
Chapter 29 - The Plan

Leo - " Victor, look there. "

Victor - " What is it, Leo? "

Leo - " Come here first and see it yourself. "

Victor - " I am starving, Leo. "

Leo - " You are always a starving idiot, now come here else you will miss the view. "

Victor - " I am not interested in the views. I need some food to eat before I die due to starvation."

Leo - " Shazam told that he will send somebody with food, so be patient and wait here or you can join me....."

Victor ( interrupts in between ) - " Join you in what Leo? "

Leo - " Join me to view that awesome view. "

Victor - " What kind of view you can be watching while sitting right next to me on the dining table, Leo ."

Leo - " The view I am watching is not that easily visible Victor. This view is the key to our freedom from this old man mansion. "

Victor - " But how ? "

Leo - " Victor my true friend just believe me and try to trust me, we both will escape this mansion today itself and will later find our friends. "

Victor - " And what about Ben? "

Leo - " Forget about Ben, Victor. We don't have that much time to find Ben too. "

Leo - " Wait for a minute, Victor. If we all are in this realm then what about our realm. Our families and friends would be looking for us. Oh, fish they all must be worried about our safety and we are here a prisoner to an old magician. "

Victor - " Don't you worry about our realm, Leo. Ben told me that the timeline of our realm will be paused until the time we all return safely. So don't worry about our families and friends they all must be a still statue there. "

Leo - " They all are paused there and you are telling me to calm down, Victor. What's wrong with you? I thought you are an intelligent student so you will be guiding us all but a look at yourself you are lodging for food and probably has left all your wit on our realm when the portal to this world had opened by Ben. "

Victor - " Leo my friend I am all the same but the situations aren't the same. Here there is no point in being reasonable to anything. You too have seen and experienced that how Dhazam brought us here? And how this mansion came into existence after trembling this planet's surface? Can you give me a suitable reason for all these events? If no then I am sorry to say that I am all normal and the same but your anxiety has eaten up your skull, Leo. "

Leo - " I am having neither an explanation nor a reason to explain those past events, but still we both can ensure a better future for us rather than just sitting here. "

Victor - " You want to escape from this mansion, you do this too but remember my words this Dhazam is not a fool. He will easily catch us and then will kill us thinking of us as a traitor for sure. "

Leo - " That is why I am waiting for the ripe time else all our efforts will go in vain if he gets to catch us, but still, we got the nighttime to execute the plans. "

Victor - " Now what these ' the plans ' are? "

Leo - " I will let you know about them very soon.

Victor - " Is this so then how will you inform me about the plan, Leo? "

Leo - " I got another plan for that too, Victor. That is why I asked you to trust me? "

Victor - " I trust you but still there is a probability to certain uncertainties. "

Leo - " Don't worry I will fix all the probabilities and will turn them to our side. "

Victor - " Then I am with you, Leo. "

Leo - " Means you were not with me earlier, Victor."

Victor - " No not at all I would have preferred to remain inside this mansion than to go out openly into that wild forest. "

Leo - " Now you are with me or I will have to go alone into that wild. "

Victor - " I am with you until and unless we both are not in a situation to take a risk for life. "

Victor - " Hey! Leo, what happened to you now? "

Leo - " I was thinking that what if we have to take a risk for life. "

Victor - " Then at that moment you won't find me standing next to you, Leo. Hahaha... "

Leo - " That I know, who wants to be in a sinking ship? "

Victor - " Yes and the one who stays on the sinking ship is enjoying the company of marine organisms in the depth of the ocean. "

Leo - " Yes but a good captain never leaves his ship, no matter it is sinking or it is sailing. "

Victor - " Good one Leo but why are we talking about the sinking ship. "

Leo - " I also don't know just felt to say something about the sinking ship. "

Victor - " Leo you know buddy we both are travelling in a ship which can sink anytime cause the sea waves are too dangerous for it to sail. "

Victor - " Nope I can't hear anything."

Leo - " Focus Victor Focus and then you will hear them. "

Victor - " Yes someone is coming towards us with heavy footsteps. Who it can be? "

Leo - " How will I know the fact that who is coming towards us? "

[ The door opens and Dhazam enters with an empty plate ]

Dhazam - " I am sorry to keep you both waiting for this long but now I am back with splendid food items for you two. "

[ Dhazam keeps that empty plate in front of Victor and Leo ]

Victor - " Dhazam we are hungry but we can't eat metal. "

Leo - " Exactly we can't eat metals. Thank you for the splendid meal. "

Victor - " So what are we supposed to do with this plate? "

Dhazam - " Just imagine the food you want to eat and my magical powers will bring that food for you. "

Victor - " Awesome I always wanted a magic plate like this.

I want three king-size burgers with 5 layers of cheese and a coke. "

Leo - " And I want a twenty-inch pizza with onions

sausage, bacon and extra cheese as the toppings and a coke for me too.

[ The plate began to expand and in a fraction of a second Victor and Leo got their dėsɨrėd food ]

Dhazam - " Now you both got the food you dėsɨrėd for. You enjoy your meal I have to go for some important work. Will to see you both soon. "

[ Dhazam vanished ]

Victor - " Don't trouble me let me have my food first. "

Leo - " Okay let us complete first our food then I will tell you my plan."

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