Fields of Gold

Chapter 107 Accountability

Little grass dragged Xiaolian together and drove the donkey cart to Xishan. At the foot of the mountain, he hit a number of mountain springs with bamboo cylinders. On her way back, the colorful stone on her wrist soaked in the water of the mountain spring. A faint but joyful voice appeared in her head: [So comfortable... still the water of the mountain spring is purer, it can quickly restore the spiritual power of this magical stone...]

Little grass surprised abnormally. She thought she'd run out of magic. She'd wake up after three or five days of sleep, just like she did when she healed Daddy.

Little Tianshi seemed to see through her mind. The voice was filled with pride: [Girl, have you underestimated the Divine Stone? Previously, this Divine Stone had just recognized the Lord. Soon, the Magic Power was at the beginning of awakening. In order to save people, it exhausted its last spiritual power. Unlike now, the magic of this Divine Stone is gradually growing, only temporarily spiritual power is exhausted. A bath in the spring will replenish the spiritual power drained by two or three hours.

Little Tianshi won't tell Xiao Grass. Every time she exhausts all her spiritual and magical powers to help Xiao Grass and those around her, her spiritual and magical powers recover, there will be a certain increase. That's why it helps a weak little mortal over and over again. If this continues, one day it will restore all its powers, break the confinement of space and return to the Lady Dowager!

Little grass looked up and saw a few clouds floating in the west. Her mouth curled with a slight smile. Her eyes hid sharpness and anger, and she said softly: "Two or three hours! Little Yuan, would you do me another favor? Let vengeance spark the bears! ”

In the evening, dark clouds of ink squeezed the sky, hiding the full eye of gorillas in the west, sinking as if to fall, suppressing the heavens and the earth as if carrying heavy baggage. Desolate winds swept through the streets, lifting dead leaf debris.

Guys on both sides of the road, ready to close. Pedestrians on the road rushed home in a cold breeze before the storm.

Zhang Jiao Wooden Store's doorstep is filled with good people. In the circle, in a donkey car, lies a teenager who is not bloodstained at all and does not know if he is alive or dead. Next to the donkey car, the teenager's family, with their grief, stared fiercely at the master cabinet in front of the woodwork store.

The palm cabinet filled with meat, with a stick, stood in front of the main door, screaming in disgust: “Where did a bunch of hillbillies come from, blackmailing my old seal's head? Don't ask who I am!! Get out of here, make a scene and send him to the gate! ”

A thin, beautiful girl confronts the shady palm cabinet without fear. The wind blew her hair off and put it on her pale little face. Neither ancient nor modern, do not underestimate the gossip heart of people. The more crowds gather, the more three floors outside the house leaks this family from the water surrounding the Zhang Jiao Wooden Store.

Little grass paint black as deep as a pool of eyes swept around the crowd, sadly shouting: “Fathers and countrymen, the seriously injured teenager lying in the donkey car is my big brother who is an apprentice in Zhang Zheng!

Zhang was cruel and cruel, verbally abused and abused on a weekday basis, and did not treat his apprentice as a human being. Poor brother came, but for six months, he did not have a good skin on him! Today, he broke his ribs and hurt his inner heart. Together with Dr. Sun of Rentang, he said he was badly injured!

Poor brother, he's only 10 years old, he's dead! Shouldn't you say something? ”

Although Zhang Zheng's wooden appliance is famous in Tang Gu, but the greed of the seal master cabinet is cruel and indecent, and no one knows it in this street.

Among the spectators, an old man with white hair shook his head with a sigh and said: "Make a sin! How can such a young child do this? ”

It's no surprise that Zhang remembers the fellow from the adjacent shop: “Zhang remembers the sexual abuse of the master cabinet, often beating the fellow from the shop. Zhang Zheng's apprentice is worse, eats the worst, does the heaviest work, not to mention there is often no reason to beat him up. So, those who come to be apprentices rarely stay a full month. ”

“Yuhang, this little guy, I know, is very diligent and realistic, don't look at the skinny body, loading and unloading wood almost all his heavy work, but never screaming tired. I didn't expect or escape the consequences of being beaten. Alas... you also really don't want to ask before sending the child, didn't you send the child into the fire pit?” The master cabinet of another shop is filled with pity and regret.

“What are you saying!! Watch your mouth!! Defamation in front of me, is it good to bully Zhang Dongming?” When he was younger, Zhang Zhuang was a well-known villain in town, and he had more than one death lawsuit, but he was the brother-in-law of the county grandfather's relying master. Every time something goes wrong, it always goes smoothly, so there's more bullying.

