[2nd round] Chaoooooo...!


I turned around and ran through the woods.

If a warrior who came to hunt dragons is subjugated as an opponent, his achievements and fame will not even be the cheap jokes of the bard.


The opposing Pokémon is the dinosaur of the dead.

Evidence of 'dusk’ indicated by stat status.

It means that there are only a few deaths left.

Of course, a obese lizard who can't even afford dusk is fine, but his job was surprisingly "king." You can see how good it is.

So both level and skill were gangsters.

Of course, the dragon of the king is not nameless.

I didn't know he was a natural death in the first car, but he was a friend who appeared like a regular in the evil dragon story that destroyed many countries.

Three pairs of wings, big, black scales, improvisation....

The descriptions matched exactly.

King of the Mangroves Neubius

Despite being slightly outnumbered by the Demon King Pedonar's resurrection, he is responsible for one axis of the "Five Great Disasters" considered by the natives of Panthazia.

I know about the remaining disasters through the line at the end of the first year, but it was a monstrosity that I couldn't do anything about.

Flutter! Flutter!

Three pairs of wings of a giant black dragon that flew into the sky covered the sun above my head like an eclipse.

As you look up, the Mudster King has his eyes wide open.

‘Dragon's Breath…! ’

The ultimate offensive tool in fantasy worldview that makes lousy creatures even more lousy.

Dragon's Breath.

By dragon king, its power is even more terrible than natural disaster.

“Chaooo ~! ”

Along with a rugged roar, a black poison shot from the Mudster King's mouth falls to the ground like a waterfall.

Quack, quack!

Poison spreads to all sides like a flood.

All the animals that touched the dragon's breath turned black and died in an instant.

It was useless to flee to highlands like mountains and rocks. The poison gas that came out of the poison was also very lethal.

But I was able to be okay.

It was just a mistake.

“Did you come to see Noan when you were old? Breath hit rate sucks. ”

I ran across town.

It doesn't matter what the mess was, but I wanted to avoid damaging a great being.

The advent of the Mangrove King has caused many irregularities.

But not to the point of despair.

Race: Arc Human

⁄ Level: 346

Job: Warrior (EXP 500%)

⁄ Skill: Forge S Strength A Agility A Resistance A Sense A...

Status: Breeding

Storms have been growing since they wiped out the Orc colony.

There was only one Class S skill yet. However, it was also difficult to take Class S in the first round. The extent to which a grade A can be accepted as an effort.

But that didn't apply to me.

‘Master Molang. Thank you. "

My body was moving manually.

Once bacteria and toxins are infiltrated, bulk generated leukocytes in the bone marrow make antibodies with phagocytosis and remove antigens.

If a wound is made to the body, platelets separated from white blood cells form shells with blood coagulation and stop bleeding in an instant.

There is no need for fantasy recovery or antidote magic.


The skin that had been turned dark by exposure to the poison gas was restored to its original state.

The breath of the Manslaughter King is essentially poisonous.

It would have been dangerous if it fell directly over my head, but I bought some time for the white blood cells to make antibodies by going far.

Poison immunity with this.

But there are still more threats to address.

“Kuku…! ”

“Mom? ”

I encountered a horde of Orcs running away from the Dragon's Breath. They refused to run away with me and stormed in.

The reason was simple.

I was a threat to the Orcs, covered in poison from head to toe. That's why they attack to prevent access.

But I couldn't concede either.

“Move -!"

You busted through the Orcs' attacks barefoot. All kinds of sharp edges hit my body, but I ignored it.

I looked around calmly, and when I saw a high-level Orc, I grabbed its neck with a Spirit Sword Endmion.

Cu ~? ”

I'm not a pain eating pervert. Patience is not great either.

It's just a push to science.

The pain in the body is suppressed by endorphine.

Endorphins are usually released in bulk in the pituitary and hypothalamus only during strenuous exercise stress or childbirth, but I had no such restrictions.

However, abuse is prohibited.

It's because of addiction that makes me feel like I'm on crack.

Regulation is an essential hormone.

“Yaaaa! I'm getting drunk! ”

“Hu…? ”

“Die! Die! Become my EXP! Me-ha-ha-ha!”

“QuQu ~? ”

Adrenaline released from the adrenal medulla expands blood vessels in the brain and skeleton to enhance reflexology during combat.

In addition, adrenaline suppresses digestion so that you don't suffer from periods during combat.

But these hormones are also dangerous.

He could collapse from hypertension.

“Be persistent!”


I kept running.

The Manslaughter King continued to follow.

If a powerful monster howled and became addicted to the Mad Dragon King's poisoned breath, I would reach out to the Spirit Sword Endmion during application and knock.

Ultimate Team Play!

My level has risen at an incredible rate, and skills that have stopped at A rank have grown in multiple directions, pushing their limits.

I don't need to say anything else.

“Haha! I've never seen a bus driver like this before! ”


Perfect fit, we ventured into the continent of Fantasy day and night. No one could stand in our way.

Demons, Forests, Heroes, Monsters, Knights, Mercenaries, Cities...

I was swept away like dust in front of the cleaner.

I hope tomorrow is the same! ’

So, how many days have passed without knowing the time line? There was an end to our friendship and adventure that seemed to last forever.

