Fierce shooter

Chapter 297 The long-lost feeling

"Is it that simple? Let us congratulate the Chinese team on their first victory over the Korean team in the Asian Games. Congratulations to them!"

In the commentary box, Guan Zeyuan was excited and also felt a little dreamy. If the team fighting the Korean team at this time was the EDG team, then Guan Zeyuan did not think the end time of 22 minutes and 53 seconds was exaggerated.

After all, EDG's strength is there, and they have spent more than half a year proving who is the No. 1 team in the LPL, and even who is the No. 1 team in the world.

Although it has not yet reached the World Championships, major media at home and abroad have already praised EDG. After all, EDG has indeed performed at a dominant level in the current season.

The World Championship is approaching, but EDG still showed no signs of decline in the second half of the regular season. Guan Zeyuan has reason to believe that this EDG will definitely break through their historical results in this year's World Championship.

And although the national team is made up of five people selected from various teams, are the five of them together really better than the top teams in China and South Korea?

In the professional gaming field, Guan Zeyuan is serious and serious.

He has carefully analyzed the playing styles and intensity of the strong teams in the two major regions of LPL and LCK, so he can accurately predict the results during the explanation process. Although it is the opposite, he looks at it from another perspective. If so, if everyone’s predictions are in the opposite direction, does that mean this person is even more awesome?

In short, Guan Zeyuan does not believe that this temporarily assembled Chinese team will be stronger than the all-powerful EDG in China. At the same time, he does not think that the intensity of the Korean team is higher than that of the current top LCK teams.

At least the players' coordination with each other is incomparable.

Before the game, according to Guan Zeyuan's judgment, if the two sides really fought, it would be a 50-50 situation at best.

Compared to the Korean team, the Chinese team's top, middle and jungle field will be slightly inferior. Li Luo can smooth this gap, so Guan Zeyuan thinks it is a 50-50 split.

But now the two sides only played for more than 20 minutes...

Do you have any reservations about the Korean team’s tactics?

It shouldn't be. From a BP perspective, Guan Zeyuan feels that the Korean team is doing better.

The Chinese team was calculated.

But judging from the performance in the game, they seemed to have torn apart this so-called calculation with hard power.

"In this game... I think the bottom lane still has to bear the main responsibility."

When the game ended and Li Luo, the MVP player selected by many people, appeared on the big screen, Changmao standing next to him spoke.

Li Luo's statistics are indeed a bit exaggerated in this game.

First, the number of kills reached 11, and Li Luo scored three kills in the last wave of team battles.

The damage conversion rate reached a terrifying 133.

This is an extremely exaggerated figure for an adc who has eaten a lot of money. You must know that this is a game that only lasted 23 minutes. In a game of this length, because the heroes are not very fleshy yet, what can be done The total amount of damage caused will also be limited.

There are also people who have achieved a damage conversion rate of 200% in a single game, but those games always lasted more than forty minutes, or even longer.

Scored 133 points in 23 minutes...

"This must be deft's fault. He didn't run away. He was killed solo in a 1v1 solo. This alone is not enough. Besides, in terms of laning strength, this version of Kai'Sa is no better than EZ."

No matter what Zeyuan said, he directly tore open Deft's wounds step by step: "And the damage done by Ezreal is too low, only about one-third of Kai'Sa's. I've dealt one-third of Kai'Sa's damage... This is a bit unjustifiable, right?"

While the two were analyzing, everyone in the Korean team had returned to the lounge dejectedly.

In the lounge, coach Edgar frowned and looked at deft.

After feeling Edgar's gaze, deft looked obviously a little embarrassed.

On the contrary, the national team assistant coach kkoma who came with him came over and patted deft on the shoulder, and then looked at Edgar: "This qualifying match at least allowed us to see the strengths and weaknesses of the Chinese team. I suggest that we can play a little extreme in the next game. There is no need to stick to the version.”

Edgar frowned upon hearing this.

His coaching style is completely different from Kkoma.

Edgar emphasizes the discipline of the team and the version.

When BPing on the stage, he will ask the players to play a hero. Even if the player does not want to play, he cannot change his mind.

But Kkoma is different.

It’s not that Kkoma doesn’t focus on the team.

It's just that he will have more ideas, and he will not be overly rigid about the version. He will explore the potential of the top players in the team and come up with some heroes that will surprise people in the game.

"I don't think there was a problem with the BP in this game. From a BP perspective, we suppressed them. Their support players were forced to roam, putting pressure on Mata to follow the roam."

Edgar stared at Kkoma and said word by word: "If you are playing Ezreal and you are full of health and do last-ditch growth under the tower, will you be killed by Kai'Sa alone?"

Kkoma frowned: "From the perspective of results, it is true that Hekui made a mistake, or Shine played better, but I think it is necessary for a player to dare to fight and fight hard. If a player does not dare to fight when faced with an opportunity, If you take the initiative to attack, then a player like this..."