The people who whispered in the crowd stood in his fierce eyes. Those who are timid, but also quietly withdraw from the circle, afraid to be recognized by the badger cabinet, will retaliate in the future.

The tears that the Liu family would have stopped, heard these words, suddenly came out again. She stood by the donkey cart, gently touching her son's face without any blood, crying:

“Son! Mother did this to you! It was a charge of being unfaithful, and I shouldn't have sent you here. Every time I see you, you say well, eat well, sleep well, don't worry at home... how can you be so stupid? If you tell Mother about your situation, Mother will take you back whatever she says! ”

Yu Hai's tight fist burst blue, he bit his teeth and squeezed out a sentence: “Zhang Zhuang, I sent my son to your store to jump alive, but he ended up dead. Excuse me, what makes you so mean to a teenager? ”

Zhang Dongming is still slightly constrained by Yuhai's tall and robust physique. However, when he saw that the women and children around him were weak and that there were many people on his side and they were armed, he shook up again:

“Nice. I did it. How's it going? Not only did he steal Master's meal, he also stole the silver money from the store! Such a thief, I am merciful not to kill him!! ”

“Impossible, my brother won't steal!! You're lying!!” The little stone clenched his little fist and waved hatefully toward the palm cabinet.

Zhang Dongming's hand behind his back, a pair of winning tickets in the grip of his face, said to the boy behind him: "Go! Bring me what you found from the rest of the hangar!! ”

Shortly afterwards, the dude brought a washed-white piece of paper with a few strings of copper coins, each of which looked like about 50 words. Zhang Zhang took the copper money and showed it around in front of the crowd, grinning:

“See? There's a hundred and fifty pieces of copper. As you all know, apprenticeships don't get paid, and the rest of the voyage found so many copper plates at the head of the bed, but where did they come from? Besides, the guy who lives with him says he often smells food in the middle of the night... while the Master's meals are always from Yu Hang. Where did he steal the food in the middle of the night? It's obvious! ”

The crowd watched, and saw the "physical evidence” presented by the badger cabinet, the tone immediately changed: “I didn't expect Yuhang to look at such an honest child and do something like this! ”

“People can't look! Let's not talk about eating Master's meal. Kids are growing up and can't stand hunger. But stealing the owner's silver money greedily is inexcusable! ”

“Stealing, grabbing him, beating him to death has nothing to say...”


Little Grass saw the people who had just held their grudges for them. At this time, she went upside down to fight for the "thief”. She couldn't help but straighten up her waist bar and shouted: “Zhang Zhuang, you said my brother was a thief. Did you see it with your own eyes or catch him stealing money with your own hands?? Is it too arbitrary to judge my brother as a thief based on the copper plate he found from my brother's house? Ladies and gentlemen, is it possible to accuse you of being thieves by turning your silver money out of your pockets? ”

“How is that possible! The money in my pocket, that's what I worked so hard to earn. How could I steal it? ”

“That's it, that's it! False accusations are also criminal! ”


Little grass's clear eyes swept through everyone's face and said forcefully: “Nice! By the same token, the money on my brother, when my father and I came to town to pick up my little brother, came to see him and spent it on him! I didn't expect my brother to use a copper slate house. I saved it and caused such a disaster!! ”

Zhang Dongming's cloudy triangular eyes swept her with disgrace. “Little girl, you have to move your mind if you're lying!! If your family had money, they wouldn't have sent their children as apprentices! Dozens of pennies at a time. Don't you think everyone's got brains? ”

In the face of people's doubtful eyes, Little Grass did not panic and calmly said: “Six months ago, maybe my family did not have this ability! Nowadays! Though we can't make bigger deals than the pawnbrokers, we do a little noisy business at the pier, there are still two or three hundred letters a day! Don't you think you can't afford to eat every meal with some food and silver money? ”

There was a sudden sound in the crowd, and he said, "I know this little girl. She sells a piece of meat at the pier. I used to buy her halibut when I was a porter at the pier. Girl Grass makes great halibut, great business, sold out if you can't even grab it! ”

This voice confirms the veracity of the grass word. She continued: "Zhang Zheng, the money string in your hand, I sent it to you personally, one string. The line is made of embroidered wires of all the colours left by my mother. I have sent money twice to eat once. Your guys in the store know..."

“The last time I went out shopping with the same window, I walked past the wooden shop and left 20 copper plates for my brother...” Little Rock shouted again.

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