Fields of Gold

Chapter 123 Busy

After returning from Yamen, the rest of the family had palpitations - if it wasn't for Yu's fate, wouldn't it be one of the bones in the backyard of the woodwork store?

Ultimately, the notorious badger was convicted of questioning after autumn and confiscating the entire family property. The carpenters and apprentices of the woodwork shop were acquitted after finding out that they had nothing to do with the matter...

Back home from town, it's been more than a few hours. Though his heart is burning, Yao Butler is not in a hurry. Fortunately, Yu's donkey looked at the ordinary and ran quite fast, not much slower than Yao's carriage.

However, watching Yu Xiaograss get bumpy and pale, the Yao housekeeper had to ask a few times if he wanted to slow down.

“No!” Yu Xiao grass took the portable water bag and drank a sip of spirit stone water, suddenly feeling more comfortable in her stomach. She continued softly, "If we hadn't been delayed in the Zhenzheng building for a long time, we would have been home by now. Maybe it's all picked up and moved into the carriage! Hurry up, Yao Butler, or you'll have to walk at night. ”

The housekeeper Yao looked at the way she was feeling, moved and worried: “Miss Yu, if you go back and forth to town often in the future, it is really necessary to have a good wheel. However, that rubber wheel is pricey and scarce. If you want one, it's not just silver! ”

“Is rubber wheel hard to get?” Yu Xiaoyu thought he could buy it with money, just like he did in previous life. It is true that rubber is produced only in the tropics, Tang Gu is located in the north of Da Ming, and ancient transportation is not so convenient.

Yao Butler nodded when he saw her ask: “Rubber wheels are said to be a complex process with extremely low yields. First for the dignitaries of the capital city, then for officials everywhere. Money like our homeowner but no rights, relying on a lot of people to barely buy one. However, don't worry, Zhou Jia is a royal merchant and socializes with many dignitaries in Beijing. Major Wednesday, if you promise, we'll get you one. ”

Yu Xiaoxue did not doubt the reliability of Wednesday's few words, but felt that she owed another three.

In the talking room, the donkey car has entered Dongshan Village. Under the old elm tree at the entrance of the village, several elderly people are nagging under the tree. When horseshoes were heard, the elderly looked over.

“Old man, your dick is back in a donkey truck.” An old man stood up trembling and looked away at his eyebrows with his hands, before squatting down again and kissing with a little envy, "Your dick is really good! Shortly after we split up, we bought a donkey car and made a deal! ”

Yu Lichun, the older brother, slowly stood up and said slowly, “You only see the good side of their family, but think about the difficulties of their family? When the sea was divided out, he was seriously injured. I wondered if he could keep his legs! The big daughter-in-law was weak and had a sickness in her little grass. Sandy was almost killed the other day! Fortunately, the sea and the little Saffron are on the brink...”

The old man was blushed by his own brother's deep eyes and words. He saw the carriage behind the donkey cart and shifted the subject: “I've never seen the carriage behind the sea before, I don't know if they need help. I have to go check it out! ”

“Daddy! Uncle...” Yuhai also saw them, pulling the rope on the donkey's neck, slowly slowed down and stopped at the entrance of the village.

Yu Xiaograss also greeted sweetly: "Grandpa, Grandpa! Are you guys nagging here? ”

Yu Lichun smiled graciously: "Grass, have you gone to town with your father? Did you go to Tong Tong Tang to show it to Dr. Sun? You don't look so good..."

Yu Xiaograss touched his shiny little face and smiled: “Grandpa, the donkey car just ran too fast, give me a little dizziness, don't worry, I'll be fine! ”

“Be sure to tell your father you're not sick. Don't be sick! If you don't have enough money, Grandpa, there's more!” Yu Lichun can't forget the winter when the little grass seemed immobile in her father's arms.

Yu Xiaograss's heart poured with emotion: “Thank you Grandpa, Xiaograss remember! ”

The old man glanced at Yao Custodian dressed in exquisite clothes and pulled Yu Hai aside. "Who is this man? What are you doing here? You're not gonna get in trouble again, are you? ”

Although the Yao Butler is a subordinate of the Yao family, it's not much worse to take him with you to Debbie Town. In the eyes of the old, the guilty have waited.

“Dad!” Yuhai helplessly said, "He is the housekeeper of the Yao Mansion. Tomorrow, Grandpa Yao will pick some vegetables from our house. I'm not a hairy boy anymore. How could I just cause trouble? ”

“Picking vegetables? What kind of vegetables are there this time of year? The variety hasn't even gone down yet!! You're not lying, are you?” The old days are a little restless. Forgive his small class of citizens for their fear. After all, it is no big mistake to be careful.

Yuhai was helpless and had to say: "If you don't feel comfortable, why don't you come with us to the old house? ”

“Old man, we're in a hurry. Can you cut us some slack?” The housekeeper Yao looked at the sky and his face was in a state of anxiety.

