Fields of Gold

Chapter 164: Turn Yourself In

None of Uncle Yuhai's family can fish, living on more than five acres of barren sandy land. Yuxi and Yujiang occasionally go to town to help out with a job, or go to the pier to carry a living. The house is not spacious, Yujiang left the house empty-handed this morning, but came back with more than one or two more silver...

Yu Lichun and Yuxi looked at him in surprise and seemed to be waiting for him to explain.

Yu Jiang was somewhat excited and kowtowed to the tunnel: “This is the proceeds from the acquisition of seafood today...”

“Bullshit!” Yu Lichun was stunned and his beard was curled up. "Didn't we agree that we only make up 40% of the molecules? You... did you bring back all the money your cousin made? Send it back!! ”

Yu Xi looked at his brother with disapproval. "Little brother, I didn't mean you!! How much does the ocean give you? Don't you have any? ”

“No, no!” Faced with Dad and Big Brother, Yu Jiang had a kind of indescribable bitterness, he tried to argue, "This is 40% of it, I read the ledger!” Though a little incomprehensible, sweat!

Yu Lichun and Yuxi still don't believe it: “Are you saying that two families made almost four taels of silver a day? Impossible? So much profit from collecting seafood on behalf of others? ”

Yujiang analyzed it for them: “Zhenzheng Pavilion gave Brother Er their hard work of 10% of the purchase price. Do you know what the turnover is today? More than a thousand pounds! On average, about 30 cents a pound, more than 1,000 pounds is 30 or 40 taels of silver, right? Three or four taels of hard work for both of us. I'll take more than a tael of silver. There's nothing wrong with it! ”

After listening to his son's liquidation, Yu Lichun finally believed it. My son earns money a day. He earns his whole family a month of part-time work. Think about his income for a month or a year, he's suddenly feeling dizzy. Earned a year, could buy a dozen acres of good land, or buy a nice house in town. After a few years, his family became one of the richest households in Dongshan Village.

Yu Lichun swallowed down his spit and shook his voice: “Jiang, you must remember your brother Dahai well in future. If it weren't for him, our family wouldn't have thought about making so much money a day! You have to do well!! ”

“Dad, don't worry!! My cousins are my second cousins, Grass, they are my own nephews and nieces!!” When there was no return before, Yujiang was able to reach out to help the rest of the family in difficult times, let alone the two partners in the business!

Yu Lichun suddenly frowned. "Remember, don't tell anyone about this! In case your uncle finds out, it's a mess for the sea family! ”

Yu Jiang also thought of that moving profit. Second Brother did not look for the mountain over there, but they did, which is trust in his personality. He must not cause trouble to the Second Brother family!!

What happened at Grandpa's house, Yu Xiaograss did not know at this time. She's carrying her little bucket of "fertilizer” with her exclusive formula. Yuhai picked a load of water and followed her behind her little daughter, reminding her to watch her step from time to time.

After pouring water, Yu Xiaograss walked in the watermelon field and, reminded by Xiaotong Tianshi, found two prematurely ripe watermelons. These two watermelons are large and round, each with at least a dozen or twenty pounds, green and green and fresh enough to choke out water.

“Dad, these watermelons are ripe, let's try them back!” Yu Xiaograss took off one of them, held him in his arms and swayed towards the ground. Yuhai saw it and walked over to catch the watermelon in her hand.

Two watermelons add up to less than forty pounds, which is just a small dish for the rest of the ocean. He clamped one arm at a time and held the watermelon to the ground. He asked Grass softly: "I'll send you home first, then come back and build a melon shed. ”

Watermelon is a very rare object for Dongshan Village and surrounding villages. From the very beginning, it attracted waves of curiosity. Now, the melon in the melon fields is about to ripen, and no one can look at it. Yuhai has cut down some bamboo trees and is preparing to put up a melon shed today.

“Dad, you're busy! I'll have Godfather back later. Let him help me bring it back.” Yu Xiaograss watched his parents set up the shed, and she helped her with a little something. By noon, the melon shack was already at its first size.

I didn't expect the grass, I ordered a daddy on the pier, and I hurried back to the house town with a whip. I heard that my goddaughter helped set up a wooden shed in Guan Tian. It hurts me a lot: How can a little girl do that rough work? It's not that. I'm here to help!

With a strong workforce, the melon shed, which had been completed in two days, was completed in less than a day. Yu Xiaograss also let his father build a bamboo bed in the melon shed, afraid of the cold when his father watched the melon.

In the evening, it is time for the little stone to rest again. The family had eaten and sat together, ready to share the first two ripe watermelons.

At this time, watermelon cultivation was not fully widespread. Forget about the rest of the family, the house town rarely eats fruits like watermelons in the capital.

