Fields of Gold

Chapter 130 Visitors

“Uncle, uncle, aunt! Uncle Sancho? What are you doing here?” Yu Xiaograss pulled the latch, opened the door and saw several figures standing in front of the door, shouting in surprise.

Xiaograss's third cousin, Yujiang, took a look in the yard and laughed: “Listen to me, you're alone in the house today to pick food, can't you come? Your grandfather sent me here to help. ”

“I can help, Aunt Zhou brought two sisters to help, and Aunt Jian!” Little Grass busy putting people in the yard.

Uncle Liu Pei's hair was wet, not sure if it was morning dew or hurried sweat. With a smile on his face, he shouted, “Grass, has your father gone down? Then let's go help out in the field! ”

Yu Jiang saw that he didn't need his help at home and said to his uncles: "Do you two know the way to the ground? I'm here to help too. Since the house can help, I'll help you turn the floor! Let's go, I'll show you! ”

Grass figured out what the uncles and uncles were coming for, and she was moved: “Uncle, Uncle, you have so much more land than our family. At this time, everyone is grabbing the spring farm. You're here. Grandpa, can they come busy? ”

Grandma touched the little grass white face and wiped off the dirty marks on her chin. “Your grandfather remembered to hang on to your family for a long time, saying that your father's legs weren't very sharp and Sand was hurt again. You don't have much land. Let's finish your land and plant it! ”

Yujiang also smiled: "Your home and we want to go together. What a good job! Just the three acres of land that you have, don't turn it out in half a day. ”

“Yo, what's all the fuss today?” Xiaodou rushed to the carriage and got here. We saw many people standing in front of Yu's old house a long way away. Afraid of what was going on, we rushed over quickly.

“Little Togo came early today, the food hasn't come out yet. Sit in the yard and take a sip of water and rest.” Yu Xiaoxue usually came with Xiao Si 'er of the Yao family. Looking back, he actually saw the Yao family carriage coming.

Qian Xiao chuckled, “Miss Yu, how dare you be my brother when you are my sister?" Why don't you call me Xiaotao? ”

“He's him, you're you! We'll split up!” Yu Xiaoxue smiled sincerely.

Liu Pei looked at the sky and said to his daughter-in-law: “Don't go down, stay and help pick and cook. Grass, we're going to the ground first. ”

“Uncle, Uncle, come all the way here and have a drink and rest!” The village of Xishan, where the grandmother lived, came over a mountain, and saw the uncles wet their pants and feet with dewy water, and knew they were leaving before dawn.

“No, go over the floor first!” Uncle Liu Han is rather boring, not much to say.

Grass couldn't keep them, so she took the water bag from the kitchen and filled it with diluted spirit stone water for the uncles to carry. Spiritual stone water not only quenches thirst, but also eliminates fatigue.

The uncles, led by Yujiang, set out towards the fields. Siu also hurried the carriage to the door and started unloading the bamboo basket. Bamboo baskets for vegetables were prepared by Yuhai. He needs a lot every day, so when he's free at night, he cuts some bamboo and comes back to braid the basket.

“Little Miss Grass! From today onwards, we'll have to double our vegetables. Our master's best friend had a meal at home, not to mention that our vegetables tasted better than they bought! The two houses are not far away, this is not, let me come along and help you buy some. ”

The Yao family buys vegetables and mainly serves several owners and managers. The daily need is small and half a car is sufficient. So you can double it.

Qian Xiaoduo muttered and sipped the grass to his water, drank a fine light, and rubbed a corner of his mouth on his sleeve. “Mountain spring water is just different. It tastes like sweet silk. After drinking it, it's full of strength. Siu, drink up and finish your work! ”

Every time Qian Xiaotao came, he had to drink a bowl of tea from the rest of the family. Although it was white water, it was cooler than good tea.

Xiao Si also hurried to finish the water in the bowl, waved his arm and smiled: “Go! Pick up the food!!” Both of them come every time to help with some work, as if they were their own homes.

With the aunt and her three laborers, the picking of dishes has naturally gone a long way. Soon, an empty basket filled with Spirit vegetables.

Little grass washed a few cucumbers, one split: “You're welcome to grow your own. Taste it! ”

Fang refused, even shook his head: “Your food is not cheap right now. How many pounds of cucumbers do you have to sell? It sells hundreds of words. Come on, don't waste it. Put it in the basket! ”

Zhou Coral, this snack, already had a big mouth, almost stuffed the cucumber in its mouth. After listening to her mother, her mouth pounded, but she consciously put the cucumber in the basket.