"League of Legends is a team game!"

Edgar's voice suddenly rose.

In the lounge, it was eerily quiet for a moment.

The national team players, who had just lost the game and were still immersed in sadness and depression, were aroused by Edgar's voice.

An emotion called depression pervaded everyone's hearts.

Edgar, Kkoma.

Two veteran coaches with almost the same qualifications in the lck, at this moment, they are facing each other because of their coaching.

Even faker secretly swallowed his saliva.

After a brief silence, Edgar seemed to realize his gaffe. He glanced around the crowd and said slowly: "If you can win without taking risky actions, I don't want you to do anything on the field. Too risky a move.”

"Hekui, if the wave on your bottom lane develops safely and returns to the city immediately after replenishing the army line, there will definitely be a stalemate on the other side of the Canyon Herald. Syndra will not TP to kill you again, and neither will you. In the later stage, because Kai'Sa is too fat, there will be no chance of poke consumption."

"Your advantage lies in team battles, you should understand."

Edgar's voice was very calm at this time.

It was so peaceful that deft's originally anxious heart calmed down a lot at this moment.

He nodded: "I understand coach."

Kkoma next to him glanced at Faker, who was sitting on the chair next to him and didn't know what he was thinking, and turned around to leave helplessly.

However, just when he took two steps, Edgar stopped him.

"The Chinese team is a little more difficult to deal with than I thought. Although I don't agree with your coaching style, I hope we can reach a consensus on understanding the game."

Kkoma looked back at him and saw Edgar adding another sentence at the end.


That night, the Korean team held a meeting until late at night to study.

Tomorrow's first game will be another confrontation between China and South Korea in the second round of double-round qualifiers.

After entering the group stage, both sides may not be able to be placed in the same group.

The Korean team wants revenge, tomorrow.

On the other side, on the Chinese team's side, Li Luo was also discussing with Abu.

They won.

And it was a beautiful win.

But Li Luo, who was used to this kind of lineup, felt more and more that such a victory... was not stable.

Some people swell when they keep winning.

And some people will be just the opposite when they keep winning.

They get anxious.

Li Luo belongs to the second type of person.

At home, EDG's complete victory in the second half of the summer games made Li Luo smell the danger, but now that they are participating in the Asian Games, there is no way to make more adjustments to the team before the start of the playoffs.

EDG could only temporarily use substitute adc player Hope, and also provided support players to the second team to cooperate with the team to continue running in training matches.

The purpose of this is also to further strengthen EDG's tactical position in the middle and jungle during training matches.

The higher his tactical status in the team, the less confident Li Luo is. You must know that his mentality has never had any problems since he started playing professionally.

Before the team stumbled, Abramovich, as the coach, did not feel that there was any problem with the team. The players were in good condition, and they did not encounter any opponents that made them feel a lot of pressure.

What's there to worry about?

Now after participating in the Asian Games, Li's feeling of being relied upon when he landed on EDG has once again amplified.

"Calm down, we have just previewed it. This Korean national team has shortcomings and breakthroughs. Our defense in the upper and middle fields is very good, so don't worry too much."

Before going to bed, Abu called Li Luo: "Get some rest early. Our first game tomorrow will be ours. Of course, we don't need to put too much pressure on ourselves. It's best if we win both the qualifiers. If we can't win, it's okay." It doesn't matter."


Li Luo said nothing and returned to his room.

Prince Ning had already taken a shower and was lying on the bed. He was scrolling through his cell phone. When he saw Li Luo coming back, he immediately threw his cell phone away: "Hey, Brother Luo, you are back. What do you think? Do you want me to play against the Korean team tomorrow?" "

"Still on the incense pot."

Seeing that Prince Ning was vaguely anxious, Li Luo interrupted him directly: "I suggested it."

"Damn it, why, don't you believe in my brother's strength? I'm going to torture those losers every day for some purpose. Is it a good idea to give some heavyweight opponents a beating?"

Prince Ning looked at Li Luo in disbelief.

Originally, King Ning thought it was Abu who made the decision not to let him play.

Now it seems that this is not the case at all.

"You think too much. Of course I believe you. If you don't believe me, who else can you believe? It's just that the critical moment hasn't come yet. When that time comes, I will definitely let you go."

Li Luo glanced at Prince Ning helplessly.

Fortunately, he had already expected Prince Ning's reaction after hearing the news, so he was prepared in advance on how to deal with it.

Prince Ning was startled. He knew that Li Luo was not the kind of person who liked painting cakes.

So he firmly believed in Li Luo's words.

However, Prince Ning still asked tentatively: "You mean... I have a chance to be a firefighter?"

Seeing the smile on Li Luo's face, Prince Ning also smiled, but soon his face darkened again: "No, something's wrong, you guys are so fierce now, how can there be a fire?"

"Whether there will be a fire, I can't tell yet. If the Korean team doesn't make any tactical changes...well, the fire will indeed not burn."