The old man heard the words and swallowed what he wanted to say. He nodded frequently with a smile: "OK, OK! Then I won't keep you! ”

In Yao's keen eyes, Yu Xiaograss waved goodbye to Grandpa and jumped back into the donkey car. This time, the wagon was driving ahead and nobody dared to stop them anymore. However, the village quickly caught a gust of wind, saying that Yuhai was terrible and climbed the noble people of the town...

The carriage stopped in front of the old house door. Yuhai dismantled the threshold and drove the donkey car into the yard. Before he could remove the ashes from the donkey cart, he shouted at the rest of the sun in the yard, "Sandy, where's your mother? ”

“Laundry in the backyard well! Dad, what's going on?” Yuhang also saw Yao Housekeeper coming in with Dad at this time, some cautiously trying to get up.

Yu Xiaograss saw the letter and hurried: "Brother! The bones aren't ready yet, don't move!! I'll go to the backyard and get Mama to help me pick the food! ”

Liu Shi had heard the voice of his own man, shaking his wet hand, walked out of the backyard and asked: "Are you back? How's the food? ”

“Sold out! Put the clothes there first, help pick the dishes first, the housekeeper Yao is still in a hurry to go back!” Yuhai breathes with excitement. Twenty taels a car of green vegetables. Who would believe me? His daughter is amazing, the price of vegetables sells meat, and someone else comes to buy it!

As soon as Yao entered the courtyard, he was attracted to the lively vegetables in the courtyard. Such a large yard, not to mention seventy-eight cents of land, is full of vegetables, leaving only one trail for people to pass through.

While the vegetables were flourishing, they showed all their vitality, and the green leaves flashed in the sun with distracted light, as if a little elf was beating on each leaf. The rest of the vegetables are really well grown, not to mention the early season, and the yield is absolutely leveraged.

Liu Shi saw a stranger in the courtyard and said politely: "The Guest has worked hard, go inside and have a drink to quench his thirst! ”

As soon as Yao returned from the vegetable market, he reported to the owner and brought the carriage from the stables. He also waited anxiously for more than a hour at the back door of the Zhenzheng building, and then followed Yu's father and daughter to arrive, which was when he took his breath off. Hearing her say that, she suddenly felt anxious and thirsty.

But instead of going in the house, he sat down on a rock in front of the house and smiled: “I'm not going in the house. It's nice to be in the sun here. ”

The Liu family poured a bowl of warm boiling water and came over. The Yao steward got up to catch it and thanked him nicely. He couldn't help but think of the simplicity of abandoning the crude porcelain bowl. He sipped and drank the water. Perhaps because he was too thirsty, the housekeeper Yao felt that the white water was cooler than any tea he had ever had, and he couldn't help but praise it.

The little golden cat jumped off the shoulder of the rest of the grass and rolled a white eye at him - how strange it is! The bath water of this Divine Stone is full of spiritual energy. Even if it is diluted, it is not as good as any other water can be compared to it. Of course it tastes good.

Yuhang met his parents and younger sister, both holding their sleeves and busy in the vegetable area. On his return, he watched his family busy, but he couldn't do much. He is also very clear in his heart. The most important thing now is to raise his body and share his worries for the family in the future! But he's in a hurry! Like now, he hates not being able to get up and help pick up the basket...

Little Tianshi walked gracefully and arrogantly, and as he passed through the rest of the voyage, he seemed to perceive his anxiety. He paused for a moment and jumped gently on his knees, with the look of Grace on the cat's face, letting him scratch himself. Little Heavenly Stone inner OS: weak little human, this magic stone makes you itch, is your blessing. Chef Fu!!

Mr. and Mrs. Yu Hai and their daughter Yu Xiaowei, were busy living in the vegetable grounds. The paperman who followed him was also sent by Yao to help. Although picking dishes is not a good idea, baskets and stuff don't have any technical content.

The old man slowly walked into the old house and looked at the green vegetables in the yard and was stunned. The last time he came, the yard was filled with straw straw made of straw straw. He didn't know what to do at the time. He wanted to ask several times but didn't ask for an exit. I didn't think all the seedlings under the grass seedlings were planted! It's only been more than a decade, so the dishes can be picked?

The old man first walked up to his grandson and asked him about his injuries. When I saw the dick family, I couldn't handle it, so I rolled up my sleeves and went into the vegetable to help!

Shortly after, Xiaolian returned from the pier. Yujia's Halibut is famous at the pier! The basket will be on the bottom in less than two minutes! Their halibut are not only inexpensive, but also tasteful.

Now, not only the workers at the pier, but even the people of the nearby villages, the families came to the guests and went all the way to the town to buy a few copies. Host guests with Yujia's halibut, specialty pasta!

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