“Sandy, you go get another watermelon and send it to your grandfather. Let your grandfather taste fresh too!” Yuhai looked at the sliced watermelon and revealed a bright red melon. The bright red juice flowed along the kitchen knife. A sweet smell poured out his nose. At the same time, he was happy and wanted to make his elderly father taste this fresh object.

Yuhang frowned and said softly: “If my grandmother eats well, let's send it to her every day, shall we give it or not? ”

According to one per day, Yuhai can't afford it either. But the house town says watermelon sells in the capital, it's a lot more expensive than meat! If a watermelon needs a few hundred words less, one day at a time, why does he grow watermelons? Do you make money or not?

The excitement in Yuhai's eyes subsided and he slowly sat on the stool and sighed deeply. The original lively atmosphere was silenced by the mention of that side.

Yu Xiaograss did not want to see Dad's tangle, stood up and crisp voice broke the silence: “Why don't... I'll send it to Grandpa! ”

“No, what if your grandmother makes it hard for you? Actually, it doesn't matter if I don't give it to you. Tomorrow your grandfather will come and eat with me. It's not bad!” Yuhai changed her mind immediately, fearing that her daughter would get hurt.

“It's all right! My grandmother won't dare to take me with her grandfather! Besides, I sent her watermelons. She's too happy to do anything that's embarrassing to me.” Once Yu Xiao Shu gets his ideas, it's hard to change them again.

The house town immediately stood up and bent over to hold the other watermelon. “Girl, the watermelon is sinking, I'll hold it for you. Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go! ”

Yu Xiaoxue knew that Godfather was afraid that she would be wronged in the courtyard. This is to give her back! After being moved, naturally accepted his kindness.

Unexpectedly, that way. Zhang Shi learned that the watermelon was a golden fruit, but instead of thanking her, she refused to take it too much. The old man stared at her several times before stopping her. Plus there's a house in town, the Zhang family didn't make a mess.

When she left, Yu Cai Butterfly sent out the door, slightly ashamed: “Little Grass, my mother is that temper, don't worry about it. Thank Second Brother and Second Sister-in-law for me, thank you for having something good and thinking about us. ”

Before we split up, this little aunt was supposed to be the only one who had good intentions for them, except for the old days. Although the little aunt was weak and slightly more delicate, Yu Xiaograss was still a little fond of her.

She held Yu Cai Butterfly's hand and said softly: “Auntie, I hear you have set a good date, wish you happiness. My mother and I will come back and put makeup on you. ”

Yu Cai butterfly patted her with a red face and whispered: “Thank Second Brother and Second Sister-in-law for me...” After that, she turned her head shy and went into the house.

"Your aunt is like many of Jingli's best girlfriends," she said, smashing her mouth twice. "It's too easy to be shy and squeezy. She's not as good as my best girlfriend. She's generous and has a temper for me! ”

Yu Xiaograss pulled the sleeves of his official clothes and his eyes curled into moon teeth: “Godfather, what do you think of your daughter? Maybe people look at me and think I don't look like a girl! ”

“Who says my daughter is bad? Look, I'm not gonna punch him in the teeth!” The house township shook a huge fist and shook it a few times.

The two men walked into the courtyard of the old house laughing and saw two more people in the house. At first glance, it turned out to be the Wang Er Dog couple.

The two dogs' daughter-in-law was carrying a man's ear and said to Yu Haido with regret: "Brother Yu, I can't resist! Two dogs, he didn't call out to pick up one of your watermelons... look how much you should pay, it's our family's. ”

Liu's impression of her being next door to the two dogs' fields and having dealt with the two dogs' daughter-in-laws several times was not bad. Rumor said: “If you want watermelon, you can talk about what you can't afford! ”

The daughter-in-law shook her head resolutely. "Sister-in-law Yu, if you don't tell me, I know this watermelon is a rare item. It must be expensive! Two dogs, you too. How many times have I warned you? We need to be poor too!! I thought you promised me a straight waistplate. Why did you commit an old problem when you were young? You... you disappoint me so much!! ”

Wang Er puppy saw his daughter-in-law's tears fall and panicked and apologized. “Daughter-in-law, I know I was wrong!! This is the last time, never again!! ”

“How many times have you said 'last time'? I'm stupid enough to believe you can change it once and for all! Now it looks like the dog will never change to eat shit! Tomorrow I'll go back to my mother's house. I'd rather the kid didn't have a father. I wouldn't want him to have a traveler to sneak a chicken and touch the dog's father, so he can't lift his head in front of others in the future!!” The two dogs' daughter-in-law looked gray and opened his hand.

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