, a battle also broke out in the bottom lane.

Neither Chugong nor Kasumi appeared, which was the foreshadowing for Meiko to initiate the attack.

Although Meiko roamed more frequently before, in every wave of roaming, King Ning, the vanguard, was the first to rush upward.

In fact, this is exactly the case. Most of Thresh's outstanding performances that can really be recorded in history are the hero's initiative to initiate the first move, or interrupting the opponent's key skills to rush or escape in team battles.

When a teammate provides the first move, Thresh follows up to complete the control. This can only be regarded as the hero's basic skills, and does not require the summoner's skills at all.

Therefore, when Meiko returned to the bottom lane, although his level was slightly behind that of the barrel, his summoner skills were completely ahead.

When King Ning caught the rock bird, he realized that the Korean team had no one to support him, so Meiko decided to take the lead.

With Li behind, Meiko is confident.

He first flashed towards the wine barrel, and when Mata's wine barrel was thrown into E's belly and tried to escape, Meiko's Thresh directly used the E skill Pendulum of Doom to interrupt the barrel, but the hook that followed it was pointed to the side. He turned away from Kasumi who was doing damage.

As deft's old partner who has been with meiko for a long time, meiko knows deft's style of play very well.

When a team-based AD encounters this situation, 99% of them will choose to try their best to help their teammates buy time to escape when they realize that this wave is difficult to catch.

deft is no exception.

He controlled Xia, and when he activated the W skill and launched a flat attack, he immediately handed over the Q, followed by the E skill barb, and the Q and E were almost handed over at the same time.

This skill, which belongs to Xia's first subject, connects deft's flowing clouds and flowing water.

There is only a gap between subject one and subject one.

When playing this set of combos, only a handful of ADCs still maintain the habit of twisting and moving.

Li Luo is one, and Uzi is one.

deft, but not.

Therefore, when Meiko broke the barrel first, the target she chose to attack was deft!

The hook in his hand was like a fang, biting Xia's body accurately.

The moment the hook hit Xia, a faint purple light and shadow also emerged from Xia's body.

In an instant, Li Luo's Kai'Sa flew in and this time the audience saw clearly, it was RW!

Because there is still a small distance between Kai'Sa and Xayah.

Li Luo's W skill, which flew behind Xia, has already exploded on Xia's body. In this situation, which is almost close to her face, the heavy rain of Q skill Icasia was not dispersed by other enemy units at all, and almost fully penetrated into Xia's body. in vivo.

Deft, who recovered from the control of the hook, reflexively handed over Feathers in the Sky immediately. At the same time, Mata's wine barrel also quickly used his ultimate move to save the situation.

However, Li Luo's Kai'Sa dodges and flies to the side of Mata's barrel at this critical moment, avoiding the ultimate move while also cutting off the barrel's escape route.

Only children make choices.

He wanted to kill both of them.

Others are waiting to die in golden bodies, but Xia's death method is more unique, flying into the sky waiting to die.

Xayah, who fell after taking off, had no skills at all. She only had time to attack Kai'Sa before being taken away by Kai'Sa's basic attacks that triggered the attack speed of Cluster Blade twice in a row.

The wine barrel was also slowed down by Thresh's ultimate move Netherworld Prison. The huge 99% deceleration made it unable to move. Although Kai'Sa's damage was not very explosive at this time, the wine barrel no longer had the ability to move and could only A was chased by Kaisha for no reason.

When the double kill fell into Kai'Sa's hands again, Edgar in the backstage lounge immediately understood that he could prepare for the next BP.

The question is the BP of the next to do it?

None of their first three ban positions can be moved.

The Sword Demon is a despised version and goes against Edgar's personality.

Meiko's Luo is also very strong, and this thing is too important to the Chinese team's tactical composition. This is why they would rather let Xia play than Luo.

I already suffered a loss in the first qualifying round.

From him, no matter how big a loss is, it is impossible to suffer a second time.

Finally, Lucian is also one of the tough guys in the version. He is fierce in laning and fighting in groups. However, in the later stages of this version, he is still fierce. I really don’t dare to let him go.

Or... switch to the blue side?

But if they switch to the blue side, they won't be able to swing as they wish.

The effect of the Chinese team in this game was beyond Edgar's surprise. This single move destroyed all of Edgar's tactical arrangements.

It is true that in this game, it was more difficult for the Chinese team to advance due to their shorter hands.

But this will only make their loss even more ugly!

Game time is 28 minutes.

The Chinese team holds three small dragons in its hands, two earth dragons and one wind dragon.

The wind dragon is not important, this thing is purely for supporting purposes.

The two earth dragons are the key.

When Kai'Sa made a three-piece set and the Chinese team successfully stole the Baron with only Kamil and Kai'Sa, the economic gap between the two sides had widened to 15,000 yuan.

15,000 yuan for 28 minutes.

The economic disparity is terrifying.

But the Korean team really had no choice. Yanjai couldn't get out at all. King Ning's Camille gave up on upgrading his jungle knife, only bought the basic Red Punishment and started making three-phase power and Hydra all the way.

Now that Carmel has the three-phase power of Hydra, he also has a watch on his body.

The huge ecological gap in the wild area makes the rock bird in score lag behind Camille by a full 4 levels!

Such a huge lag is rarely seen in the current professional arena.

The economy of such a large team is poor, and Xiaohu, who acts as a thug, is almost a big item ahead of faker in terms of equipment.

Thain, who was on the road with a three-piece set of letme, was even more outrageous. Just now, when letme was taking the line, the captain who was hiding in the grass blew up a bucket to trick him.

But a critical hit barrel only caused 187 points of damage to Thane. Even if Thane had Langton with him, this damage was outrageous enough.

But the Chinese team is not in a hurry.

Today, both the upper and lower towers are still there.

The Korean team is not afraid of embarrassment, and they are even less afraid.

Just like raising pigs, the Chinese team is ready to torture the Korean team to a financial gap of more than 20,000 before killing them.

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