Li Luo thought about it seriously and then said.

"Then tell me something..."

Prince Ning became dejected again.

The next day's game came as scheduled.

The competition organizing committee is very good at arranging the schedule.

They seemed to have expected that yesterday's game would leave the audience unsatisfied, so they turned up the intensity in today's opening match of the second round.

The BP between the two sides is proceeding quickly, but there is not much difference between the ban stage and before.

It is worth mentioning that the Korean team chose to ban Rakan this time, instead of targeting Xayah in the first three bans like last time, and in the second round of bans, letme's Ornn was also banned. Died.

In the selection stage, the Chinese team did not make too many adjustments to the selection. Just like before, Xiaohu chose Syndra, intending to use the hero's laning strength to deal with Faker's laning. ability.

Xiaohu did very well last time. When he was confident enough, Abu had no reason not to believe Xiaohu.

At the same time, Li Luo still chose Kai'Sa as the team's core guarantee in the later stages.

There is nothing wrong with this choice. Although there is no combination of Luo and Kai'Sa, RNG's top, middle and jungle will never lack the means to start a team.

Xiangguo locked Camille, who was becoming increasingly popular in the version, to play jungle, and the top laner Letme brought out Troll to deal with Kiin's captain.

In contrast, the Korean team has made more lineup adjustments.

The most intuitive manifestation is in the midfielder.

Among them, faker directly took out the relatively unpopular mid lane hero Ekko in the current version.

At the same time, the jungler Score also took out a barrel that could destroy the formation.

As for the bottom duo, the Korean team came up with the combination of Xia and Niutou.

When the two sides finally finalized the lineup, the Chinese team consisted of Troll in the top lane, Kamil in the jungle, Syndra in the mid lane, and Kai'Sa in the bottom lane paired with Thresh.

The Korean team has the captain in the top lane, jungle barrel in the jungle, Ike in the mid lane, and Kasumi in the double lane with Niutou.

From the perspective of the lineup, Syndra and Thresh on the Chinese team are good team-starting bonds. Not to mention that both of them have long hands. If one can control the opponent first, then the other person can be fully connected and controlled. of.

The control chain is extremely strong, and when paired with Camille's entry into team battles, it will also limit Ekko's performance in team battles.

However, the Chinese team's early matchup in this game was not satisfactory.

Xiaohu, who did not expect that his opponent would choose Ekko, was suppressed a lot by faker's Ekko during the laning phase.

The old captain didn't even brush his score in the wild, so he cunningly squatted in the middle for a long time. When he was 1 level behind, he squatted back to Camille who came over to gank.

However, Camille's early tankiness was too brittle, and after being controlled by the barrel, Ekko followed up with damage, causing the fragrant pot to lose him.

In this game, deft and mata were tightly guarded in the bottom lane. Mata began to use his roaming ability after getting the bull head. Although meiko saved several teammates at critical moments with the help of lanterns, the decline in the upper midfielder still did not reverse.

Ekko's E skill is ten to Syndra's E. After all, as long as Ekko's second E locks on Syndra, even if he is pushed away by Syndra's E, he will still stick to Syndra's body.

This is also the reason why major mid laners in the previous S5 and S6 periods often used Ekko to deal with lane Syndra.

This time deft did not get sick when facing Li Luo. Even though he was beaten 40 times in 15 minutes, he still defended tightly and returned to the city as soon as his health dropped to half.

The powerlessness of adc in the current version began to show in this game.

The game did not last long, as the South Korean team ended the game in 28 minutes.

In the commentary box, Guan Zeyuan remained silent.

He could see that even if this game continued to be delayed... it would be very difficult for the Chinese team to win.

After all, the Korean team has a captain who has the whole story.

As for the Chinese team, except for Ka'Sa, the output of others in the later stages was not impressive enough.

At 28 minutes, Xiaohu's Syndra was equipped with Mercury Shoes, Luden, Banshee, a broken stopwatch, and the Demonic Codex.

The third piece of equipment, Xiaohu plans to replenish the golden body.

He died too many times in the early stage, and this time he was even beaten to 1/6.

Survival itself is not a problem.

But the problem is that Xiaohu didn't notice that in the several team battles after 20 minutes, all the skills of the Korean team were frantically attacking Li Luo's Kai'Sa, and even the captain's ultimate move AOE was used to limit Kai'Sa pulls alone outside the formation.

Five of his six deaths occurred before the 20-minute mark.

There was another time, the final team battle at 27 minutes.

When the game ended, Li Luo, who had a record of 3/1/2, let out a sigh of relief.

For some reason, after losing this game, Li Luo felt that the pressure he had accumulated recently had dissipated a little.

He hasn't lost in a long time.

To be precise, it has been a long time since I lost in an important game.

When people hang high for a long time, they sometimes feel like their feet have no space.

This is a long-lost feeling.

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