It was a sudden goodbye, just like the meeting.


“Chaooo ~ ~? ”

My dear partner, Nyvius the Mage King, fell to the ground screaming as he flew gracefully through the night sky.


At first, I doubted the Demon King's attack.

It is because it is impossible to bring down the greatest dragon in the world of fantasia into one fell swoop, without our fierce friendship being sponsored.

But it wasn't.

Race: Chaos Dragon

⁄ Level: 999 +

Job: Defeat King (Punishment Defeat )

⁄ Skill: Chaos SS Destruction SS Forgetting SS Defeat S Poison...

Status: Agony, Dislocation, Sprain, Exhaustion, Dusk

Age could not be deceived.

Even the strongest dragons are inevitable in time.

A long flight resulted in swarms of vertebrae and wing mortars, and I was unable to keep up with my fitness anxiety.

Whereas what about me....

Race: Arc Human

Level: 903

Job: Warrior (EXP 500%)

⁄ Skill: Immunity SS Frenzy S Strength S Handcuffs S Agility...

Status: Good

It has grown spectacularly!

My level was close to the limit I could raise in a short time with hunting on a peaceful continent.

To level up here and advance to level 999, you absolutely need the help of a sponsor with a lot of Demon minions with experience.

The adventure ended at just the right time.

If there's a problem,

“Could this be a critical hit on your reputation...? ”

I looked around. The breath of the dragon poisons the earth, and no living creatures can be found.

Not many cities perished from bad eyesight, vomiting their breath in the wrong direction.

It's not just around here.

This is what half the central continent of Fantasy looks like.

The Demon Lord Pedonar didn't snap a finger and fell for the fear of humanity.

Scary bastard.

(GROANS) You're a terrible student!

Moral Teacher. It's been a long time.

Concern: The crisis continued and there was no room for interruption. Because if something goes wrong because of me, it's bad. So I waited for the battle to end, but the peaceful continent ended.

It's not over. It's not over yet!

You told me not to give up so easily.

There is hope for Wave 2!

The Panthazia dimension is centered on a central continent, with four continents of similar land crucified.

East Continent, West Continent, North Continent, South Continent.

And the king of the mangroves and my main area of activity was the central continent.

Four continents around it were still intact. Half of the continent was also safe after a major hit.

Statistically speaking, 90 percent of the human land is intact.

So it's too early to give up.

⁄ Positive: Yes. Hope is an important virtue for a warrior... Anyway, even a reliable steed should not be stripped of the malgule, because you believe in first-time memory and information, you earned this death month, right?

I won't deny it.

I thought the young dragon lived, but who knew that the eldest dragon was going to die? It was very informative and powerful.

Now was not the time to worry about personality.

My reputation is in tatters as I try to raise my achievements.

“Some things I got instead. ”

“Chao…. ”

Brainvius, the vigorous werewolf king, is dying quickly.

If I had given up on myself and gone back to the nest, or folded my wings and rested for a little while, I would not have lived another year.

But the dragon walked the path to the end.

It was his choice.

“Hey, you happy? ”

The Manslaughter King who didn't lose his skill and his dignity while he was dying. I approached the giant head of the fallen one and asked.

The dragon opened its mouth and replied.


“I see.”

The language of the dragon is not translated into any skill. Even the scholars who have studied dragons for a long time do not understand.

Conversation is established only when a dragon who lowers himself into a human species speaks a human language.

But now it was an exception.

I don't know the look on the reptile's face, but I felt a similar sense of certainty that the Mad Dragon King was smiling.

It was a pleasant defeat.

“I had fun, too. Neubius.”


I stabbed the Spirit Sword Endmion in the Maw Dragon King's eye.

It was not that simple to die, but the breeze is dangerous as the flame of life approaches.

“Chaooo…. ”

The last will of the dragon was greatly contributed.

It would have been different if he still had a sense of humor in life, but he was satisfied with the outcome of a battle that was fierce enough to destroy half of the central continent. So I gladly granted the right of winner.

Gives away his long-standing power.

That amount was beyond common sense.

* gasp *

The small mountain range swept the ground once more, turning the liquid into a black poisonous flood.

Brainvius, the Mangrove King.

It was a terrible dragon until the end.

I hope you'll take this as a role model for the Demon Lord Pedonar who died so neatly as soon as he broke the stake.

A villain must have tenacity.

“... Huh? ”

I was embarrassed when I saw the stats change.

This dragon didn't just leave behind EXP and heart. He left me with even the 'chaos’ of his identity.

Race: Chaos Human

⁄ Level: 999 +

Job: Warrior (EXP 500%)

Skill: Resistance SS Chaos SS Frenzy ■ ■ ■ □ Strength S...

Status: Chaos

Thanks to that, my abilities were also in chaos. Race is chaotic, skill is chaotic, and status is chaotic.

The whole world was in chaos!


Moral Teacher, what's that mosaic?

* Confusion: Well, I don't know about that...

The answer is not as cool as usual.

Do you think I don't know the skills of the faculty that built this crap education system? Or are they pretending to know and not know?

Honestly, it doesn't matter.

“This is so..."

I began to be as excited as I was about to scratch a lottery foil.

# 16

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