Grass hurried to put the cucumber back in her hand and said: "You've been helping me for almost an hour. Can you afford to eat and eat cucumber? You treat our house like an iron cock? ”

“You child!” Grand Aunt Han glanced at her and smiled at the helpful person, "the child, though not listening, meant it. Eat! Eat! ”

Yu Xiaograss still hesitated to eat. She broke the cucumber from the middle and showed it to them. "It's broken, I can't sell it! ”

“The child!” Fang couldn't help but laugh. She picked up the chopped cucumber and bit it. The crisp, juicy, light, sweet taste immediately conquered her taste.

“Wow, grass, your cucumbers are better than others!” Zhou Coral screamed as he ate.

Of course, cucumbers poured with spirit stone water are not only big, but delicious. Naturally, you can't just tell them that the grass is just laughing: "You're eating cucumbers for the first time in six months, so it's delicious. When your family comes down and eats too much, I don't think so. ”

Money chewed the cucumber in a big mouth and laughed: “This cucumber is really good! Little Miss Grass, what's so fat on your floor? Vegetables grow so well and so fast. The cucumber couldn't be picked yesterday, so today we have two baskets! ”

“Uh… now that the weather is warm, the vegetables naturally grow faster.” Little Grass made an excuse. Luckily, Qian Xiaotao's family is not farming, but just casually, not deeply studied.

The vegetables went over the scale, paid the silver, and Xiaodou and Xiao Sier rushed back. The Jane House is waiting for this vegetable to entertain its guests!

The three Mao and Fang mothers, when they were over the scale, said goodbye. Grand Aunt Han looked at 50 taels of silver in Yu Xiaocao's hand and couldn't help but say: “I didn't expect this season's dishes to be so expensive! Thirty cents for a cucumber? Is it worth the price of pork? ”

Yu Xiaocao smiled at her and gave her a red tomato. “Now cucumbers, bean horns and other vegetables are not down yet! Rich people in town want to eat fresh, not less than those three bucks! A plate of cucumber in the Ginza Tower will sell two taels of silver! This price is even more insignificant for them! ”

Little herbivore cucumbers, one can take a plate at a cost of only a few dozen words. A plate of cucumbers, selling hundreds of times the profits, whoops, nobody!

The Han family looked at the sky early and went to the ground to help. Little Grass stopped her: “I don't have a lot of land. It's enough for my parents and uncles. Auntie, sit down and eat a tomato. Help me pack the ducks later. ”

“Tomatoes? I thought it was persimmons! And where did you get the persimmons this time of year?” The Hans curiously measured the red tomatoes in their hands.

“This is tomato. We eat less in this little place. It's said to eat more in the capital city and in some of the major cities in the south. Tomatoes can be cooled with white sugar, eggs can be fried, soup can be cooked...” Yu Xiaograss suggests to your aunt to taste it.

The Han family found that there were not many tomatoes picked, only four or five, and laughed: “I won't eat it, save it for a while to cook, let's all eat together! ”

What else does Grass have to say? The Hans have stood up, walked to the kitchen door, picked up the duck with the legs tied, and walked along the well!

“Wait, Auntie! I'll get a big bowl of duck blood!” Speaking of duck blood, Little Grass couldn't help but think of delicious foods like "duck blood stewed tofu” and "duck blood fan soup”.

The Han family thought about it and laughed: "It's not just chicken blood, you can make good food in duck blood! You can eat that duck's guts, too! ”

Little Grass nodded and said: "I'll halve the duck, duck liver and duck intestines later, and I can add the dishes at noon! Duck blood, unfortunately no powder strips, just make a duck blood stew tofu! ”

The Han family skilfully pulled a knife around the duck's neck and dropped blood in the bowl, asking, “Pink strips? Is that good? ”

“Haven't you heard of the pink bar?” Hasn't this era seen a pink bar yet? When did the pink strips appear in history? Little grass, who hasn't finished junior high school, has to be a little confused.

Han shook his head, threw the duck, which had slipped his legs, at the ground, and picked up the other one: “Never heard of a pink bar? Stew it with duck blood. Is it good? ”

“Pink fries can be made with sweet potato powder or green bean powder, they are slippery to eat, very powerful!” Little grass eyes lit up, a way to make money, brewing in my head.

Hot pot boiled water, burned duck, pulling duck hair is also a grand project. Little grass is responsible for cleaning up the duck's guts and applying old halogen to the halogen.

Two ducks. She was going to make a saltwater duck, but due to time constraints, one of them had to be shortened. With her craftsmanship, it shouldn't have much impact.

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